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time it has gone since the job applicant applied to the job and check in to see how the

is doing and if any questions has arisen regarding the position.

“What would it mean to a candidate to have someone, does not even matter who it is or
it is even a person, to check on you, like: Hey, your interview is in a one week, do you
have any questions? AI software can enable this” (Professional 7)

Many of the professionals said that the AI software can give each candidate an overview when
a recruitment process has been finished of what qualities the candidate had or what it was
lacking in relation to the job posting. It can in detail explain why the person did not get the job.
It also allows for the job applicant to ask questions if they would still be unsure why they were
not chosen.

5.5 Benefits and challenges of using AI in recruitment

5.5.1 Benefits of using AI in recruitment

Majority of the professionals agreed that AI benefits recruiters when it comes to cutting down
routine and administrative tasks. Hence recruiters have more time to focus on the best matches.
The use of AI in recruitment help recruiters especially in the evaluation, ranking and
qualification processes of job applicants and hence it is possible for recruiters to start the
recruitment process with the most potential job candidates directly by interviewing them. When
it comes to communication between recruiters and job applicants, many of the professionals
would not mind whether the communications happen through human or AI based robot. Five
out of eight professionals mentioned that with the help of AI it is possible to speed up the
recruitment process and hence the recruitment processes become less time consuming.

‘’AI can speed up the recruitment process and create an excellent candidate experience,
while it reduces the cost. With the help of AI it is possible to find the silent candidates
and there is more time to focus on the best matches.’’ (Professional 4)

It was also mentioned that AI allows more equal chance to all candidates for being selected for
the job due to decreased human bias. Two of the eight professionals adduced that with the help
of AI it is possible to find and notice both potentially silent job candidates and excellent job
candidates. One of the professionals mentioned the impact of AI to business’s competitiveness:

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