Language Use and The Mass Media: A Focus On Selected Nigerian Newspapers

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Ifechelobi: Language use and the Mass Media: A Focus on Selected Nigerian Newspapers

Language use and the Mass Media: A Focus on benefit the individual as a member of a society; these functions
Selected Nigerian Newspapers range from informational, educational functions to lighter functions
like entertainment. Language therefore becomes the veritable tool
Abstract by which any of these functions are accomplished in the society
It is a well known and acknowledged fact that the English language through the mass media.
serves a lot of functions in Nigeria. It is the language of
communication, instruction, commerce, law and is one of Nigeria’s News and information benefit the reading public when they are
official languages. Correct usage is usually considered a great asset used to communicate meaningful ideas in context and also meet the
towards helping the second language learner to grow and become needs and priorities of the people. It is the mass media that serves as
proficient in his use of the language. One discovers that there is a an intermediate transmitter of information and news to a large
great disparity between accepted forms of the English language and number of people.
what one finds in the daily newspapers. Nigerian newspapers are
now seen as promoters of ungrammatical forms and ill-formed
constructions in their use of language. Most often the reading public Communication therefore is a process by which
learns and uses such constructions as correct models of the English professional communicators use the mass media to
language. The focus of this paper is to highlight some of these disseminate messages widely, rapidly and
deviant constructions so that the second language learner would be continuously to express intended meanings in large
cautious so as not to be misled while the print media should do all in and diverse audiences in an attempt to influence
their power to write in such a way to help the ESL learner to them in a variety of ways. (Defleur and Dennis qtd in
achieve communicative competence through the pages of the Okunna 5)
The newspapers used were The Nation, Daily Sun, Daily The mass media (radio, television, magazines, and newspapers) are
Independent, The Guardian and Champion. powerful tools for disseminating information globally. They
constitute tools for opinion moulding, agenda setting, public debate,
Introduction integration, entertainment, education, motivation and mobilization.
The information function of the Mass Media is all The most exciting of all the mass media is the print media.
embracing and indispensable for the meaningful existence
of members of society. Through their various contents, According to Samson, “everywhere in the world, the press, like all
the mass media collect, store, process and disseminate other influential users of the language, suggests and participates in
news, data, pictures, facts, messages, opinions and determining standards of correctness” (42).
comments which members of the public require in order
to react knowledgeably to personal, environmental, The position of English as a second language in Nigeria is
national and international conditions, as well as to be in a incontestable. It is at least for the time being the country’s official
position to take appropriate decisions. (Okunna 274) language, making communication possible across all ethnic barriers.
One of the domains in which the English language plays a very
The mass media is used to perform a number of functions which important role in national life is the media in which the newspaper
stands out. It is a truism that every newspaper which aims at being
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AJELLS: Awka Journal of English Language and Literary Studies Volume 3 No. 1, 2012 Ifechelobi: Language use and the Mass Media: A Focus on Selected Nigerian Newspapers

read in every nook and cranny of this nation must be published in

the English language. Language use by the Nigerian Print Media

The print media is where a writer’s register of word: utilization of This linguistic dimension concerns not only the way English
sentences, clauses and phrases... is most prominent and because the permeated the vocabulary of Nigerians but also how it is learned. It
print media has tremendous influence on its audience, it must write is pertinent that “influential” users of language should have a good
well. command of the English language as many look up to the media,
especially newspapers as conveyors of correct and standard forms
According to Okunna et al, “It is plain truth that mass of the English language.
communicators use English more than the owners of the language.
Indeed they are called “the users of the language” (234). The newspapers should indeed maintain correctness and meaningful
interpretation without ambiguity or double meaning, otherwise the
But she went on to maintain that one has no business in mass media future of English in this country will be doomed.
communication if one is “not at home with the English language”.
What this means is that media writers should know the language According to Banjo, “the Nigerian press has contributed to the
and have its nuances at their finger tips in order to write effectively. positive acquisition of English language than any other social
institution in the country” (34).
Communication is successful to the extent that the interpreters
assign values to the meanings intended by the writer. Banjo also sees the language of the print media as serving a great
Communication necessitates the ability of the writer to articulate in role in determining the standards of correctness of the English
very clear terms so that the receiver can understand the message language.
very well. The more appropriate and effective the language is, the
more likely one will create satisfying productive, and meaningful Duyille does not hold the same view. According to him, “Many
relationship in personal, social, business, political, educational and students and scholars alike are being misled into applying the most
public lives. common mistakes of writing that causes breakdown in the
communication chain which is very characteristic of Nigerian
Language therefore becomes the tool to use in maintaining newspapers” (48). A serious demand of communication is the
communication among human beings. The knowledge of language ability of the reader to understand the points, or ideas intended by
use is the knowledge of how to use language appropriately, that is, the writer.
how to get it do what one wants it to do in the appropriate
circumstances. Roberts reacting to the modern daily newspapers in their use of
language stresses that:
As the language for wider communication between people The newly formed journalese at its worst was the
of different ethnic groups and the medium of general new language of the press without a soul. It is a
education, the affairs of government, the newspapers, the shrieking, gaudy, sensation-loving, devil may-care
large businesses, the public agencies, etc, it has rightly or kind of English that is used to lure the reader by all
wrongly become the tool for nationhood. (Baldeh 39) possible means. (78)
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AJELLS: Awka Journal of English Language and Literary Studies Volume 3 No. 1, 2012 Ifechelobi: Language use and the Mass Media: A Focus on Selected Nigerian Newspapers

and the editorials - are written in the kind of

According to Cook, language that seems deliberately designed to
… the techniques of writing and illustrating which bamboozle and frustrate the average Nigerian
were the prides of the newspaper organization had reader of these papers.… (qtd in Okunna 235)
been turned to perverted uses, twisting the facts of
every day news into whatever form that seems best Ossai maintains that whatever be the reason of the print media,
suited to produce sales for the howling newsboy. ideas must be so organized that they make sense to the readers.
Worst of all, instead of giving readers effective
readership, it misleads them by drawing attention to It is a well known fact that language use is not just a product of a
a language that assaulted and contravened all number of individual languages - “knowledge bits” which reside
grammatical rules of the English language, both completely within language users. It is also profoundly affected by
directly and indirectly. (302) a number of other factors such as the social context, that is, the
person one is communicating with and for what purpose, the mode
of communication and the constraints. Taking these and other
The press, in trying to make their messages stand out in large, factors into account gives us a much richer and more accurate
colourful, but short headlines often creates a lot of ambiguities account of the way language is actually used and leads to a better
which do not help the second language learner in acquiring good description of the knowledge and skills which make up language
English for effective communication. Ambiguity interferes with proficiency. There seems to be an unexpressed view that the learner
meaning by making the learning of English an arduous task as it can act as a “container” into which language knowledge could be
create confusion and a misinterpretation of issues involved. poured. Learners are active participants in the learning process and
Learning a language includes learning the “acceptable” meaning of should be allowed to take partial responsibility for their own
certain strings of sounds, and learning how to combine these learning. Since learners are active participants, it follows that care
meaningful units into larger units which also convey meanings. should be taken concerning the quality of their learning. Readers
Newspaper headlines for example need to be as short as possible, usually strive to decode and construct meanings and messages
while obeying grammatical rules but must be very careful not to whereas writers use language resource to encode and express
leave out certain words that will result in highly ambiguous forms. meanings. These meanings and messages occur at the level of text
The print media, instead of misleading its reading public, should or discourse. The learner is usually engaged in processing
aim at educating, informing, persuading, mobilizing, integrating, contextual information to achieve an appropriate interpretation or
and even entertaining in correct and good English. realization of textual meanings and messages. Unfortunately, one
discovers that most often the intended meaning of the writer is not
Adesanoye, reiterates that: the information the reader decodes. If the language used is
ambiguous then the reader has difficulty in understanding the
we can go a step further to consider the intended meaning of the message. This difficulty will result in
competence level of those papers published in the various forms of confusion, misinterpretation and misunderstanding
favourable language, a careful analysis would of the message.
reveal that not a few of the articles, the features

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AJELLS: Awka Journal of English Language and Literary Studies Volume 3 No. 1, 2012 Ifechelobi: Language use and the Mass Media: A Focus on Selected Nigerian Newspapers

There is a feeling of disgust about the communicative competence

of most print media writers. Many writers (Cook, Roberts, Pinker) 2. * The second letter to Mark was about the Somali pirate
have expressed worries about the poor standard of the language use who has held in captivity about ten Nigerians who were
of some of the newspaper writers. It is essential that language of on their legitimate duty from Saudi Arabia where they
newspapers should follow clear rule of word order so as to reduce had gone to acquire a new ship for their employers since
the possibilities of ambiguity and confusion in receiving of August 2008.
According to Ogu, Vanguard, September 8 2009

incorrect sentence structure is another prominent √ The second letter to Mark was about the ten Nigerians on
feature of Nigerian newspapers. There are clear a legitimate duty to Saudi Arabia where they had gone to
cases of the violation of the rules that govern the acquire a new ship for their employers but have been help
generation of well-formed sentences in English. The capture by Saudi pirates since August 2008.
sentences are often too long and incoherent thereby
leading to obscurity of the message being conveyed. 3. * It takes an uncommon gut for any Nigerian public
The problem is enormous because in reading, there is official to take the type of steps taken by Sanusi in the
no one to ask and, unless the term is marked so as to face of unlimited access of the otherwise untouchable
designate the meaning intended, it may be bank executives and cohorts to carrots and sticks, which
impossible to distinguish one meaning from another. they could delay to either compromise or intimidate him.
( 87 )
Vanguard, September 8 2009
The following examples from Nigerian newspapers illustrate the 4. * The state shall direct its policy towards ensuring that
point: suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate
1. * The natural question to ask whether all of the Nigerian food, reasonable national minimum living wage, old age
police officers have gone for summer-break too since care and pensions and unemployment, sick benefits and
that is the new fad. welfare of the disable, are provided for all citizens.
This Day, September 1, 2009 The Guardian, September 17 2009
Is the reference to police officers that are Nigerians or to officers in
the police force?
√ The state shall direct its policy towards ensuring that an
adequate shelter, food, reasonable national minimum
living wage, old age care and pensions, unemployment,
√ The natural question to ask is whether all the Nigeria sick benefits and welfare of the disabled, are provided for
police offices have gone on summer break, since that is the all citizens.
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AJELLS: Awka Journal of English Language and Literary Studies Volume 3 No. 1, 2012 Ifechelobi: Language use and the Mass Media: A Focus on Selected Nigerian Newspapers

 What is your take on the position of the northern

5. * He said the delay of screening the new nominees was governors…? (incorrect)
caused by the National Assembly who has been on
precess which needs to screen the new nominees has  What is your stake on the position of the northern
been on recess. governors…? (correct)
Champion September 25 2008
Daily champion-6th September, 2010 (page 10)
√ He said the delay of screening the new nominees was
caused by the National Assembly who has been on recess  It amounts to gross inconsiderateness…(incorrect)
which needs to screen the new nominees has been on  It amount to gross thoughtlessness. (correct)
Daily Independent, 12th October, 2010(Page 30 - 31)
The print media sometimes deviates from established rules of the  …he may not be disposed to allowing Nigerians
English language. Examples: participate fully … (incorrect)

The Guardian Newspapers - 26th December, 2010 (page 20)  …he may not be disposed to allow Nigerians to
participate fully … (correct)
 The US government is…worried that the  As usual of many parts of the country some …
pubicisation of its cables would…(incorrect) (incorrect)

 The US government is…worried that the publicity of its  As it is usual with many parts of the country, some …
cables would…(correct) (correct)

 …experimental antibiotics… with which children were  …many of the indigenes and the youths are rooting
treated in the middle of a meningitis epidemic… for him as the next local government boss.
(incorrect) (incorrect)

 …experimental antibiotics…with which children were  …many of the natives and youths are clamouring for
treated during a meningitis epidemic…(correct) him to be elected as the next local government boss.
Daily Champion -14th August, 2010 (pages 11 and 12)
 Why do you think politicians are having such  But the question is: Why did OBJ insist that
insatiable…? (incorrect) Yar’Adua should be the president, knowing fully
well that the state of health of Umaru might not be
 Why do you think politicians have such insatiable…? able to fully cope with the rigorous… (incorrect)
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AJELLS: Awka Journal of English Language and Literary Studies Volume 3 No. 1, 2012 Ifechelobi: Language use and the Mass Media: A Focus on Selected Nigerian Newspapers

 … full well (correct) the mediocre. Some of the reading public see the print media as
models of linguistic performance without recognizing these deviant
Daily Sun. Saturday, November 6, 2010 structures, nor the double, or alternative meanings created by
ambiguity in language use. The presence of these misconception-
 Fleet of campaign vehicles is maintained on a daily basis. prone words, most often create serious problems of comprehension
(incorrect) for the reader. At the end of the day, the intended meaning of the
 A fleet of campaign vehicles is maintained on a daily writer is never realized by the reader.
basis. (correct) Nigerian newspapers would do well to take the advice of Ogu. She
emphasizes that:
There are even incomplete sentences in the newspapers. Example:
The use of language is of utmost importance to both
It was the kind of setting and he would have loved.
the writer and the reader. When language is properly
used, effective communication takes place and the
The Nation. Tuesday, September 14, 2010.
intended meaning is passed across to the reader
effortlessly. On the contrary, when language is
The question is “love what?” The object is seen to be omitted.
inappropriately used, the meaning intended becomes
According to Baldeh, “any regular reader of the Nigerian press will
misconstrued due to the resultant vagueness and
be shocked at the many apparently incorrect uses of English” (18).
ambiguity. The second language learner is adversely
So the print media should do all in its power to deal with omission
affected as he imitates some of the deviant structures
of articles, inappropriate use of words, wrong use of verbs and poor
as the correct forms.
construction of sentences.
( 115 )
Nigerian newspapers should therefore try as much as possible to
adhere strictly to the rules of Standard English usage and good
It is of utmost importance that the print media as influential users of
grammar. Close attention should be given to correct choice of
language should have a good command of the English language.
words and expressions to achieve international intelligibility.
The reality that mass disseminated information is directed at a
widely dispersed audience who interpret the message to derive
meaningful information should spur them into simplicity and
Jane N. Ifechelobi, Ph.D teaches in the
succinctness of language. Realizing that meaning lies with the
Department of English Language & Literature,
reader, will go a long way to help the writer in use of language to
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
desist from unnecessary use of ambiguous expressions,
grammatical constructions that do not conform to the basic rules of
standard grammar, improper use of idiomatic expressions, use of Works Cited
complex words and incoherent sentence constructions. Akmajian, Adrian et al. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and
Communication. New Delhi; Prentice Hall Pub., 2006.
The unfortunate thing is that the newspaper serves as a medium of Babaleye, Ayodele. “The Grammatical Peculiarities of Nigerian
communication and the reading public comprises both the elites and Newspaper Headlines”. (Unpublished research), 2007.
Baldeh, Fodeh. Better English Learning and Teaching. Nsukka: Fulladu
61 62
AJELLS: Awka Journal of English Language and Literary Studies Volume 3 No. 1, 2012

Publishing Company, 1990.

Cook, Collins. Effective Communications .Newcastle: Theorogoog
Danuta , Reah. The Language of Newspapers. London: Routledge, 2003.
Duyile, Banjo. English Language in the News. Ibadan: Heinemann, 1991.
Fromkin, Victoria et al. An Introduction to Language. (7th Edition)
Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2003.
Ogu, Nkiru. A Linguistic Analysis of the Language of Nigerian
Newspapers. An unpublished M.A. Thesis, 2008.
Okunna, Chinyere (ed). Teaching Mass Communication: A Multi-
Dimensional Approach. Enugu: New Generation Ventures Ltd.,
Okunna, Chinyere, Kate Omenugha and Uche Ebeze. Writing for the
Mass Media in Teaching Mass Communication: A Multi-
Dimensional Approach. Enugu: New Generation Ventures Ltd.,
Oluga, S.O. “Ambiguity in Human Communication”. Malaysian Journal
of Communication. Vol. 26:37-46
Pinker, Steven. The Language Instinct.
06senten/ambiguity.html (on line) 12/8/2008.
Sewall, Murph. Ambiguous Newspaper Headlines.
words. com/ambiguous headlines.html 2008.

This Day. September 1, 2009.
Vanguard. September 8,2009
The Guardian. Sept.17,2009
__________. Dec, 26,2010
Daily champion Aug,14,2010
___________. Sept 6,2010
___________. Sept 25, 2010
Daily Independent. Oct 12,2010
Daily Sun. Nov 6,2010
The Nation. Sept 14, 2010


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