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(Harsh Jain, 2017 Batch)

➢ Evaluation of a case of sub acute infective endocarditis (5 Marks, 2012)
➢ Bacterial endocarditis – Etiology, C/F, Dx, Rx & prevention (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ HOCM – Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (5 Marks, 2006)

➢ Mx of congestive heart failure (5 Marks, 2015)

➢ Mx of refractory heart failure (5 Marks, 2003 Supple.)
➢ Discuss Mx of resistant congestive cardiac failure (10 Marks, 2000)

➢ Tubercular pericarditis (5 Marks, 2009)

➢ Pericardial effusion (5 Marks, 1999)

➢ Mx of secondary HTN (6 Marks, 2012)

➢ Secondary HTN (5 Marks, 2010)
➢ Classification & Rx of HTN including common S/E of various antihypertensive drugs (5
Marks, 2002)
➢ Discuss etiology (causes), of secondary HTN, its diagnostic workup & Rx (10 Marks, 1999

➢ Mx of atrial fibrillation (5 Marks, 2016)

➢ Atrial fibrillation (3 Marks, 2015)
➢ Ventricular tachycardia (6 Marks, 2012)

➢ Etiopathogenesis, Ix, Mx of case of acute coronary syndrome (10 Marks, 2012)

➢ Describe clinical picture, Dx & Mx of acute MI (10 Marks, 2007)
➢ Describe Dx, Rx &Cx of acute MI (10 Marks, 2004)
➢ Dx of MI (5 Marks, 2003 Supple.)
➢ Angina pectoris (5 Marks, 2002)
➢ Unstable angina syndrome (5 Marks, 2002)
➢ Describe etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, laboratory findings & Rx of acute MI
(10 Marks, 2001)
➢ Unstable angina (5 Marks, 1999)
➢ Prinzmetal angina (5 Marks, 2012)
➢ C/F, Dx & Mx of Acute STEMI (10 Marks, 2012)
➢ Describe etiology, C/F, Ix, Mx &Cx of acute rheumatic fever (10 Marks, 2005)

➢ Septic shock (3 Marks, 2016)

➢ Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (4 Marks, 2016)
➢ Rx of cardiogenic shock (5 Marks, 2003 Supple.)
➢ Shock (3 Marks, 2011)
➢ Renal artery stenosis (5 Marks, 2009)

➢ Describe C/F & Mx of nephritic syndrome. How will you investigate a case? (10 Marks,
➢ Nephritic syndrome (5 Marks, 2012)
➢ Acute nephritic syndrome (5 Marks, 2012)
➢ Approach to patient with proteinuria (4 Marks, 2010)

➢ Acute tubular necrosis (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ Acute polycystic kidney ds. (5 Marks, 2008)

➢ C/F & metabolic derangements in CKD (5 Marks, 2011)

➢ How do you stage chronic kidney ds. (2 Marks, 2007)
➢ Describe clinical & laboratory manifestations of CKD & uremia (5 Marks, 2007)
➢ Mx of CRF (5 Marks, 2005)

➢ Hemodialysis (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Absolute Ix for dialysis in pt. of renal failure (2.5 Marks, 2000)

➢ Rx of uncomplicated UTI (2.5 Marks, 2000)

➢ Gene therapy (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Genetic counseling (5 Marks, 2009)

➢ Genetic counseling & education (5 Marks, 2007)
➢ Role of genetic counseling in hemophilia (2.5 Marks, 2000)

➢ Genetic testing (5 Marks, 2008)

➢ Interpretations of pulmonary function tests (5 Marks, 2011)
➢ Pulmonary function tests (5 Marks, 2005)

➢ C/F of pulmonary embolism (5 Marks, 2003 Supple.)

➢ Dx& Rx of massive pulmonary embolism (3+2 = 5 Marks, 2007)
➢ Describe etiology, C/F, lab Dx& Rx of acute pulmonary embolism (10 Marks, 1999)

➢ Bronchiectasis (5 Marks, 2004)

➢ Occupational lung diseases (6 Marks, 2015)

➢ Describe etiopathogenesis, C/F &Mx of ARDS (10 Marks, 2009)

➢ ARDS (5 Marks, 2012)
➢ Acute pulmonary edema (5 Marks, 2006)

➢ Type – II respiratory failure (4 Marks, 2015)

➢ Sleep apnoea (5 Marks, 2008)

➢ Acute exacerbation of COPD (5 Marks, 2012)

➢ Describe etiopathogenesis, C/F &Mx of COPD (10 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Write C/F, Dx & Mx of case with COPD (10 Marks, 2005)

➢ Treatment of status asthmaticus (5 Marks, 2012)

➢ Rx of bronchial asthma (5 Marks, 2006)
➢ Rx &Cx of bronchial asthma (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Define pneumonia. What are its types? Briefly describe C/F of pneumococcal
pneumonia. Name its Cx. Give brief outline of Rx of complicated pneumonia (10
Marks, 2015)
➢ Describe etiopathogenesis, Dx&Mx of community acquired pneumonia (10 Marks, 2005)
➢ Describe community acquired pneumonia, its C/F & Mx (10 Marks, 2001)
➢ Empirical Rx of acute lobar pneumonia (2.5 Marks, 2000)

➢ Etiology & Rx of necrotizing pneumonia (4.5 Marks, 2016)

➢ Lung abscess (5 Marks, 2006)
➢ Pneumothorax (4 Marks, 2010)
➢ Cx of whooping cough (5 Marks, 2009)
➢ Dx& Rx of addison’s ds. (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Cushing’s syndrome (5 Marks, 2015)

➢ Describe etiology, C/F, lab findings & Rx of cushing’s syndrome (10 Marks, 1999)
➢ Secondary aldosteronism (3 Marks, 2011)

➢ Define & classify DM. Discuss acute Cx&Mx of diabetic ketoacidosis (2+2+3+3 = 10
Marks, 2015)
➢ Mx of diabetic ketoacidosis (5 Marks, 2011)
➢ A 20 year old male who is pt. of diabetes presented to medical emergency with H/O
medical emergency with H/O vomiting, pain abdomen & alteration in sensorium. Discuss
Dx& write Mx for pt. (2+4+4 = 10 Marks, 2010)
➢ Diabetic ketoacidosis (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ Hyperosmolar non ketotic coma (4.5 Marks, 2016)

➢ Diabetic neuropathy (5 Marks, 2010)
➢ Diabetic nephropathy (5 Marks, 2004)
➢ Newer insulins (5 Marks, 2006)

➢ Hypoglycemic coma (5 Marks, 2015)

➢ Hypoglycemia – etiology, C/F &Mx (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Hypoparathyroidism (5 Marks, 2004)

➢ Osteoporosis (5 Marks, 2010)

➢ Myxoedema (5 Marks, 2011; 2007)

➢ Hypothyroidism (5 Marks, 2008; 2005)

➢ Thyrotoxicosis (3 Marks, 2012)

➢ Mx options in thyrotoxicosis (5 Marks, 2002)
➢ Discuss C/F &Mx of grave’s ds. (10 Marks, 2002)
➢ Hyperthyroid crisis (4 Marks, 2000)
➢ Status epilepticus (3 Marks, 2015; 5 Marks, 2007; 1999 Supple.)
➢ Focal seizures (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Discuss classification of seizures. Describe C/F, triggering factors & Ix in a patient
presenting with generalized tonic clonic seizures (10 Marks, 2002)
➢ Anti epileptic drugs & specific uses (5 Marks, 2010)

➢ Meningococcal meningitis (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ Acute pyogenic meningitis (5 Marks, 2002)
➢ Discuss in brief the etiopathogenesis, C/F, Dx&Mx of tubercular meningitis (10 Marks,
➢ Describe etiopathogenesis, Dx & Mx of tubercular meningitis (10 Marks, 2004)
➢ Encephalitis (5 Marks, 2008)

➢ Neuromyelitis optica (5 Marks, 2015)

➢ Rx of Parkinson’s ds. (5 Marks, 1999)

➢ Parkinson’s Ds. (5 Marks, 2005)

➢ Tremors (3 Marks, 2005)

➢ Causes & Mx of thrombotic stroke (4+3+3 = 10 Marks, 2012)
➢ Ischaemic stroke (5 Marks, 2011)
➢ Lacunar infarcts (5 Marks, 2009)
➢ Cerebral thrombosis (5 Marks, 2004)

➢ Intracranial haemorrhage (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ Motor neuron ds. (6 Marks, 2000)

➢ Describe C/F, Dx & Rx of Gullain Barre syndrome (10 Marks, 2003 Supple.)
➢ Gullain Barre syndrome (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Trigeminal neuralgia (5 Marks, 2011)

➢ Describe clinical picture, Dx & Rx of infective polyneuritis (10 Marks, 2006)
➢ Microcytic hypochromic anemia (3 Marks, 2010)
➢ Iron deficiency anemia – etiology, C/F & Mx (5 Marks, 2016)
➢ Rx of IDA (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Megaloblastic anemia (3 Marks, 2012; 2011, 2010)

➢ Megaloblastic anemia – etiology, Dx & Rx (5 Marks, 2009)
➢ Megaloblastic anemia – causes & Rx (5 Marks, 2007)

➢ Hemolytic anemia (5 Marks, 2012)

➢ C/F & Ix in hemolytic anemia (5 Marks, 2011)
➢ Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (5 Marks, 2000)
➢ Sickle cell anemia (5 Marks, 2016)
➢ Beta thalassemia major (5 Marks, 2011)
➢ PNH – Paraoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (5 Marks, 2006)

➢ Polycythemia (5 Marks, 2005)

➢ Aplastic anemia (5 Marks, 2004)

➢ Multiple myeloma – C/F, Dx&Rx/Mx (5 Marks, 2009; 2002; 1999 Supple.; 1999)

➢ Mx of AML (5 Marks, 2010)

➢ CML (6 Marks, 2015; 5 Marks, 2012, 2008; 2005; 2002)

➢ Hodgkin’s ds. (5 Marks, 2000)

➢ Enumerate causes of thrombocytopenia & discuss C/F & Rx of ITP (5 Marks, 1999
➢ Malabsorption syndrome (5 Marks, 2004)
➢ Malabsorption syndrome – causes & approaches to Ix (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ Celiac ds. (5 Marks, 2009)

➢ Cx of ulcerative colitis (3 Marks, 2010)

➢ Ulcerative colitis (5 Marks, 2005; 1999 Supple.)

➢ Irritable bowel syndrome (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Zollinger Ellison syndrome (5 Marks, 2006)

➢ Rx of peptic ulcer ds. (5 Marks, 1999)

➢ Define acute viral hepatitis. Describe clinical & laboratory features of Hep. B infection
(2+3+5 = 10 Marks, 2012)
➢ Etiopathogenesis, C/F & Mx of acute hepatic failure (10 Marks, 2011)

➢ Wilson’s ds. (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Alcoholic liver ds. (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Chronic hepatitis (5 Marks, 2005)

➢ T/t of Hep. C (5 Marks, 2016)

➢ Newer t/t of Hep. C (4.5 Marks, 2015)
➢ Mx of Hep. C (5 Marks, 2009)
➢ Hepatitis C {HCV} (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ Dx & Rx of chronic Hep. B (2+3 = 5 Marks, 2007)

➢ Hep. B (5 Marks, 1999)

➢ Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (5 Marks, 2008)

➢ Hepatic encephalopathy (5 Marks, 2010)

➢ Hepatic coma (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)
➢ A 57 yr old known diabetic lady presented to emergency with H/O fever, pain abdomen,
loose motion 4-5 per day, vomiting for 2 days & altered sensorium since afternoon.
Discuss the D/D. How will you approach this pt.? (10 Marks, 2009)

➢ Portal HTN (3 Marks, 2010)

➢ Etiopathogenesis, C/F & Mx of acute pancreatitis (10 Marks, 2010)

➢ Mention important causes of acute pancreatitis & describe its C/F, Dx & Mx (10 Marks,
➢ Cx& Rx of acute pancreatitis (5 Marks, 2000)
➢ Cx &Mx of acute pancreatitis (5 Marks, 1999)
➢ Chronic pancreatitis (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)
➢ Pseudopancreatic cyst (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ GERD (5 Marks, 2007)

➢ Achalasia cardia (5 Marks, 2003 Supple.)
➢ Splenomegaly – diagnostic & therapeutic approach (5 Marks, 2001)
➢ Causes & Mx of hemoptysis (5 Marks, 1999)
➢ Approach to patient with idiopathic jaundice (3 Marks, 2010)
➢ Lupus Nephritis (6 Marks, 2016)
➢ SLE (5 Marks, 2016)
➢ Renal diseases in SLE (5 Marks, 2015)
➢ Renal Cx of SLE (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Describe C/F &Mx of SLE (10 Marks, 2008)
➢ Describe pathogenesis & C/F of SLE. Outline diagnostic criteria of SLE (10 Marks, 2004)
➢ C/F & t/t of SLE (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ ANCA (3 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Rheumatoid arthritis (5 Marks, 2008)
➢ Markers of activity in rheumatoid arthritis (3 Marks, 2010; 4 Marks, 2009)
➢ Dx of activity in RA (5 Marks, 2005)
➢ Discuss articular & extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Briefly name
the drugs with MOA used in its t/t (10 Marks, 2003)
➢ T/t of RA (5 Marks, 2000)
➢ Describe etiopathogenesis, C/F, Dx & Mx/Rx of rheumatoid arthritis (10 Marks, 2006;
2000 Supple.)

➢ Approach to a case with chronic polyarthritis (5 Marks, 2004)

➢ Describe C/F &Mx of gout (10 Marks, 2007)

➢ Metabolic acidosis (3 Marks, 2015; 5 Marks, 2011; 2004, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Metabolic alkalosis (4 Marks, 2010; 5 Marks, 2009, 2003)
➢ Respiratory alkalosis (5 Marks, 2006)

➢ Clinical signs & Rx of OP poisoning (3 Marks, 2012)
➢ C/F of OP poisoning (3 Marks, 2011)
➢ OP poisoning (5 Marks, 2015; 2008; 2007)
➢ C/F &Mx of OP Poisoning (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ C/F & Rx of cobra bite (3 Marks, 2016)

➢ Mx of snake bite (4 Marks, 2009)

➢ Opium poisoning Mx (3 Marks, 2005)

➢ Methanol poisoning {Hooch tragedy} (5 Marks, 2016; 2003, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Celphos (aluminium phosphide) poisoning (5 Marks, 2012; 2006)

➢ Rx of rat poisoning (4 Marks, 2009)

➢ Vitamin A deficiency (5 Marks, 2006)

➢ Thiamine deficiency (5 Marks, 2007)

➢ Signs of riboflavin deficiency (3 Marks, 2005)
➢ Nicotinic acid deficiency (3 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Pellagra (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)
➢ Vitamin B12 deficiency (5 Marks, 2015)

➢ Scurvy (2000 Supple.)

➢ Role of zinc in health & ds. (3 Marks, 2009)

➢ Water intoxication (5 Marks, 2007)

➢ Hyponatremia (5 Marks, 2004)

➢ Hypernatremia (5 Marks, 2011)

➢ Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (3 Marks, 2015)
➢ Hypokalemia (3 Marks, 2016; 5 Marks, 2010; 2009; 2006; 2000)
➢ Etiology & C/F of hypokalemia (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Mx of hyperkalemia (3 Marks, 2012)

➢ Rx of hyperkalemia (3 Marks, 2010)
➢ Hyperkalemia (5 Marks, 2008; 2005; 2003; 2001)
➢ Discuss the pathophysiology, Dx&Mx of COVID-19 infection (3+4+3 = 10 Marks, 2016)
➢ COVID Vaccines (5 Marks, 2016)
➢ Mx of severe COVID-19 pt. (3 Marks, 2016)
➢ SARS-CoV2 vaccine – what is known (5 Marks, 2015)

➢ Antiviral drugs in pt. with HIV/AIDS (6 Marks, 2016)

➢ Acute HIV syndrome (3 Marks, 2016)
➢ ART & its monitoring in an AIDS patient (5 Marks, 2000 Supple.)
➢ Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (6 Marks, 2011)
➢ Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in HIV ds. (5 Marks, 2004)

➢ Mx of drug resistant TB (3 Marks, 2016)

➢ MDR Tuberculosis (3 Marks, 2012)
➢ Molecular testing in tuberculosis (4 Marks, 2016)
➢ DOT’s therapy (5 Marks, 2010; 2008)
➢ Acute miliary tuberculosis (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Write C/F, Dx, Cx &Mx of a case with pulmonary TB (10 Marks, 2004)
➢ RNTCP (5 Marks, 2001)
➢ Describe RNTCP. Why was it introduced? What are common toxic effects of anti TB drugs
used in RNTCP? (10 Marks, 2000 Supple.)
➢ Cx of pulmonary TB (5 Marks, 2000; 1999 Supple.)

➢ T/t of TBM with HIV infection (5 Marks, 2005)

➢ Rx of HIV pt. having pulmonary TB (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Dengue shock syndrome (3 Marks, 2015)

➢ Dengue fever (5 Marks, 2012; 3 Marks, 2011)
➢ Dx & Mx of dengue haemorrhagic fever (5 Marks, 2009)
➢ Dengue hemorrhagic fever (5 Marks, 2001)

➢ Hookworm infections (5 Marks, 2015)

➢ Hookworm ds. (2009 Supple.)
➢ Hookworm infestation (5 Marks, 2006; 2000 Supple.)
➢ Name vector borne diseases in India. Write C/F, Dx & Rx of malaria (3+2+2+3 = 10 Marks,
➢ Cerebral malaria (5 Marks, 2007)
➢ Describe clinical manifestation of malaria caused by different species or types of malarial
parasites. Describe in detail algid malaria & its Rx (6 Marks, 1999 Supple.)
➢ Black water fever (5 Marks, 2000 Supple.)
➢ Cx & Rx of P. falciparum infection (5 Marks, 2000)

➢ Amoebic liver abscess (5 Marks, 2006; 2002)

➢ Dx & Rx of amoebic liver abscess (5 Marks, 2000)
➢ Write D/D & Mx of a case of hepatic abscess (5 Marks, 2009)
➢ T/t of amoebic liver abscess (5 Marks, 2006)
➢ Hepatic amoebiasis (5 Marks, 2004)
➢ Amoebic liver abscess (5 Marks, 2003)

➢ PUO (6 Marks, 2011)

➢ Describe D/D &Mx of case of PUO (8 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Tropical fever syndromes (4 Marks, 2015)

➢ Chickungunya (5 Marks, 2012)
➢ Extraintestinal amoebiasis (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Post exposure prophylaxis (5 Marks, 2008)
➢ C/F & Mx of leptospirosis (5 Marks, 2008)
➢ Atypical mycobacteria (5 Marks, 2007)
➢ Mx of tetanus (5 Marks, 2007)
➢ Dx& T/t of swine flu (4 Marks, 2005)
➢ Cx of measles (3 Marks, 2005)
➢ Infectious mononucleosis (5 Marks, 2004)
➢ Infections caused by staphylococci (5 Marks, 2003)
➢ Describe life cycle, C/F, lab findings & Rx of ascariasis (10 Marks, 2001)
➢ Cx of typhoid fever & their Rx (5 Marks, 2001)
➢ Discuss etiology, C/F, Dx& Rx of hydatid ds. (10 Marks, 2000)
➢ Oesophageal candidiasis – Dx & Rx (5 Marks, 2000)
➢ Acne vulgaris (5 Marks, 2004; 2003; 2000)
➢ Write C/F, Dx & Mx of a case with pemphigus (10 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Write etiology/etiopathogenesis, C/F, Dx, Cx & Rx/Mx of a case with psoriasis (10 Marks,
2011; 2008; 2006; 2003; 2001; 2000 Supple.)
➢ Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (3 Marks, 2016)
➢ Pityriasis versicolor (5 Marks, 2007)
➢ Scabies (5 Marks, 2005)
➢ Tertiary syphilis (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)
➢ Vitiligo (5 Marks, 2005)
➢ Stevens Johnson syndrome (4 Marks, 2016; 5 Marks, 2000)

➢ Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (5 Marks, 2010)

➢ Pulmonary eosinophilia (3 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ Tropical eosinophilia (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Gonorrhea (3 Marks, 2016; 5 Marks, 2000)

➢ Enumerate various STDs. Describe C/F & Rx of gonorrhea (10 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Pyoderma gangrenosum (5 Marks, 2010)

➢ Functions of skin (5 Marks, 2010)
➢ Write C/F, Dx & Mx of a case with exfoliative dermatitis (10 Marks, 2009)
➢ Dementia (5 Marks, 2009; 2003)

➢ Write C/F, Dx & Mx of a case with schizophrenia (10 Marks, 2010; 2007)
➢ Schizophrenia (5 Marks, 2005)

➢ Mx of depression (5 Marks, 2011)

➢ Depression (5 Marks, 2009)

➢ Mania (5 Marks, 2008; 2004; 1999 Supple.)

➢ Manic depressive psychosis (5 Marks, 2006)

➢ Bipolar disorder {Manic depression} (4 Marks, 2001)
➢ Bipolar depression (5 Marks, 2000 Supple.)

➢ Obsessive compulsive neurosis (5 Marks, 2009 Supple.)

➢ Obsessive compulsive disorder (3 Marks, 2001)

➢ Anorexia nervosa (5 Marks, 2008; 2006)

➢ Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (5 Marks, 2007)

➢ Describe alcohol abuse. What are its causes, Cx& Rx strategies (10 Marks, 2000)
➢ Alcohol abuse (5 Marks, 1999 Supple.)

➢ Hysteria (3 Marks, 2016; 2015; 5 Marks, 2011; 2009 Supple.; 2008)

➢ Anxiety neurosis (5 Marks, 2004)
➢ Electroconvulsive therapy (3 Marks, 2001)
➢ Role of urine analysis in systemic diseases (4.5 Marks, 2015)
➢ DMRDs (3 Marks, 2012)
➢ Imatinibmesylate therapy (5 Marks, 2004)
➢ A 35 yr old lady presented to OPD with H/O easy fatiguability, exertional breathlessness
& palpitation of 1 month duration. She also complained of low grade fever for 2 days &
bleeding while brushing teeth in the morning. What are your possibilities? How will you
approach this pt. (2+8 = 10 Marks, 2009 Supple.)
➢ A 60 yr old man presented to emergency room at 4 pm with H/O severe breathlessness.
Discuss D/D & Mx (10 Marks, 2008)
➢ NSAIDs (3 Marks, 2011)
➢ Metronidazole – clinical uses & S/E (5 Marks, 2001)
➢ Anaphylaxis (3 Marks, 2015)
➢ Cyanosis (4 Marks, 2005)
➢ Heat stroke (5 Marks, 2003)
➢ Pitting edema – causes & diagnostic approach (5 Marks, 2000 Supple.)
➢ Epidemic dropsy (5 Marks, 2000)

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