Design Brief Template

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Design Brief (basic template)

Brief date: (insert date the brief made/summarized/approved by both parties)

Basic information


Client’s brand: MTs NEGERI 2 SUKOHARJO
Client person in Ibu Asmawati (Waka Humas)

Contact details: 082230988145

Project overview

Project objective(s) Poster ucapan Idul fitri yang akan diposting di media sosial

Deliverables Poster berformat jpg/png untuk instagram beresolusi 1080x1080 px

Timeline 16 Mei 2022 Via Whatsapp Document
Budget 500.000

Brand, product and market overview

Brand overview MTs Negeri 2 Sukoharjo adalah Lembaga pendidikan dibawah naungan
Kementrian Agama.
Product Poster yang menggambarkan suasana idul fitri

Target  Kepala Madrasah

Audience  Guru
 Staf dan karyawan Madrasah
 Siswa-siswi
 Wali siswa
Key Message Kembali suci bersama keluarga madrasah tsanawiyah 2 Sukoharjo
Tone of Voice Madrasah Hebat, Bermartabat, dan Adiwiyata
Competition -

Design references
DOs and Menggunakan warna dominan hijau
DONT’s Menampilkan logo madrasah, kemenag, madrasah hebat,
Jangan menggunakan warna yang gelap

Text Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Sukoharjo mengucapkan selamat hari raya

idulfiti 1443 H. minal aidzin walfaidzin, Mohon maaf lahir dan batin
MTs Negeri 2 Official (youtube)
Mtsn2skh (Instagram)
Visual Logo
elements Ornamen lampu gantung

Additional Information:
Additional information about the project. For example:
Agreed workflow: (1) first draft consists of 2 design styles→ (2) continue to design upon client’s
approval on the first draft→ (3) two times revisions after the design delivered → final delivery.
Designer presence required to present upon date xxx.

List of attachments:
List of files for design reference and/or to be used in the design. Eg. branding guideline, existing
campaign design, logo, stock photos.

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