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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (MECHANICS OF MATERIALS) ‘COURSE CODE: €12007 Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. Department of Mechanics of Matorials & Structures Faclty of Chl Engineering HOM city University of Technology Update: 13 Souary 2024 chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Instructor: Dr. Nguyen Thai Binh ‘hnguyenatemutedusn DEPARTMENT OF CVILENGINEERING paste 13/01/2026 2207 1.“MECHANICS OF MATERIALS ?” * Definition: Mechanics of Materials is a branch of Applied Mechanics which studies the behavior of solid bodies subjected to multiple types of loadings Other name: Strength of Materials 1.“MECHANICS OF MATERIALS ?” = Scope: Strength of Materials develops relationships between the external forces applied to a deformable solid and the internal forces produced in solid bodies Eres 2. OBJECTIVES 3. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES * Objectives: + Strength of Materials | ¥ to determine the stresses, deformations (strains = | Based on 3 fundamental principles: deformations per unit length), and the displacements | ¥ Statics: Equilibrium of forces (stresses) produced by the applied loads. | ¥ Geometry: Compatibility of deformations ~ to study the mechanical behaviour of materials | ¥ Constitutive Law: sress-strain relation | = to warrant the strength condition, rigidity condition and the stability of the structure but economizing the rice Chapter 1___upaste 2 CP ea 4. OBJECTS 4. OBJECTS (cont.) Y Axially Loaded Members ‘Objects: One-dimensional members > bars, beams, columns.shaffs, etc... / ¢ Straight bar * Different types of bars: eg bar Ce 2 EPR ea Cea 4. OBJECTS (cont.) Y Shaft in torsion 4. OBJECTS (cont.) Y Beam in bending Chapter 1___upaste a 5 oe eT 5. HYPOTHESES H.1 The material is assumed to be continuous, homogenous, isotropic and linearly elastic Ads | | H.2 Cross-sections are always plane | a 2, =S: normal strain 14. Caleulating Scheme: each element ie ave | | H.4 Small deformation & displacement — Principle of superposition ci = =, shear strain Ce a CE ed Nguyen Thai Binh, PhD. 12 7.1 EXTERNAL LOADS * Concentrated force (N, KN, MN, GN) * Linear distributed load (Nim,kNim) = Pression (Pa, kPa, MPa, GPa) * Concentrated moment (N.m, kN.m, MN.m, GN.m) * Linear distributed moment (N.mim,kN.m/m) Chopter 1 __upaste 1/04/202 7.2 SUPPORTS - Types 1. Roller (or Link) Supports: resists the body along the direction perpendicular to the plane of support (or along the axis of the link) + 1 reaction along the known direction (a) Roller support _(B) Link support _(c) Rollers support ea 7.2 SUPPORTS - Types (cont.) . Hinge Supports: resist motion of the beam at the upport in any direction —> 2 components of reactions. By -— —— R, (noe spot (ead spt es ee Cea 13 15 ST ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 14 7.2 SUPPORTS - Types (cont.) 3, Fixed Supports: the beam is prevented from displacement in any direction and also from rotation > 3 unknown reactions: 2 unknown forces + 1 moment x R (2) Buln fixed support (©) Welded fixed support Cana) ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 16 7.2 SUPPORTS - Types (cont.) 7.3 EQUILIBRIUM OF A BODY = Equilibrium equations a A yF-6 Ee xM/o-4 ‘Chapter 1 paste s3/01/20262207 COERCED [oe 7.3 EQUILIBRIUM OF A BODY 8. EXAMPLE = If a system of coord. (x,y,z) is established: The beam is subjected to a uniform load and a concentrated load as shown in Fig. 1. Determine the DR =-0 DF =0 DR =0 reactions at the supports fa hinge at A, a roller at B) EM-0 EM-0 SM-0 oo ” ™ Plane Problem: all forces < a plane Al ~ SA =M, =0 Ainge Aroler Cras) 2207 COPEL 7 Co 8. EXAMPLE * SOLUTION ¥ Draw the Free-Body Diagram (FBD) kN —10kN oa 8. EXAMPLE ¥ Equilibrium equations: DA =A, -10kN =0- A, =10kN EM, =-A, (2m) + (30KN) (1m) —(24kN)(3m) =0 >A, =3kN ILM, =, (2m) (0kN)(1m)—(24kN}(3m) =0 7B, =51kN ST oa Cees PROBLEMS ‘Sketch free body diagram (FBD) of the structures and then apply static equilibrium equations to determine all support reactions. es ee Cea PROBLEMS ‘Sketch free body diagram (F8D) of the structures and then ‘apply static equilibrium equations to determine all support reactions. oa es Te PROBLEMS ‘Sketch free body diagram (FBD) of the structures and then apply static equilibrium equations to determine all support reactions. Cees Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. PROBLEMS ‘Sketch free body diagram (FBD) of the structures and then apply static equilibrium equations to determine all support reactions. Cans CE PROBLEMS ‘Sketch free body diagram (FBD) of the structures and then apply static eqi equations to determine all support reactions. ) eT Chopter 1 upaates3 Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 32 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS STRENGTH OF MATERIALS STRENGTH OF MATERIALS STRENGTH OF MATERIALS STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Eras) = oD ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS 10%" ‘ter week 7 of semester (60"- closed book) Assignments 10%" [After the finished chapter 2 Lab practices 20% From week 3of semester Final exam 50% [A the end of semester (90° Closed Book) Penalty for missing 1 %permiss* Missing Sor more tutorials tutorials, ‘may result in fling the ‘course, unless justified via a special consideration form aD 1 Introduction 1 2 Theory of internal forces 243 3 Axial Load ats 4 Stress State and Theories of Failure 6 5 Geometric properties of cross sections 7 6 Plane Bending a+9 7 Deflection of beam 10 B Shafts in Pure Torsion a 9 Combined Loadings izes Stability of compressedbars and Pdelta analysis = 14+ 15 oa MECHANICS of MATERIALS 2 Gere JM, Mechanics of Materials, 6th Eton, 2008, 83. Ferdinand Beer, E. Johnston, John DeWof and Dav Mazurek, Mechanics of Material, &th Eaton, 2020 Eres eee ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 40 INFORMATION + nstructor: De Nguyen Tha Binh + Room: 10985, Mechanics of Materials & Structures Dept + Email tonguyen@hemut.eduom, + Mobile phone: 0938 92 4484 + Class schedule + Student meeting schedule Chopter 1 __upaste 1/04/202 CoE IMPORTANT POINTS (cont.) * Linear distributed loadings produce a resultant force having. ‘a magnitude equal to the area under the load diagram, and having a location that passes through the centroid of this area. + A support produces a force in a particular direction on its attached member if it prevents translation of the member in, that direction. and it produces couple moment on the ‘member if it prevents rotation. ee ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 43 Cans Cae) Cana) IMPORTANT POINTS + Mechanics of materials is a study of the relationship between the external loads applied to a body and the stress and strain caused by the internal loads within the body. + External forces can be applied to a body as distributed or concentrated surface loadings, or as body forces that act throughout the volume of the body. ea IMPORTANT POINTS (cont.) + The equations of equilibrium IF = 0 and IM = 0 must be satisfied in order to prevent a body from translating with accelerated motion and from rotating. * When applying the equation: of equilibrium, itis important to first draw the free-body dagram for the body in order to account forall the terms in the equations. Cea

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