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chapter 3 AXIAL LOAD SIMPLE TENSION (COMPRESSION) Instrctor: ‘Mr. Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D ‘ DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1, AXIALLY LOADED MEMBER - NORMAL FORCE = Normal Force: By the method of cut section, the normal force is also the resultant of normal stresses Cee 1, AXIALLY LOADED MEMBER - NORMAL FORCE - NORMAL STRESS «= Definition: An axially loaded member —> 1 normal force Of 1, AXIALLY LOADED MEMBER - NORMAL FORCE - NORMAL STRESS 1, AXIALLY LOADED MEMBER - 1, AXIALLY LOADED MEMBER - NORMAL FORCE - NORMAL STRESS NORMAL STRESS Saint Venant’s Principle = Normal Stress: is uniformly distributed over the section TR Unit of stress: |; Nim? = Pa, KNim?= ka, MN/m? =MPa, GPa, * USCS: pounds per square inch (psi), kips per square inch (ksi) "The stress ond strain produced at points in a body sufelenty removed {from the region of lad application wil be the same asthe stress and strain ‘by ony applied loadings tat have the same statically equivalent fesultan, ond are applied tothe body within the some region.” EE ee [oe Cm) rT ea |, AXIALLY LOADED MEMBER - NORMAL STRAIN Il. STRESSES ON INCLINED PLANE = Normal Strain: (axial deformation) 22 * 842 3_adz ral pais © aes ade oy Se ig 2 AKO dz = ——n_ sm Lateral Strain: E03) = A o=45" 1n= Poisson's ratio, experimentally defined tt ms, (a) ¥ For Steel, n=0:3 eS Ge i ¥ For Concrete, v = 0.25 7s Cane) a Se re Cea Ill, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BLSTRESSES ON INCLINED PLANE MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation > Multi-purpose testing, machine > Max load = 1000 kN ‘Max load speed = 100 mm/min > Software Partner Including standards ASTM, BS... and supplying custom methods to meet more Unique requirements. Normal stress: 9, =0,c0s"0 © Su OCCUFS At G=KP—> Spa 5, V_ iw =-Zsinze mShearstress: x, =—Y Ag 2 . n ing O= Saks {x curs on planes having Gt Model: Instron-2294SV EE ee COLE ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. _10 Ill. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF Ill, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation A. Ductile Materials = True Stress-Strain Diagram re —~ r esi Sin J ear?" Proper at oy Leeds ein Poy : last region > "Tree platy Strain hardening, [Necking “on moe ametalspecimen __Tensonfalureofs Tension aiue of a eerie) it fortes ductile material bre tei me Sree EPR oa Cer) Ill. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation ¥ Elastic Region: OB ‘The specimen undergoes elastically if it returns on its original shape o length when the load is removed « Linear stress-strain relation « Point B: Proportional Limit, s, ‘© Constant slope: , Young's Modulus ¥ Transition Region: BCDF ‘* Point C: Elastic Limit, ~ s, ‘* Point D: Upper Yield Stress ‘* Point F: Lower Yield Stress eee Ill. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation ¢ Determination of yield stress by the offset method in ease of non-obvious yield point Aline is drawn 1! to the initial linear part but the curve is offset by some standard amount of strain such as 0.002 This line cut the curve atA— the offset yield stress ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 1S eee er Ill. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation ¥ Perfect Plasticity (Yielding) Region FG ‘© Aslight 7 in stress above s, —> permanent deform. ‘¢ Strains develop under constant yield stress, s, ~s,_ '® Point G: the end of perfect plasticity region © This state —» the material is perfectly plastic v Strain hardening region GH, necking region HI © An 7 in stress —> an 7 in strain, but nonlinear (s- e) Maximum value of stress —» Ultimate Stress, 5, '® At Sy, — a ‘neck’ gradually \ the section up to rupture ee ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 14 Ill, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation = Idealized Stress-Strain Diagrams (Models) ime Peviecy Plas: al Elastic - Linear Strain Hardaning b/ Elastic— Perfectly Plastic Model Medel ee ee) ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 16 Ill. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation * Strength Properties * Yiold Stress: , © Ultimate Strenath: si: * Duetility Properties ‘* Percent elongation ‘* Percent reduction in area wit A0=A 100% eee ea Ill, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation jl Rupture along a 85"inclined plane of Liders bands ona steel bar timber bar in compression subjected to traction frees Ce Cea Ill. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation B. Brittle Materials ‘Compression causes maternal fe bulge out 0 Rupture, Compression Bite Material ZL... |ysemsion Specimen after q apne ‘Stress-Strain Curve of Concrete ee Tee) ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. _18 Ill, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Stress-Strain Relation = Hooke’s Law: For linearly elastic material e-Zeo-Ee ge E — modulus of elasticity for the material (or Young modulus), having the same unit of stress. ¥ For Steel: E = 200 GPa ¥ For Aluminum: E = 70 GPa 5 Ean pa ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 20 IV. ALLOWABLE STRESSES AND ALLOWABLE LOADS = Method of Allowable-Stress Design Yield Stress (Uitimate Stress) t _ TSE SInoe AINEIEAE Allowable stress eral [o]-_Yiel Stress Factor of safety n For steel: s, = 250 MPa, n= 1,67 —»[s]= 150 MPa Ductile materials: Uttimate Stress _ ou * Britle materials: [o]= FE of safe ne Cer ea V. ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS UNDER TENSION (COMPRESSION) cata (@) pa IV. ALLOWABLE STRESSES AND ALLOWABLE LOADS = Method of Strength (or ultimate-load) Design Factor of safety n = Ultimate load load factor sevice load —itimate Load = (service load)(load factor) Een ea V. ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS UNDER TENSION (COMPRESSION) * Normal Force Diagram Not 7 Re ee — Neo=P2+Ps yop ®) Emnzy Nyc=P, +P, +Ps V. ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS UNDER TENSION (COMPRESSION) "= Elongation of the bar Where: EA, - Axial Rigidity eee stepped bars fixed at one end and free at the other end and is subjected to 2 forces (P and 3P) as shown in the figure. The axial rigidities of two parts are 2EA and EA. (1) Neglecting the own weight g of the bar, draw diagrams for the normal force, for the normal stress, and compute the displacement of D; (2) ‘Accounting for its own weight, redraw the ‘mentioned diagrams. Assuming P = gAa eee er Cea V. ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS UNDER TENSION (COMPRESSION) IFN, and A, are constant: oNLLN EA k 8 unity rigidity IFN, and A, are constant in segments: NL, a i. TEx Solution Reaction Force: )F, =0->R, =2P V IAB): 0N, =yAa 2,=3a9N, =0 (2, =2a-oh =ya 2, =8a->o, =0 ee Tee) oT VI. STATICALLY INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS ® Definition: When the numer of unknowns > number of independent equilibrium equations -» Statically Indeminate Problem * Principle of solution: equilibrium eqs. + deformation rel. eee er ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 35 ee ee) ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 36 VI. STATICALLY INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS Example 1: Draw the normal force diagram a P (a) Material 2 with EWA, Materia wih EA, VI. STATICALLY INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS SOLUTION ‘= Number of unknowns: n = 2 (reactions) > 1 eq, of Equil. — Statically Indeterminate Problem (lacking 1 equation) ‘= Equilibrium Equation: = -Ra+R-+P=0 (1) * Equation of deformations: =5,+8,= 88, RP 9 ay ‘Nguyen Thai Bidh, Ph.D. 38 ee Tee) VI. STATICALLY INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS Solving (1) & (2) + Ry & Re Pnb R, nb+a olf EA, =E,A, + n=1, Emnzy 39 VI. STATICALLY INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS - THERMAL STRESS ' Materials expand wher the temperature increases and contract when the temperature decreases. The ‘expansion or contraction due to a temperature change, for homogenous material can be calculated by: d,=albT the coefficient of thermal expansion per degree AT —temperature change ‘Nguyen Thai Binh, Ph.D. 40 ee ee) VI. STATICALLY INDETERMINATE VI. STATICALLY INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS - THERMAL STRESS PROBLEMS - THERMAL STRESS Example: A prismatic bar: section A, length L, elasticity ast + Free-Body Diagram: Fig.b modulus E, restrained at two ends. Temperature change eerie =| AT, thermal expansion coefficient a. Compute the u + Equilibrium equation: thermal stress? Re JE Ry Re =0->R,=Re=N, wat N=R,=R, + Compatibility equation: eae a A=. (N+ (aT) = a +aAT=0 ¢ |

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