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Good morning, dear teacher advisor and all you groovy HnG members! Welcome
to the coolest event in town - the 2023 Harmonica and Guitar Bands Installation.
I'm your banana emcee for the day, Iverson.

庭。各位敬爱的老师们、学长学姐们,亲爱的团员们, 大家好!欢迎大家出席2023
年公教中学口琴与吉他乐团的就职典礼 。我是今天的大会司仪,林恩儿。

But hey, before we dive into the awesomeness, let's roll out the red carpet for our
VIPs, the rockstar Form 5s! Give 'em a big round of applause, folks!


To all the teachers, students, and ex-seniors in the house, today is a day to
remember. We're here to say our sweet farewells to our Form 5 seniors. These
five years have felt like a wild rollercoaster - so long yet so short. Their memories
will be forever engraved into HnG's history. To the Form 5s, you might be leaving,
but we'll never forget the moments you brought into our lives. Big thanks to you,
Form 5s!

For all those countless hours of stress, hard work, and brainstorming for a
brighter tomorrow, we salute you once more. Today, it's party time, celebrating
our Form 5s for lighting the path to a brighter future!


Now, what's an event without some heartwarming speeches? Let's give it up for
the head teacher advisor of HnG, Pn. Chin Siew Mee, for a speech that'll knock
your socks off!


Thank you, Pn. Chin, for that awesome speech!


Next up, we've got the President of HnG 2022/2023, Jordan Lee Fur Yuan, ready
to drop some wisdom bombs. Let's give him the loudest applause ever!

紧接着,有请 2022/2023 届口琴与吉他乐团主席,李福源致辞。

Now, for the big handover, the leader for the next HnG generation, please
welcome the President of HnG 2023/2024, Ng Kai Ning, to share her thoughts
with us today!


Of course, next up the one to receive the passed baton, the one leading the next
generation of HnG, let us welcome the president of HnG 2023/2024 Ng Kai Ning
to give his speech here today!

接下来,让我们欢迎 2023/2024 届口琴与吉他乐团主席,黄凯宁前来致辞。

Thank you, Kai Ning, for the wonderful speech!

Time to get some name tags, folks! Let's welcome the outgoing and incoming
committees for this session!



President : Ng Kai Ning 4S3 ‘jordan

Vice President 1 : Denise Kua Xin Yee 4S4 ‘wilshen

Vice President 2 : Bernice Lim Earn Er 4S2 ‘cherng rou

Secretary : Beh Huey En 4S3 ‘Yi Jie, Xiao en

Asst. Secretary 1 : Loh Yan Xin 4S8 ‘Yi Jie, Xiao en

Asst. Secretary 2 : Janice Chek Li En 3A1 ‘Yi Jie, Xiao en

Treasurer : Ngai Yen Hooi 4K2 ‘zovy sookmun

Asst. Treasurer 1 : Yeoh Koay On Jyu 4S4

Asst. Treasurer 2 : Boscoe Aang Min Shyn 3A6

Head of Commander : Hong Yi Cheng 4S7 ‘zoyee anson

Asst Head of Commander : Chloe Lee Ying Yi 4S1

Trainee Commander 1 : Hong Li Thon 3A7

Trainee Commander 2 : Goo Qian Rou 3B5

Trainee Commander 3 : Tham Jes Min 3A4

Head of Maintenance and Logistics : Choo Jing Xuan 4K1 ‘zhihao

Webmaster : Chan Wie En 4K3 ‘shengze

Head of Publicity : Phuah Hui Xin 4S1 ‘ziqin

Asst Head of Publicity : Haylee Yeoh 4S7

Afternoon rep 1 (L) : Marcus Oh Chen Xi 1B7 ‘jordan

Afternoon rep 2 (P) : Ng Xing Ying 1B2


Music Master : Shuyin Arif 4S5 ‘mathias, louis

Asst. Music Master 1 : Zechariah Low Yong-Ern 4S8

Asst. Music Master 2 : Loi Yi Syuen 3A6

Asst. Music Master 3 : Lau Xin Lin 3B1

Guitar Leader : Ng Kai Ning 4S3 ‘wilshen

Asst Guitar Leader 1 : Oh Ee Jen 3A1

Asst Guitar Leader 2 : Chloe Lee Shu Wen 3A7

1st Guitar Leader : Bernice Lim Earn Er 4S2 zoyee

2nd Guitar Leader : Ian Chow Qi Yung 4K2 shengze

Bass Guitar Leader : Choo Xiu Hui 4S8 wilshen

Harmonica Leader : Lee Shu Peng 4K3 cherngrou, elaine

Asst. Harmonica Leader 1 : Samantha Tee Yan Yi 3A3

Asst. Harmonica Leader 2 : Tang Zhi Qi 3A4

Percussion Leader : Jack Teh 4K1 boonping alfred

Trainee Percussion Leader : Ng Wei Jie 3A4

And what's a farewell party without the main event – presents! Form 5s, it's your
time to shine. Line up according to your class, from K classes to S classes, left to
right. Thanks a million!

Let's also give a warm welcome to the new top 3s, who'll be handing out gifts to
our awesome Form 5s! Big love to the Form 5s and the top 3s of 2023/2024!

有请我们的Top 3代表将精心准备的礼物颁发给其他中五团员们。

Thank you to the form 5s and the top3s of 2023/2024!


Alright, everyone, let's take a breather before the next act. Be back by (time),

各位观众,在进入下一个环节之前,我们将进入第一阶段的休息时间。请大家在( )

Now, the moment we've all been waiting for - the performances! Get ready to
groove, folks! But first, are you readyyy? I said, ARE YOU READY???


I. Kicking things off, we have a drum solo that'll leave you in awe. Please
welcome Wong Boon Ping as he's gonna capture your attention with his drum
solo of "Attention" by Newjeans!

(perf 1)

B. What an electrifying start to our show! Thank you for that fantastic drum solo.
Now, you must be wondering, why do we have our sunglasses on?

I. Because the harmonious duo of Au Cherng Rou and Siau Zhe Xuan will take
our breaths away, literally, with "Love Me Like You Do." Get ready for a beautiful
(perf 2)

B. What a beautiful harmony, thank you for that soul-stirring duet. Now, what time
is it?

I. It's ( )a.m.

B. No, but it's time for our form performances! Let's start off with the 2007s'
performance. They'll be performing "Back to December" by Taylor Swift. Let's
give it up for them!

I. And us too!

(perf 3)

I. Thank you 07s. Form 5, here's a question for y'all. 如果可以,你们是否想回到

form 1相遇的那天?

B. 08年,如果可以,送给大家!

(perf 4)

B. A wonderful performance, 08s'! Thank you for sharing that beautiful song with

I. How fast time flies, with a blink of an eye, years have passed by, just like day
and night.

B. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you, "Night Changes" by the 09s.

(perf 5)

I. Thank you for that heartwarming performance. How about some singing? Well,
the 2010s are here, and they'll be singing…
B. 还记得你说家是唯一的城堡。。。

I. Bingo! "稻香" by Jay Chou. Turn on your torches, wave your phones, and

(perf 6)

B. A fantastic performance accompanied by an amazing audience! Thank you for

sharing your beautiful voices with us.

I. Are you guys tired already? Or do you wanna see one final performance before
the break? Next up, I am going to play and sing my mashup of two songs that
contrast in meaning, "Beautiful in White" and "Let Her Go." Hope y'all enjoy it!

(perf 7)

I. Thank you, everyone! Your support means the world to me. Hold your horses,
we know you've been cheering your hearts out. Time for a quick break, be back
in (time) minutes, see you soon!

B. 感谢中三团员们的精彩演出。各位观众们,现在我们将进入第二阶段的休息时
间。请大家在( )前准时回来。谢谢。

I. Hello everyone, welcome back! Seems like everyone is ready!

B. 各位嘉宾们好,欢迎回来!看来大家都已准备好了。

I. We have a fantastic duet coming up with Lim En Tong on vocals and Ian on the

B. They'll be performing "天天" by David Tao. Get ready to be enchanted!

(perf 8)

I. Masterful vocals as always! Thank you for that touching performance.

B. Next up, we have Zechariah Low and Haylee Yeoh performing a guitar duet to
"Before You Go" by Lewis Capaldi. Prepare to be amazed!

(perf 9)

I. That was a beautiful duet! Bernice, random question, what is your favourite

B. Hmm, "The Greatest Showman" is one of my favourites for sure. Have you
ever heard any songs from the movie?

I. I heard of“Rewrite the Stars" and it's a song that never gets old for me. Why
ask tho? Is it the next performance?

B. Correct! We will have Ian's small group ensemble featuring Huey En, Denise,
and Jack who will perform "Rewrite the Stars". Singalong if you can!

(perf 10)

I. Incredible teamwork, thank you for that uplifting performance. Hey, do you feel

B. I think so.

I. Well, I hope this next song is gonna help you with that, as Stephy's small group
ensemble featuring Joleen, Jayme, Angelica, and Zech will be performing,

(perf 11)

B. What a performance, thank you for keeping the energy high. Now, give it up
for our final mini-ensemble performance for today, as Yi Cheng, Huey En and Kai
Ning will be performing "后来." Get ready for a soulful performance!
(perf 12)

I. Beautiful harmonies, this definitely gave me nostalgia.

B. Up next, we have a talented individual in Chloe Lee Shu Wen with a

captivating guitar fingerstyle solo. She'll be performing "Wind Flower." Sit back,
relax and enjoy!

(perf 13)

I. That was an incredible guitar performance! Thank you for sharing your
immaculate skills with us. Now, we have seen performances from 2010s,
(applause), 2009s, (ap), 2008s, (ap), and 2007s, (ap). So, I wonder, which year
has not performed yet? (give mic to random person to answer)

B. Yes! So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our main characters for this
event, the 2006s performing, "Shut Up and Dance." So keep quiet everyone, and
dance as passionately as u can!

(perf 14)

A fantastic finish from our form 5s! Thank you for ending the show on such a high
note. Oh no, it's a wrap for the performances already? L fr. But anyways, let's
give a standing ovation to all the performers for rocking the stage today. You
guys made this show epic!

随着团员们的表演结束,我们的余兴节目环节也在此告一个 段落。感谢所有团员的
精心排练和付出,才使得今天 的节目如此精彩和陶醉不已。希望大家也喜欢团员们

Since we want to make the most of our time with our Form 5s, let's take another
quick break before we dive back into the action. We'll be back in (time) minutes,
so don't go too far!
各位观众们,现在我们将进入第三阶段的休息时间。请大家在( )前准时回来。谢

Welcome back once again everyone!


Okay, now it's game time, folks! We're passing the mic to Jing Xuan, so get ready
for some fun!


Thank you Jing Xuan, our games session ends here.



Besides the performances, we've got a special treat - a heartfelt video with tons
of love for our Form 5s. Let's all gather 'round the screen and enjoy this
heartbreaker together.


Once again, a massive thanks to everyone who made this video possible. We
hope our Form 5s felt the love and enjoyed every moment of it.

Uh-oh, it's time for the last act. But wait, we're going out with a bang! The final
session is none other than a good-old photo taking session. Everyone, follow the
instructions coming up, and let's give this event a picture-perfect ending!


Good things come and go, folks, that's life. Today's ending is just the start of
another story. But we'll keep these memories in our hearts forever. To our
beloved Form 5s, we wish you the brightest future ever, and remember, our door
is always open for you guys. The 2023 Harmonica and Guitar Band Installation
has officially ended. IT'S A WRAP, folks! Thanks for being here, and once again,
I'm your emcee, Iverson.


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