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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 1. Mr Thomas is talking to his wife:
Mr. Thomas: "I think we should repaint the living room. It's starting to look a bit dull."
Mrs. Thomas: "______. It's a big project, and we just painted it last year."
-dull (adj) : not clear,bright : tối màu
A. I don’t think so B. I can agree with you
C. It’s hard to say D. You can say that again
Question 2. Hana meets Herley at the hairdresser’s.
Hana: "Your new hairstyle looks fantastic! It really suits you."
Herley: "______."
A. "Thanks! I'm glad you like it." B. "I know, right? I was so scared."
C. "I'm not sure. It feels a bit too short. " D. "Actually, I'm not a fan of it."
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
questions from 3 to 17.
Question 3. "Among all the candidates, she gave ______ presentation at the conference."
A. more captivating B. the most captivating
C. most captivating D. the captivatingest
Question 4. Travelling to_______ countries in the world enables me to learn many interesting things.
A. differ B. different C. difference D. differently
Question 5. A large number of refugees ______ from Asia are working illegally in the city.
A. migrate B. to migrate C. migrating D. migrated
Question 6. The company is considering hiring ______ engineer specializing in renewable energy technologies
to enhance their sustainability initiatives.
-sustainability : sự chịu đựng
-initiative : sáng kiến;take the initiative : chiếm lợi thế
A. an B. the C. Ø (no article) D. a
Question 7. The company decided to ______ the complaints from customers about the new product.
-put on : đặt lên,bật lên (máy móc)
A. look into B. search for C. glance at D. put on
Question 8. The cake ______ by my grandmother, who has been perfecting her recipe for decades.
A. has baked B. is baking C. bakes D. was baked
Question 9. She doesn't mind ______ her neighbor's children, finding joy in their laughter and playfulness.
A. to babysit B. babysitting C. babysit D. to babysitting
Question 10. He can't speak Spanish fluently, ______ ?
A. does he B. doesn’t he C. can he D. can’t he
Question 11. In today's digital era, smartphones have become_____, with almost everyone owning one.
-ubiquitous (adj) : seeming to be everywhere : phổ thông,thịnh hành
A. ubiquitous B. unique C. infrequent D. anomaly
Question 12. When Peter went into the room, his friends______ a well-known song.
A. were singing B. are singing C. sing D. have sung
Question 13. The sudden resignation of the CEO ______ a period of uncertainty within the company.
-precipitate : make sth happen more than expected : gây ra (nhanh hơn dự kiến,đột ngột)
-expedite : make sth happen more quickly : làm tăng tốc
-retard : make sth slower : làm giảm tốc
-stagnate : stay the same and not grow anymore : đình trệ,trì trệ
A. precipitated B. expedited C. retarded D. stagnated
Question 14. The school library will have been repaired ______ .
A. when the next academic year came B. by the time the next academic year comes
C. after the next academic year had come D. once the next academic year will come
Question 15. The scientists introduced new farming methods which resulted in________ crops.
-bumper crop : vụ mùa bội thu
A. hard B. bumper C. wealthy D. successful
Question 16. There have been surveys to study people’s attitude towards robots, with a particular focus
______ domestic use.
A. on B. in C. to D. at
Question 17. After years of procrastination, he decided to turn ______ and commit to a more organized and
productive lifestyle.
-procastinate : trì trệ,trì hoãn,nhác làm
A. a deaf ear B. a blind eye C. over a new leaf D. the other cheek
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 18. A. compare B. receive C. discuss D. become
Question 19. A. sale B. plan C. fact D. gap
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 20. A. ‘final B. sur’prised C. ‘serious D. ‘healthy
Question 21. A. em’ployment B. ‘relative C. co’llection D. ad’vantage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22. Show enthusiasm or keenness when the job is explained to you.
A. interest B. unwillingness C. responsibility D. reluctance
Question 23. We're surprised to hear that his musical talent was nurtured by their loving parents when he was
a child.
-foster : encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings : tăng cường,thúc đẩy
-nurture : phát triển,bồi đắp
A. abandoned B. limited C. fostered D. restricted
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24. Though many parents are aware of the adverse impacts of fast food, they still allow their
children to consume it.
-adverse (adj): tiêu cực
=> adverse >< beneficial : tích cực,đem lại lợi ích
A. harmful B. outstanding C. new D. beneficial
Question 25. Despite his cautious nature, John decided to kick the bucket and take a spontaneous trip around
the world.
-kick the bucket : to die : chết
-timid : shy or nervous,without confident,easily frightened : dụt dè
A. hesitant B. adventurous C. timid D. careful
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
Vocational education plays a crucial role in preparing individuals for specific careers. One advantage of
vocational education is that it allows students to (26)______ valuable experience while studying. This practical
approach helps them develop both technical expertise and soft skills, such as communication and teamwork.
In addition, vocational programs often collaborate with (27)_______ local industries, ensuring that
curriculum remains relevant to current job market demands. This partnership provides students with
opportunities for internships and apprenticeships, (28)______ they can gain real-world experience and
establish professional connections.
Moreover, vocational education is not limited to traditional trades like carpentry or plumbing, both of which
remain essential skills. Today, it encompasses a wide range of fields, including healthcare, information
technology, and hospitality, each of (29)______ presents diverse opportunities for specialization and
advancement. Vocational training also equips individuals with practical skills.
Overall, vocational education offers a (30)______ to meaningful employment for individuals of all
backgrounds, regardless of academic achievement or socio-economic status. It equips them with the necessary
skills to succeed in their chosen profession and contribute positively to society.
-expertise : sự tinh thông
-intership : cương vị bác sĩ thực tập nội trú
-apprenticeship : cương vị học nghề (apprentice (v) : học nghề)
-encompass : include different types of things : bao gồm,chứa đựng
-detour : đường vòng
-pathway : a path (= set of actions that you take in life) : đường đời
Question 26. A. gain B. allow C. create D. make
Question 27. A. little B. some C. much D. few
Question 28. A. or B. so C. nor D. and
Question 29. A. who B. where C. when D. which
Question 30. A pavement B. detour C. pathway D. ladder
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions from 31 to 35.
The Great Outdoors
Spending time in nature offers some benefits for both physical and mental well-being. From the calming
rustle of leaves to the invigorating scent of pine, nature has a way of rejuvenating the soul.
Many people find comfort in the simplicity of outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, or simply taking
a leisurely stroll through the woods. These activities provide an opportunity to disconnect from a busy life and
reconnect with the natural world. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors can reduce stress, anxiety,
and depression. The serene beauty of nature serves as a soothing balm for the mind, offering a sense of peace
that is often elusive in today's fast-paced society.
Furthermore, outdoor activities promote physical fitness and overall health. Whether it is the challenge of
scaling a mountain or the joy of swimming in a crystal-clear lake, engaging in outdoor pursuits encourages
movement and exercise, leading to improved cardiovascular health and increased stamina. In addition to the
physical and mental benefits, spending time in nature fosters a deeper appreciation for the environment. As
individuals connect with the natural world, they develop a greater sense of responsibility and stewardship
towards protecting our planet for future generations.
Overall, the great outdoors offers a sanctuary for relaxation, rejuvenation, and reflection, reminding us of
the simple joys and wonders of the natural world.
-rustle (n) tiếng kêu xào xạc,sột soạt
-invigorating : làm cho khoan khoái,dễ chịu
-scent (n) : mùi hương tự nhiên
-pine : cây thông
-rejuvenate (v) : make sth look or feel young and energetic again : làm hồi phục,phục hồi
-serene (adj) : yên bình
-soothing (adj) : dịu dàng,êm dịu,dễ chịu
-balm : oil from tree to treat injuries or reduce pain : nhựa thơm
-elusive : difficult to find,define or achieve : hiếm có khó tìm
-scale (v) : leo trèo
-crystal-clear (adj) : extremely clear : trong vắt; very easy to understand : rõ ràng dễ hiểu
-engage in = take part in = participate in : tham gia vào
-pursuit (n) : hoạt động giải trí
-stewardship : chức vụ quản lí (steward (n) : quản lí)
-sanctuary : nơi tôn nghiêm,nơi thiêng liêng
Question 31. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. The Importance of Nature B. The Joy of Outdoor Activities
C. The Benefits of Physical Fitness D. The Serenity of Nature
Question 32. The word "rejuvenating" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to______.
A. stressful B. relaxing and refreshing C. tiring D. dangerous
Question 33. The word "they" in paragraph 3 refers to______.
A. individuals B. benefits C. activities D. pursuits
Question 34. According to the passage, all of the following are benefits of spending time outdoors EXCEPT
A. elevated stress levels B. enhanced cardiovascular health
C. alleviated anxiety D. deeper appreciation for the environment
-elevate (v) : làm gia tăng,làm tăng lên
Question 35. Which benefit is highlighted as a result of spending time in nature, according to the passage?
A. remarkably increased productivity in daily life
B. improved cardiovascular health and increased stamina
C. reducing stress, anxiety, loneliness and depression
D. enhancing outdoor and indoor living environments
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The Art of Tea Making
Tea, a beverage cherished worldwide for its soothing qualities, holds a special place in cultures across the
globe. From the tranquil tea ceremonies of Japan to the lively chai stalls of India, the art of tea making is
steeped in tradition and symbolism.
In China, the birthplace of tea, the process of tea making is elevated to an art form. Tea masters
meticulously select tea leaves, carefully considering factors such as seasonality and weather conditions. The
leaves are then skillfully dried, rolled, and fermented to unlock their full flavor potential.
Once brewed to perfection, tea is served with reverence, poured into elegant cups, often accompanied by
delicate pastries, fruits, and savory snacks. Each sip is savored slowly, allowing the drinker to fully appreciate
the subtle nuances of aroma, taste, texture, and temperature.
In Japan, tea ceremonies known as chanoyu are a reflection of harmony, respect, and tranquility. Participants
gather in serene tea rooms adorned with minimalist decor, where every element is chosen with intentionality.
The host prepares matcha, a powdered green tea, with graceful movements that border on choreography.
Guests partake in the ritual of drinking tea, observing silence as they immerse themselves in the moment.
In India, tea is more than just a beverage—it is a social ritual that brings people together. Street vendors
known as chaiwalas brew pots of spiced tea infused with ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon, creating a fragrant
concoction that warms the soul. Friends and strangers alike gather around chai stalls, engaging in lively
conversations that flow as freely as the tea itself.
Whether sipped in solitude, in the company of friends, or strangers, tea transcends cultural boundaries,
fostering connection, community, and understanding. Its simple yet profound ritual reminds us to slow down,
appreciate the present moment, and find joy in the simple pleasures of life, enhancing our overall well-being.
Question 36. The passage is mainly about______.
-beverage : thức uống
-cherish : yêu thích
-tranquil (adj) : thanh bình,yên tĩnh
-steep in : thuộc về,bao chùm là
-meticulous : cẩn thận,tỉ mỉ
-seasonality : sự biến đổi theo mùa
-tranquility (n) : sự yên bình,thanh bình
-ferment : lên men
-brew : pha (trà)
-reverence : sự tôn kính,kính trọng,tôn trọng
-elegant : đẹp
-pastry : bánh ngọt,bánh nướng,bánh bao
-savoury : ngon miệng
-savour : nhấm nháp
-subtle : tinh tế
-aroma : mùi thơm,hương vị
-reflection = sign : dấu hiệu
-be adorned with sth : được trang trí bởi
-milimalist decor : sự bày trí,trang trí nhỏ nhất
-border on choreography : gần giống với,gần với vũ điệu ba lê
-partake = take part in = engage in : tham gia vào
-observe : chứng kiến
-immerse oneself in sth : be completely involved in sth : hoàn toàn đắm chìm vào …
-infuse : ngâm lá trà
-concoction : sự pha chế
-flow : tiếp diễn
-solitude : sự ở một mình
-in the company of sb : đi cùng ai
-ritual (n) : lễ nghi
A. The cultural significance of tea making B. The health benefits of drinking tea
C. The history of tea production D. The economic impact of tea consumption
Question 37. What factors do Chinese tea masters consider when selecting tea leaves?
A. color, price and texture B. seasonality and weather conditions
C. price, color and availability D. quantity, texture and packaging
Question 38. The word "reverence in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______.
A. contempt B. respect C. indifference D. irreverence
Question 39. The word "nuances" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______.
A. distinctions B. ingredients C. tea leaves D. tea ceremonies
Question 40. The word "its" in the last paragraph refers to______.
A. tea B. friend C. joy D. solitude
Question 41. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Tea ceremonies in Japan are characterized by harmony and tranquility.
B. Tea making in China involves a precise process to unlock tea flavor.
C. Indian chai stalls serve plain tea without any additional flavors or accompaniments.
D. Tea drinking serves as a unifying cultural symbol that transcends cultural boundaries.
-unifying (adj) : thống nhất,hợp nhất
Question 42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Tea ceremonies in Japan are lively and energetic and for elites.
B. Indian chai stalls focus on serving tea without any accompaniments.
C. Tea fosters social interaction and bonding in various cultures.
D. The consumption of tea in India is primarily a solitary activity.
-accompaniment : đồ ăn/uống đi kèm
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines a pair of
sentences in the following questions from 43 to 44.
Question 43. I don't have enough money to buy a new car. I really want to buy a new car.
A. If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.
B. If I had enough money, I wouldn’t buy a new car.
C. If I had enough money, I will buy a new car.
D. If I had enough money, I won’t buy a new car.
Question 44. July told her parents about her result in the final exam. She did it on her arrival home.
A. Only after getting the result in the final exam July informed her parents of it on her arrival home.
B. Not until July told her parents that she would get good results in the final exam did she arrive at the
C. Hardly had she informed her parents about her result in the final exam when July arrived at the meeting.
D. No sooner had July arrived home than she told her parents about her result in the final exam.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions from 45 to 47.
Question 45. He bought a new suit so that he could use them for his upcoming job interview.
A. bought B. so that C. them D. upcoming
-them => it
Question 46. It would be sensitive for the government to take precautionary measures.
-precautionary : tính đề phòng,cẩn trọng
A. sensitive B. government C. precautionary D. measures
Question 47. She reads the latest issue of her favorite magazine during her commute yesterday.
-issue (n) :
A. reads B. issue C. during D. commute
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions from 48 to 50.
Question 48. It is unnecessary for you to finish the report until tomorrow afternoon.
A. You may finish the report after tomorrow afternoon.
B. You have to finish the report until tomorrow afternoon.
C. You needn't finish the report until tomorrow afternoon.
D. You shouldn't finish the report until tomorrow afternoon.
Question 49. Mrs. Brown last went on a trip to Hanoi two years ago.
A. Mrs. Brown didn't go on a trip to Hanoi two years ago.
B. Mrs. Brown hasn't gone on a trip to Hanoi for two years.
C. Mrs. Brown has gone on a trip to Hanoi for two years.
D. Mrs. Brown has two years to go on a trip to Hanoi.
Question 50. "I will apply for this position," Martin said.
A. Martin said that I won't apply for that position.
B. Martin said that I will apply for that position.
C. Martin said that he would apply for that position.
D. Martin said that he wouldn't apply for that position.

____THE END____

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