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To Whom it may concern :

Preserving culture through architecture is one form of my love and concern for
the uniqueness of global culture. When I was still an undergraduate student in
Architecture, studying the principles of architecture, of course, indirectly made
me see many architectural masterpieces designed by world architects based on
the current timeline. The splendor of architecture, the structural model to the
characteristics of each architectural style amazed me and wanted to learn more
about architecture with international styles such as eclectic architecture, gothic
architecture, Scandinavian architecture and others so that I hope that in the
future I can become an experienced architect. greats like Richard Meier, Tadao
Ando, Zaha Hadid, Pit Monrian and other world Architects. I have completed
my undergraduate studies at the Muhammadiyah University of Kendari,
engineering Faculty, majoring in architecture with the theme of modern
architecture from Piet Mondrian's thought which was integrated in the
Integrated Islamic Boarding School into my design. after graduating from
bachelor's degree with a “S.Ars” degree, I continued my studies at Brawijaya
University, Malang, East Java. At the Malang Brawijaya University, I learned a
lot about Indonesian architecture which is rich in culture. In the focus of my
research, I finally chose the theme of architectural typology in my research with
the traditional house of the Bajo tribe as the object of study.
The research process related to architectural topology that I did certainly added
to my interest for the topic. In my opinion, studying typology is a noble
endeavor in the process of identifying building characters that can express the
image value of a building. After completing my postgraduate study at Brawijaya
University, I am increasingly interested in studying architectural typology on a
wider scale, namely the global scale. I really want to study related typologies on
a multinational basis so I have a very big intention to be able to review the
building typologies of local coastal communities in New Zealand.
New Zealand is of course a very beautiful country and one of my dream
destinations as well as a place that I want to research. Beautiful expanses of
nature, amazing flora and fauna and much more. The coast that is owned by the
country of New Zealand is of course an extraordinary location. The building
typology of coastal houses in New Zealand is certainly a very interesting
research object. Therefore, it is hoped that my writing in this personal statement
will be able to represent the intent and purpose of studying at Victoria
University of Wellington to be precise in the department of architecture in the
PhD program.
Before writing this article, I had a virtual discussion with Dr. Michael Dudding
on coastal building research. He is a lecturer for the phd program at Victoria
University of Wellington who I hope will become my supervisor later. I really
want to make a big contribution to the world of architectural education,
especially to demonstrate the study of architectural typology of coastal
buildings. I really hope to be accepted to study at Victoria University of
Wellington, because in my opinion this campus is a very extraordinary place to
study architectural typology which is supported by extraordinary landscape


Ahsan Hidayat Setiadi

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