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Khlifi Ayoub(Cybersecurity/Devops Eng)
Github : | 25657910 | DoB: 13/01/1999

Student engineer specialized in cybersecurity. Autonomous, responsible and very passionate about the field
of artificial intelligence applied to security.

Professional Experience
MSK-Technologies 06/22 - 10/22
Cybersecurity Engineer

• Improved a web application security by reviewing pdf and docx files attack vectors by programming file
malware scanner with python and flask
• Generated a secure communication between end users by developing a web application applying end to
end encryption with some cryptogragraphic concept
• Prevented web application attacks by leading a web penetration test using both manual and automated

Carthage National School of Engineers 09/22 - present
Master of Research in Information & Communication Technology - M2

Carthage National School of Engineers 09/20 - present

Information Technologies Engineering Studies

Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Bizerte 09/17 - 06/20

• Mathematics-Physics Studies
• Rank : 461/1480

Software Testing 09/22 - 10/22

• Tested web microservices using black box testing and white box testing
• Automated testing with Selenium
• Performed a security testing using SonarQube as well as a performance testing using Jmeter

Research on steganography and steganalysis 06/22 - 07/22

• Illustrated steganography attacks such as LSB and conducted a research on steganalysis strategies
with Deep learning

Pentesting a web application 07/22 - 08/22

• Used static and automated pentesting

• Discovered vulnerabilities and minimized attack vectors
• Familiarized with many tools such as burpSuite, metasploit, nmap...
Bank Transaction Management 03/22 - 05/22

• Developed a desktop application for bank transaction management

• Used socket programming with python and kivvy for GUI

Email Spam Filtering model 02/22 - 03/22

• Created an email spam filtering model using naive bayes and NLP
• Obtained 96% model accuracy

Phishing Url Detection Model 01/22 - 02/22

• Worked deeply on feature engineering

Desktop Application for Hotel Management 01/21 - 03/21

• Conceived a hotel management application with UML

• Programmed it with Java, Javafx and Mysql

• Arabic, French, English, Spanish

• Cisco CCNAv7 : Introduction to Network
• Lpic 102
• Linux Server Management and Security(Coursera)
• Ultimate Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing(Udemy)
• The Complete Python Hacking(Udemy)
• Az-900: Microsoft Azure, Oracle Certified Associate
• CyberOps Associate(In progress)

Key Skills
• Problem-solving, versatility, positivity
• Network, web pentesting
• Blue teaming (Wazuh, Splunk, Volatility), red teaming (Caldera)
• Network automation : Ansible
• Devops tools : Jenkins, Chef, Docker, Vagrant, Git, Apache Kafka
• Sofware testing : Selenium, Jmeter, SonarQube
• Machine and deep learning, Computer Vision
• Cloud Computing : Azure
• Python, Flask, Django, shell scripting, C/C++, Java, MERN developer
• Web scraping(BeautifulSoup), OpenCv, SickitLearn, TensorFlow ...
• DataBase : Mysql, MongoDB, Redis

• Football
• Reading articles

Dr.Houcemeddine Hermassi - Director of the Computer Engineering DepartmentEnicarthage| University

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