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Normalization is a systematic approach of decomposing tables to

eliminate data redundancy(repetition) and undesirable
characteristics like Insertion, Update and Deletion Anomalies.

1NF(first normal form):

In this normal form we tackle the problem of atomicity. Atomicity means a

single cell cannot contain multiple values. If a table contains composite or
multi valued attribute, it violates the normal form.

In the above table we can clearly see that the subject column has two
values. Thus it violated the 1NF. Now if we apply 1NF the above table
can be converted as below

By this we have achieved atomicity.

2NF(second normal form):

The first condition in 2NF is that the table should be in 1NF, the table
also should not contain partial dependency.

Subject_id Student_id Marks Subject Teacher

405 1203 50 Computer Niraj sir
405 1325 45 Computer Niraj sir
505 1325 55 English Suraj sir

The primary key for this table is a composition of two columns which is student_id &
subject_id but the teacher and subject only depends on subject_id. This is Partial
Dependency, where an attribute in a table depends on only a part of the primary
key and not on the whole key.

The above table can be converted to 2NF as follow:

Subject_id Student_id Marks

405 1203 50

405 1325 45

505 1325 55

Subject_id Subject Teacher

405 Computer Niraj sir

505 English Suraj sir

3NF(third normal form):

Third Normal Form is an upgrade to Second Normal Form. When a table is

in the Second Normal Form and has no transitive dependency, then it is in
the Third Normal Form.

Match no Match stadium population

101` Nepal vs china Dashrat stadium 4000

105 Nepal vs india Tu stadium 5000

108 Nepal vs oman Gautam buddha 20000


In the above table match no is the primary key. The match and
stadium column depends on match no but the population column
depends on the stadium.This is Transitive Dependency. When a non-
prime attribute depends on other non-prime attributes rather than
depending upon the prime attributes or primary key.

The above table can be converted to 3NF as follow:

Match no Match stadium

101` Nepal vs china Dashrat stadium

105 Nepal vs india Tu stadium

108 Nepal vs oman Gautam buddha


stadium population

Dashrat stadium 4000

Tu stadium 5000

Gautam buddha 20000

DDL statements: (Data Definition Language)
DDL allows you to create SQL statements to make operations with database data
structures (schemas, tables etc.).
 Create
 Drop
 Alter
CREATE statement is used to create a new database or table.
Syntax: Create table table_name(
Column1 datatype,
Column2 datatype,

Example: create table student (

Roll int,
Name varchar (40)
DROP statement allows you to remove database, table, index or stored procedure.
Syntax: drop table table_name;
Example: drop table student;

ALTER is used to modify existing database data structures (database, table).
To remove column from a table.
Syntax: alter table table_name drop coumn_name;
Example: alter table student drop gpa;
DML statements (Data Manipulation Language):
DML is a Data Manipulation Language, it’s used to build SQL queries to manipulate (select,
insert, update, delete etc.) data in the database.
 Select
 Update
 Insert
 Delete
SELECT query is used to retrieve a data from SQL tables.
Syntax: select column1,column2 from table_name;
Example: select * from student;

INSERT command is used to add new rows into the database table.
Syntax: insert into table_name values ( value1, value2,….);
Example: insert into student values (1, ‘ram’);

UPDATE statement modifies records into the table.
Syntax: update table_name set column=value where condition;
Example: update student set gpa= 2.6 where roll=1;

DELETE query removes entries from the table.
Syntax: delete from table_name where condition;
Example: delete from student where roll=1;

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