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1.(A) Express each of the following statements in the percentage form :
(i) 21 eggs out of 30 are good (ii) 47 students out of 50 are present
(iii) Rs 134 out of Rs 200 is spent.
Ans. (i) 21 eggs out of 30 are good = × 100 = 7 × 10 = 70%
(ii) 47 students out of 50 are present = × 100 = 47 × 2 = 94%
134 134
(iii) Rs 134 out of Rs 200 is spent = × 100 = = 67%
200 2
65 7
(B) Express the following fractions as percents : (i) (ii)
80 5
65 65 × 5 325 1
Ans. (i) × 100 = = = 81 % or 81.25%
80 4 4 4
(ii) × 100 = 7 × 20 = 140%
(C) Express as percents : (i) 0.09 (ii) 0.032 (iii) 0.088 (iv) 0.90
9 32
Ans. (i) 0.09 = × 100 = 9% (ii) 0.032 = × 100 = 3.2%
100 1000
88 90
(iii) 0.088 = × 100 = 8.8% (iv) 0.90 = × 100 = 90%
1000 100
(D) Convert into fractions in lowest terms :
1 2 1 2
(i) 12 % (ii) 6 % (iii) 37 % (iv) 16 %
2 3 2 3
1 25 25 1 2 20 20 1
Ans. (i) 12 % = % = = (ii) 6 %= %= =
2 2 2 × 100 8 3 3 3 × 100 15
1 75 75 3 2 50 50 1
(iii) 37 % = % = = (iv) 16 % = % = =
2 2 2 × 100 8 3 3 3 × 100 6
(E) Express as decimal fractions: (i) 108% (ii) 29.2%
108 54 292 292
Ans. (i) 108% = = = 1.08 (ii) 29.2% = = = 0.292
100 50 10 × 100 1000
Class - VI Mathematics 1 Question Bank
2. (i) What percent of 95 is 19 ?
19 100
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = = 20%
95 5
(ii) What percent of 65 is 117 ?
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = 9 × 20 = 180%
(iii) What percent of 42 is 29.4 ?
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = 7 × 10 = 70%
10 × 42
3. (i) What percent is 62 P of Re 1 ?
62 p 62
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = × 100 = 62% (∵ 1 Re = 100p)
Re1 100 p
(ii) What is 16 mm of 1 cm ?
16mm 16mm
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = × 100 = 160%
1cm 10 × 1mm
(iii) What percent is 8 cm of 1 m ?
8cm 8cm
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = × 100 = 8% (1 m = 100 cm)
1m 100 m
4 . (i) What percent is 189 m of 1.05 km ?
189 m 189 1890
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = × 100 = = 18%
1.05km 1.05 ×100 m 105
(ii) What percent is 175 gm of 2.5 kg ?
175gm 175gm
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = × 100 = 7%
2.5 kg 2.5 × 100 gm
(iii) What percent is 2 minute 24 seconds of 1 hour ?
2 minute 24seconds
Ans. Required percentage = × 100
(2 × 60 + 24)seconds 144
= × 100 = × 100 = 4%
60 × 60seconds 60 × 60
3 1
(iv) What per cent is litre of 4 litres ?
4 2
3 3
litre × 100
4 4 50 2
Ans. Required percentage = × 100 = = % = 16 %
1 9 3 3
4 litres
2 2
Class - VI Mathematics 2 Question Bank
5. What is the number whose 8% is 18 ?
Ans. Let the number be ‘x’. As per condition,
8 18 × 100
8% of x = 18 ⇒ × x = 18 ⇒ x = = 9 × 25 = 225
100 8
Thus, the number is 225.
6. What is the number whose 6% is 8.1 ?
Ans. Let the number be ‘x’
6 8.1 × 100 81 × 100 810
∴ 6% of x = 8.1 ⇒ × x = 8.1 ⇒ x = = = = 135.
100 6 10 × 6 6
Thus, the number is 135,
7. What is the amount whose 12% is Rs 21 ?
Ans. Let the amount be ‘x’. As per condition, 12% of x = Rs 21
12 21 × 100
⇒ × x = 21 ⇒ x = = 7 × 25 = 175 .
100 12
Thus, the amount = Rs 175.
8. What is the length whose 16% is 36 cm ?
Ans. Let the length be ‘x’, As per condition,
16% of x = 36 cm ⇒ × x = 36
36 × 100
⇒ x= = 9 × 25 = 225
Thus, the length = 225 cm = m = 2.25 m
9. What is the number whose 12.5% is 3.5 ?
Ans. Let the number be ‘x’.
As per condition, 12.5% of x = 3.5 ⇒ × x = 3.5
3.5 × 100 35 × 100
⇒ x= ⇒ = = 7 × 4 = 28
12.5 125
Thus, the number is 28.
10. A class contains 25 children, out of which 6 are girls. What percentage of the class
are boys ?
Ans. Total number of students = 25. Number of boys = (25 – 6) = 19
Thus, percentage of boys = × 100 = 76%
Class - VI Mathematics 3 Question Bank
11. A girls gets 65 marks out of 80. What percent of marks did she get ?
Ans. Total marks = 80. Marks obtained by the girl = 65
65 325
∴ Required percentage = × 100 = = 81.25%
80 4
12. In a class test, the marks were awarded out of 80. Kamal obtained 65% marks. How
many marks did he get ?
65 520
Ans. Total marks = 80. Kamal obtained = 65% of 80 = × 80 = = 52
100 10
13. In an examination, Renu obtained 480 marks out of 750. What percentage of marks
did she get ?
Ans. Total marks = 750. Renu obtained marks = 480
480 48 × 4
Thus, percentage of marks she get = × 10 = = 64%
750 3
14. In her annual examination Geeta scored 39 marks out of 60 in English and 51 out
of 75 in Hindi. In which subject her performance was better ?
39 39 × 5
Ans. Percentage of marks in English = × 100 = = 65%
60 3
51 51× 4
Thus, percentage of marks in Hindi = × 100 = = 68%
75 3
∴ In Hindi Geeta’s performance is better.
15. In an examination, 640 students appeared. Of them, 544 passed and the rest failed.
What percentage of students failed ?
Ans. Total sutdents = 640, Passed students = 544, ∴ Failed students = 640 – 544 = 96
96 6 × 100
∴ Percentage of failed students = × 100 = % = 15%
640 40
16. In a plot of ground of area 6000 sq. mm only 4500sq. m is allowed for construc-
tion. What percent is to be left without construction?
Ans. Total area of the ground = 6000 sq. m.
Area allowed for construction = 4500 sq. m.
Area left without construction = 6,000 sq. m – 4500 sq. m = 1500 sq.m
Thus, percentage of the ground without construction = × 100 = 25%
17. The population of a small locality was 4000 in 1979 and became 4500 in 1981. By
what percent did the population increase ?
Ans. Production in year 1979 = 4000. Production in year 1981 = 4500
Class - VI Mathematics 4 Question Bank
Increase in population = (4500 – 4000) = 500
Thus, percentage of increase in population = × 100 = 12.5%
18. The price of a scooter was Rs 8000 in 1975. It reduced to Rs 6000 in 1980. By
what percent did the price of the scooter reduce ?
Ans. Original cost of scooter = Rs 8000
Reduced cost of scooter = Rs 6000
Reduction in price of scooter = Rs 8,000 – Rs 6,000 = Rs 2,000
Thus, percentage of reduction = × 100 = 25%
19. In an examination 1360 students appeared. Of them, 85% passed. How many
students failed ?
Ans. Total students = 1360. Number of students passed = 85% of 1360 =
× 1360 = 1156
Thus, failed students = 1360 – 1156 = 204.
20. A tin contained 25 litres of oil. Due to leaksage 2 litres of oil was lost. What
percentage of oil is still there in the tin ?
Ans. Total oil in the tin = 25 litres oil leak out = 2 litres. ∴ Oil left in the tin = (25 – 2)
litres = 23 litres.
Thus, percentage of oil left in tin = × 100 = 23 × 4 = 92%
21. An alloy consists of copper and zinc. It contains 64% copper and rest is zinc. Find
the quantity of copper and zinc in 425 g of this alloy ?
Ans. Total alloy = 425 gm. Quantity of copper in alloy = 64% of 425 gm
64 64 × 17
= × 425 gm = = 272 gm
100 4
Thus, quantity of zinc in alloy = (425 – 272) gm = 153 gm.
22. Mr Mehat had Rs. 25600. Out of this money, he gave 20% to his daughter, 35% to
his son. 30% to his wife and the rest he donated to a Charitable trust. How much
did he donate to the Charitable trust ?
Ans. Total money = Rs 25600. Daughter’s share = 20% of Rs 25600
= Rs × 25600 = Rs 5120.
Son’s share = 35% of Rs 25600 = Rs × 25600 = Rs 8960
Class - VI Mathematics 5 Question Bank
Wife’s share = 30% of Rs 25600 = Rs × 25600 = Rs 7680
Amount he donated to a Charitable Trust = Rs [25600 – (5120 + 8960 + 7680)]
= Rs [25600 – 21760] = Rs 3840.
23. Mr. Vasudevan was a clerk in bank. His salary was Rs 8250 per month. Now, he has
been promoted as an accountant. His salary is now Rs 9735. Find the percentage
increase in his salary.
Ans. Total salary = Rs 8250 per month. After promontion total salary = Rs 9735 per
Increase in salary = Rs (9735 – 8250) = Rs 1485
1485 99
Thus, percentage of increased in salary = × 100 = × 10 = 18%
8250 55
24. A tank holds 126 litres of water. At present, it is 35% full. How many litres of
water must be put into it so that it is 60% full ?
Ans. Let total capacity of tank = x litres
At present water in tank = 35% of x litres = × x = 126
126 × 100 126 × 20
⇒ x= = litres = 360 litres
35 7
Thus, total capacity of tank = 360 litres 60% of water in tank = 60% of 360
= × 360 litres = 216 litres
Hence required water to be put into tank = (216 – 126) litres = 90 litres
25. On a particular day, 96% students were present in a school. If the number of
obsentees on that day was 154, find the total strength of school.
Ans. Student present in school = 96%. Present age of absentees percentage = (100 –
96)% = 4%.
Let total strength of school be x, then
= 4% of x = 154
4 154 × 100
⇒ × x = 154 ⇒ x = ⇒ x = 154 × 25 = 3850
100 4
Thus strength of school = 3850.
26. In an examination, a student has to secure 48% marks to pass. If Rahul gets 247
marks and fails by 5 marks, what are the maximum marks ?
12 x
Ans. Let the maximum mark be x. Passing marks = 48% of x =
Class - VI Mathematics 6 Question Bank
12 x 12 x
As per condition, = 247 + 5 ⇒ = 252
25 25
252 × 25
x= = 21 × 25 = 525
Thus, maximum marks = 252
27. The value of a car depreciates (decreases) by 10% every year. If its present value
is Rs 18,260, what will be its value after one year ?
Ans. Present value of car = Rs 185260
Depreciates every year = 10% of Rs 185260
= Rs × 185260 = Rs 18526.
∴ Value of car after one year = Rs (185260 – 18526) = Rs 166734.
28. The price of a radio was Rs 675. Now, its price has been increased by 6%. What is
the increased price of the radio ?
Ans. Price of radio = Rs 675. Increase in price = 6% of Rs 675 = Rs × 675
3 81
= Rs × 27 = Rs = Rs 40.50
2 2
∴ Increased price of radio = Rs (675 + 40. 50) = Rs 715.50
29. The price of a cooler during last summer was quoted at Rs 2750. In off season, the
price has been reduced by 14%. What is the reduced price of the cooler ?
Ans. Price of cooler = Rs 2750
14 7
Reduction in price = 14% of Rs 2750 = Rs × 2750 = Rs × 275 = Rs 385
100 5
∴ Reduced price of cooler = Rs (2750 – 385) = Rs 2365.
30. An election was contested by two candidates A and B. In all there were 75600
voters. 80% of votes were polled. If A got 60% of total votes polled, how many
votes did B get ?
Ans. Total voters = 75600.
Votes polled = 80% of 75600 = × 75600 = 80 × 756 = 60480
Number of votes A got = 60% of 60480 = × 60480 = 6 × 6048 = 36288
Number of votes B got = 60480 – 36288 = 24192.
31. Rate of basmati rice last year was Rs 40 a kg. This year they are costler by 20%.
What is the price this year ?

Class - VI Mathematics 7 Question Bank

Ans. Rate of basmata rice = Rs 40 kg. Increase in rate = 20%
 20 
New price = 40 +  40 ×  = 40 + 8 = Rs 48 per kg.
 100 
32. A tin contains 24 litres of milk. Due to leakage, 720 ml is lost. What percent of
milk is still present in the tin ?
Ans. Total milk = 24 litre = 24 × 1000 ml. = 24000 ml. Lost milk = 720 ml.
Milk left in the tin = 24000 ml – 720 ml = 23280 ml.
23280 2328
Percentage of milk = × 100 = = 97%
24000 24
33. During October, a shop sold sarees worth Rs 1.40 lakhs. In the festival month of
November, it sold sarees worth Rs 1.68 lakhs. Find the percentage increase in the
Ans. Sale in Oct. = Rs 1.40 lakh. Sale in Nov. = Rs 1.68 lakh.
Increase in sale = 0.28 lakh
0.28 28 1
Percentage of increase in sale = × 100 = × 100 = × 100 = 20% .
1.40 140 5
34. A person having a monthly salary of Rs 3600 earns 15% raise.Find his new monthly
Ans. Original salary = Rs 3600. Increased salary
 15 
= 3600 +  3600 ×  = 3600 + 540 = Rs 4140.
 100 
35. In a student election, Rahul got 66% of the votes polled. If he got 363 votes, find
the total number of votes polled.
Ans. Let the total votes be x. Number of votes Rahul got = 363
100 33 × 100
66% of x = 363 ⇒ x = 363 × = = 550 votes.
66 6
36. The population of a village has decreased by 6%. If the original population was
3650, find the population after decrease.
Ans. Original population = 3650 Percentage of decrease in population = 6%
 6 
= 3650 –  3650 ×  = 3650 – 219 = 3431.
 100 
37. Rajesh scored 555 marks out of a total of 600 marks and Ajay scored 473 marks
out of a total of 550 marks. Whose performance is better ?
Ans. ∴ Percentage of Rajesh’s mark = × 100 = 92.5%

Class - VI Mathematics 8 Question Bank

473 473 × 2 946
Percentage of Ajay’s marks = ×100 = = = 86%
550 11 11
Thus, Rajesh has better performance.
38. 43% of the students in a school are girls. If the number of boys is 1482, find :
(i) the total strength of the school. (ii) number of girls in the school.
Ans. (i) Let total student be x-percentage of girls = 43%
Percentage of boys = 100 – 43 = 57%
Number of boys = 1482 ⇒ 57% of x = 1482
⇒ x = 1482 × = 2600
Number of girls = (2600 – 1482) = 1118
39. (i) After an increase of 20% ; a number becomes 540. Find the original number.
(ii) After a decrease of 35% ; number becomes 520. Find the original number.
20 20 x
Ans. (i) Let the number be = x. 20% increase = ×x =
100 100
20 x 100 x + 20 x
As per condtion, x + = 540 ⇒ = 540
100 100
540 × 100
120 x = 540 × 100 ⇒ x = = 90 × 5 = 450
Thus, original number = 450
35 35 x
(ii) Let the number be x. 35% decrease = ×x =
100 100
35 x 100 x – 35 x
As per condition, x – = 520 ⇒ = 520
100 100
65 x 520 × 100
= 520 ⇒ 65x = 520 × 100 ⇒ x = = 20 × 40 = 800
100 65
Thus, original number = 800.
40. A boy got 60 out of 80 in Hindi, 75 out of 90 in English and 35 out of 40 in
Arithmetic. In which subject his percentage of marks is best ?
Ans. In Hindi marks precentage of his obtained by the boy = × 100 = 75%
75 500
∴ Percentage of marks obtained by boy in English = × 100 = = 83.33%
90 6

Class - VI Mathematics 9 Question Bank

35 1
Percentage of marks obtained by boy in Arithmetic = × 100 = 87 = 87.5%
40 2
On comparing all percentage of marks in different subjects
The boy scored highest marks in Arithmetics.
41. An agent gets commission at the rate of 12 % on the business done by him. In a
particular week, he does a business of Rs 50,000, find his commmission.
1 25
Ans. Total business done by agent = Rs 50,000. Rate of commission = 12 % = %
2 2
∴ Commission of agrent = Rs 50,000 × = 250 × 25 = Rs 6250.
2 × 100
42. Out of a salary of Rs 4,500, I keep 1/3 as savings. Out of the remaining money, I
spend 50% on food and 20% on house rent. How much do I spend on food and
house rent ?
Ans. Total salary = Rs 4,500. Saving = of 4,500 = Rs 1,500
Balance salary = Rs 4,500 – Rs 1,500 = Rs 3,000
Amount spending on food = 50% of Rs 3,000 = × Rs 3,000 = Rs 1,500
Amount spend on house rent = 20% of Rs 3,000 = × Rs 3,000 = Rs 600
Thus, total amount spend on food and house rent = Rs (1,500 + 600) = Rs 2,100.

43. 20% of length of a flagpole is painted green, 45% is painted yellow and the
remaining red. If the length of the pole is 18 m, what length of it is painted red ?
Ans. Total length of pole = 18 m. Green part = 20%. Yellow part = 45%. Red part = ?
20 18
Length of pole painted green painted = 18 × = = 3.6m
100 5
45 9
Length of pole painted yellow = 18 × = 18 × = 8.1m
100 20
Hence, length of pole painted red = 18 – (3.6 + 8.1) = 18 – 11.7 = 6.3 m.
44. A grocer bought 250 eggs at 5 for Rs 8 and sold them at 2 for Rs 5. Find :
(i) the cost price of one egg ; (ii) the profit or loss on selling one egg ;
(iii) his total profits or loss on selling all the eggs.
Ans. (i) The cost price of one egg = Rs = Rs 1.60
Class - VI Mathematics 10 Question Bank
(ii) The cost price of one egg = Rs 1.60
The selling price of one egg = Rs 2.50
The profit on selling one egg = Rs 2.50 – 1.60 = Rs 0.90
(iii) The cost price of 250 eggs = Rs 250 × 1.60 = Rs 400
The selling price of 250 eggs = Rs 250 × 2.50 = 625
Profit = Rs 625 – 400 – 400 = Rs 225
45. A cloth seller purchased 80 metres of cloth for Rs 3240 and sold it at the rate of Rs
44 per metre. Find his profit or loss.
Ans. The cost price of 80 metres = Rs 3240. The selling price of 80 metres = Rs 80 × 44
= Rs 3520.
Profit = Rs 3550 – 3240 = Rs 280.
46. A fruit seller bougth 300 oranges at 6 for Rs 5 and sold them at 5 for Rs 6. Find :
(i) the cost price of all the oranges; (ii) the selling price of all the oranges;
(iii) his overall profit and profit percentage.
Ans. (i) The cost price of one orange = Rs .
The cost price of 300 orange = Rs × 300 = Rs 250
(ii) The selling price of one orange = Rs
The selling price of all the orange = Rs × 300 = Rs 360
(iii) CP of 300 orange = Rs 250. SP of 300 orange = Rs 360
Profit = S . P – C. P = Rs 360 – 250 = Rs 110
Profit percentage = × 100 = 44%
47. A dealer buys a washing machine for Rs 12500 and sells it for Rs 13500. Find his
profit and profit percentage.
Ans. Cost price of machine = Rs 12,500. Selling price of machine = Rs 13,500
Profit = S. P. – C. P. = (13,500 – 12,500) = Rs 1000
Profit 1000
Profit % = × 100 = × 100 = 8%
C.P 12,500
48. A dealer buys a motor cycle for Rs 35500 and sells it for Rs 33370. Find his loss
and loss percentage.
Ans. Cost price of motor cycle = Rs 35,500; Selling price of motor cycle = Rs 33,370
Loss = C. P. – S. P. = 35,500 – 33,370 = Rs 2130
loss 2130
Loss % = × 100 = × 100 = 6%
C.P 35500
Class - VI Mathematics 11 Question Bank
49. Mr Basu purchased 20 plastic chairs at Rs 225 per chair. He sold 12 chairs at
Rs 275 per chair and the remaining chairs at Rs 200 per chair. Find his gain or loss
Ans. Cost price of 1 chair = Rs 225; Cost of 20 chair = 225 × 20 = Rs 45500
S. P. of 12 chairs at the rate of Rs 275 per chair = 12 × 275 = Rs 3300
S. P. of 8 chairs at the rate of Rs 200 per chair = 8 × 200 = Rs 1600
Total S. P. of 20 chairs = Rs 3300 + Rs 1600 = Rs 4900
Profit = S. P. – C. P. = 4900 – 4500 = Rs 400
Profit 400 80 8
Profit% = × 100 = × 100 = =8 %
C.P. 4500 9 9
50. A shopkeeper buys three articles for Rs 375, Rs 580, and Rs 428. He is able to sell
these articles for Rs 436, Rs 635 and Rs 350 respectively. Find the gain or loss to
the shopkeeper on the whole.
Ans. C. P. of three articles = Rs 375 + Rs 580 + Rs 428 = Rs 1283
S. P of three articles = Rs 436 + Rs 635 + Rs 350 = Rs 1421
As S. P. is more than C. P. hence profit = S P – C P = Rs 1421 – Rs 1383 = Rs 38.
51. Rajesh buys an old sofa-set for Rs 1,250 and spends Rs 350 on its repairs.
(i) Find the total cost price of the sofa to Rajesh.
(ii) Find the profit or the loss made, if Rajesh is able to sell the repaired sofa-set
for Rs1,540.
Ans. (i) Total C. P. of sofa-set = cost price of sofa + money spend on repairs
= Rs 1,250 + Rs 350 = Rs 1600
(ii) S. P. = Rs 1,540. Since S. P. is less than C. P.
Loss = C. P. – S. P. = Rs 1600 – Rs 1540 = Rs 60.
52. A florish bought 240 roses at Rs 9 per dozen. If he sold all of them at Re 1 each,
what profit did he make ? What is his profit percent ?
Ans. C. P. of 1 rose = = Rs 0.75. S.P. of 1 rose = Rs 1.00
Since S. P is more than C.P, hence
Profit = S. P. – C. P. 1.00 – Rs 0.75 = Rs 0.25
Profit on sale of 1 rose = Rs 0.25
Profit on sale of 240 rose = 240 × Rs 0.25 = Rs 60.00.
Ppofit 0.25 100 1
Profit% = × 100 = × 100 = = 33 % .
C.P. 0.75 3 3
53. At rate of Rs 10 per dozen, 12 dozen eggs are bought. Two dozen eggs were
broken. They were sold at Rs 15 per dozen. What was the gain or loss percent ?
Class - VI Mathematics 12 Question Bank
Ans. C. P. of one dozen of eggs = Rs 10 C.P. of 12 dozen of eggs = Rs 10 × 12 = Rs 120
S .P. of one dozen of eggs = Rs 15
S. P. of 10 dozen (12 dozen – 2 dozen broken) = Rs 15 × 10 = Rs 150
Profit = S. P. – C. P = Rs 150 – Rs 120 = Rs 30
Profit 30
Profit % = × 100 = × 100 = 25% .
C.P. 120
54. A man purchased an iron safe for Rs 5320 and paid Rs 80 on its transportation. He
sold it for Rs 5238. Find his loss per cent.
Ans. C. P. of an iron safe = Rs 5320. Amount spend on transportation = Rs 80
Net C. P. of iron safe = Rs (5320 + 80) = Rs 5400
S . P. of iron safe = Rs 5238. Loss = Rs (5400 – 5238) = Rs 162
∴ Loss percentage = ×100 = 3%
55. A man bought a car for Rs 80000. He paid 2% of cost price to the broker and spent
Rs 3400 on the repair of car. Then, he sold it for Rs 91800. Find gain percent.
Ans. C. P. of car Rs 80000. Amount paid to broker = 2% of Rs 80000.
= × 80000 = Rs 1600
Amount spent on repair = Rs 3400. Net C. P. of car = Rs (80000 + 1600 + 3400) =
Rs 85000.
S. P. of car = Rs 91800. Gain = Rs (91800 – 85000) = Rs 6800
Gain% = × 100 = 8%
56. A grocer buys 108 eggs at Rs 25 per dozen and sells them at Rs 2.50 each. Find his
gain per cent.
Ans. The cost price of one egg = Rs
The cost price of 108 eggs = Rs × 108 = Rs 25 × 9 = Rs 225
The selling price of 108 eggs = Rs 2.50 × 108 = Rs 270
Gain = Rs 270 – 225 = Rs 45
45 45 × 4
Gain per cent = ×100 = = 20%
225 9
57. A shopkeeper bought 50 kg of one variety of wheat at the rate of Rs
14.30 per kg and 25 kg of another variety at the rate of Rs 9.80 kg.
He mixed the two varieties and sold the mixture at Rs 14.40 per kg.
Find the profit per cent earned by the trader.
Class - VI Mathematics 13 Question Bank
Ans. The cost price of one variety of wheat of 50 kg = Rs 50 × 14.30 = Rs 715
The cost price of another vadriety of wheat of 25 kg = Rs 25 × 9.80 = Rs 245
Total cost of mixture of wheat = Rs (715 + 245) = Rs 960
The selling price of mixture of wheat = Rs 75 × 14.40 = Rs 1080
Profit = Rs (1080 – 960) = Rs 120
120 100 1
Profit precent = × 100 = = 12 %
960 8 2
58. A chair is sold for Rs 437 at a loss of 8%. At what price must it be sold to gain 8% ?
Ans. S.P. of the chair = Rs 437, Loss = 8%
100 100 25
∴ C.P. of the chair = Rs × 437 = Rs × 437 = × 437 = 25 × 19 =Rs 475
100 – 8 92 23
100 + 8 108
Now, gain = 8%. ∴ S. P. of chair = Rs × 475 = Rs × 475
100 100
= 27 × 19 = Rs 513.
59. A radio is sold for Rs 1071 at a gain of 5% At what price must it be sold to gain 10%
Ans. S. P. of radio = Rs 1071, Gain = 5%
100 100
C. P. of radio = Rs × 1071 = Rs × 1071 = 20 × 51 = Rs 1020
100 + 5 105
Now, gain = 10%

S. P of the radio = Rs 100 + 10 ×1020

= Rs × 1020 = Rs 11 × 102 = Rs 1122
60. A fan is sold for Rs 1296 at a loss of 4%. At what price must it be sold it be sold
to lose 2% only ?
Ans. S. P. fan = Rs 1296, Loss = 4% ∴ C. P. of fan = Rs × 1296
100 – 4
= Rs × 1296 = Rs 1350
Now, loss = 2%
100 – 2 98
S. P. of fan = Rs × 1350 = Rs × 1350
100 100
= × 135 = 49 × 27 = Rs 1323
Class - VI Mathematics 14 Question Bank
61. A buys a transistor for Rs 425 and sells it to B at a gain of 16%. At what price did B
buy it ? If B sells it to C at a loss of 10%, what is the price paid by C ?
Ans. C.P. of transistor for A = Rs 425, gain = 6%
100 + 16 Rs 116
S.P. of transistor by A = Rs × 425 = × 425 = Rs 493
100 100
C. P. of transistor for B = Rs 493, loss = 10%
100 – 10 90 4437
S. P. of transistor by B = Rs × 493 = Rs × 493 = Rs = Rs 443.70.
100 100 10
∴ C. P of transistor for C = Rs 443.70.
62. A dialer bought two table lamps for Rs 750 each. He sold one of the lamps at 10%
gain and the other at 5% loss. Find his gain per cent on the whole transaction.
Ans. The cost price of two table lamps = Rs 750 × 2 = Rs 1500
Selling price ot the one lamp = Rs 750 + × 750 = Rs 750 + 75 = Rs 825
The selling price of the another lamp
= Rs 750 – × 750 = Rs (750 – 37.50) = Rs 712.50
Total selling price = Rs (825 + 712.50) = Rs 1537.50
Gain = Rs (1537.50 – 1500) = Rs 37.50
37.50 3750 1
Gain per cent on the whole transaction = × 100 = =2 %
1500 1500 2
63. A man borrowed Rs 12500 from a bank at the rate of 9 % per annum simple
interest. Find the amount that he has to pay at the end of 3 years, to clear off the
1 19
Ans. Hence P = Rs 12500. R = y = 9 % = %
2 2
Time = t = 3 years
12500 × 19 × 3 12500 × 19 × 3 7125
∴ S. I = Rs = Rs = Rs = Rs3562.50
100 × 2 3 2
Amount = P + S. I. = Rs (12500 + 3562.50) = Rs 16062.50.
To clear off the debt the man has to pay = Rs 16062.50 at the end of 3years,
64. A man borrowed Rs 4 lakhs from a bank at 18% per annum simple interest. At the
end of 2 years, he cleared his debt by paying Rs 4.25 lakhs and his old ear.
Calculate the market value of the old car.
Class - VI Mathematics 15 Question Bank
1 5
Ans. P = 4 lakh, R = 18% , Time = 2 years = years
2 2
P×R×T 400000 × 18 × 5
S.I = = = 1,80, 000
100 100 × 2
Amount after 2 = (4,00,000 + 1,80,000) = Rs 5,80,000.
Amount paid = Rs 4,25,000
Value of old car = Rs 5,80,000 – Rs 4, 25,000 = Rs 1,55,000.
65. Raghu borrowed Rs 10400 from a money lender at 8 % per annum simple inter-
est. After a period of 2 years 9 months, he gave Rs 8531 and a buffalo to clear off
the debt. What is the cost of the buffalo ?
1 17
Ans. Here, P = Rs 10400. R = 8 % = %
2 2
 9  3 11
Time = 2 years 9 month =  2 +  years =  2 +  years = years
 12   4 4
10400 × 17 × 11
S.I. = Rs = Rs 13 × 17 × 11 = Rs 2431
100 × 2 × 4
Amount = P + S. I. = Rs (10400 + 2431) = Rs 12831
Cost of the buffalo = Rs (12831 – 8531) = Rs 4300
66. Find the principal that will yield an interest of Rs 306 in 2 years at 9% per annum ?
Ans. Let Principal be Rs x. R = 9%, T = 2 years
P × R×T x×9× 2 9x 9x
S. I. = = = Rs ⇒ = 306 (given)
100 100 50 50
306 × 50
∴ ⇒ x= = Rs 34 × 50 = 1700
The principal = Rs 1700.
67. On what sum of money the simple interest at 8% per annum would be Rs 936 in
9 months.
9 3
Ans. Let principal be Rs x. R = 8%. T = 9 months = years = years
12 4
P × R ×T x × 8× 3 3x 3x
S. I. = = = Rs ⇒ = 936 (given)
100 100 × 4 50 50
Class - VI Mathematics 16 Question Bank
936 × 50
∴ x= = Rs 312 × 50 = 15600
Thus, sum of money = Rs 15600.
68. What sum will amount to Rs 5082 at 7% per annum in 3years ?
Ans. Let principal be x.
R = 7% = 3 years
P × R ×T x × 7× 3 21x
S. I. = = = Rs
100 100 100
Amount = P + S. I. = x +
100 x + 21x 5082
= 5082 ⇒ x = = 42 × 100 = 4200
100 121
Thus, sum of money = Rs 4200.
69. Rohan borrowed a certain sum from David at 7 % per annum simple interest.
After a period of 2years 8 months, he paid Rs 3024 to David and settled the
accounts. What sum did he borrow ?
Ans. Let the sum be Rs 100.
1 15 8
Then, P = 100. R = 7 % = % per annum, T = 2 years 8 months = 2
2 2 12
2 8
=2 =
3 3
P × R ×T  100 × 15 × 8 
∴ S.I. = = Rs.  = Rs 4 × 5 =Rs 20
100  100 × 2 × 3 
Thus, Amount = Rs. (100 + 20) = Rs 120
If the amount is Rs 120, then sum = Rs 100

 100 
If the amount is Rs 3204, then sum = Rs  × 3024  = Rs 10 × 252 = Rs 2520
 120 
Thus, the sum borrowed was Rs 2520.
70. In how many years, the simple interest on Rs 5000 will be Rs 1125 at 7 % per
annum ?
1 15
Ans. P = Rs 5000, R = 7 = % S.I. = Rs.1125
2 2
Class - VI Mathematics 17 Question Bank
S.I. × 100 1125 × 100 × 2 75 × 2
Time = = = = 3 years.
P×R 5000 × 15 50
71. At what rate per cent per annum will Rs 1640 amount to Rs 1968 in 2 years ?
1 5
Ans. Here, P = Rs 1640, A = Rs 1968, T = 2 years years
2 2
S. I = Rs (1968 – 1640) = Rs 328
100 × S .I  100 × 328 × 2 
Let the rate be R% per annum. R = =  % = 8%
P ×T  1640 × 5 
Hence, the rate of interest is 8% per annum.
72. In how many years would a sum of money double itself at 8% per annum ?
Ans. Let sum of money (P) = Rs x, Amount = Rs 2 x (given)
Rate = 8% per annum, S.I = Rs (2 x – x) = Rs x
S.I. × 100 x × 100 25 1
T= = = ∴ Time = 12 years.
P×R x ×8 2 2
73. At what rate percent per annum will a sum of money be five times of itself in 10
years ?
Ans. Let the principal be Rs 100.
Amount = 5 time of principal = 5 × 100 = Rs 500
∴ Interest = Rs 500 – Rs 100 = Rs 400. Time = 10
I ×100 400 ×100
∴ R= = = 40%
P ×T 100 ×10

Class - VI Mathematics 18 Question Bank

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