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G.R. No. 4015 August 24, 1908
ANGEL JAVELLANA, plaintiff-appellee,
JOSE LIM, ET AL., defendants-appellants.

On 26th of May, 1897, at Jaro, Jose Lim and Ceferino Domingo Lim executed and subscribed a
document in favor of Angel Javellana stating that they have received as a deposit without interest, the
sum of two thousand six hundred and eighty-six cents of pesos Fuertes, which they will return to
Javellana, jointly and severally, on the 20th of January, 1898.
However, when the obligation became due, the defendants begged Javellana for an extension of
time for payment, to which Javellana agreed. On May 15,1902, the debtors paid the sum of P1,000
pesos. However, as of November 15, 1902, the deposit had not been returned, causing losses and
damages amounting to 830 pesos since January 20, 1898. It was agreed that the deposit would bear
interest at 15% per annum from January 20, 1898, and the 1,000 pesos paid to the depositor on May 15,
1900, would be included. The interest rate would continue until the debtors returned the deposit by
delivering a sum equivalent to the amount received by them on May 20, 1897.
Angel Javellana’s attorney filed a complaint on the 30th of October, 1906, with the Court of First
Instance of Iloilo, seeking that Jose Lim and Ceferino Domingo Lim, be sentenced to jointly and severally
pay the sum of P2,686.58, with interest at the rate of 15 per cent per annum from the 20th of January,
1898, until full payment, deducting from the amount of interest due the sum of P1,102.16, and to pay
the costs of the proceedings. The complaint was amended on the 10th of January, 1907 where it was
alleged that on 26th of May, 1897, the defendants executed and subscribed a document in favor of the

Evidence was adduced by both parties and, upon their exhibits, together with an account book
having been made of record, the court below rendered judgment on the 15th of January, 1907, in favor
of the plaintiff for the recovery of the sum of P5,714.44 and costs.

Whether or not the document signed between Angel Javellana and Jose Lim was a contract of

No, the document between the parties is a contract of loan.

Article 1767 of the Civil Code provides that — “The depository cannot make use of the thing
deposited without the express permission of the depositor. Otherwise he shall be liable for losses and
Article 1768 also provides that — “When the depository has permission to make use of the thing
deposited, the contract loses the character of a deposit and becomes a loan or bailment. The
permission shall not be presumed, and its existence must be proven.

When on January 20, 1898, Jose Lim secured an extension of the time for payment, and
consented to pay interest at the rate of 15 per cent per annum from the creditor, it was because, he did
not have in his possession the amount deposited, having made use of the same in his business and for
his own profit; and the creditor, by granting them the extension, evidently confirmed the express
permission previously given to use and dispose of the amount stated as having been deposited, which,
in accordance with the loan, to all intents and purposes gratuitously, until the 20th of January, 1898, and
from that dated with interest at 15 per cent per annum until its full payment, deducting from the total
amount of interest the sum of 1,000 pesos, in accordance with the provisions of article 1173 of the Civil
Code. Such conduct on the part of the debtors is unquestionable evidence that the transaction entered
into between the interested parties was not a deposit, but a real contract of loan.

A true ratification of the original document of deposit was thus made, and not the least proof is
shown in the record that Jose Lim had ever paid the whole or any part of the capital stated in the
original document. For the reason above set forth it may be inferred that there was no renewal of the
contract deposited converted into a loan, because, the defendants received said amount by virtue of
real loan contract under the name of a deposit, since the so-called bailees were authorized to dispose of
the amount deposited, as they have done and is clearly shown.

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