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Brief Review

Postexercise Hypotension
Key Features, Mechanisms, and Clinical Significance
Michael J. Kenney, Douglas R. Seals

Recent investigations have demonstrated that there is a sustained reduction in arterial blood pressure
after a single bout of exercise, ie, postexercise hypotension (PEH). The purpose of this discussion is to
integrate the available information on this topic and to review studies using sustained stimulation of
somatic afferents in experimental rats as a model to study the role of somatic afferents in PEH. PEH
occurs in response to several types of large-muscle dynamic exercise (ie, walking, running, leg cycling, and
swimming) at submaximal intensities greater than 40% of peak aerobic capacity and exercise durations
generally between 20 and 60 minutes. PEH is observed in both normotensive and hypertensive humans
and in spontaneously hypertensive rats but is generally greater in magnitude in hypertensive subjects. The
maximal exercise-induced reductions in systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressures have been on
average 18 to 20 and 7 to 9 mm Hg, respectively, in hypertensive humans and 8 to 10 and 3 to 5 mm Hg,
respectively, in normotensive humans. PEH has been reported to persist for 2 to 4 hours under laboratory
conditions. Whether PEH is sustained for a prolonged period of time under free-living conditions remains
controversial, although the results of one study indicate that PEH can persist for up to 13 hours. Possible
mechanisms involved in mediating postexercise and poststimulation reductions in arterial blood pressure
include decreased stroke volume and cardiac output; reductions in limb vascular resistance, total
peripheral resistance, and muscle sympathetic nerve discharge; group HI somatic afferent activation;
altered baroreceptor reflex circulatory control; reduced vascular responsiveness to o-adrenergic receptor-
mediated stimulation; and activation of endogenous opioid and serotonergic systems. It appears that the
magnitude of PEH in hypertensive subjects is clinically significant; however, more investigation is
required to determine if the duration is sufficient under real-life conditions to contribute to the reduction
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in blood pressure observed with chronic exercise conditioning. (Hypertension. 1993;22:653-664.)

KEY WORDS • exercise • hypotension • blood pressure • hemodynamics

C linicians have studied exercise in the area of

hypertension for many years. Most of this
interest has focused on two issues: (1) regula-
tion of arterial blood pressure during acute exercise, ie,
whether hypertensive patients have exaggerated arterial
underlying mechanisms, and commenting on its possible
relevance in the treatment of essential hypertension.
Definition and Documentation
For purposes of this review, PEH is defined as a
blood pressure responses to exercise, and (2) the use of reduction in systolic and/or diastolic arterial blood
chronic exercise as a nonpharmacologic approach to pressure below control levels after a single bout of
lowering arterial blood pressure at rest and during daily exercise (Fig 1). PEH has been documented in anec-
physical activity. In recent years, however, clinical sci- dotal reports,13 clinical accounts,14 and experimental
entists and physiologists alike have become interested in investigations.12-15-33 Because exercise is associated with
a third component of the exercise response —the sus- activation of somatic afferents, electrical stimulation of
tained reduction of arterial blood pressure after a single the sciatic nerve and of hind limb skeletal muscles in the
bout of exercise, ie, postexercise hypotension (PEH). rat has been used to study the role of somatic afferents
In contrast to the aforementioned aspects of the in mediating PEH. In this regard, poststimulation hypo-
exercise response that have received considerable dis- tension (PSH) is defined as a reduction in systolic
cussion, 1 " insight into the key features and possible and/or diastolic arterial blood pressure below control
clinical significance of PEH remains fragmentary. levels after electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve or
Therefore, the purpose of this discussion will be to hind limb skeletal muscles (Fig 2).
integrate the available information on this topic, em- Key Features of Postexercise and
phasizing its fundamental properties, speculating on the Poststimulation Hypotension
The following factors play a role in determining the
Received February 19, 1993; accepted in revised form June 17, occurrence, pattern, and magnitude of the arterial
1993. blood pressure responses after exercise and electrical
From the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, College of stimulation.
Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, and
the Department of Kinesiology, University of Colorado, Boulder. Nature of the Exercise Stimulus
Correspondence to Michael J. Kenney, PhD, Department of
Anatomy and Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas Mode. In humans, PEH has been observed in response
State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. to several types of large-muscle dynamic exercise, includ-
654 Hypertension Vol 22, No 5 November 1993

—6-«JL Dioitolk
0 FIG 1. Line graph shows diastolic and sys-
tolic arterial blood pressures in older hyper-
-4 tensive humans recorded during 180 min-
-8 utes of recovery after treadmill exercise at
70% of maximal oxygen consumption. Note
-12 that systolic arterial blood pressure was sig-
nificantly reduced from control levels for 2
hours after the cessation of exercise. Also
z- -20 note that the magnitude and duration of the
- u postexercise reduction in diastolic are less
than those observed in systolic arterial blood
-28 pressure. Reprinted with permission from
U a.
Hagberg et al. 12
• 30 60 90 120 150 180

ing walking and running,* leg cycling,161921-26-27-30-31 and lished after acute resistance exercise in humans. In the rat,
swimming.2* Little information is available concerning the PEH is induced by voluntary running wheel exercise29 and
arterial blood pressure responses after resistance exercise forced treadmill running,25 whereas PSH is elicited by
in humans. O'Connor et al35 observed slight elevations in electrical stimulation of the gastrocnemius and biceps
systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressures immediately femoris skeletal muscles34-37 and of the sciatic nerve. 3842
after 30 minutes of upper and lower body resistance Intensity. In both humans and rats, PEH has been
exercise, with a rapid return toward preexercise control observed in response to exercise at submaximal intensities
levels during the remainder of the 2-hour postexercise between 40% and 70% of maximal oxygen consumption,
measurement period. In a second study, Hill and col- peak oxygen consumption, age-predicted maximal heart
leagues36 reported significant reductions in both systolic rate, or resting heart rate reserve.* In addition, arterial
and diastolic arterial blood pressures immediately after 11 blood pressure in humans is reduced after maximal tread-
mill and leg cycling exercise to exhaustion.19-28-30-31
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to 18 minutes of weight training exercise at 70% of

one-repetition maximum. Thereafter, systolic and diastolic The intensity of sciatic nerve stimulation used to
arterial blood pressures abruptly returned toward control elicit PSH is usually defined as a multiple of the minimal
levels but remained slightly (systolic) to moderately (dia- current required to evoke a muscle twitch.41 PSH occurs
stolic) depressed throughout a 1-hour postexercise recov- in response to sciatic nerve stimulation at current
ery period. Thus, PEH has not been conclusively estab- intensities between four and 25 times the twitch thresh-

*References 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 23, 28, 32, 33. •References 12, 13, 15-18, 20, 21-23, 25, 27, 32, 33.


: E 140-

FIG 2. Traces and plot of representative data

gUi 180
• +1 from a spontaneously hypertensive rat show
i?« 160- changes in arterial blood pressure, mean arterial
C " I blood pressure, and heart rate during and after
S • I 140- 60 minutes of electrical stimulation of the gas-
2 a. S
trocnemius muscle. Note the poststimulatory
reduction in mean arterial blood pressure, which
f 450- persisted for 15 hours. Reprinted with permis-
sion from Hoffmann and Thoren.34
5 j; 4oo-
• 2 350-


' -2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Tim* ( h )
Kenney and Seals Hypotension After Exercise 655

old.38-41 Electrical stimulation of the gastrocnemius and Collectively, these observations indicate that (1) in
biceps femoris muscles at current intensities between 3 normotensive humans and rats the peak postexercise
and 25 mA also elicits PSH.34-37 reduction in arterial blood pressure is generally less
Duration. Reductions in arterial blood pressure have than that observed in their hypertensive counterparts
been observed after a wide range of exercise durations. and (2) the magnitude of the peak exercise-induced
PEH has been reported with exercise durations as short decrease in arterial blood pressure in hypertensive rats
as 3 to 10 minutes15-24 and as long as 170 minutes,28 but is approximately equal to that observed in hypertensive
most studies have used exercise durations between 20 humans.
and 60 minutes. 12.13.15-23.25-27,29-33 P S H has been ob- Average changes in arterial pressure. Several studies
served with stimulation lasting 3039"41 and 6034-37-38 have reported average decreases in arterial blood pres-
minutes. sure during the postexercise measurement period. Be-
tween 30 and 90 minutes after moderate cycling exercise
Importance of the Subject Population in humans with mild to moderate essential hyperten-
PEH has been observed in young and middle-aged sion, Cldroux et al18 reported that the hypotensive
normotensive humans, 1516192 '- 23 - 283132 patients with response averaged —11 mm Hg for systolic and —4
borderline essential hypertension,20-26-30 and patients mm Hg for diastolic arterial blood pressures. Moreover,
with established (sustained mild to moderate) essential the reduction in pressure was maintained during the
hypertension* as well as in older subjects with essential period between 2 and 3 hours after exercise, with
hypertension.12 In contrast, several studies have re- systolic arterial blood pressure 9 mm Hg and diastolic
ported no significant change in arterial blood pressure arterial blood pressure 4 mm Hg below control values.
after a single bout of exercise in normotensive hu- In older humans with essential hypertension, systolic
mans.1718-27 Moreover, Hara and Floras22 reported that arterial blood pressure was reduced an average of 13
diastolic and mean but not systolic arterial blood pres- mm Hg from control values for 3 hours after exercise at
sures were reduced after exercise in normotensive hu- 70% maximal oxygen consumption (Fig I). 12 Mean
mans, whereas Floras et al20 reported postexercise arterial blood pressure has been reported to be reduced
reductions in systolic but not diastolic arterial blood an average of 8 mm Hg for at least 4 hours after
pressure in borderline hypertensive subjects. PEH oc- submaximal cycling exercise in borderline hypertensive
curs in both ment and women,12-18-19-26-31 indicating a humans,26 whereas Pescatello et al27 reported that sys-
lack of gender specificity. PEH is also observed in tolic arterial blood pressure was reduced an average of
spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).25-29 PSH occurs 6 mm Hg over 8.7 hours and diastolic arterial blood
in conscious34-37-38-41 and anesthetized40 SHR, conscious pressure was reduced an average of 9 mm Hg over 12.7
Wistar-Kyoto normotensive rats,41 and anesthetized hours after submaximal exercise in mildly hypertensive
prehypertensive Dahl salt-sensitive rats.39 In contrast, men (Fig 3). Mean arterial blood pressure is reduced on
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PSH is not observed in renal hypertensive38 and Dahl average 14 mm Hg for 50 minutes and 4 mm Hg for 38
salt-resistant39 rats. Because Dahl salt-sensitive rats and minutes after spontaneous wheel running in SHR and
SHR exhibit a genetic predisposition for development Wistar-Kyoto rats, respectively.29
of hypertension whereas Dahl salt-resistant and renal Time course of the response. Little information is
hypertensive rats do not, these results suggest that the available concerning the time at which the lowest re-
magnitude of PSH may be related to the genetic pre- corded levels of arterial blood pressure occur after a
disposition of the animal to hypertension.39 single bout of exercise. The results of several studies
indicate that the nadir of the postexercise systolic and
Nature of the Arterial Pressure Responses diastolic arterial blood pressure responses generally
Peak changes in arterial pressure. In studies to date, occurs within the first 60 to 70 minutes of recov-
peak exercise-induced reductions in systolic and dia- e r y 12,21,23,26,31 i n these studies the lowest recorded levels
stolic arterial blood pressures have been on average 18 of arterial blood pressure were generally followed by
to 20 and 7 to 9 mm Hg, respectively, in hypertensive increases toward control levels before measurements
humans4: and 8 to 10 and 3 to 5 mm Hg, respectively, in were stopped. In other studies it is difficult to determine
normotensive humans.15-19-21"24-27-28-31-32 Studies in bor- when the nadir of the PEH response occurred because
derline hypertensive humans have reported peak post- the first data point recorded was 30 to 60 minutes after
exercise reductions in systolic and mean arterial blood the cessation of exercise1718-20 or the last recorded data
pressures of approximately 1020-30 and 16 mm Hg,26 point was either the lowest or very nearly the lowest
respectively. In one study, SHR exhibited a peak exer- recorded value of arterial blood pressure.15-16-27-30
cise-induced reduction in mean arterial blood pressure In general, the nadir for mean arterial blood pressure
of 16 mm Hg.25 after muscle and sciatic nerve stimulation in hyperten-
In response to muscle and/or sciatic nerve stimula- sive rats ranges between 30 and 180 minutes.34-38-40-41 In
tion, the peak reduction in mean arterial blood pressure normotensive rats, the peak reduction in mean arterial
is on average 18 to 20 mm Hg in SHR34-37-38-40-41 and 7 to blood pressure has been reported to occur within 2
9 mm Hg in Wistar-Kyoto rats.41 After sciatic nerve hours after sciatic nerve stimulation.41
stimulation in prehypertensive Dahl salt-sensitive rats, Little information is available on the time course for
the peak reduction in mean arterial blood pressure is 20 reattainment of arterial blood pressure to control levels,
mm Hg.39 because few studies have continued measurements to
this standardized end point. In mildly to moderately
•References 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 27, 31-33. hypertensive humans, diastolic and mean arterial blood
tReferences 12, 13, 15, 16, 18-23, 27, 28, 31-33. pressures were reduced from control levels when the
{References 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 27, 31-33. measurements were stopped 12.7 hours after the cessa-
656 Hypertension Vol 22, No 5 November 1993

hypertensive than normotensive humans. With regard

to PSH, arterial blood pressure remains reduced from
control for 3 to 15 hours after skeletal muscle or sciatic
nerve stimulation in SHR (Fig 2).34-40-41 The length of
PSH is longer in SHR than in normotensive rats.41
Relation between the nature of the stimulus and the
magnitude of the hypotensive response. Little information
is available on the influence of exercise type, duration,
and intensity on the onset, duration, and magnitude of
PEH. In older (mean age, 64 years) humans with
essential hypertension, the magnitude and duration of
PEH are greater after treadmill exercise at 70% versus
50% of maximal aerobic capacity.12 Moreover, in SHR,
in the magnitude and duration of PEH are greater after 40
than 20 minutes of treadmill exercise at the same
intensity.25 In contrast to these observations, Pescatello
et al27 reported that PEH in mildly hypertensive men
(mean age, 44 years) was not different after leg cycling
exercise at 40% and 70% of peak oxygen uptake. Thus,
although some evidence exists to support a relation
between the magnitude and length of the hypotensive
response and the intensity and duration of the exercise
stimulus, this has not been demonstrated conclusively.
Influence of familiarization on PEH. Although it is
well established that arterial blood pressure can de-
RECOVERY crease with serial measurements in humans at rest,43-44
little information is available on a possible modulatory
10 II 12 1]
TIME (hf)
effect of this type of familiarization on the magnitude of
PEH. Kaufman et al23 recorded arterial blood pressure
FIG 3. Line graph shows systolic (SBP), mean (MAP), in two familiarization sessions before completion of an
and diastolic (DBP) arterial blood pressures recorded in experimental session involving five 10-minute treadmill
mildly hypertensive men before, during, and for approx- exercise bouts. The absolute levels of systolic and dia-
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on September 13, 2023

imately 13 hours after a single bout of cycling exercise stolic arterial blood pressure during the resting control
(EX). Note the sustained postexercise reductions in arte- periods decreased from the initial preliminary session to
rial blood pressures compared with values recorded the experimental session. They noted that the reduction
before exercise (REST). Reprinted with permission from in arterial blood pressure after exercise during the
Pescatello et al. 27 experimental session was less than that previously ob-
served by other investigators using a similar exercise
tion of exercise (Fig 3).27 Other findings have shown protocol.32 This attenuation of the PEH response may
that arterial blood pressure had not yet returned to have resulted in part from the lower level of arterial
control levels when measurements were stopped 2 to 4 blood pressure recorded in the control period before
hours after exercise in hypertensive humans.1718-2126 exercise compared with the values recorded in the initial
Hagberg et al12 reported that systolic arterial blood preliminary session. These results indicate that in some
pressure remained 12 to 19 mm Hg lower than preexer- instances familiarization with blood pressure measure-
cise values for 2 hours after exercise in older hyperten- ment can influence the magnitude of PEH measured
sive humans (Fig 1). In the same subjects, diastolic under laboratory conditions.
arterial blood pressure returned to control values ap-
proximately 75 minutes after cessation of exercise (Fig Mechanisms Underlying Postexercise and
1). During the second half hour after graded leg cycling Poststimulation Hypotension
exercise to exhaustion, Somers et al31 reported signifi- In this section, we review potential mechanisms by
cant reductions in systolic and diastolic arterial blood which exercise and somatic afferent stimulation may
pressures in both hypertensive and normotensive sub- induce sustained reductions in arterial blood pressure.
jects. However, by 2 hours after exercise arterial blood
pressure had returned to control values. Kaufman et al23 Efferent Mechanisms
reported that diastolic but not systolic arterial blood Systemic and regional hemodynamics. Because arterial
pressure returned to control levels by 60 minutes after blood pressure is a function of the product of cardiac
exercise in normotensive and hypertensive humans. In output and total peripheral resistance, reductions in
two other studies, PEH in normotensive humans has arterial blood pressure observed after exercise and
been reported to persist for approximately 90 to 100 electrical stimulation of somatic and muscle afferents
minutes.21-22 must result from decreases in cardiac output, total
Taken together, these observations indicate that PEH peripheral resistance, or both. To date, however, the
persists anywhere from approximately 1 to 12 hours or experimental findings concerning the regional and sys-
longer in hypertensive humans. Moreover, it appears temic hemodynamic adjustments responsible for PEH
that the length of the PEH response is longer in have been inconsistent.
Kenney and Seals Hypotension After Exercise 657

Forearm vascular resistance15 and total peripheral

resistance12 have been reported to be significantly in-
creased compared with control values after intermittent
submaximal treadmill exercise in hypertensive humans.
In older subjects with essential hypertension, the in-
crease in total peripheral resistance was associated with
a significant reduction in cardiac output.12 Because
heart rate generally remained either above or un-
changed from control values after exercise, the reduc-
tion in cardiac output was primarily mediated by a
decrease in stroke volume.12 Neither reductions in •?
cardiac preload nor increases in cardiac afterload could
account for the reduced stroke volume, suggesting that
alterations in myocardial contractility may have contrib-
uted to this hypotensive response. In this regard, de-
creased left ventricular systolic function after prolonged xo-
exercise has been documented in healthy humans.28
After treadmill exercise in SHR, vascular resistance in
the iliac, superior mesenteric, and renal beds was not 100-
markedly changed from control levels, whereas heart
rate was significantly reduced.25 It is not known if this
/ ?
bradycardic response is associated with a reduction in
cardiac output. I
In contrast to these observations, Coats and cowork-
ers19 reported significant increases in heart rate and
cardiac output and decreases in arterial blood pressure
JO K » M 10 (0
and total peripheral resistance after maximal leg cycle
ergometry in normotensive humans. The increase in HYPERTENSIVES NOMiOTCNSVU
cardiac output was mediated by the sustained tachycar- OtfnmnwM
dia, as stroke volume remained unchanged from control
levels after exercise. The reduction in total peripheral FIG 4. Plots show forearm vascular resistance (FVR) and
resistance involved vasodilation in the nonactive limbs, hand vascular resistance (HVR) recorded in hypertensive
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on September 13, 2023

as forearm vascular resistance was significantly reduced and normotensive subjects at 30, 60, and 90 minutes
after exercise. Consistent with these observations, Cle- after either exercise at 50% of peak oxygen uptake for 30
roux et al18 reported decreases in arterial blood pres- minutes (AFTER EXERCISE) or a 30-minute rest period
sure, total peripheral resistance, and forearm vascular (CONTROL). Note that FVR remained reduced from con-
resistance (Fig 4) and increases in cardiac output, heart trol levels for at least 90 minutes after exercise in hyper-
rate, and stroke volume after bicycle exercise at 50% of tensive subjects. In contrast, FVR remained at control
peak oxygen uptake in humans with mild to moderate levels after exercise in normotensive subjects. Reprinted
hypertension. Reductions in mean arterial blood pres- with permission from Cleroux et al. 18
sure and total peripheral resistance also have been
observed for at least 4 hours after submaximal exercise
in borderline hypertensive humans.26 Moreover, Hara seated rest12 rather than supine as in several other
and Floras22 recently reported reductions in diastolic studies that observed the opposite relation.1819-22
and mean arterial blood pressures, calf vascular resis- Cleroux et al18 believe that the experimental design of
tance, and total peripheral resistance and tachycardia- several studies may have influenced postexercise hemo-
mediated increases in cardiac output after submaximal dynamic alterations. In the studies by Bennett et al15
treadmill exercise in normotensive humans. and Hagberg and coworkers,12 baseline measurements
It is not clear what accounts for the inconsistent were established over a brief period of time immediately
hemodynamic changes observed after a single bout of before exercise. C16roux et al18 suggest that the preex-
exercise. It does not appear to be solely an influence of ercise cardiac output and forearm blood flow values
exercise intensity, as variable changes in both cardiac reported in these studies are relatively high because of
output and systemic vascular resistance have been re- either the anticipation of the impending bout of exercise
ported after moderate intensities of dynamic exer- or the stress of being in an unfamiliar laboratory setting;
cise.12171822-26 Moreover, there appear to be no consis- thus, the "artificially" higher preexercise values could
tent relations among the observed hemodynamic mask postexercise increases in these variables. In their
changes and the exercise mode and duration. The own study,18 they compared hemodynamics after exer-
subject population involved could play a role, as older cise to those of a nonexercise control period completed
subjects with essential hypertension demonstrate post- on a separate day. However, differences in experimental
exercise reductions in cardiac output and increases in design may not account for all the observed variances
total peripheral resistance.12 Body position also may among studies, as Coats et al19 reported no significant
contribute to the differences observed in postexercise differences in arterial blood pressure, cardiac index,
systemic hemodynamics; the study that reported de- forearm vascular resistance, or systemic vascular resis-
creased cardiac output and increased total peripheral tance during a control period immediately before exer-
resistance after exercise evaluated subjects during cise compared with a control session completed on a
658 Hypertension Vol 22, No 5 November 1993

Control 60 Mln Alter Exercise

Mean Voltage
ol SNA


Blood Praiiure 1W90 120/88

(mm Hg)

10 «
FIG 5. Original tracing shows muscle sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) and electrocardiogram (EKG) before (Control)
and 60 minutes after treadmill exercise in borderline hypertensive subjects. The level of arterial blood pressure during
control and after exercise is listed below the EKG tracing. Note that SNA and arterial blood pressure were lower 60
minutes after exercise compared with control levels. Reprinted with permission from Floras et al. 20

separate day. It is clear that additional data are needed tensive, hypertensive, and mildly hypertensive humans,
to define more completely the nature of the systemic respectively.
and regional hemodynamic alterations mediating PEH, In normotensive humans, Hara and Floras22 reported
as well as the role of differing methodology in deter- that diastolic and mean arterial blood pressures were
mining the nature of these responses. reduced, whereas muscle sympathetic nerve activity and
The results of several studies suggest that reductions plasma norepinephrine levels remained unchanged
in plasma volume are not necessary to observe PEH. from control levels after submaximal exercise, suggest-
C16roux et al 1718 reported that, in hypertensive humans ing that PEH can occur in normotensive humans in the
after cycling exercise at 50% of maximal oxygen uptake, absence of reductions in sympathetic nerve activity.
arterial blood pressure was reduced, whereas plasma Humoral and local factors. Circulating hormones, lo-
volume remained unchanged from control values. In cal metabolic factors, or both may play a role in
subjects 60 minutes after treadmill exercise at approxi- mediating PEH. Unfortunately, the studies to date have
mately 70% of maximal heart rate, Kaufman et al23 and not provided information that clarifies the influence of
Hara and Floras22 reported reductions in systolic and these mechanisms on PEH.
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on September 13, 2023

diastolic arterial blood pressures, respectively, without Plasma concentrations of epinephrine have been re-
significant changes in plasma volume. In older humans ported to be unchanged33 and increased18 after exercise
with essential hypertension, plasma volume remained that elicits PEH. PEH is observed after /3-receptor
slightly increased from control for 1 hour after exercise antagonism with epanolol and atenolol,33 suggesting
at 50% of maximal aerobic capacity and was reduced on that /J-adrenergic receptor-mediated vasodilation does
average 4% for 3 hours after exercise at 70% of maximal not play a key role in this response. Mean plasma
aerobic capacity.12 However, systolic arterial blood vasopressin levels have been reported to be unchanged26
pressure was reduced from control levels after both and increased33 after exercise that elicits PEH. Al-
intensities of exercise. Moreover, plasma volume was though vasopressin produces vasoconstriction of iso-
reduced a similar magnitude in control subjects after 4 lated arterial segments in vitro,45 the increase in arterial
hours of sitting, whereas systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure after vasopressin administration in intact
blood pressures remained unchanged from control lev- animals is less than expected.46 In this regard, vasopres-
els. Taken together, these results suggest that reduc- sin has been reported to sensitize the arterial barore-
tions in plasma volume appear not to play a key role in ceptor reflex, increase forearm blood flow, and decrease
PEH. forearm vascular resistance.4749 Whether vasopressin
Sympathetic nerve activity. The results of several stud- plays a role in PEH has not been determined.
ies indicate that inhibition of basal sympathetic nerve Other humoral factors may also play a role in PEH.
discharge may contribute to PEH and PSH in hyperten- For example, acute exercise increases plasma levels of
sive populations. Floras et al20 reported significant immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide,50-51 which has
reductions (10 mm Hg) in systolic arterial blood pres- potent local vasodilator effects and can induce de-
sure and muscle sympathetic nerve activity in border- creases in arterial blood pressure.52 However, Hara and
line hypertensive subjects 60 minutes after treadmill Floras22 reported reductions in diastolic and mean
exercise (Fig 5). Moreover, simultaneous reductions in arterial blood pressures after submaximal exercise in
arterial blood pressure and sympathetic nerve discharge normotensive subjects despite the fact that plasma
(renal and splanchnic) have been observed after pro- levels of atrial natriuretic peptide were reduced com-
longed sciatic nerve stimulation in SHR4041 and prehy- pared with control levels.
pertensive Dahl salt-sensitive rats.39 The results of Endothelium-derived relaxing factor is an endoge-
studies using plasma levels of norepinephrine as an nous vasodilator released by the vascular endotheli-
indirect measure of sympathetic nerve activity have u m 53-56 i t j s a powerful vasodilator agent that plays a
been inconsistent, as postexercise plasma levels have role in the vascular relaxation produced by acetylcho-
been reported to be slightly increased,26 unchanged,33 line and other endothelium-dependent vasodilators
and reduced18 from control values in borderline hyper- such as bradykinin, histamine, and substance P.53-56 The
Kenney and Seals Hypotension After Exercise 659

chemical mediator of endothelium-derived relaxing fac- cles is also of neurogenic origin, as this response is
tor is nitric oxide.54 Moncada et al55 have proposed that eliminated if the sciatic nerve has been anesthetized
there is a nitric oxide-dependent tone in the cardiovas- before the onset of stimulation.34
cular system that plays a role in the regulation of arterial Sustained stimulation of muscle afferents during ex-
blood pressure. Mechanical factors associated with in- ercise is well established. Contracting skeletal muscle
creased arterial blood flow are thought to be one stimulates both mechanoreceptor and metaboreceptor
possible mechanism by which these substances are (chemosensitive) sensory afferents.6264 Studies in anes-
released from the endothelium.55 It is possible that the thetized cats have established that static and rhythmic
hyperemia associated with physical exercise stimulates contractions of cat hind limb muscles reflexly increase
their release, and this may contribute to the vasodilation arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and renal sympa-
of skeletal muscle during and possibly after exercise. thetic nerve activity.6569 Substantial evidence indicates
Reduced vascular responsiveness to adrenergic re- that these responses are mediated by stimulation of
ceptor activation may also play a role in PEH. Howard group HI and IV muscle afferents.677°-72 Whether stim-
and DiCarlo37 measured changes in rabbit iliac blood ulation of muscle afferents contributes to PEH has not
flow velocity induced by bolus injections of the a-adren- been established. However, dynamic exercise and elec-
ergic receptor agonist phenylephrine during control trical stimulation of somatic afferents are known to
conditions and after a single bout of treadmill exercise. produce a number of similar responses, including (1)
The reduction in iliac blood flow velocity at the same sustained increases in arterial pressure and heart
dose of phenylephrine was attenuated after exercise rate, 394164 (2) postcontraction/stimulation reductions in
compared with nonexercise control days, suggesting that arterial pressure,* and (3) an increase in pain thresh-
the ability of the hind limb vasculature to constrict in old.7375 Collectively, these observations suggest that
response to activation of a-adrenergic receptors is re- exercise-induced stimulation of muscle afferents may
duced after acute exercise in conscious rabbits. Phenyle- play a role in PEH. If so, it is not clear whether this
phrine-induced alterations in iliac blood flow velocity effect is mediated by a sustained activation of these
were obtained without changes in mean arterial pres- afferents during the postexercise period or, alterna-
sure or heart rate as the hind limb was functionally tively, by a decrease in afferent activity on cessation of
isolated. This allowed for evaluation of the direct effects exercise.
of acute exercise on vascular function without eliciting Baroreceptor afferent stimulation. The rise in arterial
baroreceptor reflex-mediated changes in arterial pres- blood pressure above resting levels during short-term
sure. Recent data from the same laboratory indicate exercise is thought to be mediated by an upward reset-
that acute exercise also attenuates phenylephrine-in- ting of the baroreceptor reflex operating (set) point.7677
duced contraction of rabbit isolated aortic rings.58 The One current hypothesis is that central command causes
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on September 13, 2023

fact that after acute exercise hind limb vascular respon- this via a direct effect on the medullary areas involved in
siveness to a-adrenergic receptor activation is attenuat- baroreceptor reflex control.78 It is unclear whether the
ed57-58 and muscle sympathetic nerve activity has been converse of this, ie, a downward resetting of the barore-
reported to be reduced20 suggests that both local and ceptor reflex at the cessation of exercise, could be
neural alterations in skeletal muscle may contribute to involved in mediating PEH. The removal of central
PEH. command and/or other central inputs at the offset of
Two metabolic factors proposed to be involved in the exercise should cause the operating point for arterial
local control of skeletal muscle blood flow during exer- pressure to return to resting levels. However, the mech-
cise are the potassium ion and adenosine,59 both of anism by which these resting levels could be perceived
which produce vasodilation.60-61 Whether the potassium as inappropriately high, thus resulting in further lower-
ion plays a role in PEH is not clear. Mean plasma levels ing of pressure (PEH), is not as obvious. Nevertheless,
of potassium have been reported to be unchanged25 and a downward resetting of the set point for baroreceptor
increased33 after submaximal exercise that elicits PEH. reflex control of blood pressure remains a possible
Moreover, plasma potassium was unchanged compared factor in PEH.
with prestimulation control levels at 15 and 180 minutes Cleroux et al17 reported that the stimulus-response
after cessation of electric muscle stimulation in the hind relation between central venous pressure (stimulus for
limb of the SHR that produced PSH.34 A possible cardiopulmonary baroreceptors) and forearm vascular
influence of adenosine in mediating PEH has not been resistance was shifted downward to lower forearm vas-
determined. cular resistance at a given level of central venous
It is clear that additional studies are needed to define pressure after exercise compared with control condi-
more completely a role for various humoral and local tions. This apparent alteration in baroreceptor reflex
factors in mediating PEH. regulation of forearm vascular resistance was observed
in hypertensive but not normotensive subjects and was
Peripheral Afferent Mechanisms primarily due to changes in the control of skeletal
Somatic afferent stimulation. Somatic afferents are muscle blood flow. These results raise the possibility
involved in mediating PSH because this response is that exercise-induced modulation of the baroreceptor
elicited by electrical stimulation of the cut, central end reflex control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity may
of the sciatic nerve in anesthetized rats,39 whereas PSH affect skeletal muscle vascular resistance after exercise
is not observed after sham sciatic nerve stimulation.39 in hypertensive subjects.
Stimulation parameters that activate predominantly Several other observations are consistent with the
A-delta (or group III) afferent fibers appear to mediate fact that PEH is associated with altered baroreceptor
this effect.41 The hypotension observed in response to
direct electrical stimulation of hind limb skeletal mus- 'References 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 29, 31, 32, 39, 41.
660 Hypertension Vol 22, No 5 November 1993

reflex control of the circulation. For example, barore-

ceptor reflex control of heart rate has been reported to MAP
be enhanced after a short-term bout of maximal exercise
in normotensive79 and borderline hypertensive30 hu- BP

mans. With regard to regulation of regional blood flow,

Bennett et al15 reported potentiated forearm vascular HR
400 ,-
resistance responses to lower body negative pressure bMtl/Mn

(cardiopulmonary baroreceptor unloading) in hyperten- SOC*

5 mm
sive subjects after compared with before a single bout of
exercise. It is unclear, however, exactly how these FIG 6. Tracings show mean arterial pressure (MAP),
changes in baroreceptor reflex control of the circulation pulsatile blood pressure (BP), and heart rate (HR) from a
may contribute to PEH. spontaneously hypertensive rat during control before
Thermoreflexes. Exercise increases metabolic heat sciatic nerve stimulation (A) and 2.5 hours after cessation
production and internal body temperature. In humans, of sciatic nerve stimulation (B). Note the marked reduc-
eccrine sweating and active vasodilation of cutaneous tion in arterial blood pressure after stimulation compared
blood vessels are the two primary effector mechanisms with control levels. Also note reversal of the stimulation-
for dissipating heat under conditions of thermal stress.80 induced depressor response by naloxone administered
Because activation of these mechanisms increases cuta- intravenously (B). Reprinted with permission from Yao et
neous vascular conductance, decreases systemic vascu- al. 41
lar resistance, and thus can reduce arterial blood pres-
sure, thermally induced physiological adjustments may
Poststimulation reductions in arterial blood pressure
contribute to PEH.
in SHR are reversed toward control levels after admin-
As stated previously, several studies have reported istration of high doses of naloxone, an opioid receptor
parallel decreases in arterial blood pressure and fore- antagonist with a high affinity for /i-receptors (Fig
arm vascular resistance after exercise,1819 suggesting 6),40'41 whereas pretreatment with naloxone prevents
that hemodynamic changes in forearm muscle or skin or the development of PSH.4042 These findings suggest that
both may contribute to PEH. Sustained increases in endogenous opioid systems are involved in mediating
blood flow to forearm skin would provide evidence PSH. However, because high doses of naloxone can
indicating that thermoregulatory vasodilation plays a antagonize 5- and K-receptors as well as ^-receptors,84
role in PEH. In this regard, hand (primarily skin tissue) these results do not indicate which opioid receptors play
vascular resistance is significantly reduced after submax- a role in mediating PSH. In this regard, Hoffmann et
imal exercise in hypertensive and normotensive humans al37 reported that selective antagonism of opioid K-re-
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on September 13, 2023

(Fig 4).18 However, because forearm skin blood flow is ceptors completely reversed PSH in SHR, whereas the
under different regulatory control than hand blood flow, depressor response was partially reversed by antago-
changes in the latter may not provide useful information nism of opioid 5-receptors. In contrast, PSH was not
concerning regulation of blood flow to forearm skin.18 affected by the selective antagonism of opioid ^.-recep-
Moreover, as emphasized by Cldroux et al,18 if alter- tors.37 These findings indicate that opioid K- and to
ations in hand blood flow were reflected in forearm some extent 5-receptors are involved in mediating PSH
hemodynamic changes, it would be expected that fore- in SHR.37
arm vascular resistance should be lower immediately
after exercise compared with time points further re- It has been postulated that sustained somatic afferent
moved from the cessation of exercise (ie, when body stimulation induces activation of central endogenous
temperature has returned to control levels). However, opioid systems, which in turn produce sympathoinhibi-
this was not the case in their hypertensive subjects, as tion.85 This inhibitory influence may be masked during
reductions in forearm vascular resistance were not exercise by the sympathoexcitatory influences of central
significantly different at 30, 60, and 90 minutes after command and peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation.85
exercise (Fig 4). In addition, PEH occurs in response to However, once exercise is completed, the physiological
moderate exercise with durations as short as 3 to 10 effects of sustained activation of endogenous opioid
minutes.13-24 Taken together, these findings suggest that systems may predominate and produce hypotensive and
PEH is not necessarily associated with thermoregula- sympathoinhibitory responses.85 In this regard, plasma
tory vasodilation. levels of /3-endorphin have been reported to be in-
creased after exercise in humans,86-88 and increased
Central Mechanisms levels of /3-endorphin in the brain89 and cerebrospinal
Endogenous opioid pathways. Endogenous opioids are fluid90 have been reported after exercise in rats. More-
thought to play an important role in cardiovascular over, alterations in opioid receptor occupancy have
regulation.81 The opioids are generally classified into been demonstrated in specific areas of the brain after
three groups: endorphins, enkephalins, and dynor- exercise in experimental rats.91 PEH is attenuated in
phins.82 Moreover, there are three widely accepted SHR by the administration of naloxone.29 However, the
opioid receptor types referred to as \i-, 5-, and /c-recep- involvement of endogenous opioids in mediating reduc-
tors.83 The precise relation among these opioids and tions in arterial pressure after submaximal exercise in
receptors is not well understood; however, there is some normotensive humans is equivocal. Boone et al16 re-
degree of specificity.83 For example, /3-endorphin has ported that naloxone administration transiently re-
been shown to bind selectively to /x- and 5-receptors, versed reductions in systolic and mean arterial blood
whereas dynorphin A and [leujenkephalin have affinity pressures, whereas Hara and Floras22 reported that the
for K- and 5-receptors, respectively.83 administration of naloxone did not prevent postexercise
Kenney and Seals Hypotension After Exercise 661

reductions in diastolic and mean arterial blood emphasize that most human investigations have docu-
pressures. mented PEH only under quiet resting conditions in the
These observations suggest that activation of endog- laboratory. This is obviously not the case in real life.
enous opioid pathways can contribute to PEH in nor- The question of whether postexercise reductions in
motensive humans and hypertensive rats. Because the arterial blood pressure are sustained for a prolonged
magnitude of the PEH response is greater in hyperten- period of time under free-living conditions has been
sive than normotensive humans, it is tempting to spec- addressed in two recent studies.27-31
ulate that opioid receptor blockade may produce a Somers and colleagues31 determined the effects of
greater effect on PEH in hypertensive humans. incremental leg cycling exercise to exhaustion on PEH
Central serotonin. Central serotonergic mechanisms in 12 normotensive and 12 borderline or mildly hyper-
have been implicated in mediating PSH. Pretreatment tensive men and women. PEH was documented under
with /7ara-chlorophenylalanine methyl ester-HCl, a resting conditions in the laboratory in both groups. The
tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor, abolishes PSH in subjects then were sent home and recorded their own
SHR.42 Furthermore, administration of the serotonin blood pressures for a period of 8 to 12 hours. The same
precursor 5-hydroxy-DL-tryptophan before sciatic nerve procedure was repeated on a nonexercise control day.
stimulation augments the poststimulatory reduction in The levels of arterial blood pressure recorded at home
arterial blood pressure.42 The mechanism by which were not different on the exercise and control days in
serotonin might contribute to PSH is unknown. either the hypertensive or the normotensive subjects,
indicating no sustained effect of the acute exercise
Clinical Significance under normal living conditions.
An important issue is whether PEH is simply an
In marked contrast to these results, Pescatello and
interesting short-term physiological phenomenon or
colleagues27 documented a prolonged hypotension after
might be an important factor in the blood pressure-
lowering effect of chronic exercise. To contribute to the a single bout of submaximal exercise in hypertensive
sustained lowering of arterial blood pressure observed subjects. Six normotensive men and six mildly hyperten-
with regular exercise, PEH must be sustained at a sive men cycled for 30 minutes at 40% and 70% of peak
sufficient level for a sufficient duration throughout the oxygen uptake. Arterial blood pressure was lower at rest
day. If this were the case, an acute bout of exercise, in the laboratory after compared with before exercise in
repeated regularly, might be an important nonpharma- hypertensive but not normotensive men. Blood pressure
cologic tool in the control of hypertension. To deter- recorded outside the laboratory with an automated
mine whether PEH has potential clinical implications, ambulatory monitor for 13 hours remained significantly
at least three important questions must be answered. below preexercise baseline levels in the hypertensive
subjects (Fig 3). Moreover, the average levels of arterial
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on September 13, 2023

First, is the PEH response of sufficient magnitude to be

considered clinically significant? Second, is the duration blood pressure were significantly lower over this 13-
of the hypotensive response sufficient to lower daily hour period after exercise compared with the same
mean arterial blood pressure? Third, is the hypotension period on a nonexercise control day.
evoked and sustained under conditions of normal daily The two most obvious differences between the studies
living (ie, outside of the laboratory)? are the methods of outside-the-laboratory blood pres-
The peak exercise-induced reductions in systolic and sure measurements and the nature of the exercise
diastolic arterial blood pressures calculated in this arti- stimulus. Concerning the latter, it has been reported
cle, 18 to 20 and 7 to 9 mm Hg, respectively, would likely that chronically performed low- to moderate-intensity
be considered clinically significant for hypertensive hu- exercise has a blood pressure-lowering effect, whereas
mans. Reductions in arterial blood pressure of approx- higher intensity exercise has a lesser effect, no influ-
imately the same magnitude are associated with a ence, or actually produces a "hypertensive" ef-
reduced risk for stroke and certain other forms of fect.3-4"100 If true, it is possible that the apparent
cardiovascular disease.9293 Thus, one of the criteria for discrepancies between the results of the above two
therapeutic efficacy appears to be satisfied. studies27-31 could be explained by this factor.
On the other hand, although PEH has been consis- Thus, the available experimental evidence is equivo-
tently documented for 2 to 3 hours, the average duration cal as to whether PEH is sustained for a prolonged
of the hypotensive response remains to be determined. period of time under normal living conditions. Addi-
Many studies have not reported data on the time course tional investigations in which ambulatory arterial blood
for reattainment of control values. One report27 indi- pressure recordings are performed outside the labora-
cates that PEH may be sustained for at least 13 hours, tory for 24 to 48 hours after acute exercise will be
with diastolic and mean arterial blood pressures still needed to answer this question. In these studies, the
remaining depressed at the end of this period. However, nature of the exercise stimulus should be carefully
this duration of PEH was not confirmed in a recent controlled; low- to moderate- versus high-intensity ex-
investigation31 (see below). For a single session of ercise should be examined as well as several modes of
exercise, repeated daily, to contribute to a sustained exercise commonly performed in daily life (eg, leg
antihypertensive effect, arterial blood pressure would cycling versus walking or jogging). If arterial blood
have to remain depressed for most of the subsequent 24 pressure can be shown to remain depressed for this
hours after exercise. period of time, one might reasonably conclude that the
Finally, it is well established that the absolute levels sustained blood pressure-lowering effects of physical
and behavior of arterial blood pressure are influenced training could, at least in part, be mediated by the
significantly by the environment in which the measure- hypotensive effects of single bouts of exercise repeated
ments are made.4496"98 In this context, it is important to on a regular basis.
662 Hypertension Vol 22, No 5 November 1993

Possible Mechanisms Mediating Postexerclse Hypotension in Human Subjects for Which There Is
Some Experimental Support

Mechanism Reference
Decreased stroke volume and cardiac output 12
Decreased limb (skin and/or skeletal muscle) vascular resistance 18,19,22
Decreased total peripheral resistance 18,19,22,26
Reduced sympathetic nerve discharge 20,39-41
Reduced vascular responsiveness to a-adrenergic receptor-mediated stimulation 57,58
Group III muscle afferents 34,38-41
Modulation of baroreceptor reflex control of vascular resistance 17
Endogenous opioid and serotonergic systems 16,29,37,40-42

Summary and Conclusions tension. The reduction in cardiac output was primarily
The experimental findings reviewed here indicate mediated by a decrease in stroke volume. Neither reduc-
that PEH is observed in normotensive humans, patients tions in cardiac preload nor increases in cardiac afterload
with borderline essential hypertension, and patients could account for the reduced stroke volume, suggesting
with established essential hypertension as well as in that alterations in myocardial contractility may contribute
SHR. PEH occurs in response to several types of to PEH. Sustained decreases in limb (forearm and calf)
large-muscle dynamic exercise (eg, walking, running, vascular and total peripheral resistances have been re-
cycling, and swimming) at intensities between 40% and ported more consistently after exercise in normotensive
70% of maximal oxygen consumption as well as after and hypertensive subjects. These observations suggest that
exercise to exhaustion. Moreover, PEH is observed a sustained vasodilation in skeletal muscle and other
after a wide range of exercise durations from as short as arterial beds may contribute to PEH. Relatedly, reduc-
3 to 10 minutes to as long as 60 minutes. Because tions in muscle sympathetic nerve discharge have been
exercise is associated with activation of somatic affer- observed after exercise in hypertensive humans, whereas
ents, electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve and of sympathetic nerve discharge is reduced from control levels
hind limb skeletal muscles in the rat has been used to after somatic afferent stimulation in SHR and prehyper-
study the role of somatic afferents in mediating PEH. tensive Dahl salt-sensitive rats. The factors involved in
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on September 13, 2023

PSH has been observed in SHR, Wistar-Kyoto nor- mediating the exercise-induced changes in forearm vascu-
motensive rats, and prehypertensive Dahl salt-sensitive lar resistance and sympathetic nerve discharge have not
rats. been established; however, baroreceptor reflex control of
Postexercise reductions in arterial blood pressure are forearm vascular resistance is altered after a single bout of
generally greater in hypertensive compared with nor- exercise. Moreover, vascular responsiveness to a-adrener-
motensive humans and animals. In studies to date, gic receptor-mediated activation is reduced after exercise.
maximal exercise-induced reductions in systolic and Somatic afferents are involved in mediating PSH
diastolic arterial blood pressures have been on average because this response is elicited by electrical stimulation
18 to 20 and 7 to 9 mm Hg, respectively, in hypertensive of the cut, central end of the sciatic nerve. Whether
humans and 8 to 10 and 3 to 5 mm Hg, respectively, in muscle afferents contribute to PEH has not been estab-
normotensive humans. Similarly, the maximal stimula- lished. However, dynamic exercise and electrical stimu-
tion- and exercise-induced reductions in arterial blood lation of somatic afferents are known to produce a
pressure are generally greater in hypertensive compared number of similar responses, including sustained in-
with normotensive rats. creases in arterial pressure, heart rate, and sympathetic
Little information is available on the time course for nerve activity and postcontraction/stimulation reduc-
reattainment of postexercise reductions of arterial tions in arterial pressure. Several observations support a
blood pressure to control levels. The results to date role for endogenous opioids in mediating PSH. It is
indicate that PEH persists anywhere from 2 to at least thought that sustained somatic afferent stimulation in-
13 hours. The length of the PEH response is generally duces activation of central endogenous opioid systems,
longer in hypertensive than normotensive humans. To which in turn produce sympathoinhibition and hypoten-
date, the two studies27-31 that have addressed the ques- sion. The results of one study have shown that naloxone
tion of whether PEH is sustained for a prolonged period administration can transiently reverse PEH in nor-
of time under free-living conditions have come to oppo- motensive humans. In general, an important role for
site conclusions. No experimentally controlled investi- various humoral, local metabolic, and thermal factors in
gation has determined whether arterial blood pressure PEH has not been well established. The Table provides
remains reduced from control levels for at least 24 hours a list of possible mechanisms involved in mediating PEH
after exercise. for which there is current experimental support.
We have also reviewed potential mechanisms by which In conclusion, it appears that the magnitude of the PEH
exercise and somatic afferent stimulation may induce response observed in hypertensive subjects is significant
sustained reductions in arterial blood pressure. Cardiac and would likely be considered clinically important. How-
output has been reported to be decreased from control ever, more investigation is required to determine if the
levels after exercise in older subjects with essential hyper- duration of the response is sufficient in real-life conditions
Kenney and Seals Hypotension After Exercise 663

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