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1. Which of the following is NOT a focus of non-religious celebrations in the Philippines?

A. Cultural and heritage of the country

B. Artistic values of the costumes and props

C. Talents and skills of the town folks

D. Beliefs of the town folk about the celebrations

2. This dance, typically performed in honor of patron saints, involves strong beats of percussion
instruments by a community sharing the same culture.

A. Social Dance

B. Cultural Dance

C. Folk Dance

D. Festival Dance

3. What is the primary reason for Negrenses celebrating Masskara Festival?

A. To dramatize their steadfast character

B. To showcase visual presentations to tourists

C. To display their skills in weaving colorful fabrics

D. To execute dance patterns giving thanks for a bountiful harvest

4. During festivities, how do town folks express praise to their gods for good harvests?

A. Pray all day for good harvests

B. Sing and dance on the streets during festivals

C. Clean their houses to welcome tourists/visitors

D. Offer rituals and foods inside their houses

5. Which element is NOT typically associated with Sublian Festivals?

A. Rituals

B. Fasting

C. Harana

D. Meditation

6. What is a true characteristic of the Sinulog Festival?

A. It portrays the natives of Kalibo

B. It reflects commitment and love for their patron

C. It commemorates the rejection of a former religion

D. It showcases unique values of town folks

7. Which movement is occasionally used in the Sublian Festival?

A. Bending

B. Running

C. Walking

D. Stretching

8. What action in the Sinulog Festival is used to praise the patron saint?

A. “Hala bira”

B. “Viva la Virgen”

C. “Viva Santo Niño”

D. “Pit Senior”

9. What makes Sinulog Festival famous among local and international tourists?

A. The street dance parade imitates the natives of Cebu before their baptism as Christians

B. The street dance parade commemorates the natives of Cebu's baptism

C. The street dance parade uses a trunk-forward-bend position throughout

D. The street dance parade involves praying and singing verses with a strict skeletal melody
10. Which festival aims to express friendliness, enthusiasm, and goodwill to people?

A. Ibalong

B. Moriones

C. Kadayawan

D. Ati-atihan

11. Which festival uses masks in their parade to signify heroes and villains of the epic?

A. Ibalong

B. Moriones

C. Masskara

D. Kadayawan

12. Which theatrical performance portrays the clash between Christian and Filipino Muslims?

A. Sarsuela

B. Secular Komedya

C. Bodabil

D. Religious Komedya


16. Which reason does NOT explain why people celebrate festivals?

A. To welcome a good harvest

B. To express religious fervors

C. To commemorate a historic event

D. To rejoice for the coming of a newborn baby

17. What is the main focus of the Panagbenga festival?

A. A tribute to the city’s flowers

B. A fertility rites dance ritual

C. Thanksgiving for the gift of nature, culture, and harvest

D. An expression of religious fervors

18. During the Ati-atihan festival, why do revelers and devotees of Sto. Nino paint their faces with black

A. To attract tourists

B. To express feelings to Sto. Nino

C. To remember the pact between the Atis and Malays

D. To mimic the Atis' appearance

19. What does the phrase "Hala Bira" mean in Ati-atihan festivals?

A. "Keep going, rain or shine"

B. A battle cry while defending their island

C. A belief that Sto. Nino will protect them from harm

D. An act of worship to Sto. Nino

20. Why do Davaoeños celebrate Kadayawan Festivals?

A. To celebrate the culture and tradition of ethnic tribal groups

B. To celebrate people’s pagan origin and acceptance of Christianity

C. To celebrate the bountiful harvest

D. To celebrate their rise from past devastations

21. Which description BEST fits a festival?

A. A form of art showing culture, beliefs, and traditions

B. A way to gather families together

C. A method of promoting responsible tourism

D. A method of increasing community relations

22. How are theater and festivals similar?

A. Both are forms of art showing culture and tradition

B. Both connect to real-life situations

C. Both involve performing

D. Both use different styles and techniques

23. Which festival re-enacts the story of Longinus?

A. Moriones

B. Ati-atihan

C. Sublian

D. Ibalong

24. Which characteristic does NOT fit Philippine Sarsuwela?

A. Written in prose from one to five acts

B. Uses alternately spoken and sung word

C. Features dramatic skits, song, and dance

D. Depicts romantic love among idealized Filipino characters

25. Vaudeville is a type of entertainment known for what?

A. Festival performances

B. Variety acts

C. Chariot races

D. Sports

26. What best describes a "script"?

A. The "chapters" of a play/drama

B. The problem or struggle in a story

C. The place where a drama is performed

D. The written words that characters speak and directions in a play/drama

27. What refers to a speech given by a character on stage while they are alone?

A. Monologue

B. Aside

C. Soliloquy

D. Dialogue

28. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:

A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: Moro-moro portrays a clash between Christians and Filipino Muslims. (T)

Statement II: Komedya, theatrical traditions in the Philippines used by the Spaniards to spread
Christianity. (T)

29. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:

A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: Pre-historic times theater constitute rituals, verbal jousts, or games, and songs and dances
praising their respective gods. (T)

Statement II: Komedya lost popularity because of vaudeville and silent movies. (F)

30. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:

A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: Music/rhythm refers to the actors’ voice as they speak. (T)

Statement II: Spectacles are visual elements that the audience sees as they watch the play. (T)


31. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:

A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: Step is the basis of all locomotor movements. It prepares you to move in any direction you
wish to go.

Statement II: Walk is a series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any direction.

32. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:

A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: The Locomotor movement is performed in one point in space without transferring to
another point.

Statement II: The Non-locomotor movement allows you to move from one point in space to another.

33. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:
A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: Flexion or bend is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint. If you bend your knee or
elbow, you are performing flexion.

Statement II: Recover is the opposite of collapse. This is to regain the energy exerted into the body.

34. This dance, in honor of a patron saint, is performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments by
a community of people sharing the same culture.

A. Cultural Dance

B. Festival Dance

C. Folk Dance

D. Social Dance

35. An individual is experiencing fatigue when doing physical activities because he is _________.

A. Overworked

B. Weak

C. Stressed

D. Overthinking

36. Why is there a need for festival dances?

A. To promote tourism

B. To entertain people

C. To highlight the festivities

D. To promote culture and tradition

37. How will you prevent dizziness when exercising, dancing, or physically exerting yourself?
A. Consult a physician

B. Drink vitamins to boost energy

C. Perform a warm-up exercise

D. Eat before engaging in any activity

38. How can festival dancing contribute to one’s fitness and well-being?

A. It is a good form of exercise.

B. It facilitates teamwork and community bonding.

C. It reduces the risk of cardio-respiratory diseases.

D. It maximizes the use of energy and enhances cardiorespiratory fitness.

39. How can one best benefit from festival activities?

A. Develop awareness of one’s own and other’s cultural festivals.

B. Promote the culture and tradition of a community.

C. Achieve a personally active lifestyle.

D. Enhance community awareness.

40. What is the effect if a person does not have a healthy and active lifestyle?

A. May develop a hormonal imbalance

B. Participate in more activities daily

C. Raises metabolism and helps lose weight more easily

D. Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression and improves mood

41. When exercising or dancing under the heat of the sun, what is recommended to be kept in mind
EXCEPT _________?

A. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after the workout

B. Keep the exercise session short

C. Monitor your heart rate

D. Take a salt tablet after the workout

42. Your friend collapses while practicing her festival dance. What will you do to help her?

A. Immediately call for medical assistance

B. Roll her into a recovery position

C. Try to get a response from her before checking her airway

D. Help her into a sitting position and offer water

43. How will you assist your brother to stay calm in a medical emergency?

A. Stop, look, and listen

B. Take him to the doctor

C. Explain and reassure him

D. Listen, assist, and reassure him

44. What is the best step to treat cramps?

A. Apply the RICE method for fast recovery

B. Loosen or remove the person’s clothing

C. Bring the victim to a shady location

D. Lay the person down and elevate their legs slightly

45. Why is festival dancing an excellent way to reduce or maintain weight?

A. It easily burns fat off

B. It helps achieve the desired body figure

C. It exhausts one, making it hard to catch one’s breath

D. It burns calories stored in the body

46. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:

A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: Step is the basis of all locomotor movements. It prepares you to move in any direction you
wish to go.

Statement II: Walk is a series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any direction.

47. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:

A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: The Locomotor movement is performed in one point in space without transferring to
another point.

Statement II: The Non-locomotor movement allows you to move from one point in space to another.

48. Analyze the statements below and choose the correct answer from the box:

A. Statement I is true and statement II is false

B. Statement I and statement II are true

C. Statement I is false and statement II is true

D. Statement I and statement II are false

Statement I: Flexion or bend is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint. If you bend your knee or
elbow, you are performing flexion.

Statement II: Recover is the opposite of collapse. This is to regain the energy exerted into the body.


49. What best describes allergies?

A. A reaction to the influenza virus during spring months

B. The onset of a cold during spring months

C. An overreaction from the immune system to foreign matters

D. Sneezing, itching, watery eyes, scratchy throat

50. How can you prevent high blood pressure?

A. Drink water and wine, eat healthy ice cream

B. Eat healthy, go for a walk once a week

C. Drink water, eat a lot of food with iodized salt, and stay at home to rest

D. Drink a lot of water, exercise, consume less sodium, and have a lifestyle change

51. Which causes allergic conjunctivitis?

A. Danders

B. Pollen

C. Dust mite

D. Foods

52. What is the scientific name for hay fever?

A. Allergic conjunctivitis

B. Allergic rhinitis

C. Anaphylaxis

D. Allergic eczema

53. Enzo’s parents are both obese. He knows that the disease runs in the family, so what is the best way
for Enzo to avoid it?

A. Have a lifestyle change

B. Consult a fitness professional about what is best for his age

C. Live in a healthy environment

D. Eat raw and fresh fruits and vegetables

54. Mr. Morana found out that most of his students are overweight and close to being obese. What can
he do to help his students?

A. Make an activity to make his class active at every meeting

B. Consult a nutritionist for the proper food intake of his students

C. Encourage them to have a healthy lifestyle change

D. Organize a fitness program three times a week as their performance task

55. You were invited to talk on how to prevent disease and live a healthy life. What would be the focus of
your topic?

A. Nutrition and physical activity of the family

B. Attitude and behavior of the family

C. Health history of the family

D. Lifestyle of the family

56. What physical activities can help prevent and control hypertension?

A. Jogging for 1 hour once a month

B. Bicycling for 45 minutes on most days of the week

C. Brisk walking for 30 minutes at least 3-4 times a week

D. Swimming for 30 minutes twice a week

57. Which blood pressure reading is the most desirable?

A. 180/110mmHg

B. 140/80mmHg

C. 130/90mmHg

D. 120/80mmHg

58. If an infectious agent is transmitted through water (e.g., cholera), what type of transmission would
this be considered?

A. Droplet transmission

B. Indirect contact transmission

C. Direct contact transmission

D. Vehicle transmission

59. An upper respiratory infection caused by a virus that usually affects the nose, throat, sinuses, and
other upper airways, but not the lungs, is known as:

A. Common Cold

B. Chicken Pox

C. Tuberculosis

D. Hepatitis

60. Common symptoms of _______ disease include fatigue, fever, weight loss, coughing, and night

A. Chicken Pox

B. Common Cold

C. Tuberculosis

D. Hepatitis

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