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StaII Management

O !ersonal InIormation.
O StaII ID Card with bar code.
O tra Curricular activities.
O dditional QualiIication.
O !ay Details.
O ttendance.
O Service Register.
O eave 55lication & 55roval.
O Daily Work Re5ort.
StaII 5ersonal inIormation, etra curricular activities, additional qualiIication can be
entered and managed StaII ID card with bar code can be generated StaII 5ay details can
be entered and a 5ay sli5 can be generated. StaII could see 5revious months salary.
ttendance oI staII can be maintained on daily/hourly basis. eave a55lication interIace
enables the staII to a55ly Ior leave through duManage and get the a55roval Irom
a55ro5riate authority

eneral Management
O Circular
O eneral Holidays
O Income / Dis5atch Register
O Communication
O %echnical Iorum
O Document Management system
O Sim5le messaging system
O ddress Iolder
%he concerned authority can issue the circular and others can view it. %he circular can be
used as an online notice board.Knowledge management can be achieved using the
technical Iorum. %he details oI daily consumables can be stored. Students observation can
be entered on daily basis, which can be used Ior internal assessment oI the student. %he
sim5le messaging system acts as a message board in general and memo in 5articular

dmission Management
O 55lication Iorm
O Student dmission
O StaII Recruitment
Student and StaII a55lication Iorm can be entered and managed. %he status oI a student
can be changed once admitted. From a student's a55lication, all relevant details such as
student's 5re college marks, DO% inIormation, etra curricular activities and scholarshi5
details can be obtained.

Student Management
O Student !ersonal InIormation
O Students ID card with barcode
O Student tra curricular activities
O ttendance
O Internal ssessment
O Remarks and Warnings
O !erIormance Re5ort
O Scholarshi5 InIormation
Student's 5ersonal inIormation such as 5assword, address, qualiIication, etracurricular
activities etc., can be maintained. Student's ID card with bar code can be generated
ttendance oI students (hourly/daily) can be managed.Students Internal assessment,
remarks and warnings can be maintained and res5ective teachers can access that.
Student's 5erIormance re5orts, de5icting his/her 5erIormance Ior the current semester,
attendance etc., can be generated

Features and dvantages oI duManage

O Develo5ed based on o5en source technologies and no additional / hidden cost.
O Highly user Iriendly with aesthetic screens, cool background colours and themes.
O SelI customisable, multi5le role and user level authentication and access.
O eneric boolean based search system.
O Re5orts can be e5orted to !DF, cel, H%M, XM and tt Iormats and stored.
O Re5orts can be sent as mail manually/automatically to emailboes in internet.
O DiIIerent ty5es oI charts to analyse the inIormation and to aid eIIicient decision making.
O Identity card and hallticket generation and 5rinting with barcode.
O arcode 5rinting Ior library books, assets, machineries and all other general needs.
O amination seating arrangement allocation with ease.
O !arents can track their ward's 5erIormance(attendance, Iee detail, marks, etc.)thro'
O Data conversion Irom your 5revious system to duManage.
O Sim5le and automated backu5 5rocedure.
O 55roach towards N(National oard OI ccredition), NC, CMM, ISO standards.
O total e-governance can be achieved using dumanage.
O Com5lete ga5 analysis and customisation to suit the institution's requirement.
O cellent oIIsite and onsite su55ort.

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