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In an era where convenience meets culinary delight, [Business Name]

emerges as a pioneer in the realm of snack food. This paper presents an in-

depth introduction to Fizzeria Rondelles, a venture dedicated to redefining

the pizza roll experience. From its inception to its vision for the future,

[Business Name] embodies innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction.

Fizzeria Rondelles represents a fusion of culinary expertise and

entrepreneurial spirit, aimed at revolutionizing the way we enjoy pizza

rolls. As the demand for convenient yet satisfying snacks continues to rise,

[Business Name] steps in with a diverse range of flavors, impeccable

ingredients, and a commitment to excellence.


The rationale behind establishing a pizza roll business encompasses

several key factors:

Market Demand: There is a consistent and growing demand for

convenient, ready-to-eat snack options. Pizza rolls, with their handheld

size and familiar flavors, are well-positioned to meet this demand.

Versatility: Pizza rolls can be enjoyed as a snack, appetizer, or even a

quick meal, making them appealing to a wide range of consumers across

various occasions.

Innovation: The pizza roll market offers opportunities for innovation

and creativity in flavor profiles, ingredient combinations, and product

variations, catering to diverse tastes and preferences.

Profitability: With relatively low production costs and the potential

for high markups, pizza rolls can be a profitable venture for


Brand Differentiation: By offering unique flavors, premium

ingredients, or specialty options, a pizza roll business can differentiate

itself from competitors and attract loyal customers.

Convenience: Pizza rolls provide a convenient snacking solution for

busy individuals, students, families, and party hosts who seek quick and

satisfying food options.

Scalability: Pizza rolls can be produced in large quantities and

distributed through various channels, including retail stores, online

platforms, food trucks, and catering services, allowing for scalability and

expansion opportunities.

Consumer Trends: The popularity of pizza and snack foods, coupled

with evolving consumer preferences for convenience, quality, and

indulgence, aligns with the value proposition of a pizza roll business.


Previous Years


2019 ₱98,000 ₱98,500 99.49% 0.51%

2020 96,000 97,000 98.99% 1.01%

2021 110,000 111,000 99.09% 0.91%

2022 99,000 105,000 94.28% 5.72%

2023 97,000 99,500 97.49% 2.51%

Projection Years

2024 100,500 101,000 99.50% 0.5%

2025 105,000 110,000 95.45% 4.55%

2026 110,000 115,000 95.65% 4.35%

2027 200,000 205,000 97.57% 2.43%

2028 215,000 220,000 97.72% 2.28%


Based on the data provided, here are some detailed assumptions:

Demand Growth: The demand for the product appears to be growing

steadily over the years, with fluctuations likely influenced by economic
conditions, population growth, and consumer behavior.

Supply Capacity: The supply of the product is also increasing but at a

variable rate. This could be due to factors such as production capacity
expansions, technological advancements, and resource availability.

Market Dynamics: The fluctuations in the percentage of demand

fulfilled by supply indicate changes in market dynamics. For example, in
2022, the gap between demand and supply is significant (5.72%), possibly
due to unexpected factors like supply chain disruptions or production

Efficiency Improvements: The increasing percentage of demand

fulfilled by supply in the projection years (2024 to 2028) suggests
improvements in efficiency, possibly through streamlined production
processes, better logistics, or increased investment in infrastructure.

Market Stability: The relatively high percentages of demand fulfilled

by supply in the projection years (ranging from 95% to 99%) indicate a
more stable market environment compared to the earlier years, with
supply better aligned with demand.

Overall, these assumptions suggest a dynamic market scenario with

both demand and supply evolving over time, influenced by various
internal and external factors.




The Fizzeria Rondelles is a small business owned by Mr. Velly Crish

R. Valmoria, producing a new and improved Filipino Italian combination

delicacy called Pizza Rollio. The company's name is an Italian term used to

call and describe the company's main product; a rolled bread like lumpia

but filled with some pizza ingredients in the inside.


Pizza Rollio is the product that is made of bread, hotdog , cheese and

egg. This is a rolled loaf bread with hotdog and cheese inside in is a

toppings of breadcrumbs. It has a very cheesy taste that can make us want

more. Its ingredients isn't that expensive but it can touch people taste this

is an Italian snack but we filipinos adapted it and made our own kind of

pizza . This snack food is easy to make and much cheaper than an original

pizza because of its Php 15.00 price. It is perfectly sized treat that will

fulfill the cravings of the students and will also give them nutritious

benefits such as protein and calcium. The product also captivates a lot of

people because of its distinctive taste in its consistency that gives

happiness and satisfaction to the customers. By eating Pizza Rollio,

customers can forget their problems which brings them a wide smile on

their faces. Filipinos are always curious about new things. They want to

experience different things that are opposed to what they already knew,

that’s why to come up to the idea to serve them the Pizza Rollio.


Php 2,000 that serves as a start-up capital of the business. Borrowed

from my savings.


As part of my business strategy, I use intensive distribution that

covers our target market by offering a low price of cost that suits our

customers' purchasing capabilities. To reach our market , the business

Employs different techniques such as text Messaging Facebook posting

advertisement and roaming product.



In order to create and produce an exceptional product. Fizzeria

Rondelles follows specialized methods and equipped quality ingredients,

materials, and equipments in creating our product.

The following are the ingredients, materials, and equipments needed:


Ingredients Measurement Cost

Breadcrumbs 1 kg Php 72.00

Cooking Oil 1kg 98.00

Loaf Bread 4 pack 140.00

Hotdog 2 pack 70.00

Cheese 135 grams 45.00

Ketchup 400 grams 15.00

Eggs 5 pcs. 35.00

Mayonnaise 1/4 kg 25.00

TOTAL Php 500.00

Table A shows the complete list of the ingredients needed for our

product with complete measurements and costing which is good for a

single production process only. This makes a total of 50 servings.


Equipment Mood Cost

Frying Pan Rent Php 5.00

Whisk Rent 5.00

Stove Rent 5.00

Bowl Rent 5.00

Spoon and Fork Rent 5.00

Ladle Rent 5.00

Knife Rent 5.00

TOTAL Php 35.00

Table B shows the complete list of the equipment needed for our

production process. The total rental amount will serve and allocated

as part of the expenses incurred by the business during the production

process and is consumed entire week of the operation.


Materials Measurement Cost

Firewood & Matches 1 Unit Php 20.00

Barbeque Stick 1 Roll 10.00

TOTAL Php 30.00

Table C below shows the list of materials needed. Total amount

will be carried as part of the production cost and is intended for single

production process only.



Week Projected Sales Price Per Unit Projected Sales


1 100 20.00 ₱2,000.00

2 100 20.00 ₱2,000.00

3 100 20.00 ₱2,000.00

4 100 20.00 ₱2,000.00

TOTAL 400 Units 80.00 ₱8,000.00

The table above shows the total projected sales of Fizzeria

Rondelles amounting to ₱ 8,000.00.


Ingredients 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week TOTAL

Bread 144 144 144 144 ₱576.00


Cooking Oil 196 196 196 196 ₱784.00

Loaf Bread 280 280 280 280 ₱1,120.00

Hotdogs 140 140 140 140 ₱560.00

Cheese 90 90 90 90 ₱360.00

Ketchup 30 30 30 30 ₱120.00

Eggs 70 70 70 70 ₱280.00

Mayonnaise 50 50 50 50 ₱200.00

TOTAL ₱1,000.00 ₱1,000.00 ₱1,000.00 ₱1,000.00 ₱4,000.00

The table above shows the total monthly projected sales of Fizzeria

Rondelles (Raw Materials) amounting to Php 4,000.00.


Other 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week TOTAL


Firewood 40 40 40 40 ₱160.00

Barbeque 20 20 20 20 ₱80.00


TOTAL ₱60.00 ₱60.00 ₱60.00 ₱60.00 ₱240.00

The table above shows the total monthly projected sales of

Fizzeria Rondelles (Other Materials) amounting to Php 240.00.



Fizzeria Rondelles aims to offer or provide a well defined and delicious

product our target costumer,and as a result,we are concerned about our

potential costumers. As a result the company outlines various methods for

achieving this goal.


Fizzeria Rondelles offers a variety of food products that undergoes

proper preparation that aligns from the health requirements. Serving not

only a simple type of a dessert but also a good source of nutrients that are

greatly needed for everybody's health. As our business seeks a successful

venture, we, the partners, are properly evaluating our plans toward the

unique process, the resources we have, our individual capabilities, and

even the system or processes we will use to achieve our business goals. The

availability of the resources is the main strenght of our business goals. The

availability of the resources is the main strenght of our business and since

our product is perishable, it is prone to spoilage, and in order to spoilage,

the company must produce enough product.


The business will be conducted around the Municipality of

Dangcagan . As a part of my strategy, I use intensive distribution that

covers my target market by offering a low price or cost that suits our

customers' purchasing capabilities.


In our target profit margin, the business uses cost-based pricing as

basis in pricing our product. Along with this, we consider the value of our

product in ensuring that the market in economic conditions are regarded

in setting our prices.


To reach our market, the business employs different techniques such

as : text messaging, or group messaging, e-commerce, and the use of social

media particularly facebook posting and point-of-purchase. With the

satisfaction that our product may bring and its uniqueness, through this,

rest assured that our customers could be our advertisers.

Running a business requires hard work that can reap the rewards of

customers, revenue, and satisfaction. Business owners are faced with

various laws and regulations that must be followed, in addition,

considering the opportunities, threats or barriers such as cost, technology,

distribution, competition, and legistics required for every entrepreneur.

The Fizzeria Rondelles company is a business that will greatly elevate

the production of the food industry that will make a significant to the

productivity of the growing and thriving economy of the Municipaly of

Dangcagan. Over the years, manufacturing companies have to face several

obstacles related to the demands and to continously changing

requirements from both customers and suppliers. The economy is

constantly changing as the markets fluctuate. Pandemic and war between

Ukraine & Russia. Some positive change is good but there some change

leads to a negative event that might reduce the sales. With this, the

business must continually improve the performance, refine strategy, and

maintain strong interactive relationships towards the customers.


The main target of our market is within the Municipality of

Dangcagan Bukidnon. The viable costumers would be all the residence of

Dangcagan and the tourists. The Fizzeria Rondelles company is very new to

the market since it has a guaranted delicious taste. For this reason, it will

be expected that it will easily make a great income because costumers will

surely love it..


Fizzeria Rondelles is the only seller of Pizza Rollio in the Municipality

of Dangcagan. But, there are a lot of competitors in this kind of business,

considering the location and the customers. In my business' situation, I

have a lot of competitors; they are the food stalls located in the School,

Church, Plaza, and some of the young entrepreneurs are also selling

different food products. But my major advantage to them is I offer the

product to the hungry people so that they don't need to come down and get

tired. We are aware that those entire food vendors are just the same with

us in terms of what I sell because we all satisfy the cravings of different

people but what makes my business unique is that I am selling the

innovative food in the Town.

Some of my possible competitors are:

Dangcagan Public Market

Dangcagan Food Court

Food Stalls around the town.

Other Vendors


In order to produce the product of Pizza Rollio the suppliers should

support the needs by supplying the ingredients. The Pizza Rollio choose

Young Farmers Enterprise as one of our main consumers. We choose this

product since it is cheap to buy and affordable for young costumers. The

business would not successful if there are no available suppliers so as an

entrepreneur should be having good relationship to the suppliers as a

provider in all the needs.


Pizza Rollio is a dessert snack food made from rolled loaf bread with

hotdogs and cheese inside coated with breadcrumbs and etc. It consists

essentially of Bread that contains Carbohydrates, cheese that contains

calories, and calcium and hotdog that contains protein. Unsold products

will be led to customers and pay after tomorrow. With regards to

complexities, damage to reputation, liquidity, and financial risk, increase

competition and commodity price risk may occur.

Adhere to health and safety codes

The business should familiarize with local health and safety so that

the business isn't caught off-guard by a routine inspection. Regulations

vary by county and state, so check with your health department for local


Generally, regulated areas of the commercial kitchen include:

 Employee Hygiene. Most health codes demand that employees wash

hands and wear disposable gloves before handling food and wear

hairnets when around food.

 Health Inspection. Before you can open your food business to the

public, you'll have to pass a health inspection conducted by your

local health department. If your business is charged with a certain

number of violations, it can be shut down.

 Facilities and Surfaces. Healthcodes may outline which cleaners

are acceptable to use on equipment that comes in contact with food.

The codes may also specify how frequently equipment and food

contact surfaces should be cleaned.

 Food Shortage. Once food supplies are in your position, your

business is responsible for their freshness and safety. Your local

health codes will likely stipulate how you must tour different kinds

of food.

 Equipment and Supplies. Your county health department may

regulate the equipment used for cleaning dishes, including sinks,

drain boars and more. Check with your local department to learn its


 Safety Equipment. You may be required to keep certain safety

equipment on hand.

Not only well adhering to safety codes help prevent your business

from being charged with violations, it will also create safer conditions for

employees and customers and reduce your chances of getting sued.


The socio-economic impact of a Fizza roll business can be significant

at both the local and broader levels. Locally, it can provide employment

opportunities, stimulate economic activity, and contribute to the cultural

fabric of the community. It may also support other local businesses, such

as suppliers of ingredients and packaging materials. On a broader scale, if

successful, the business could potentially expand, create more jobs,

generate tax revenue, and contribute to the overall economic growth of the

region. Additionally, if the business adopts sustainable practices, it could

have positive environmental impacts as well.

 Cultural Fusion. Fizza rolls often blend different culinary

traditions, reflecting multicultural influences. This can foster

appreciation for diversity and promote cultural exchange within the


 Community Gathering. Establishing a Fizza roll business may

create a space for people to gather and socialize, fostering a sense of

community and belonging.

 Culinary Exploration. Introducing new flavors and ingredients

through Fizza rolls can encourage culinary exploration and

experimentation among customers, broadening their gastronomic


 Preservation of Tradition. If the Fizza roll recipe has cultural

significance, its commercialization can help preserve traditional

cooking methods and recipes for future generations.

 Employment Opportunities. The business can provide jobs for

individuals from diverse backgrounds, contributing to social

mobility and economic empowerment within the community.

 Celebration of Identity. For entrepreneurs from specific cultural

backgrounds, establishing a Fizza roll business can be a way to

celebrate their heritage and share it with others.

 Tourism and Cultural Exchange. A popular Fizza roll business

may attract tourists interested in experiencing local cuisine, leading

to cultural exchange and greater appreciation for the region's









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