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Balatas, Naga City


Name: _Julianna Sofia C. Adan______________________________ Date:

April 16.2024______________
Grade & Section: _____7-Pyxis_________________

Activity 3

Reflection Paper: The Rhythmic Heart of Festivals

Prompt: When music or drumbeats are heard, this signals a celebration. In your
opinion, state different reasons why music is important in festivals?

Music is the so called “Rhythmic Heart of Festivals.” This is because it is the key
element that gives festivals the energy, liveliness, style, and symbolizes tradition. It is
important because festivals convey or symbolize something. Through music, it has the
power to uplift our spirits and evoke emotions. Lastly, and the most important reason is
that it can create a sense of unity among people. Music in festivals play an important
role in bringing communities together whilst enjoying the moment, and being able to
learn about the cultural traditions of a certain area.
5 points Student answered three or more reasons that are clear and properly explained.
4 points Student answered two reasons that are clear and properly explained.
3 points Student answered one relevant reason that is clear and properly explained.
2 points Student answered one relevant reason but not clear and properly explained.
1 point Answer is irrelevant to the question.

Due Date: April 16, 2024, at 11:59 PM

Submission Instructions:
1. Complete all parts of the activity.
2. Save your work as a PDF file. Use the following naming format: SURNAME,
FIRST NAME_ACTIVITY 1. (Example: Santos, Maria_Activity 1.pdf)
3. Submit your completed PDF file to the designated Google Drive folder:

Academic Integrity:
 This activity is designed to test your own knowledge and understanding. Copying
from classmates or using unauthorized resources is strictly prohibited.
 Submitting plagiarized work will result in penalties.

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