HG 2

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A. Read the following situations and write the letter of the correct answer. Choose the appropriate
actions on the box below.

_____1. There are dishes in the sink.
_____2. You want to play but you have to finish your module tasks.
_____3. Kids like you are not allowed to go out.
_____4. You want to talk to your neighbor friend.
_____5. You are told to sleep early.
_____6. You need to keep a healthy body.
_____7. There is still no face-to-face classes.
_____8. Your older sibling asks you to do a task but you are playing.
_____9. You feel bored.
_____10. Your parent/ household member came from grocery carrying three heavy bags
B. Situations are written on the first column. Beside each situation, draw and color the symbol of what
you feel in the given situations. Choose from the following symbols of feelings. Answer the
processing questions on the same paper.

A. Answer the following.

1. Who helps you in doing your homework?



2. Who taught you new skills? (example: riding a bicycle, playing a new game)



3. Who takes care of you when you are sick?



4. Who can help you in learning about the different jobs?



5. Who helps you in doing difficult tasks?



B. Write whether the following statements talk about skills, practices or experiences. Then answer the
questions below.

___________1. Using “po at opo”.when speaking to elders.

___________2. You act as a leader of the group.

___________3. You dance gracefully.

___________4. You pray with your family.

___________5. Played at the park/playground with your friends before the pandemic

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