Kinkshaming - Why Stereotypying

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Kinkshaming - A major stereotype

There is a general concencus about resistance among people to discuss about

kinkshaming and women’s sexual behavior.

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-Kinkshaming refers to the act of criticising or shaming of an individual for
their unconventional sexual preferences or fantasies.
-Women, since the past centuries have been criticised and
abandoned for being their true selves. Although women after
an unforgettable era of struggle, yet they have achieved
equality and freedom.
-Today, women are still facing numerous issues including
sexual orientation and behaviour, gender identity,
kinkshaming and more.

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Main crux of kinkshaming

- There is a huge communication between Women and

their families in Indian households to discuss sex and
sexuality, sexual desires and fantasies openly.
- It is generally believed that indian women are supposed
to be sanskari and sex is only for men. Society believes
that sex defies ethics and culture of Indian society.

- Women are defined by the term 'characterless' when

she choose to discover sex and desires. There are
movies such as Pink, Lipstick Under My Burkha, and Fire
that broke the silence on this stereotype.

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- It is high time to understand that whether it be
men,women, transgenders and others; sexuality is a
deeply personal and diverse aspect of human identity.

- Every individual has the equal right to explore and

express their desires. Society has imposed rigid
expectations on women's sexual behaviour.

- Women, like men, have diverse sexual preferences and

desires. We need to break stereotypes, stop
kinkshaming and we should empower women to
embrace their unique sexual identities.
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Common stereotypes
- Women are restricted to have sexual desires, and those
who do are characterized as ‘sluts’.

- It is believed that flirting, hooking up for casual sex and

having fetishes; aren’t meant for women and those who
do are slut-shamed. This is how our society reacts when
it comes to a woman being herself.

Slut Shaming
- Slut shaming is a social disease and present everywhere.
Today many film fraternities are raising their voice
against this .

- Recently Alia Bhatt spoke against slut shaming in

Bollywood and how it creates a sense of fear in every

- She is judged regarding the length of her clothes, her

relationship status, her open talks on sex,etc . It's very
humiliating and insulting for anyone to be called a slut.
The impacts of slut-shaming on women are real, adverse
and irreparable.

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Its her body ,her choice
- Judgements are norms, values and misconceptions that
have influenced the society to the extent that it refuses
to accept non-traditional sexual identies and practices of
- This further leads to disrespect which affects them not
only physically, but also socially,mentally and

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Stop judging and disrespecting
- In “Fifty Shades of Grey”, Ana's friend Kate pass
judgemental comments on her unconventional sexual
preferences leading to unintentionally kinkshaming

- It frequently involves judgmental attitudes and

derogatory language which should be stopped.

- People who practice kink should be labelled as

"perverts," "weird," and "immoral," causing emotional
distress and harm.

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Kinkshaming: suffering and suppressing
- Kinkshaming is a social evil which discourage women to
explore their own desires and fantasies. Fear of
judgments prevent individuals from openly
communicating with their partners about their
preferences leading to unfulfilled sexual desires and
strained relationships.

- Constant judgements on one's sexual preferences can

have detrimental effects on mental health. Women
experience anxiety, depression, and a sense of isolation
due to societal criticism.

- When women are constantly ashamed of their desires,

they engage themselves in sexual activities without
truly wanting to which leads to non-consensual

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Steps to be taken
- Kinkshaming create societal pressures on women's
sexual expression leading to feelings of shame and
isolation and marginalisation.

- Society shoulf implement efforts to promote

understanding, empathy, and respect for women's
diverse sexual preferences.
- This involves encouraging open conversations, and
advocating acceptance of consensual sexual practices
that deviate from traditional norms.

- The society should recognize that empowerment in the

bedroom can take up various forms.

- Challenging kinkshaming is essential for creating a more

inclusive and accepting society.


Individuality matters

Albert Einstein says ‘Everyone should be respected as an

individuall but no one idolized’.Hence, the society should take up
measures to make the world more inclusive of everyone
regardless of their sexual choices and preferences.

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