Hindi Cahier de Charge

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Features of School management system

Version 1
Super Admin:
Has all privileges of an Admin.
Additionally, can manage Super Admin accounts, configure system-wide settings, and access
advanced features such as system backups and updates.
Support multiple branches or campuses within the same system for centralized

Can manage users, classes, teachers, and access all features.
Responsible for system configuration, user management, and overall administration.
Can view behavior reports, homework assignments, and other data across the entire school.
Can manage their classes, including adding/editing students, scheduling classes, and
assigning homework.
View behavior reports for their classes.
Assign homework and view homework submissions.
Access their own class-specific data, including attendance records and academic
Academics: teachers can view their Timetable
Lesson Plan : the admin is gonna make lesson plan for every teacher
Can view assigned homework, deadlines, and submit assignments.
Access their own behavior reports, if enabled by the teacher or administration.
View their academic progress and grades for assignments and exams.
Can view their child's homework assignments, deadlines, and submitted assignments.
Access their child's behavior reports, if allowed by the school.
Communicate with teachers regarding their child's academic progress, behavior, and other

Admin Dashboard: Provides an overview of the entire school system, including statistics on
behavior trends, attendance, and academic performance.
Teacher Dashboard: Displays information related to the teacher's classes, such as behavior
reports, upcoming homework assignments, and student progress.
Student Dashboard: Shows homework assignments, behavior reports, and academic
Parent Dashboard: Provides access to their child's information, including homework
assignments, behavior reports, and communication with teachers.

Classroom Management:
Ability to create and manage classes, assign teachers to classes, and enroll students.

Integration with classroom cameras for behavior detection (if available).

Real-time monitoring of classroom behavior for teachers and administrators.

Automated behavior analysis with alerts for abnormal behavior patterns.

Homework Management:
Teachers can create, assign, and schedule homework assignments for their classes.

Students can view assigned homework, deadlines, and submit their completed assignments online.

Notification system for reminding students and parents of upcoming deadlines.


Messaging system for communication between teachers, students, and parents.

Announcements and notifications for important school events, deadlines, and updates.

Attendance Tracking:

Automated attendance tracking system for teachers to mark attendance.

Alerts for irregular attendance patterns.

Ability for teachers to grade assignments and exams.

Progress tracking for students and parents to monitor academic performance over time.

Reports and Analytics:

Comprehensive reporting module for behavior, attendance, and academic performance.

Data visualization tools for easy analysis and understanding of trends.

Security and Privacy:

Secure login system with role-based access control.

Compliance with data protection regulations to ensure the privacy and security of student and
teacher data.

Scalability and Performance:

Design the system to handle a large number of users, classes, and data efficiently.

Ensure reliability and performance, especially during peak usage times.

Integration and Customization:

Ability to integrate with existing school management systems or third-party tools.

Customization options to adapt the system to the specific needs of the school.

Mobile Compatibility:

Responsive design to ensure accessibility from various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

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