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Enhancing ArcGIS for Sustainable Agriculture:

Leveraging Data Presets for Organic Practices

Shah Kahn, Applied GIS
Stockton University

Table of Contents

Enhancing ArcGIS for Sustainable Agriculture: Leveraging Data Presets for Organic Practices 0
Table of Contents 1
Abstract 2
Situation 3
Problem 4
Question 5
Case Studies 5
Kerman Province, Iran 5
Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam 6
Response 6
Methodology 6
Results and Discussion 6
Slope Regions 6
Land Use (2015) 7
New Jersey Important Farmland Soils 7
Undeveloped Farmland Soils 7
Conclusion 7
Appendix 8

ArcGIS Pro is a geological information system that allows users to seamlessly toggle between
various datasets and interpret data. Created in 1982 under the license name ESRI, ArcGIS had
begun to change the world of maps and data analysis. Endless industries utilize GIS daily to
optimize business operations, including major corporations and businesses, schools,
manufacturing industries and the like,agriculture, and more. The agricultural sector of GIS had
been tailored towards mass-producing industries, allowing for enhanced productivity. However,
GIS can be used to identify unique and specific assets that would be valuable and useful for
small-scale, organic farmers. Promoting this type of industry through GIS is important for social
and environmental reasons. By amplifying the platform of the localized produce economy, more
people are able to afford healthy, high quality food. The U.S. government, as well as its adjacent
agencies, offer downloadable GIS dataset layers that are free online. These files usually come in
the form of a shapefile. When applied into a basemap in ArcGIS Pro, the possibilities of
interpreting and classifying these datasets become infinite. Expanding and informing farmers of
these resources is a beneficial way to allow for the tailored suitability of proper farming
locations, pest control methods, and soil amendments and more.

Growing in importance as a component of sustainable agricultural techniques, organic
farming provides comprehensive answers to the problems of climate change mitigation,
environmental protection, and food production. Increased concerns about the effects of
conventional agriculture on the environment and human health have given rise to organic
farming, which is a paradigm shift toward more environmentally and socially responsible
methods of producing food. Organic farming is essential for fostering sustainable development
and mitigating the negative consequences of climate change on a local and global level because
it places a high priority on soil health, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem resilience
(Dhiman 2020).
First and foremost, organic farming places a strong emphasis on using biological
processes and natural inputs to preserve soil fertility and crop output while reducing the use of
artificial fertilizers, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic farmers
cultivate healthy, biodiverse soils that operate as carbon sinks, nutrient and water reservoirs, and
crop rotation, cover crops, and composting instead of using chemical inputs (Gamage et al.,
2023). Rich soils not only encourage strong plant development and resistance to climatic
challenges, but they also assist reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down global warming
through carbon sequestration (Gamage et al., 2023).
Furthermore, agroecological principles, which place an emphasis on ecological harmony,
social equality, and economic viability within agricultural systems are promoted by organic
farming. Organic farmers improve ecosystem services like pest control, pollination, and soil
conservation by encouraging varied crop rotations, intercropping, and agroforestry (Gamage et
al., 2023). This lowers the need for external inputs and increases system resilience to climate
variability and extreme weather events. Additionally, decentralized, community-based methods
that support local food systems, empower small-scale farmers, and encourage socioeconomic
development in rural areas are frequently incorporated into organic agricultural practices
(Dhiman 2020). Organic farming offers a comprehensive response to the intricate problems of
sustainable development and climate change adaptation by balancing ecological sustainability
with social justice and economic resilience.

Currently, there is somewhat limited access to datasets and resources that are specifically
tailored towards organic farmers that aspire to use geographical information system (GIS)
services to improve their agricultural performance. While GIS for agriculture does exist on a
larger scale, it is important, as per the reasons stated above, to amplify assets and resources for
farmers adhering to organic and sustainable farming methods. The most significant GIS
resources available include that of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the United
States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Web Soil Survey, National Resources Conservation

Act (NRCS) Spatial Data Tools, and a few others. This project aims to gather a multi-criteria
analysis of specific datasets that could be used to determine best possible locations for organic
farms in New Jersey.
A toolkit for organizing organic farms and fostering biodiversity while optimizing crop
yields is provided by the GIS system software ArcGIS for Agriculture. Farmers and agricultural
planners may make well-informed decisions about crop selection, land use, and resource
management with the help of ArcGIS's geographic data inventory and spatial analysis tools.
ArcGIS can enable users to find ideal sites for organic farming that maximize soil fertility, water
availability, and solar exposure by superimposing data layers such as soil types, slope gradients,
climatic patterns, and ecological ecosystems (Mishra et al., 2015). More specifically, a selection
of parameters including soil type, geology, slope, drainage, and availability of roads (Mishra et
al., 2015). Precision agriculture methods are made possible by this spatial intelligence, which
enables farmers to customize inputs and cultivation methods to the unique requirements of each
piece of land. This reduces environmental impact and maximizes agricultural yield (Mishra et al.,
ArcGIS also makes it easier to include biodiversity conservation techniques into farm
management and planning plans. Farmers can identify regions of ecological significance and
execute land stewardship practices that support biodiversity conservation by superimposing
protected areas, wildlife corridors, and habitat maps over farm boundaries and agricultural fields
using ArcGIS (Mishra et al., 2015). Farmers can build mosaic landscapes that enhance
ecosystem services like pest control and soil fertility while offering home for native wildlife
species, pollinators, and beneficial insects. This can be achieved by strategically placing
hedgerows, buffer zones, and wildlife-friendly habitats. Farmers may increase ecological
resilience, lessen their need on outside inputs, and develop multifunctional landscapes that meet
the objectives of both agricultural productivity and wildlife conservation by using ArcGIS to
encourage biodiversity within and surrounding organic farms (Mishra et al., 2015).

The underlying question amid this experimental observation is: How can ArcGIS be
utilized to provide organic farmers in New Jersey with tools that allow for optimization? For this
abbreviated experiment, parameters to be considered include analyzing slope, important
farmland soils, undeveloped farmland soils, and land-uses.

Case Studies

Kerman Province, Iran

A specific case study to take into account includes that of an agroecological approach to
sustainable agriculture development in the Kerman Province in Iran. This study showed that
conventional land evaluation approaches had limitations in crop suitability spatial analysis and
that geographic information systems could improve land use options. GIS and multiple criteria
decision-making (MCDM) were used to propose spatial planning and policy recommendations to
mainstream neglected and underutilized species that can contribute to climate change and
sustainable development. Standardizing input with an evaluation index system, fuzzy
decision-making, and an integrated combination (overlay) method has improved
GIS-multicriteria analysis methodologies. These integrated methods can improve farmland
quality in arid environments and test land suitability evaluation resilience using spatial sensitivity
analysis (Aghaloo and Sharifi 2023 Aug 26) .
Researchers developed an integrated suitability model based on Rosa Damascena's
agroecological needs and a sustainable water resource to improve farm efficiency. Using the
literature, evaluation factors/criteria were identified, processed, and weighted. The factors were
blended utilizing an inference technique in an integrated GIS-MCDM approach. Several
characteristics make our method robust and trustworthy. First, our dataset is current and
dependable. Second, BWM weights the criteria, which is consistent, reliable, and more exact
than other methods like the analytical hierarchy process. Third, we employed a fuzzy inference
technique in GIS software to combine criteria for more precise spatial multicriteria
decision-making. Fuzzy logic and GIS aid in watershed management strategy decision-making
(Haile, 2022a). We further verified the results using sensitivity analysis on criteria weights and
overall accuracy assessment comparing categorized map and control point features (Aghaloo and
Sharifi 2023 Aug 26).
The study found that majority of the area is unsuitable for crop production and rainwater
gathering. This study's technique can help agroecological transformation by providing
sustainable natural resource management information. Rosa Damscena demonstrates local added
value and economic feasibility, especially in rural and impoverished places. Rosa damscena may
be grown in agroecological circumstances and is suitable for water-scarce places. This
agricultural would be more productive and efficient with RWH systems. We like our method
because water management and land-use planning may improve water supply, rural
communities, and climate change adaptation (Aghaloo and Sharifi 2023 Aug 26).

Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam

A study in central Vietnam sought to improve soil mapping accuracy. Soil property maps
were created using several ways. However, the comparative accuracy of interpolated soil

mapping methods in each research situation has not been determined. Combining approaches
with distinct theoretical backgrounds allows for the investigation of various conditions (Huỳnh
Văn Chương et al. 2022).
This research used field samples for laboratory analysis and soil color and vegetation
cover observations to construct soil organic carbon (SOC) maps. Thus, most maps from prior
methodologies are generic and outdated. Several researchers have started using machine learning
to map soil parameters frequently. This approach often neglected environmental variables' effects
on soil property mapping in Central Vietnam's mountains. Thus, this study compares various
interpolation methods to discover the best SOC mapping method for Central Vietnam, especially
for steep terrain in small areas (Huỳnh Văn Chương et al. 2022).

This project is aimed at developing a multi-criteria analysis of parameters specific to the
uses and methods of organic agriculture in New Jersey, specifically to determine specific datasets
that can work together for the optimization of organic farming.

Datasets were obtained from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
(NJDEP) Open Data site as well as the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Open Data site,
and downloaded into ArcGIS Pro. The datasets included the following layers: Land Use (2015),
Undeveloped Farmland Soils, Important Farmland Soils, and Slope Regions. An analysis of the
layers can determine how various aspects of farming, such as irrigation, pest control, slope and
soil type could be used to fit the needs of farms in specific locations.

Results and Discussion

Slope Regions
This dataset layer portrays the various slope regions within the northeastern United States. The
regions include: Northeastern Forage and Forest, the Northern Atlantic Slope Diversified
Farming Region, and the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Lowland Forest and Crop Region. Based on
these results, New Jersey is home to all three of these slope regions. This allows for a more
diversified set of areas that may be of interest to different farmers. Within these regions are
coastal plains, tidewater areas, mountains, ridges, and valleys.

Land Use (2015)

The extensive Land Use layer involves all of the land uses throughout New Jersey in each
lot and block. These include categories such as residential (multiple and single units), high
density urban and rural residential areas, commercial services, transportation/communication
utilities, industrial, agricultural, cropland/pastureland, wetlands, bridges, railroads, airports,
stormwater basins, and more. There are hundreds of land-uses, therefore it is important to
decipher which areas may be best fit for small farms, These would include those land-uses that
include cropland and agricultural pasturelands, preferably undeveloped.

New Jersey Important Farmland Soils

This layer only has four categories that include the following: Farmland of Unique
Importance, Farmland of Statewide Importance (if drained), Farmland of Statewide Importance,
and All Areas are Prime Farmland. What this layer portrays is the varying priorities placed on
specific farming regions based on the types of soil within the area.

Undeveloped Farmland Soils

One of the more important layers specifically tailored towards the goals of organic
farmers is the undeveloped farmland soils layer. This dataset shows the areas in New Jersey
which are home to some undeveloped land with favorable soil, and lists the soil types (loamy,
sandy loam, clay, etc.) as well as the slope and drainage capacity.

While these are just a few dataset layers that portray the ecological and geological
importance of New Jersey’s regions, there are a wide variety of datasets that are available
through most governmental GIS data sites. Resources are sometimes limited to organic farmers,
who, most times, do not have the backing of larger agricultural corporations and governmental
agencies. For this reason, it is important to understand the wide world of information that is
available to small farmers. Using these data layers will ultimately enhance food production and
agricultural research.


Figure 1. Slope regions of New Jersey.


Figure 2. Land Use in NJ in 2015.


Figure 3. Important Farmland Soils in NJ.


Figure 4. Undeveloped Farmland Soils



Aghaloo K, Sharifi A. 2023 Aug 26. A GIS-based agroecological model for sustainable
agricultural production in arid and semi-arid areas: The case of Kerman Province, Iran.

Dhiman, V. (2020, February). Organic Farming for Sustainable Environment: Review of Existed

Policies and Suggestions for Improvement [Review of Organic Farming for Sustainable

Environment: Review of Existed Policies and Suggestions for Improvement ]. International

Journal of Research and Review .

Gamage, A., Gangahagedara, R., Gamage, J., Jayasinghe, N., Kodikara, N., Suraweera, P.,

Merah, O. (2023). Role of organic farming for achieving sustainability in agriculture. Farming

System, 1(1), 100005. Sciencedirect.

Mishra, A., Deep, S., & Choudhary, A. (2015, December). Identification of suitable sites for

organic farming using AHP & GIS [Review of Identification of suitable sites for organic farming

using AHP & GIS].; The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space



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