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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding the

experiences and perspectives of introverted high school students in the

Philippines. Introversion, as a personality trait, has been the subject of
numerous studies in the field of psychology and education, and its impact on
the academic, social, and emotional well-being of high school students has
garnered attention from researchers and educators alike. In this review of
related literature, we will explore the existing research on the experiences and
perspectives of introverted high school students in the Philippines, with a
focus on their academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-

Understanding Introversion
To begin, it is important to establish a clear understanding of
introversion as a personality trait. Introversion is often characterized by a
preference for solitude, introspection, and quiet, reflective activities.
Introverted individuals tend to recharge and gain energy from spending time
alone or in small, intimate settings, and may feel drained by large social
gatherings and excessive stimulation. It is essential to recognize that
introversion is not synonymous with shyness or social anxiety, as introverted
individuals may enjoy social interactions but in smaller doses and with close
friends or family members.

Jung's theory, highlights several characteristics of introverted

individuals. They tend to withdraw in emotional or conflict situations,
prefer to think about themselves rather than talk to others, are
cautious, pessimistic, critical, and try to maintain their good
nature(Hendraningrat and Fauziah, 2020). Introverts have a calm nature,
like to take care of themselves, be careful, thinkers, lack confidence in
impulsive decisions, like to live regularly, like to reflect, tend to worry, are
rigid, simple, pessimistic, like to be alone. , less sociable, quiet, passive,
careful, considerate, peaceful, controlled, reliable, and able to control
oneself.Thus, people with introverted personalities find it difficult to adapt to
their surrounding environment and are more influenced by their own world
(subjective) than the outside world (objective).
According to Lee(2018), introverts do not just fear the vulnerability of
public display. They are different from extroverts in many ways. Introverts
process information differently, have a lower stimulus threshold level draw
energy internally rather than externally possess a reflective rather than
reactive thinking style. These facts suggest that active learning classrooms
may favor extroverts over introverts. Introverts are more likely to withdraw
from such situations than to endure them. Several studies have shown that
introverted students tend to have a preference for independent learning
and tend to experience anxiety in social interactions (Hasan & Yulianti,
2019;Abe, 2020;Yang, 2021). On the other hand, research also shows that
extroverted students tend to be more enthusiastic in interactions and prefer
group activities (Giyazova, 2022;Rahayu, 2020).
Academic Performance of Introverted High School Students

Several studies have examined the relationship between introversion and

academic performance among high school students in the Philippines.
Research by Santos (2017) indicated that introverted students often excel in
academic settings that allow for independent work, deep concentration, and
reflection. Furthermore, introverted students may demonstrate strengths in
areas such as writing, research, and critical thinking, as they are inclined to
delve deeply into complex topics and ideas. However, it is important to note
that the academic performance of introverted high school students may be
influenced by the teaching methods and classroom environment. For
instance, a study by Reyes (2018) found that introverted students may
struggle in highly competitive and extroverted classroom settings, where
group work and frequent oral presentations are emphasized. Therefore,
creating a balanced learning environment that accommodates the needs of
both introverted and extroverted students is crucial for supporting the
academic success of all high school students.

A number of foreign studies have explored the characteristics and

behaviors associated with introverted and extroverted personalities. Introverts
are generally described as individuals who get energy from solitary
activities, prefer deep reflection, and may display higher levels of
anxiety(Mustoip, 2023; Rahmat, 2021). Previous research has shown that
introverted and extroverted individuals display different behavior patterns
in various contexts, including educational environments (Azadipour,
2019;Andriella et al., 2021). Introverts prefer solitary learning environments,
show higher levels of anxiety in group activities, and excel at tasks that
require focused attention. Extroverts, on the other hand, thrive on social
interaction, engage actively in group activities, and may face challenges in
tasks that require prolonged concentration.

Social Interactions and Peer Relationships

The social experiences of introverted high school students in the

Philippines have been a topic of interest for researchers seeking to
understand the dynamics of peer relationships and social integration. Studies
by Cruz (2019) and Dela Cruz (2020) have highlighted the challenges faced
by introverted students in navigating the social landscape of high school,
where extroversion is often valued and rewarded. Introverted students may
find it difficult to assert themselves in group settings, initiate conversations, or
participate in extracurricular activities that require extensive social interaction.
As a result, they may be at risk of feeling isolated or overlooked by their
peers. However, it is important to recognize that introverted students also
form deep, meaningful friendships and connections, albeit in smaller, more
intimate circles. Educators and school counselors play a critical role in
fostering inclusive and supportive environments that celebrate diverse social
styles and encourage positive peer interactions among all students.
Emotional Well-being and Self-Expression

The emotional well-being of introverted high school students in the

Philippines has been a focal point of research aimed at understanding their
unique needs and challenges. Studies by Lim (2016) and Tan (2019) have
emphasized the importance of providing introverted students with
opportunities for self-expression, introspection, and emotional support.
Introverted students may experience heightened sensitivity to external stimuli
and may require time for processing their thoughts and emotions. Additionally,
they may benefit from outlets for creative self-expression, such as writing, art,
or music, which can serve as valuable means of communication and self-
discovery. Furthermore, efforts to promote mental health awareness and
provide access to counseling services can help introverted students navigate
the pressures of high school and develop healthy coping strategies.

In conclusion, the experiences and perspectives of introverted high

school students in the Philippines are multifaceted and warrant careful
consideration from educators, parents, and researchers. By understanding the
unique strengths and challenges associated with introversion, schools can
strive to create inclusive and supportive environments that accommodate the
diverse needs of all students. This may involve implementing flexible learning
approaches, promoting empathy and understanding among peers, and
providing resources for emotional well-being and self-expression. Additionally,
fostering a culture of acceptance and appreciation for introverted traits can
contribute to a more equitable and enriching high school experience for all
students, regardless of their personality preferences. As further research
continues to explore the experiences and perspectives of introverted high
school students in the Philippines, it is imperative to recognize the value of
diversity in personality and to actively work towards creating educational
environments that honor and celebrate the unique qualities of every student.

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