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Research methodology serves a vital purpose in the research process,

by providing a structured framework for conducting research, ensuring the
validity and reliability of research findings, guiding the selection of appropriate
research approaches, and enhancing the transparency and replicability of
research results.

Research Design

The researchers had a qualitative study and used the

phenomenological design as it focuses on the live experiences of a person. A
phenomenological study design aims to investigate and comprehend people's
experiences, viewpoints, and emotions around a specific phenomenon.
Finding the core of the phenomenon under study is the goal of this approach,
which focuses on the participants' subjective and lived experiences (Muhye,
A qualitative research study is a type of inquiry that seeks to
understand human behavior and the causes for it (Park et al., 2023). This
form of research is more exploratory and interpretive, with the goal of learning
about people's thoughts, feelings, and experiences ((Saunders et al., 2017)..
Unlike quantitative research, which employs numerical data to assess
variables and generate statistical conclusions, qualitative research collects
non-numerical data through interviews, observations, and textual analysis.
(Salinas et al, 2018). A qualitative research study often has fewer participants
than a quantitative research study, but the depth of information acquired from
each participant is significantly larger. Researchers may utilize open-ended
questions to enable participants to contribute their ideas and experiences in
their own words. This allows for a richer and more complete understanding of
the topic.

Role of Researchers

Researchers' roles in qualitative research are complex, extending

beyond data collection. Researchers first constructed a research study that is
acceptable for the research issue being posed. This includes choosing the
best research approach, such as interviews, focus groups, observations, or
content analysis. Researchers also evaluated the study's ethical
consequences, ensuring that participants are treated with dignity and respect,
and that their privacy is maintained.

Once data gathering has begun, researchers did a thorough data

analysis to make sense of the information acquired. This entails recognizing
repeating themes, patterns, and relationships in the data. Researchers are
also aware of their own biases and assumptions, attempting to remain
objective throughout the analysis process.In qualitative research, data
analysis aims to reveal insights and develop new information that can be used
to inform theory and practice.
Researchers are responsible for more than just data gathering and
analysis; they also analyzed and presented their findings. This includes
interpreting the data, drawing conclusions, and offering recommendations for
further research or practice. Researchers presented their findings in a clear
and appealing manner, utilizing proper language and graphics to support their

Research Participants

The researchers conducted provided an informed consent to their

participants before they proceed to interview. They asked for permissions to
record the responses of their respondents for fomality and promised to
practice confidentiality. The partcipants of this study are those introverted
students in Nangan National High School. They all lived within the
municipality of Governor Generoso Davao Oriental.

Eye of the Researchers

To investigate the rich tapestry of human behavior and emotions,
researchers employ intuition, empathy, and critical thinking skills. They
immerse themselves in their subjects' worlds, aiming to comprehend their
viewpoints, motives, and interactions. Researchers discover the complexities
of human lives and the meanings people assign to their experiences through
in-depth interviews, observations, and document and artifact analysis.

Researchers also understand the value of reflexivity in their work. They

are conscious of their own biases, assumptions, and prejudices and work
hard to maintain transparency and self-awareness throughout the study
process. In this way, they were able to understand different perspective an
experiences of introverted students of Nangan National High School.

Trustworthiness and Credibility

To preserve the integrity of the research process and its findings,

researchers made sure that their work is trustworthy and credible. Without
trustworthiness and credibility, research may be ignored or deemed
untrustworthy, reducing the study's effect and validity. Researchers clearly
defined their research methodologies, data gathering approaches, and
analysis procedures so that readers may understand how the study was
conducted and how the findings were reached. Researchers established the
credibility of their work by offering a clear description of the research method,
giving readers confidence in the validity of the findings.

Ethical Consideration
Researchers prioritized their participants' well-being and autonomy,
taking precautions to avoid any potential dangers or injury. By adhering to
high ethical standards, researchers ensured that their study was performed
responsibly and contributed to the progress of knowledge in a fair and ethical
way. Researchers also guarantee that participants are not threatened or
exploited as a result of their involvement in the study. This includes getting
participants' informed consent, fully explaining the objective of the study and
the potential risks and benefits of participation, and ensuring that participants
have the opportunity to withdraw at any time.

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