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Cyberbullying is a modern form of bullying that happens online. It's when someone use the internet or
social media to hurt, to embarrass or scare others. It's a big problem especially for young people, it can
happen anytime and anywhere.

cyberbullying comes in many forms, like spreading rumors, sharing embarrassing photos, or sending
mean messages. Unlike regular bullying, cyberbullying happens online and it's often anonymous, which
makes it easier for bullies to be mean without getting caught.

When someone is cyberbullied, it can really hurt someone. They might feel sad, scared or anxiety. It can
also affect their schoolworks and relationship sometimes, it can even make them think about hurting
themselves or suicidal ideation.

Cyberbullying is a big problem, when the Cyberbully happens, it can spread to all over to people so it
means that when cyberbullying on someone, it will definitely spread and everybody may know about
this act {unlike} bullying on personal, it can still hide the happening but not like the Cyberbullying. when
cyberbullying spreads on social media, it will increase the number of bullies on whatever is being bullied,
so it is more dangerous and the victim will be more embarrassed and hurt.

Another one thing that, cyberbullying can also results in long-lasting emotional effects, even the bullying
has (stop) and it will cause trauma then it affects their mental health and anxiety.They might comes in
their mind to do suicide because of their affected mental health and hurt themselves.

In conclusion, Cyberbullies is a bullying to someone in a modern way to hurt someone, make fun of
something, to be means, etc. The worst is that, when cyberbullying spreads, everybody will knows about
it and the victim will feel insecure and scared. It also affects their mental health because of the trauma
that happened to them.

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