TA10-Unit 2

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Lesson 1: Getting started – Go Green Club

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- To help students know the overall topic of the unit relating to human and environment.
- To enable students to guess some new words and expressions from the conversation.
- To help students use the collocations (the verbs and nouns phrases) related to greener life.
- To help ss identify and uses the futures tenses with Will and Be going to.
2. Core competence
- General competences: language ability, communication, cooperation and self-learning.
- Specific competences: guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension
- Integrated skills
3. Personal qualities
- Develop a greener lifestyle and awareness of environmental issues;
- Be responsible to the environment.

1. Teacher:
- Teaching aids: Grade 10 textbook, lesson plan, computer – Internet connection, projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students:
- Grade 10 textbook, notebook, pen, pencil
Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning Vietnamese equivalent

1. human (n) /ˈhjuːmən/ people rather than animals, machines or gods con người

2. environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ the natural world in which people, animals and plants live môi trường

3. green (a) /gri:n/ connected with the protection of the environment xanh, sạch
Anticipated difficulties Solutions

- Students may not know the the topic. - Use pictures/ photos or videos about environment to show them in the class.
- Students may not know how to work in team. - Give short, clear instructions and help if necessary.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 1: Getting started – Go Green Club
I. Vocabulary
1. human (n) /ˈhjuːmən/: con người
2. environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/: môi trường
3. green (a) /gri:n/: connected with the protection of the environment: xanh, sạch
II. Practice
Task 1: Read and answer the questions
Task 2: Identify the collocation
Task 3: Complete the sentences.
III. Production:

In each activity, each step will be represented as following:
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Give comments or feedback
Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

WARM-UP - To create a friendly and a. Expected outcomes: 5

lively atmosphere in the water, habitat, air, dust, polluted, sewage, acid rain, flood, etc… mins
classroom, break the ice b. Organization
and make students more GAME: “ BRAINSTORMING” - ENVIRONMENT
engaged and comfortable - Leads into the topic of the unit by playing the game
with learning. - Divides class into two groups and show the game rules
- To raise students’ In three minutes, two groups have to think out words/phrases related to Environment as many as
interest in the topic and possible. The group having more correct answers will be the winner in this game.
activate prior knowledge - Ask Ss to open their books at page 19. Draw their attention to the unit overview and briefly
related to human and introduce the language and skills points, communication and culture / CLIL topics, and the project.
- To lead into the lesson.

PRESENTATION - To introduce the topic a. Expected outcome: 10

(Household chores) 1. human (n) /ˈhjuːmən/: con người mins
- To introduce some 2. environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/: môi trường
vocabulary and the 3. green (a) /gri:n/: connected with the protection of the environment: xanh, sạch
grammar points to be b. Organization:
learnt in the unit. Teacher reads the title HUMAN AND ENVIRONMENT & GO GREEN LIFE asking students whether
they know the meaning of this phrase via some questions:
“What are the differences of human and animals?”
“What is the environment? And is it important to us”
“What is the synonym of the word Green?”
- Teacher sets the context for listening and reading the conversation. Have Ss look at the picture on
pages 19, ask questions:
“What Ss know about them?”
“Where are they? “
“Who are they? “
“What are they doing?”
- Teacher encourages Ss to answer, but do not confirm whether their answers are right or wrong.
- Teacher plays the recording twice for Ss to listen and read along. Have Ss underline some new
words or phrases in the conversation.
- Teacher has Ss compare the words and phrases they have underlined and discuss their meanings
in pair.
- Checks comprehension as a class and teach some new words if necessary.
- Then calls two pairs of Ss to read the texts aloud.
- Teacher asks Ss if their guesses about the picture are right. Confirm the answers: “They are
friends”, “ They are in Nam’s kitchen.”, “ Nam is cooking”, “Minh is playing football.”…


comprehension of the a. Expected outcomes: mins
conversation. 1. It was set up by the Youth Union in Nam’s school.
2. The club wants to improve the environment and encourage people to adopt a greener
3. The club will organise more activities to raise local people’s awareness of environmental

b. Organization:
- Teacher asks Ss to read each question carefully, and then underline key words in each statement.
- Ask them to read the texts and locate the parts of the conversation to support their answers.
- To revise some - Teacher has Ss share their answers with the class.
collocations related to - Then confirms the correct answers. 5
household chores, mins
consisting a verb and a TASK 2. INDENTIFY THE COLLOCATIONS
noun. a. Expected outcomes: Suggested answers
1. raise – c. awareness
2. reduce – your carbon footprint
3. clean up – the school
4. adopt – a greener lifestyle
5. set up – a club
b. Organization:
- Teacher asks Ss to read nouns/ noun phrases in the right column and ask: “ What are they
about?”, then tell them each noun/ n phrase goes with a certain verb/ phrasal verbs.
- Teacher has Ss work individually read the conversation and identify the verbs to complete the
To help Ss identify present table.
simple and present - Then calls on Ss to read out their findings and confirms the correct words.
continuous and how they
are used in sentences TASK 3. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES
a. Expected outcomes: Suggested answers 5
1. am preparing mins
2. does/ is working]

b. Organization:
- Teacher has Ss read each sentence and try to give the correct form of verbs in brackets. Ask the
whole class to read out the verbs only and then call on some individuals to read the complete
- Gives feedback.

PRODUCTION - To help Ss revise some TASK 5: CROSSWORD 10

household chores a. Expected outcomes: mins
. - Ss are able to pick up 10 words from the crossword:
1. homemaker 5. gardening
2. sharing 6. washing
3. iron 7. laundry
4. cooking 8. help
5. gardening 9. sweeping
6. washing 10. earn

b. Organization:
- Teacher divides Ss into four teams
- Instructs them to play 2 games with clear game rules
+ Sub-activity 1:
 Give Ss 2 minutes to find out ten words in the crossword related to the topic family and
household chores. (10 points/ each correct word.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 H O M E M A K E R M
2 S H A R I N G G E O
3 L E F O R E U T O P
4 A L E N E I R O N P
5 U P A N N O K I N I
6 N B R U I G O F Y G
7 D E N C O O K I N G
8 R G A R D E N I N G
9 Y W A S H I N G A L
10 B R E A K F A S T N
 Give the feedback and announce the result of game 1.

+ Sub-activity 2
 Call 5 Ss of each team to write down on the board as many sentences as possible, using
simple present and present continuous. Set a time limit (within 3 ms).
 When the time is up, correct and announce the points.
 Announce the total points and the winner of the game.

CONSOLIDATIO - To help students WRAP-UP 5

N memorise the target * T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? mins
language and skills that - Some lexical items about household chores
they have learned - Reading for specific information
- To inform students what - Scanning
the final product of the HOMEWORK
project should be and 1. Exercises in the workbook
how students can 2. Project preparation
prepare for it. - Have Ss look at the last page of Unit 1, the Project lesson and ask them what topic of the project
- Tell them the project requirements: Do research on Family Day in Viet Nam or other countries in
the world
+ suggest activities, provide the reasons and expected results of the activities;
+ present their plans in the last lesson of the unit.
- Remind Ss that besides brainstorming activities, they:
+ can search for ideas on the Internet, in the newspaper, etc. for reference.
+ should use photos/pictures to illustrate their ideas.
- Put Ss into groups and have them choose their group leader. Ask them to assign tasks for each
member, making sure that all group members contribute to the project work.
- Help Ss set deadlines for each task.

Evaluation and adjustment (if any)


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