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Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

per day

5 old math paper practice test

at least 50 vocab/per day
panda 10 p.t->2at least p.t
varsity tutors at least math 3d.t with review
rock sat tests - at least 1 with review +anot book
200+ math sqb tests
cracksat math at least 5 p.t/day
princeton review
5+ articles/day
80+ sbq ebrw/day
prinsex at least 50 p.t/day+writing also
cracksat theme test+reading+writing
old paper writing at least 30qs+old paper reading test at least 10qs
princeton review
khan academy
at least 50 vocab/per day
also 1 sonnet/day/or in 4 days

Challenges ->
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
per day MATH:
varsity tutors 5+diagonstic tests
15+ articles/day 5 panda math p.ts
250+ sbq ebrw/day 7+ math old paper tests
prinsex at least 100 p.t/day+writing also 200+ sqb qs/day
cracksat theme test+reading+writing philadeplhia finish
old paper atleast2 writing p.t+at least 1reading p.t 1 rock sat math tests+/day
princeton review 1 p.t-ebrw at least 5 math p.t
at least 1 book/day add
khan academy ebrw+math EBRW:
video lesson ebrw 300+ sqb ebrw
add - math anot book prinsex finish
Rock sat math 1 p.t + varsity. tutor math p.t at least 1 khan academy finish
sat sqb math 100qs + review video lesson ebrw
cracksat math at least 2p.t 20 articles/day
panda math 1p.t/day finish 1 book/day
khan academy math princeton review full p.t
add add cracksat math&ebrw qs+p.t
at least 50 vocab/per day 1 sonnet/day
1 sonnet/day or in 2 days

complete IG, CP, FM until 7.04.24 and/ other vocabs until 20/25.04.24
sport - only
25x4 push ups/day
10x5 pull ups
DISCLAIMER: if u don’t do 30x5 leg
u gonnda at least 100x5push ups, 50x4 arm
200x5 leg 25x4 shoulders/day
50x10 pull ups
Never procrastinate

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