Handout - Goldilocks and Three Bears

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Global Indian International School, Dubai

Grade 2 English – The Goldilocks and the three bears

Short answers

1) Why did Goldilocks have the porridge from the third bowl?
Goldilocks had porridge from the third bowl because it was perfect for her.

2) Why did Goldilocks sleep on the third bed?

Goldilocks slept on the third bed because it was just right for her.

3) What did mama bear ask baby bear to do?

Mama Bear asked Baby Bear to take Goldilocks back to her family.

4) Why did Goldilocks say sorry to the baby bear?

Goldilocks said sorry to Baby Bear because she had broken his chair.
Fill in the blanks
1) The three bears find Goldilocks in their ___________.
Correct Answer: bedroom

2) Goldilocks finds the bowls of porridge in the ____________.

Correct Answer: kitchen

3) Goldilocks feels ____________ after eating the bowl of porridge.

Correct Answer: sleepy

4) The three bears stay in a ____________.

Correct Answer: small cottage

5) Goldilocks was on a ____________ with her family.

Correct Answer: picnic

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