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Roll No. ........................

Total Pages : 7
2. Draft an application to the Court for setting aside

Ex Parte Decree where the person failed to attend

the Court at the time of hearing, because of the
strike of the railways and decree was passed
agianst him. 11

Paper–I 3. What are the fundamental rules of pleading?

Semester–VIII Explain. 11

4. Draft an application for the appointment of

Time Allowed : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 74
the guardian of a person and property of a
Note : The candidates are required to attempt two
questions each from Sections A and B carrying minor. 11

11 marks each and the entire Section C

consisting of 10 short answer type questions
carrying 3 marks each. 5. Explain in detail the salient features and functions

SECTION—A of conveyancing. 11

1. Explain in detail the term Plaint. With examples

6. What are the essential component parts of a deed?
discuss what are the various essentials of a
Explain in detail the Sale deed. 11
Plaint? 11

611/ML/984/W [P. T. O. 611/ML/984/W 2

7. Draft an application for bail where there is an (vi) Petition for judicial separation under section

apprehension of arrest of a person under section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

438 of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. 11

(vii) Write a note on will.

8. File a petition for decree of nullity of marriage

(viii) Power of attorney.
under section 11 and 12 of the Hindu Marriage

Act, 1955. 11 (ix) Agreement to sell a property.

SECTION—C (x) Lease deed.

9. Write short notes on the following : 10×3=30

(i) Write note on written statements.

(ii) Application for eviction of tenant under the

East Punjab Rent Restriction Act, 1949.

(iii) Essentials fo framing of suit.

(iv) Parties to the suit.

(v) Object of pleadings.

611/ML/984/W 3 [P. T. O. 611/ML/984/W 4

PUNJABI VERSION 4. iek ivAkqI Aqy iek nw-bwlg dI jwiedwd dy
srpRsq dI inXuk`qI leI iek ArjI dw KrVw iqAwr
no t : Bwg A Aqy B hryk ivcoN do-do pRSn kro Aqy hryk
kro[ 11
pRSn dy 11 AMk hn[ Bwg C swrw kro[ ies ivc
10 sMKyp au~qr vwly pRSn lwjmI hn Aqy hryk
Bwg —B
pRSn dy 3 AMk hn[
5. ieMqkwl dIAW mu`K ivSySqwvW Aqy kwrjW dI ivsQwr
Bwg —A
ivc ivAwiKAw kro[ 11

1. Sbd AwrjI dwAvw dI ivsQwr iv`c ivAwiKAw kro[

6. iek iekrwrnwmy (Deed) dy AwvSk AMg Bwg ikhVy
audwhrx sihq crcw kro ik iek ArjI dwAvy dy
hn? ivkrI iekrwrnwmy dI ivsQwr ivc ivAwiKAw
v`K-v`K AwvSk q`q ikhVy hn? 11
kro[ 11
2. AYks pwrtI inrxy (Decree) nUM iek pwsy rKx leI
7. jmwnq leI iek ArjI dw KrVw iqAwr kro ijQy
Adwlq nUM iek ArjI dw KrVw iqAwr kro ijQy
ivAkqI rylvy dI hVqwl dy kwrn suxvweI dy smyN POjdwrI pRikirAw kof, 1973 dy sYkSn 438 qihq

Adwlq iv`c hwjr hox ivc AsPl irhw sI Aqy iek ivAkqI dI igRPqwrI dI SMkw hY[ 11

inrxw ausdy ivruD pws ho igAw sI? 11

8. ihMdU ivAwh kwnUMn, 1955 dy sYkSn 11 Aqy 12 qihq
3. bcwA leI ibAwn (Pleading) dy mOilk inXm kI hn, ivAwh dI mnsUKI dy inrxy leI iek ArjI dwier
ivAwiKAw kro[ 11 kro[ 11

611/ML/984/W 5 [P. T. O. 611/ML/984/W 6

Bwg —C

9. hyT iliKAW 'qy sMKyp not ilKo : 10×3=30

(i) ilKqI ibAwnW 'qy not ilKo[

(ii) pUrbI pMjwb ikrwieAw pwbMdI kwnUMn, 1949

qihq ikrweydwr dI by-dKlI leI ArjI[

(iii) muk`dmy dw FWcw bxwaux leI AwvSk q`q[

(iv) muk`dmy dIAW pwrtIAW[

(v) bcwA leI ibAwnW dw audyS[

(vi) ihMdU ivAwh kwnUMn, 1955 dy sYkSn 10 qihq

AdwlqI vKryNvyN leI ArjI[
(vii) vsIAq 'qy iek not ilKo[
(viii) pwvr AwP AtwrnI[

(ix) iek jwiedwd vycx leI iekrwrnwmw[

(x) lIz ivkrwrnwmw[

611/ML/984/W 7

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