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Matlab Assignments-1, Session: 2023 - 2024 (Spring)
B. Tech 6th Semester
Communication Systems (Code: EE3402)

Answer all questions

1. 5.8-1 Consider a message signal that consists of three sinusoids

m(t) = 2 cos(2π · 400t) + cos(2π · 800t) − 3 sin(2π · 1200t)

that lasts 0.2 second.

(a) Using a sampling frequency of 4000 Hz, illustrate the spectrum of the ideally sampled signal and
compare with the spectrum of the original signal m(t).
(b) Using an ideal LPF of bandwidth B = 2000 Hz for reconstruction, illustrate the difference in time
domain between the reconstructed signal and the original signal. What happens if we select B =
1500 Hz instead?
(c) If we use a simple rectangular pulse of width Ts Π (t/Ts ) to reconstruct the original signal from the
quantized samples, design and implement the equalizer filter to recover the message as discussed in
Sec. 5.1.2.
2. Consider the same message signal m(t) and the sampling of Prob. 5.8-1.

m(t) = 2 cos(2π · 400t) + cos(2π · 800t) − 3 sin(2π · 1200t)

In this exercise, the signal samples are quantized using 16-level uniform quantizer.
(a) Using an ideal LPF of bandwidth B = 2000 Hz for reconstruction, illustrate the difference in time
domain between the reconstructed signal and the original signal.
(b) If we use a simple rectangular pulse Π (t/TS ) to reconstruct the original signal from the quantized
samples, design and implement the equalizer filter to recover the message as discussed in Sec. 5.1.2.
Compare the difference between the original signal and the recovered signal.
(c) If we use a simple triangular pulse ∆ (t/Ts ) to reconstruct the original signal from the quantized
samples, design and implement the equalizer filter to recover the message as discussed in Sec. 5.1.2.
Compare the difference signal recovery using the two different pulses Π (t/Ts ) and ∆ (t/Ts ).
3. 5.8-3 Consider the same message signal m(t) of Prob. 5.8-1. In this problem, the signal samples are
digitized using DM.
(a) By using a new sampling rate fs = 9600 Hz and step size E = 0.2, examine the original signal and
the DM signal. Is there any overloading effect?
(b) Continue to use the sampling rate fs = 9600 Hz. By increasing and decreasing the step size, examine
the original signal and the DM signal.
(c) Determine an appropriate step size to mitigate the overloading effect. Experiment with new DM
system parameters to show improvement over the results of Part (b).
4. 5.8-4 Utilizing the image compression example of Sec.5.8.4, perform image compression on the follow-
ing test images from the Signal and Image Processing Institute website at the University of Southern
California: (
(a) ”boat.512.tiff”
(b) ”elaine.512.tiff”

Test different selections of parameter Qpk to achieve effective trade-off between quality and compression

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