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የኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ

ፋዯራሌ ነጋሪት ጋዛጣ


ሃያ አምስተኛ ዓመት ቁጥር ፲ በኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ 25th Year No. 19
አዱስ አበባ ጥር ቀን ፪ሺ፲፩ ዓ.ም የሕዜብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ጠባቂነት የወጣ ADDIS ABABA, 19th January, 2019

አዋጅ ቁጥር ፩ሺ፩፻/ሺ፲፩ ዓ.ም Proclamation No.1100 /2019

የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አዋጅ............ ገጽ ፲ሺ፻፷፩ Defense Forces Proclamation ...............................Page 10861

አዋጅ ቁጥር ፩ሺ፩፻/ሺ፲፩ PROCLAMATION NO.1100/2019

የኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ መከሊከያ
የኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ
WHEREAS, the Defense Forces of the Federal
የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት የአገሪቱን ለዓሊዊነት የሚያስከብር፣
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is organized, to
የብሔሮች፣ብሔረሰቦችና የሕዜቦችን ሚዚናዊ ተዋፅፆ
safeguard the country's sovereignty, to embody the
ያካተተ እና ከፖሇቲካ ዴርጅቶች ወገናዊነት ነፃ በመሆን
equitable representation of nations, nationalities and
ተግባሩን እንዱያከናውን የተዯራጀ መሆኑ፤
peoples, and to carry out its functions free of any
partisanship to any political organization;
የኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to have a
የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት የሚመራበትን እና ከተሙ ወቅታዊ legal framework for the Defense Forces of the Federal
ግዲጅ ጋር የሚጣጣም እንዱሁም የወዯፉቱን ግዲጅ ታሳቢ Democratic Republic of Ethiopia by which is directed an
ያዯረገ የህግ ማዕቀፌ አስፇሊጊ በመሆኑ፤ consistent with its contemporary commitments and which
takes into account its future commitments;
በሥራ ሊይ ያሇውን የኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ WHEREAS, it has become necessary to revise and

ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት የህግ ማዕቀፌ consolidate the existing legal framework of the Defense
Forces of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;
ማሻሻሌ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ በመገኘቱ፤
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
በኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ
55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
ሕገ-መንግስት አንቀጽ ፶፭() መሠረት የሚከተሇው
Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ክፌሌ አንዴ
.አጭር ርዕስ 1. Short Title
ይህ አዋጅ “የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አዋጅ ቁጥር This Proclamation may be cited as the "Defense Forces
፩ሺ፩፻/ሺ፲፩" ተብል ሉጠቀስ ይችሊሌ፡፡ Proclamation No. 1100/2019”.
.ትርጓሜ 2. Definition
የቃለ አገባብ ላሊ ትርጉም የሚያሰጠው ካሌሆነ In this Proclamation unless the context otherwise
በስተቀር በዙህ አዋጅ ውስጥ፡- requires:
/ “አዚዥ»” ማሇት የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥን 1/ "commander" means a person authorized to direct

ጨምሮ በኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ and administer a military unit formed at any level of

ሪፐብሉክ መከሊከያ ሠራዊት ውስጥ በማናቸውም the Defense Forces of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia including the Commander-in-
ዯረጃ ሊይ የሚገኝ አንዴን የጦር ክፌሌ ሇመምራትና
Chief of the Armed Forces;
ሇማስተዲዯር ሥሌጣን የተሰጠው ሰው ነው፤
/ “ሚኒስቴር” ወይም “ሚኒስትር” ማሇት እንዯቅዯም 2/ "Ministry" or "Minister” means the Ministry or

ተከተለ የአገር መከሊከያ ሚኒስቴር ወይም ሚኒስትር Minister of the National Defense, respectively;

/ “ምሌምሌ ወታዯር” ማሇት በኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ 3/ "recruit" means a person drawn from the community
ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ መከሊከያ ሠራዊት ውስጥ to render military service in the Defense Forces of

በውትዴርና ሇማገሌገሌ መስፇርቱን አሟሌቶ the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia having

ከህብረተሰቡ ውስጥ የተመሇመሇ ሆኖ ወታዯራዊ met the criteria but has not yet completed military
training and has not entered into a contract of
ስሌጠናውን ያሊጠናቀቀና የቅጥር ውሌ ያሌፇረመ
ሰው ነው፤
/ “የሠራዊት አባሌ” ማሇት በኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ 4/ "member of defense forces" means a person who
ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ መከሊከያ ሠራዊት ውስጥ renders military services on a permanent basis in the

በቋሚነት የውትዴርና አገሌግልት የሚሰጥ ሰው Defense Forces of the Federal Democratic Republic

ነው፤ of Ethiopia;

/ “መሠረታዊ ወታዯር” ማሇት መሠረታዊ የውትዴርና 5/ "private soldier" means a member of the defense
ስሌጠና በማጠናቀቅ ቃሇ መሃሊና የቅጥር ውሌ forces without rank and who is already serving or

የፇጸመና የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሇመስጠት የተ዗ጋጀ who has taken oath or entered into a contract of

ወይም በማገሌገሌ ሊይ ያሇ ማዕረግ ያሌሇበሰ employment having completed basic military

የሠራዊት አባሌ ነው፡፡
/ “መኮንን“ ማሇት ከምክትሌ መቶ አሇቃ እስከ ጀነራሌ 6/ "officer" includes those members of the defense
ማዕረግ ዴረስ ያለትን ወታዯራዊ ማዕረጎች forces ranging in rank from Second-Lieutenant to
የሚያጠቃሌሌ ነው፤ General;
gA ፲ሺ፻፷ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ “ጀነራሌ መኮንን“ ማሇት ከብርጋዳር ጀነራሌ እስከ 7/ "general officer" means ranks of those members of
ጀነራሌ ዴረስ ያለትን ወታዯራዊ ማዕረጎች the defense force ranging from Birgadier-General to

የሚያጠቃሌሌ ነው፤ General;

/ “ከፌተኛ መኮንን” ማሇት ከሻሇቃ ማዕረግ እስከ 8/ "senior officer" means ranks of those members of
ኯልኔሌ ማዕረግ ዴረስ ያለትን ወታዯራዊ ማዕረጎች the defense forces ranging from Major to Colonel;
የሚያጠቃሌሌ ነው፤
/ “መስመራዊ መኮንን” ማሇት ከምክትሌ መቶ አሇቃ 9/ "junior officer" means ranks of those members of the
እስከ ሻምበሌ ማዕረግ ዴረስ ያለትን የሚያጠቃሌሌ defense forces ranging from Second-Lieutenant to

ነው፤ Captain;

፲/ “የበታች ሹም” ማሇት በምዴር ሃይሌ ከምክትሌ አስር 10/ "non-commissioned officer" means ranks of those
members of the defense forces ranging from Lance-
አሇቃ ማዕረግ እስከ ቺፌ ዋራንት ኦፉሰር እና በአየር
Corporal to Chief Warrant Officer under the Ground
ሃይሌ ከጁኒየር ኤርክራፌት ማን እስከ ቺፌ ዋራንት
Forces and from Junior Air craftman to Chief
ኦፉሰር ያለትን የማዕረግ ዯረጃዎች የሚያጠቃሌሌ
Warrant Officer under the Air Forces;
፲፩/ “ግዲጅ” ማሇት ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ ቃሇ 11/ "task" means a military duty that any member of the
መሃሊ ፇጽሞ የቅጥር ውሌ ከፇረመበት ጊዛ ጀምሮ defense forces carries out in the Ministry from the
ከሠራዊት እስከሚሠናበትበት ጊዛ ዴረስ በሚኒስቴሩ time he has entered into a contract of employment

ውስጥ የሚያከናውነው የውትዴርና ተግባር ነው፤ upon taking of an oath till discharged from military
፲፪/ “የጦር ሜዲ ግዲጅ” ማሇት በኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ 12/ "active combat duty" means a military duty
ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ የሕዜብ ተወካዮች ምክር performed at home or abroad, as the case may be,
ቤት በአገር አቀፌ ዯረጃ የጦርነት ወይም የክተት when the House of Peoples’ Representatives of the
በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ በሙለም ሆነ በከፉሌ Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia declares the
የጦርነት አዯጋ የተጠንቀቅ ትዕዚዜ ሲሰጥ ወይም nation is in a state of war or a general mobilization,

ሠራዊቱ በጦርነት ግዲጅ ሊይ እንዯሆነ ሲወሰን ወይም or the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

በህጉ መሠረት በአስቸኳይ ጊዛ አዋጅ የሚከናወን gives a standby order or when it is decided that the
defense force is on active combat duty and deployed
የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት ግዲጅ ሆኖ እንዯየሁኔታው በአገር
accordingly or a duty performed by the defense force
ውስጥ ወይም በውጭ አገር ሉፇጸም ይችሊሌ፤
in a state of emergency declared according to the
law; at home or abroad as deemed necessary.

፲፫/ “የብሔራዊ ተጠባባቂ ሃይሌ አባሌ” ማሇት በህግ 13/ "member of the national reserve force" means a
መሰረት ሇብሔራዊ ተጠባባቂ ሃይሌ አባሌነት person recruited according to law to be a member of
ተመሌምል አስፇሊጊውን ስሌጠና ከወሰዯ በኋሊ the national reserve force and waiting to give military

የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሇመስጠት የሚጠባበቅ ሰው service upon taking the necessary training;

gA ፲ሺ፻፷ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

፲፬/ “ ወታዯራዊ የፌትህ አካሊት” ማሇት ወታዯራዊ 14/"military justice organs" means military police,
ፖሉስ፣ ወታዯራዊ አቃቢ ህግ፣ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ military prosecutor, military court and military

ቤት እና ወታዯራዊ ተከሊካይ ጠበቃን ያካትታሌ፤ defense counsel;

፲፭/ “የፋዯራሌና የክሌሌ ጸጥታ ሃይልች” ማሇት 15/ "federal and state security forces" means federal or
state police, militia, inland security, anti-terrorism,
የፋዯራሌ ወይም የክሌሌ ፖሉስ፣ ሚሉሻ፣ የአገር
customs, immigration forces and organs that
ውስጥ ዯህንነት፣የፀረ-ሽብር፣የጉምሩክ፣ የኢሚግሬሽን
directly or indirectly carry out similar activities;
ሃይልችና በቀጥታም ሆነ በተ዗ዋዋሪ መንገዴ
ተመሳሳይ ስራ የሚያከናውኑ አካሊት ናቸው፤

፲፮/ “መዯበኛ የፌትህ አካሊት” ማሇት የፋዯራሌ ወይም 16/ "regular justice organs” means federal or regional
የክሌሌ ፌርዴ ቤቶች፣ ፖሉስ፣ አቃቤ ህግ፣ እና courts, police, prosecutor and prison centers;

ማረሚያ ቤቶችን ያጠቃሌሊሌ፤

17/ "peace keeping mission" means a mission of peace
፲፯/ “የሰሊም ማስከበር ተሌዕኮ” ማሇት በተባበሩት
making or peace keeping carried out in a foreign
መንግስታት ዴርጅት ወይም በአፌሪካ ህብረት ውሣኔ
country by the resolution of the United Nations or
ወይም በአጋር አገሮች ወታዯራዊ ትብብር በውጭ
the African Union or as per military cooperation
አገር የሚከናወን የሰሊም ማስፇን ወይም የሰሊም
agreements with allies;
ማስከበር ተሌዕኮ ነው፤

፲፰/“ሲቪሌ” ማሇት ከመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አባሌ ውጪ 18/ "civil" means any person who is not a member of

የሆነ ማንኛውም ሰው ነው፤ the defense forces;

፲፱/ ማንኛውም በወንዴ ጾታ የተዯነገገው የሴትንም ፆታ 19/ any expression in the masculine gender includes the
፫.የተፇፃሚነት ወሰን 3. Scope of Application
ይህ አዋጅ በማንኛውም የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አባሌ ሊይ
This Proclamation shall be applicable on any member of
እንዱሁም እንዯአግባብነቱ በሲቪልችም ሊይ ተፇፃሚ
the defense forces as well as on civilians, as the case
ይሆናሌ፡፡ may be.
ክፌሌ ሁሇት
ስሇ ወታዯራዊ አገሌግልት
.ስሇመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አዯረጃጀት
4. Organization of the Defense Forces

/ የኢትዮጵያ ፋዯራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ 1/ The Defense Force of the Federal Democratic
መከሊከያ ሰራዊት በምዴር ኃይሌ፣ በአየር ኃይሌ፣ Republic of Ethiopia shall consist of Ground Force,

በባህር ኃይሌ እና በሌዩ ዗መቻዎች ኃይሌ የሚዯራጅ Air Force, Naval Force and Special Operations Force,

ሆኖ እንዯአስፇሊጊነቱም የስፔስና የሳይበር ኃይልችን and may include, as necessary, Space and Cyber
ሉያካትት ይችሊሌ፡፡
gA ፲ሺ፻፷ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ እያንዲንደ ሃይሌ እንዯአስፇሊጊነቱ ተጠባባቂ ሃይሌ 2/ Each force may have reserve force as may be
ሉኖረው ይችሊሌ፡፡ necessary.

/ ሚኒስቴሩ እንዯየግዲጁ አስፇሊጊነት በውስጡ ንዐሳን 3/ The Ministry may organize subordinate units when
አዯረጃጀቶችን ሉያዋቅር ይችሊሌ፡፡ military exigencies so require.

.ስሇመመሌመሌ 5. Recruitment
/ ሚኒስቴሩ በየጊዛው በሚያወጣው መመ዗ኛ መሰረት 1/ the Ministry may, in accordance with its criteria issued
ሇወታዯርነት ብቁና ፌቃዯኛ የሆኑ ሰዎችን ሉመሇምሌ from time to time, recruit persons fit and willing for
ይችሊሌ፡፡ military services.
/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () መሰረት ሚኒስቴሩ 2/ recruitment made by the Ministry, under sub-article (1)

የሚያዯርገው ምሌመሊ የብሔሮች፣ ብሔረሰቦችና of this Article, shall embody equitable representation of
Nations, Nationalities and Peoples.
ህዜቦችን ሚዚናዊ ተዋፅዖ ያካተተ ይሆናሌ፡፡

/ ሇእጩ መኮንንነት ምሌመሊ የሚካሄዯው ከሠራዊት 3/ cadets shall be recruited from members of the defense

አባሊትና በቀጥታ ከሲቪሌ ህብረተሰብ ይሆናሌ፡፡ forces and directly from the civilian population.

.ስሇ ቅጥር 6. Employment

ሇወታዯርነት የተመሇመሇ ማንኛውም ሰው ሚኒስቴሩ Any military recruit shall conclude a contract of
በሚያወጣው መመሪያ መሰረት የቅጥር ውሌ employment in accordance with a directive to be issued
ይፇፅማሌ፡፡ by the Ministry.

.ወታዯራዊ ሥሌጠና 7. Military Training

/ ሇወታዯርነት የተመሇመሇ ማንኛውም ሰው የውትዴርና 1/ Any military recruit shall receive basic military
training before going into service.
አገሌግልት ከመጀመሩ በፉት መሠረታዊ የውትዴርና
ሥሌጠና ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡
2/ Members of the defense forces on active duty shall be
/ በአገሌግልት ሊይ ያሇ የሠራዊት አባሌ እንዯየግዲጁ
trained in diverse skills or educated in diverse fields as
አስፇሊጊነት፣ ዜንባላውና ችልታው እየተመ዗ነ በሌዩ
the mission requires considering their individual
ሌዩ የሙያ መስክ እንዱሰሇጥን ወይም እንዱማር
disposition and competence.
3/ Any member of the defense force and a civilian

/ ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ እና ከህብረተሰቡ citizen drawn from the society who satisfies the
criteria to be issued by the Ministry shall receive
የሚመሇመሌ ሲቭሌ ዛጋ ሚኒስቴሩ ሇእጩ መኮንንነት
training that qualifies him for officer service and
ከህብረተሰቡ በቀጥታ መመሌመሌ እንዱቻሇ
shall be bestowed upon the rank of Second-
የሚያወጣውን መመ዗ኛ የሚያሟሊ ከሆነ በመኮንንነት
Lieutenant upon successfully completing the
ሇማገሌገሌ የሚያስችሇውን ሥሌጠና እንዱያገኝ
ይዯረጋሌ፡፡ ሥሌጠናውን በስኬት ካጠናቀቀም የምክትሌ
መቶ አሇቃ ማዕረግ ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡
gA ፲ሺ፻፷ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ በማንኛውም ዯረጃ ወታዯራዊ የሥራ ሃሊፉነት 4/ Whenever any assignment to a military position is
በሚሰጥበት ጊዛ የሠራዊት አባለን ሇተመዯበበት ቦታ made, the necessary training or education that makes

ብቁ የሚያዯርገው ሥሌጠና ወይም ትምህርት the member of the defense forces qualified for such
position shall be given to him.
/ ሇውትዴርና ምሌመሊ ሲዯረግም ሆነ የማዕረግና 5/ Recruitment for military service as well as promotion

የሀሊፉነት እዴገት ሲሰጥ ብቃትን መሰረት በማዴረግ for rank and position shall be merit based and it shall

በሰራዊቱ ውስጥ የብሄር፣ብሄረሰቦችና ህዜቦች ማዚናዊ ensure the equitable representation of nation,
nationalities, people, and women
ተዋጽኦ እና የሴቶችን ተሳትፍ በሚያረጋግጥ መሌኩ
መከናወን አሇበት፡፡
.ወታዯራዊ ቃሇ መሐሊ 8. Military Oath
ማንኛውም ምሌምሌ ወታዯር መሰረታዊ የውትዴርና Every recruit, upon completion of the basic military
ሥሌጠናውን እንዯአጠናቀቀ አገሌግልቱን ከመጀመሩ training and before going into service, shall take a
በፉት ወታዯራዊ ቃሇ-መሐሊ ይፇፅማሌ፡፡ military oath.

.የሠራዊት አባሊት ግዳታ 9. Duties of Members of the Defense Forces

ማንኛውም የሰራዊት አባሌ:- Every member of the defence force shall:

/ የአገሪቱን ለዓሊዊነት እና ዲር ዴንበር የመጠበቅና 1/ protect and defend the sovereignty and territorial
የመካሊከሌ ግዳታ አሇበት፡፡ integrity of the nation.

/ ሕገ-መንግስቱን እና ህገመንግስታዊ ስርዓቱን 2/ have the duty to obey and enforce the constitution and
የማክበር እና የማስከበር ግዳታ አሇበት፡፡ the constitutional order.

/ ላልች የአገሪቱን ህጏች፣ ወታዯራዊ ህጏች፣ 3/ have the duty to observe other laws of the country,

መመሪያዎችና ቋሚ ትዕዚዝችን የማክበር ግዳታ military laws, rules, directives and standing orders.


/ የአገር ፀጥታ አስጊ ሁኔታ ሊይ ይወዴቃሌ ተብል 4/ be obliged to remain in service, even beyond the

በአገር ዯረጃ የተጠንቀቀ ትዕዚዜ ሲሲጥ ወይም respective term of service where a standby order is

ተጨባጭ ጦርነት ሲኖር ከውትዯርና አገሌግልት given at a nation-wide level when national security is
endangered or during times of war.
዗መኑ ውጨም ቢሆን በአገሌግልት ሊይ የመቆየት
ግዳታ አሇበት፡፡

/ አግባብ ባሇው ዯንብ መሰረት እንዯአስፇሊጊነቱ በአገር 5/ have the obligation to accept assignments and render

ውስጥም ሆነ ከአገር ውጭ ተመዴቦ የመስራት services both inside and outside the country, as
necessary, in accordance with the relevant regulation.
ግዳታ አሇበት፡፡
6/ carry out his functions free of any partisanship to
/ ተግባሩን ከፖሇቲካ ዴርጂት ወገናዊነት ነፃ በሆነ
any political organizations.
አኳኋን የማከናወን ግዳታ አሇበት፡፡
gA ፲ሺ፻፷ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

፲.የአገሌግልት ዗መን እና እዴሜ 10.Term of Service and Age

1/ Every member of the defense forces shall be

/ ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ ሇውትዴርና
employed for at least 7 years term of service.
አገሌግልት የሚቀጠረው ቢያንስ ሇ፯ ዓመታት

/ በዙህ አንቀፅ ንዐስ አንቀፅ () የተዯነገገው 2/ Without prejudice to the provision of sub-article (1)
እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ የሠራዊት አባለ ሇተጨማሪ of this Article where the member of the defense
ጊዛ አገሌግልት ሇመስጠት ፇቃዯኛ ከሆነና forces is willing to serve for additional time and the

ሚኒስቴሩም ከተስማማ የአገሌግልት ጊዛው Ministry so agrees, the period of service may be

ሉራ዗ም ይችሊሌ፡፡ extended.

/ ማንኛውም ከመሰረታዊ ወታዯር እስከ ሃምሳ አሇቃ 3/ Any member of the Ground Force ranging from

ወይም ተመሳሳይ ዯረጃ ሊሊቸው የአየር Private up to Sergeant or members of the Air Force,
Navy, and Special Operations Force having
ኃይሌ፣የባህር ኃይሌና የሌዩ ዗መቻዎች ኃይሌ
equivalent rank shall not be extended beyond the age
አባሊት የአገሌግልት እዴሜ ከ፵፭ ዓመት ሉያሌፌ
of 45 years.
/ ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ መኮንን ከሆነ በኋሊ 4/ Any member of the defense forces shall serve for, at

ቢያንስ ሇ፲ዓመታት አገሌግልት ይሰጣሌ፡፡ ሆኖም least, 10 years subsequent to becoming an officer;

ከዙህ በታች ከተመሇከተው እዴሜ በሊይ ሉያሌፌ provided, however, that such service may not be
extended beyond the following age limits:
ሀ) ከምክትሌ መቶ አሇቃ እስከ ሻምበሌ ፵፰ a) 48 years for members of the defense forces with

ዓመት፤ the rank ranging from Second Lieutenant to

ሇ) ከሻሇቃ እስከ ኮልኔሌ ፶፪ ዓመት፤
b) 52 years for members of the defense forces with
the rank ranging from Major to Colonel;
ሐ) ጀነራሌ መኮንኖች ፶፭ ዓመት፡፡ c) 55 years for general officers.
፭/ በምዴር ሃይሌ ከመጋቢ ሃምሳ አሇቃ እስከ ቺፌ 5/ Term of Service for members of the Ground Force
ዋራንት ኦፉሰር እና በአየር ኃይሌ ከጁኒየር ቴክኒሽያን ranking from Master Sergeant to Chief Warrant
እስከ ቺፌ ዋራንት ኦፉሰር ተመጣጣኝ ዯረጃ ሊሊቸው Officer and for members of the Air Force ranking

የባህር ኃይሌ እና የሌዩ ዗መቻዎች ኃይሌ አባሊት from Junior Technician to Chief Warrant Officer,

የሰራዊት አባሊት የአገሌገልት እዯሜ ፵፰ ዓመት and for members of the Navy and Special
Operations Force having equivalent rank shall be 48
/ በሚኒስቴሩ ሇግዲጅ አስፇሊጊ መሆኑ ሲታመንበት
6/ Where the Ministry finds it necessary:
ሀ) ሇመጋቢ ሃምሳ አሇቃና ከዙያ በሊይ ሊሇ የበታች
a) term of service of a non-commissioned officer with
ሹምና ተመጣጣኝ ማእረግተኛ፣ እንዱሁም
the rank of Master Sergeant and above, its
ሇመስመራዊ እና ሇከፌተኛ መኮንን እስከ ሶስት
equivalent, and of junior and senior officers may be
ዓመት ሉራ዗ም ይችሊሌ፡፡
gA ፲ሺ፻፷ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

extended for a period of not more than three years;

ሇ) ሇብርጋዳር ጀነራሌ፣ ሇሜጀር ጀነራሌ ሇላተናሌ b) Term of service of Brigadier General ,Major

ጀነራሌ ወይም ሇጀነራሌ ሇሁሇት ጊዛ General, Lieutenant General or General may be

ሇእያንዲንደ ከሁሇት ዓመት ሊሌበሇጠ ሉራ዗ም extended twice for a maximum two years .

/ የአገሌግልት ዗መን የሚራ዗መው፡- 7/ Term of service shall be extended where:

ሀ) የመኮንኑ ወይም የበታች ሹሙ ትምህርት፣ ሌዩ a) the educational qualification, special knowledge,

skill and experience of the officer or the non-
ዕውቀት፣ ችልታና ሌምዴ ሇሚኒስቴር መሥሪያ
commissioned officer is useful for the Ministry;
ቤቱ ጠቃሚ ሆኖ ሲገኝ፤
ሇ) በዯረጃ ዕዴገት ወይም በውስጥ ዜውውር b) it is ascertained that the vacancy could not be filled

ክፌተቱን ሇመሸፇን አሇመቻለ ሲረጋገጥ፤ by promotion or internal transfer;

c) it is ascertained by medical evidence that the officer

ሐ) መኮንኑ ወይም የበታች ሹሙ ሇስራው ብቁ
or the non-commissioned officer is fit for the
መሆኑ በሕክምና ማስረጃ ሲረጋገጥ፤
position or service;
መ) መኮንኑ ወይም የበታች ሹሙ አገሌግልቱን d) the officer or the non-commissioned officer agrees
ሇመቀጠሌ ሲስማማ፤ to the extend the service.

/ የውትዴርና አገሌግልት የማራ዗ም ስሌጣን 8/ powers of extending the terms of military service

ሀ) ሇመጋቢ ሃምሳ አሇቃ እና ከዙያ በሊይ ሊሇ የበታች a) Extension of term of service for non-commissioned

ሹም እና ተመጣጣኝ ማእረግተኛ፣ እንዱሁም officers with the rank of Master Sergeant and
above, its equivalent, and for junior officers shall
ሇመስመራዊ መኮንን በኃይሌ፣ በእዜ፣ በዋና
be approved by Human Resources Main
መምሪያና ተመጣጣኝ ክፌሌ ኃሊፉ አቅራቢነት
Department up on the recommendation of Force,
በመከሊከያ የሰው ኃብት ዋና መምሪያ ይፀዴቃሌ፡፡
Command and Main Department or equivalent unit
ሇ) ሇሻሇቃ እና ሇላተናሌ ኮልኔሌ በጦር ኃይልች b) Extension of term of service for Major and
ኤታማዦር ሹም ይፀዴቃሌ፡፡ Lieutnant Colonel shall be approved by the Chief
of the General Staff.
ሐ) ሇኮልኔሌ በመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ ይፀዴቃሌ፡፡ c) Extension of term of service for Colonel shall be
approved by the Council of Defense Commanders.
መ) ሇጀኔራሌ መኮንን በጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ d) Extension of term of service for General Officer
ይፀዴቃሌ፡፡ shall be approved by the Commander-in-Chief of
the Armed Forces.
፲፩.አገሌግልቶችን ስሇማግኘት 11.Entitlements
1/ Any member of the defense forces on active duty shall
/ በሠራዊቱ ውስጥ በውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሊይ
be entitled, in accordance with the relevant internal
የሚገኝ ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ አግባብ ባሇው
regulation and directives of the Ministry, to rations,
gA ፲ሺ፻፷ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

የሚኒስቴሩ የውስጥ ዯንብና መመሪያ መሰረት housing, military uniform, Grand uniform,
ቀሇብ፣ የመኖሪያ ቤት፣ የዯንብ ሌብስ፣ የክብረ transportation and medical care free of charge.

በዓሌ ሌብስ፣ የመጓጓዣና የሕክምና አገሌግልት

በነፃ ያገኛሌ፡፡
/ በአገሌግልት ሊይ ያሇ ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ 2/ Family members of a member of the defense forces on

በሱ አማካኝነት የመታከም መብት ያገኙ የቤተሰቡ active duty who have acquired the right of free medical
service as well as members of the defense forces who
አባሊት ወይም የአገሌግልት ወይም የጉዲት ወይም
have been discharged from service on the basis of
የህመም ጡረታ መብት ተከብሮሊቸው
retirement on grounds of injury, ill-health or old age shall
ከአገሌግልት የተሰናበቱ ከፋዯራሌና ከክሌሌ
have the right of free medical service at public health
መንግስታት ጋር በሚዯረግ ስምምነት መሰረት
institutions found in their residential areas in accordance
በሚኖሩበት አካባቢ በሚገኙ የመንግስት የህክምና
with the agreement to be entered between the federal
ተቋማት በነፃ የመታከም መብት ይኖራቸዋሌ፡፡ government and states. The particulars shall be
ዜርዜሩ በዯንብ ይወሰናሌ፡፡ determined by regulation.

፲፪.ሇሰራዊት አባሊት ስሇሚዯረግ ማበረታቻ 12. Incentives for Members of the Defense Force

In order to boost the morale of members of the defense

የመከሊከያ ሰራዊት አባሊት ወታዯራዊ አገሌግልታቸውን
force in discharging their military service:
በሊቀ ሞራሌ እንዱያበረክቱ ሇማበረታታት:-

/ ከአስር ዓመት በሊይ ያገሇገሇ በቀሊለ የማይተካ ሌዩ 1/ those members of the defense force with critical and
ክህልት ያሇው የሰራዊት አባሌ፣ ሃያ አምስት scarce skills having more than ten years of service,
ዓመትና ከዙያ በሊይ ያገሇገሇ ኮልኔሌ፣ጀኔራሌ Colonel and General officer having twenty-five years
መኮንን አንዴ የቤት መኪና ከቀረጥ ነፃ መግዚት and above of military service shall be entitled to buy

ይችሊሌ፡፡ one personal automobile free of duties.

/ አስራ አምስት ዓመትና ከዙያ በሊይ ያገሇገሇ 2/ The Federal Government shall support any member of
ማንኛውም የሰራዊት አባሌ በተወሇዯበት የክሌሌ the defense force having fifteen years and above of
ከተማ የግሌ የመኖሪያ ቤት መስሪያ ቦታ እንዱያገኝ military service towards entitlement to a plot of land
መንግስት ዴጋፌ ያዴርጋሌ ፡፡ in his region’s home town for building a private
/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () የተዯነገገው
3/ Without prejudice to sub-article (2) of this Article, a
እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ ሇጀነራሌ መኮንን ቀዯም ሲሌ General officer who did not get any chance of having
በዙህ እዴሌ ያሌተጠቀመ መሆኑ ተረጋግጦ በአዱስ a land previously shall be entitled to a plot of land for
አበባ ከተማ የመኖሪያ ቤት መስሪያ ቦታ እንዱያገኝ building a private house in Addis Ababa city.
በመንግሰት ይመቻቻሌ፡፡

፲.የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ስሇሚቋረጥበት ሁኔታ 13. Termination of Military Service

/ የሚከተለት የውትዴርና አገሌግልት የሚያቋርጡ 1/ The following are reasons for termination of

ምክንያቶች ናቸው፡- military service:

ሀ) የቅጥር ውለ ዗መን ሲያበቃ፤ a) expiry of his contract of employment;
gA ፲ሺ፻፸ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ሇ) ሲሞት፤ b) his death;

ሐ) አባለ የአገሌግልት የውሌ ጊዛው ሳይጠናቀቅ c) If the member has requested discharge before

የስንብት ጥያቄ አቅርቦ ማእረጉን ወይም ሹመቱን the completion of his contractual term of
service, and his request is approved by the
ሇመስጠት ስሌጣን በተሰጣቸው አካሊት ስንብቱ
organs that have the power to award his rank or
መ) አገሌግልት ሇመቀጠሌ የማያስችሌ ከባዴ ሕመም d) a medical board testifying his unfitness for

ወይም የአካሌ ጉዲት ዯርሶበት ሇውትዴርና further military service owing to serious illness

አገሌግልት ብቁ አሇመሆኑ በሐኪሞች ቦርዴ or bodily injury;

e) his retirement;
ሠ) በጡረታ ሲገሇሌ፤
f) termination of his service because of being
ረ) በጠሊት ተማርኮ አገሌግልቱን ሲያቋርጥ ወይም
taken as war prisoner or because his condition
ከጠሊት ጋር በተዯረገ ውጊያ መሃሌ ጠፌቶ ከ
is unknown for a period of not less than six
ወራት ሊሊነሰ ጊዛ ሁኔታው ያሌታወቀ ሲሆን፤
months after he is reported missing amidst a
fight with the enemy;
ሰ) በሚኒስቴር መስሪያ ቤቱ ውስጥ የመዋቅር g) where the Ministry has found it impossible to
ሇውጥ፣ ወይም የአሰራር ማሻሻያ በመዯረጉ retain him due to structural change or reform;

ምክንያት በአገሌግልት እንዱቀጥሌ ሇማዴረግ

ሳይቻሌ ሲቀር፤
h) his service being confirmed undesirable due to
ሸ) በመዯበኛ የውትዴርና ሥራ አፇፃፀም ወይም
incompetence in the performance of regular
በአመራር ብቁ ባሇመሆን ወይም በዱስፕሉን
military duties, failure in leadership or
ጉዴሇት ሇአገሌግልት አስፇሊጊ ያሇመሆኑ
ቀ) በወንጀሌ ተከሶ በፌርዴ ቤት ውሳኔ ጥፊተኛ i) where criminally convicted by court and
የተባሇና ከሁሇት ዓመት በሊይ የእስር ቅጣት sentenced to imprisonment exceeding two years;

የተፇረዯበት ሲሆን፤
j) where the crime is desertion, treason or any other
በ) የእስር ቅጣት ፌርደ ከሁሇት ዓመት በታች
morally outrageous acts, the service shall be
ቢሆንም ግሇሰቡ የተፇረዯበት ኩብሇሊ፣ ክዲት፣
terminated though the imprisonment is less than
ወይም ላልች ሇህሉና እና ሞራሌ ተቃራኒ
two years;
የሆኑ ዴርጊቶች በመፇፀሙ ከሆነ፤
k) Termination pursuant to sub-article 1(j) of this
ተ) በዙህ አንቀጽ ንኡስ አንቀጽ () (በ) በተዯነገገው
Article, for a rank ranging from Private to Captain
መሰረት አገሌግልቱን የማቋረጥ ውሳኔ
shall be made by Force Command, Main
የሚሰጠው ከመሰረታዊ ወታዯር እስከ መስመራዊ
Department or an equivalent unit commander; for
መኮንን በኃይሌ፣ በእዜ፣ በዋና መምሪያ ወይም
a senior officer by the Chief of the General Staff
ተመጣጣኝ ክፌሌ አዚዥ፤ ሇከፌተኛ መኮንን
and for a General Officer by the Commander in
በጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም፤
Chief of the Armed Forces.
gA ፲ሺ፻፸፩ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ሇጀነራሌ መኮንን በጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ

/በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ  (ቀ) የተዯነገገው 2/ Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (i) of sub-
ቢኖርም ጥፊተኛው ወንጀለን የፇጸመው የተሰጠውን article (1) of this Article, the respective commanders
ግዲጅ በመፇጸም ሊይ እያሇ ከሆነ ወይም የሰው indicated in sub-article 1 (K) of this article may decide
ህይወት ወይም ንብረት ሇመከሊከሌ ሲሌ ከሆነ that the convict who has been sentenced to more than
ወይም በመሌካም ስነ-ምግባሩ ምስጉን የነበረና ከአስር two years of imprisonment return to service upon his

ዓመት በሊይ በመከሊከያ ሠራዊቱ ውስጥ ያገሇገሇ release, where he has committed the offence while on

ከሆነ ከሁሇት ዓመት በሊይ እስር የተፇረዯበት active duty or to prevent human life or property from
danger or he was of good conduct and had served for
ቢሆንም በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ  (ተ)
more than ten years in the defense forces.
የተገሇፁት የሰራዊት አዚዦች ከእስር ሲፇታ ወዯ
አገሌግልት እንዱመሇስ ሉወስኑ ይችሊለ፡፡
፲.ስሇአገሌግልት ካሣና ጡረታ 14. Compensation for Service and Retirement

/በወታዯርነት የተቀጠረ የሠራዊቱ አባሌ 1/ A member of the defense forces shall, in accordance

የተቀጠረበትን የሰባት ወይም የአስር ዓመታት with the directive to be issued by the Ministry, be

አገሌግልት ጨርሶ ከሥራ ሲሰናበት ሚኒስቴሩ entitled to compensation where discharged upon
completion of the stipulated seven or ten years
በሚያወጣው መመሪያ መሰረት የአገሌግልት ካሳ
/ በወታዯርነት የተቀጠረ አንዴ የሠራዊት አባሌ የውሌ
2/ Where the service of a member of the defense forces
ግዳታ የገባበት የአገሌግልት ዗መን ከማሇቁ በፉት is terminated for any reason other than his own
በራሱ ፇቃዴ ወይም ጉዴሇት ሳይሆን በላልች motion or fault, before completion of the stipulated
በተሇያዩ ምክንያቶች አገሌግልቱ ቢቋረጥ ሚኒስቴሩ term of service he has concluded a contract for, he
በሚያወጣው መመሪያ መሰረት ተገቢውን ካሣ shall be entitled to fair compensation in accordance
ያገኛሌ፡፡ with the directive to be issued by the Ministry.
/ በዙህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ ፲ () ፣()እና()) የተመሇከቱት 3/ The age limits for termination of service specified

የሥራ መሰናበቻ ዕዴሜ ጣሪያዎች ሇጡረታ ህግ under sub-articles (3) (4) and (5) Article 10 of this
Proclamation shall also be deemed to be retirement
አፇፃፀም የጡረታ መገሇያ ዕዴሜ ሆነው ይቆጠራለ፡፡
age-limits for purposes of the application of pension
/ በውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሊይ በዯረሰ ጉዲት ወይም 4/ Where a member becomes permanently unfit for
በስራ ምክንያት በሚመጣ በሽታ በ዗ሊቂነት military service or dies due to an injury suffered
ሇውትዴርና አገሌግልት ብቁ ሆኖ ካሌተገኘ ወይም while on active duty or an occupational disease, the
በጉዲቱ ምክንያት አባለ የሞተ እንዯሆነ መብቱ relevant provisions of the public servants pension

በመንግስት ሰራተኞች የጡረታ ህግ መሰረት law shall apply to his entitlements.

ተፇፃሚ ይሆናሌ፡፡
gA Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

፲.ስሇ ፇቃዴ 15.Leave

ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ ሚኒስቴሩ በሚያወጣው Any member of the defense forces shall be entitled to

መመሪያ መሰረት የዓመት እረፌት፣ ፇቃዴ እና ሌዩ an annual leave and other leaves in accordance with the
directive to be issued by the Ministry.
ሌዩ ፇቃድች ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡
፲.ስሇወታዯራዊ ዱስፕሉን 16. Military Discipline
ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ በወታዯራዊ ሕጏች፣ Where any member of the defense forces violates
ዯንቦች፣ መመሪያዎች ወይም ቋሚ ትእዚዝች ውስጥ provisions of military laws, regulations, directives or
የተመሇከቱትን የተሊሇፇ እንዯሆነና ጥፊቱ አነስተኛ standing orders and the offence committed is so minor

በመሆኑ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የሚያስቀርበው ካሌሆነ that it cannot be brought to a military court the case

ጉዲዩ በሠራዊቱ የዱስፕሉን ዯንብ መሰረት እንዱታይ shall be disposed of in accordance with the defense
forces' disciplinary regulation.
፲.አቤቱታ ስሇማቅረብ 17. Complaints

ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ የአስተዲዯር በዯሌ Any member of the defense forces shall have the right to
የዯረሰበት እንዯሆነ ወይም በተወሰነበት የዱስፕሉን make a complaint and obtain a decision, in accordance

ቅጣት ቅሬታ ያዯረበት እንዯሆነ በሠራዊቱ የዱስፕሉን with the defence forces' disciplinary regulation, where

ዯንብ መሰረት አቤቱታ የማቅረብና ውሳኔ የማግኘት he has suffered an administrative wrong or is aggrieved
by a disciplinary measure taken against him. Every
መብት ይኖረዋሌ፡፡ በየዯረጃው የሚገኙ የሠራዊቱ
commander shall have the duty to give timely decisions
አዚዦችም የሠራዊቱ አባሊት ሇሚያቀርቡት አቤቱታ
on such complaints.
በህግ መሰረት በወቅቱ ውሳኔ የመስጠት ግዳታ
ክፌሌ ሦስት PART THREE

ስሇማዕረግ እዴገት፣አገሌግልትና ስንብት PROMOTION, SERVICE AND DISCHARGE

፲.የማዕረግ ዯረጃዎች 18. Ranks

/ በምዴር ሃይሌ ውስጥ የሚኖሩት የማዕረግ 1/ The ranks in the Ground Forces shall be as follows:
ዯረጃዎች እንዯሚከተሇው ይሆናለ፡-
ሀ) ምክትሌ አስር አሇቃ፤ a) Lance-Corporal;
ሇ) አስር አሇቃ፤ b) Corporal;
ሐ) ሃምሳ አሇቃ፤ c) Sergeant;
መ) መጋቢ ሃምሳ አሇቃ፤ d) Master Sergeant;

ሠ) ሻምበሌ ባሻ፤ e) First Sergeant;

f) Staff Sergeant Major;
ረ) ሻሇቃ መጋቢ ባሻ፤
g) Command Sergeant Major;
ሰ) ሻሇቃ ባሻ፤
h) Junior Warrant Officer;
ሸ) ጁኒየር ዋራንት ኦፉሰር፤
i) Senior Warrant Officer;
ቀ) ሲኒየር ዋራንት ኦፉሰር፤
j) Master Warrant Officer;
በ) ማስተር ዋራንት ኦፉሰር፤
gA ፲ሺ፻፸ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ተ) ቺፌ ዋራንት ኦፉሰር፤ k) Chief Warrant Officer;

ቸ) ምክትሌ መቶ አሇቃ፤ l) Second-Lieutenant;
ኅ) መቶ አሇቃ፤
m) Lieutenant;
ነ) ሻምበሌ፤
n) Captain;
ኘ) ሻሇቃ፤
o) Major,
አ) ላተናሌ ኮልኔሌ፤
ከ) ኮልኔሌ፤ p) Lieutenant-Colonel,

ኸ) ብርጋዳር ጀነራሌ፤ q) Colonel;

r) Brigadier-General;
ወ) ሜጀር ጀነራሌ፤
s) Major-General;
ዏ) ላተናሌ ጀነራሌ፤
t) Lieutenant-General;
዗) ጀነራሌ፡፡
u) General.

/ የአየር ሃይሌ የማዕረግ ዯረጃዎች ከጁኒየር ዋራንት 2/ The ranks in the Air Forces ranging from Junior
Warrant Officer to General are similar to those in the
ኦፉሰር እስከ ጀነራሌ ዴረስ ያለት ከምዴር ሃይሌ ጋር
Ground Forces.
ተመሳሳይ ይሆናለ፡፡
3/ The ranks below that of Junior Warrant Officer in the
/ከጁኒየር ዋራንት ኦፉሰር በታች ያለት የአየር ሃይሌ
Air Forces shall be as follows:
የማዕረግ ዯረጃዎች እንዯሚከተሇው ይሆናለ፡
ሀ) ጁኒየር ኤርክራፌት ማን፤ a) Junior Aircraftman;

ሇ) ሲኒየር ኤርክራፌት ማን፤ b) Senior Aircraftman;

ሐ) ሉዱንግ ኤርክራፌት ማን፤ c) Leading Aircraftman;

መ) ጁኒየር ቴክኒሽያን፤ d) Junior Technician;

ሠ) ሲኒየር ቴክኒሽያን፤ e) Senior Technician;

ረ) ሉዱንግ ቴክኒሽያን፤ f) Leading Technician;

ሰ/ ማስተር ቴክኒሽያን፡፡ g) Master Technician.

፲፱.ስሇማዕረግ እዴገት አሰጣጥ 19. Procedure of Promotion

/ በወታዯራዊ ግዲጅ አፇፃፀም፣ በሥነ ሥርዓት 1/ Where there is vacancy for promotion, a member of

አክባሪነት እና በአመራር ችልታና ብቃት ብሌጫ the defense forces shall be promoted in rank on the

ያሳየ የሠራዊት አባሌ ክፌት የመሾሚያ ቦታ ሲኖር basis of excellence in the performance of military
duties, the observance of discipline and in qualities
ሚኒስቴሩ ስሇማዕረግ ዕዴገት በሚያወጣው መመሪያ
of leadership and in accordance with a directive on
መሰረት የማዕረግ እዴገት ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡
promotions to be issued by the Ministry.
gA ፲ሺ፻፸ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ የማዕረግ እዴገት የሚሰጠው በሚከተለት አካሊት 2/ Promotions shall be given in the following manner:
ይሆናሌ፡- a) Based upon the direction given by the Chief of

ሀ) በምዴር ኃይሌ ከምክትሌ አስር አሇቃ እስከ ቺፌ the General Staff; promotions ranging within the
Ground Forces, from Lance-Corporal up to
ዋራንት ኦፉሰር እና በአየር ሃይሌ ከጁኒየር
Chief Warrant Officer and equivalent; and
ኤርክራፌት ማን እስከ ቺፌ ዋራንት ኦፉሰር
within the Air Force, from Junior Aircraftsman
እንዱሁም አቻ ሇሆነ የላሊ ጦር ክፌሌ ማእረግተኛ
up to Chief Warrant Officer, shall be awarded
በጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም በሚሰጥ
by the respective Force, Command, Main
አቅጣጫ መሰረት በኃይሌ፣ በእዜ፣ በዋና
Department or by a commander of equivalent
መምሪያ ወይም በተመጣጣኝ ዯረጃ በሚገኝ
b) Promotions ranging from Second Lieutenant to
ሇ) ከምክትሌ መቶ አሇቃ እስከ ሻሇቃ በጦር ሃይልች
Major shall be given by the Chief of the General
ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም፤
c) Promotions to Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel shall
ሐ) ላተናሌ ኮልኔሌ እና ኮልኔሌ በመከሊከያ አዚዦች
be given by the Council of Defense Commanders;
d) upon recommendation by the Commander-in-Chief
መ) ጀነራሌ መኮንን በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ
of the Armed Forces, promotion of a General
አቅራቢነት በርዕሰ ብሔር፡፡
Officer shall be given by the Head of State.
20. Obligatory Service
፳.የግዳታ አገሌግልት
1/ Any member of the defense forces having
/ ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ ሌዩ ሥሌጠና ወይም received the benefit of specialized training or
ትምህርት ተከታትል ከጨረሰ በኋሊ በስሌጠና schooling shall, subsequent to its completion,
ወይም በትምህርት የቆየበትን ጊዛ እጥፌ have the obligation to serve for double the
የማገሌገሌ ግዳታ አሇበት፡፡ period the training or schooling took for
/ በዙህ አንቀፅ ንዐስ አንቀፅ () የተዯነገገው 2/ Without prejudice to the provision of sub- article
እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ ከሙያዎቹ ሌዩ ባህሪና (1) of this Article, given the special nature of the
ከሚያስከትለት ከፌተኛ ወጪ አኳያ የስፔሻሉሰት professions as well as the high cost incurred to
ሐኪም፣ አብራሪ፣ አነስተቲስት፣ ራዱዮልጂሰት፣ acquire the skills involved, the time of service

ሰርጀን፣ የአውሮፕሊን ወይም ስትራተጂክ for a specialist doctor, a pilot, an anesthetist, a

መሳሪያዎች ቴክኒሽያን፣ የባህር ኃይሌ፣የስፔስ እና radiologist, a surgeon, an aircraft or strategic

instruments technician, members of the Navy,
የሳይበር ሙያተኛ፣ሌዩ ኃይሌ፣ እና አየር ወሇዴ
Special Force and of the Air borne, Space and
የአገሌግልት ውሌ ግዳታው ሚኒስቴሩ
Cyber specialists shall be determined by the
በሚያወጣው መመሪያ የሚወሰን ይሆናሌ፡፡
directive to be issued by the Ministry.
፳.ከውትዴርና አገሌግልት የማሰናበት ስሌጣን
21. Power to Discharge from Military Service
/ ከውትዴርና አገሌግልት የማሰናበት ውሣኔ
1/ Decisions on discharge from military service shall be
gA Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

የሚሰጠው በዙህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ ፲፱ () ፉዯሌ ተራ made by the authorities empowered to give
፲ሺ፻፸ (ሇ)፣ (ሐ) እና (መ) የማዕረግ እዴገት promotions under paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of

እንዱሰጡ ሥሌጣን በተሰጣቸው አመራር አካሊት Article 19 (2) of this Proclamation.

/ የጡረታ መውጫ እዴሜ ከመዴረሱ በፉት 2/ The case of a General officer set for a discharge
በመዋቅር ሇውጥ፣በአሰራር ማሻሻያ፣ በአቅም ማነስ before the age of retirement due to structural change,
ወይም በመሳሰለት ምክንያቶች አገሌግልቱ reform, incompetence or other similar reasons shall

የሚቋረጥና የሚሰናበት ጀነራሌ ጉዲይ የሚቀርበው be submitted by the Council of Defense Commanders
and decided by the Commander-in-Chief of the
በመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ ሆኖ የመጨረሻ
Armed Forces.
ውሳኔ የሚሰጠው በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዣዥ
/ የመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ 3/ Where it finds necessary, the Council of Defense
ሲያገኘው በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () ወይም
Commanders shall call upon and hear any member
() መሠረት ውሳኔ ከመሰጠቱ በፉት ከሥራ
of the defense force before a final decision is
እንዱሰናበት ሃሳብ የቀረበበት ማንኛውም የሰራዊት
reached under sub-article (1) or (2) of this Article.
አባሌ ቀርቦ ሃሳቡን እንዱያስረዲ ያዯርጋሌ፡፡

፳.ወዯላሊ የመንግስት መሥሪያ ቤት ስሇሚዯረግ ዜውውር 22. Transfer to Another Government Office

/ መንግስት አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ ሲያገኘው አንዴን የሰራዊት 1/ Where the Government finds it necessary to assign

አባሌ ሇአመራርነት ወዯ ላሊ የመንግስት መስሪያ on leadership position, a member of the defense force
may be transferred permanently to another
ቤት ወይም የመንግስት የሌማት ዴርጅት በቋሚነት
Government organization or public enterprise.
ማዚወር ይችሊሌ፡፡
/ ሚኒስቴሩ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ ሲያገኘውና ተቀባዩ መስሪያ 2/ Where the Ministry find it necessary and where the

ቤት እንዱሁም የሚዚወረው አባሌ ሲስማሙ አንዴን recipient Government organization or Public

enterprise and the transferee so agrees, a member of
የሰራዊት አባሌ ወዯ ላሊ የመንግስት መስሪያ ቤት
the defense force may be transferred permanently to
ወይም የመንግስት የሌማት ዴርጅት በቋሚነት
another government organization or Public
ማዚወር ይችሊሌ፡

/ መንግስት ወይም ሚኒስቴሩ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ ሲያገኘው 3/ Where the government or the Ministry finds it
አንዴን የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አባሌ ወዯ ላሊ necessary, a member of a defense force may
የመንግስት መሥሪያ ቤት ወይም የመንግስት transferred temporarily to another government

የሌማት ዴርጅት ሇተወሰነ ጊዛ አዚውሮ ማሠራት organization or public enterprise.

/ ከመከሊከያ ሚኒስቴር ወዯ ላሊ የመንግሰት መስሪያ 4/ The rights and duties of any member of the defense
ቤት ወይም የሌማት ዴርጂት በቋሚነት የተዚወረ force who has been transferred permanently to

የሰራዊቱ አባሌ መብቱና ግዳታው የተዚወረበት another government organization or public enterprise
shall be governed by the laws that govern the
gA ፲ሺ፻፸ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

መስሪያ ቤት በሚተዲዯርበት ህግ የሚገዚ ይሆናሌ፡፡ government organization or public enterprise he has

been transferred to.

ክፌሌ አራት
የሚኒስትሩ፣ የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም እና
የመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ ሥሌጣንና ተግባር

፳.የሚኒስትሩ ስሌጣንና ተግባር 23. Powers and Duties of the Minister

ሚኒስትሩ የሚከተለት ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት The Minister shall have the powers and duties to:

/ ሠራዊቱ ሇህገመንግስቱ ተገ መሆኑንና ሇህገ 1/ ascertain that the defense forces are loyal to, and
መንግስቱ መከበር በጽናት መቆሙን ያረጋግጣሌ፤ stand firm in upholding the Constitution;

/ መከሊከያን በተመሇከተ በሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት 2/ submit and secure decisions on matters of defense
ሉመከርባቸውና ሉወሰኑ የሚገባቸውን ጉዲዮች which need to be deliberated upon and decided by

እያቀረበ ያስወስናሌ፤ the Council of Ministers;

3/ initiate laws, policies and strategies governing the
/ ሠራዊቱ የሚተዲዯርባቸውን ህጏች፣ ፖሉሲዎችና
defense forces and ensure their implementation
ስትራተጂዎች ያመነጫሌ፣ በሚመሇከተው አካሌ
upon approval;
ሲፀዴቁም በተግባር ሊይ መዋሊቸውን ያረጋግጣሌ፤
4/ prepare and submit the annual budget of the
የሚኒስቴሩን ዓመታዊ በጀት በማ዗ጋጀት ጉዲዩ

Ministry to the concerned government organ and
ሇሚመሇከተው የመንግስት አካሌ ያቀርባሌ፣
supervise implementation of same upon approval;
ሲፇቀዴም በተግባር መዋለን ይቆጣጠራሌ፤
5/ supervise public enterprises placed under the
/ ሚኒስቴሩ በተቆጣጣሪ ባሇስሌጣንነት
supervisory authority of the Ministry and defense
የሚመራቸውን የሌማት ዴርጅቶችና የመከሊከያ
forces’ foundations and ensure that they are
ሠራዊት ፊውንዳሽንን ይቆጣጠራሌ፤ በማቋቋሚያ
fulfilling their responsibilities provided under
ህጎቻቸው ሊይ የተዯነገገውን ሃሊፉነቶቻቸውን their establishment laws;
እየተወጡ ስሇመሆናቸው ያረጋግጣሌ፤
6/ engage in relationships in respect of defense
/ መከሊከያን በተመሇከተ ከውጭ አገር መንግስታትና
matters with foreign governments and
መንግስታዊና መንግስታዊ ካሌሆኑ መስሪያ ቤቶችና
governmental and non-governmental offices and
ዴርጅቶች ጋር ግንኙነት ያዯርጋሌ፤

/ በመንግስት ውሳኔ መሰረት አገር አቀፌ የክተት 7/ coordinate nation-wide mobilization campaigns
዗መቻዎችን ያስተባብራሌ፤ based on government decision.
/ የሰራዊቱን አቅም የሚገነቡ የከፌተኛ ትምህርት፣ 8/ organize and direct higher education and research
የጥናትና ምርምር ተቋሞችና አቅሞችን ያዯራጃሌ፣ institutions that shall build and enhance the

ይመራሌ፤ capabilities and capacities of the defense forces;
gA Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 …. 10877

/ የሚኒስቴር መስሪያ ቤቱ ሀብት ሇታሇመሇት ዓሊማ 9/ ensure that the resources of the Ministry are utilized to
መዋለን ይቆጣጠራሌ፣ ይከታተሊሌ፡፡ accomplish intended purposes.

፳.የጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም ሥሌጣንና 24. Powers and Duties of the Chief of the General Staff
የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኢታማዦር ሹም የሚከተለት The Chief of the General Staff shall have the powers

ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት ይኖሩታሌ፡- and duties to:

/ የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ መምሪያን በበሊይነት 1/ lead the Headquarters of the Armed Forces,
ይመራሌ፤ የመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌን ይሰበስባሌ፣ preside over the meetings of the Council of

ሥራዎቹን ያስተባብራሌ፣ የውሳኔዎቹን ተግባራዊነት Defense Commanders, coordinate its activities

ይቆጣጠራሌ፤ and supervise implementation of its decisions;

/ የአገርን ዲር ዴንበርና ለዓሊዊነት ያስከብራሌ፤ 2/ protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of
የአስቸኳይ ጊዛ አዋጅ ያስፇፅማሌ፤ ከክሌሌ the country, execute a state of emergency law, in
መስተዲዴር አቅም በሊይ የሆነ የሰሊምና ፀጥታ the event of violations of peace and security
መዯፌረስ ሲያጋጥም ሁኔታውን ሇመቆጣጠር ዕቅዴ beyond the power of regional states, work out a
ያ዗ጋጃሌ፤ ሲፇቀዴም ተግባራዊ ያዯርጋሌ፣ plan for getting the situation under control and
implement same upon approval;
/ ከመንግስት በሚሰጠው ውሳኔ መሰረት የአገር
3/ organize the National Defense Forces in line with
መከሊከያ ሠራዊትን ያዯራጃሌ፤ decisions by the government;
4/ ensure that the Armed Forces are combat-ready
/ ሠራዊቱ በማንኛውም ጊዛ ሇውጊያ ብቁና ዜግጁ
at all times;
መሆኑን ያረጋግጣሌ፤
5/ command the Armed Forces and direct military
/ የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ መመሪያና ውሳኔን
operations, subject to the directive and decision of
መሰረት በማዴረግ ሠራዊቱን ያዚሌ፣ ያዋጋሌ፤
the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces;

/ የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ»ና ሚኒስትሩን 6/ advise the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
Forces and the Minister on military matters.
በወታዯራዊ ጉዲዮች ሊይ ያማክራሌ፡፡
፳፭.የምክትሌ የጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም 25. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Chief of the
ሥሌጣንና ተግባር General Staff
The Deputy Chief of the General Staff shall have the
ምክትሌ የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኢታማዦር ሹም
powers and duties to:
የሚከተለት ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት ይኖሩታሌ፡-
1/ act on behalf of the Chief of the General Staff in the
/የጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም በላሇበት event of his absence;
ተክቶ ይሰራሌ፣
2/ lead departments organized under him;
/ በስሩ የተዯራጁ ክፌልችን ይመራሌ፣
3/ perform other duties assigned to him by the Chief of
/ በጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም የሚሰጡትን the General Staff.
ላልች ተግባራት ያከናውናሌ፡፡
gA ፲ሺ፻፸ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

፳.የመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ ስሌጣንና ተግባር 26. Powers and Duties of the Council of Defense
የመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ የሚከተለት ሥሌጣንና
The Council of Defense Commanders shall have the
ተግባራት ይኖሩታሌ፡- powers and duties to:
/ በኦፕሬሽናሌ፣ በስትራተጂክ እቅድችና በሰራዊቱ 1/ deliberate and advise on military operational,
አዯረጃጀት ሊይ ተወያይቶ ምክረ-ሃሳብ ያቀርባሌ፤ strategic and organizational matters; and deliberate
በሰራዊቱ ዓመታዊ እቅዴ ሊይ ተወያይቶ ያፀዴቃሌ፤ and approve annual defense plan.

/ የሰራዊቱን የበጀት ፌሊጎት አቅርቦ ያስወስናሌ፤ 2/ examine and submit the budget requirements of the
defense forces for decision by the relevant organs;
/ የትጥቅ ግዢዎች ፌሊጎት የውሳኔ ሃሳብ ያቀርባሌ፤ 3/ make recommendations regarding strategic defense
procurement requirements;
/ ሇብርጋዳር ጀነራሌነትና ሇሜጀር ጀነራሌነት 4/ nominate officers for promotion to the ranks of

ማእረግ የሚሾሙ እጩዎችን ያቀርባሌ፤ Birgadier General and Major General, and present
them for approval;
/ ሇላተናሌ ኮልኔሌነት እና ሇኮልኔሌነት ማእረግ 5/ approve the promotion of the ranks of Lieutenant
የታጩ መኮንኖችን የስራ አፇፃፀም ሁኔታ መርምሮ Colonel and Colonel upon examining their

የማእረግ እዴገት ያፀዴቃሌ፤ performance;

/ የጡረታ መውጫ እዴሜው ከመዴረሱ በፉት 6/ approve discharge from service before the retirement

በአቅም ማነስ፣ በመዋቅር ሇውጥ፣ በአሰራር age of officers with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
and Colonel where the discharge is conducted due to
ማሻሻያ እና በመሳሰለት ምክንያቶች የሚሰናበት
ላተናሌ ኮልኔሌ ወይም ኮልኔሌ ስንብት ያፀዴቃሌ፤

/ የጡረታ መውጫ እዴሜው ከመዴረሱ በፉት 7/ examine and submit for decision by the relevant

በአቅም ማነስ፣ በመዋቅር ሇውጥ፣ በአሰራር organs the case for discharge from service, before

ማሻሻያ እና በመሳሰለት ምክንያቶች የሚሰናበት retirement age of a General Officer where the
discharge is due to incompetence, structural change,
ጀነራሌ መኮንንን ሁኔታ አጣርቶ ሇውሳኔ
reform or any other similar reasons;
8/examine the nomination of judges for the Primary
/ በቀዲሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የሚያስችለ ዲኞችን
Military Court upon the recommendation of the
በጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም
Chief of the General Staff, and approve their
አቅራቢነት ሹመቱን መርምሮ ያፀዴቃሌ፤
/ የጦር ኃይልች ኤታማዦር ሹምን በወታዯራዊ 9/ advises the Chief of the General Staff on military
ጉዲዮች ዘሪያ ያማክራሌ፡፡ matters.

፳.የመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ አባሊት 27. Members of the Council of Defense Commanders
/ የመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ የሚከተለት አባሊት 1/ The Council of Defense Commanders shall have the

ይኖሩታሌ፡- following members:

ሀ) የጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም a) Chief of the General Staff (Chairperson)
gA ፲ሺ፻፸ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

(ሰብሳቢ) b) Deputy Chief of the General Staff (Member)

ሇ) ምክትሌ የጦር ኃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም
c) Force Commanders (Member)
ሐ) የኃይሌ አዚዦች (አባሌ) d) Command Commanders (Member)
መ) የእዜ አዚዦች (አባሌ) e) Main Department Chiefs (Member)

ሠ) የዋና መምሪያ ኃሊፉዎች (አባሌ) f) Inspector-General (Member)

ረ) ኢንስፔክተር ጀነራሌ (አባሌ)

/የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹሙ 2/ where it is deemed necessary for the purpose, the Chief of
እንዯስራው አስፇሊጊነት ካሇዴምጽ የሚሳተፈ the General Staff may summon additional commanders

ተጨማሪ የሌዩ ሌዩ የሠራዊት ክፌልች አዚዦች of the various units of the defense force to attend

በካውንስለ ስብሰባ እንዱገኙ ሉጠራ ይችሊሌ፡፡ without vote at a meeting of the Council of Defense
ክፌሌ አምስት
ስሇወታዯራዊ ፌትህ አካሊት
28. Establishment
በመከሊከያ ሠራዊት ውስጥ የወታዯራዊ ፌትህ ሥራን
The following military justice organs are hereby
የሚያከናውኑ የሚከተለት አካሊት በዙህ አዋጅ established to carry out tasks relating to military justice
ተቋቁመዋሌ፡- in the defense forces:

/ ወታዯራዊ ፖሉስ፤ 1/ Military Police;

/ ወታዯራዊ ዓቃቢ ህግ፤
2/ Military Prosecutor;
/ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች፤ እና 3/ Military Courts; and

/ ወታዯራዊ ተከሊካይ ጠበቃ፡፡ 4/ Military Defense Counsel.


፳.የወታዯራዊ ፖሉስ ስሌጣንና ተግባራት

29. Power and Duties of the Military Police
የወታዯራዊ ፖሉስ የሚከተለት ስሌጣንና ተግባራት
The Military Police shall have the powers and duties to:
/ በሠራዊቱ ውስጥ ወንጀሌ እንዲይፇጸም
1/ prevent the commission of crimes in the defense
/ የወታዯራዊ ካምፖችና የሠራዊቱ ቢሮዎችን
2/ maintain order and security in and around military
ዯህንነትና ሥነ-ሥርዓት ያስከብራሌ፤
camps and offices;
/ የሠራዊቱን የማረሚያ እና ማቆያ ስፌራዎች
3/ administer military correctional and detention sites
ያስተዲዴራሌ፣ ታራሚዎችን ይገነባሌ፤
and rehabilitate inmates;
/ ወንጀሌ ተፇፅሞ ሲገኝ ህግ በሚፇቅዯው መሠረት 4/ investigate crimes, when committed, in accordance
gA ፲ሺ፻፹ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ምርመራ ያከናውናሌ፤ with the law;

/ የወታዯራዊ ወይም የመዯበኛ ፌርዴ ቤቶች 5/ execute and enforce decisions and orders of military
ወይም የአዚዦች ውሣኔዎች እና ትዕዚዝችን or regular courts and of commanders.
፴.ስሇጥቆማ 30. Reporting

/ ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ ወታዯራዊ የወንጀሌ 1/ Any member of the defense forces shall have the
ዴርጊት ተፇጽሞ ሲገኝ ሇቅርብ አመራሩ ወይም obligation to report the commission of a military
በአቅራቢያው ሇሚገኝ ወታዯራዊ ወይም መዯበኛ offence to an immediate leadership or to the nearest
ፖሉስ ወይም ሇዓቃቢ ህግ ጥቆማ የማቅረብ ግዳታ military or regular police or prosecutor.


/ በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የሥረ ነገር ሥሌጣን 2/ A victim of a crime falling under the jurisdiction of a
የሚወዴቅ ወንጀሌ በሠራዊት አባሌ የተፇጸመበት military court may lodge a charge himself before the

ተበዲይ ወታዯራዊ ዓቃቢ ህግ በጉዲዩ ሊይ ክስ military court where the military prosecutor fails to do
ካሌመሠረተ ክሱን በግለ ሇወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት
ሉያቀርብ ይችሊሌ፡፡

/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () መሠረት ጥቆማ 3/ A commander, investigator or prosecutor to whom a

የቀረበሇት አዚዥ፣ መርማሪ ወይም ዓቃቢ ህግ crime is reported under sub-article (1) of this Article

አግባብ ባሇው ጊዛ ውስጥ በወንጀሌ ሥነ-ስርዓት ህግ shall carry out his duties within reasonable time and in
accordance with the relevant Criminal Procedure Code
እና በዙህ አዋጅ የሚጠበቅበትን ተግባር መፇፀም
and this Proclamation.
፴፩.ተጠርጣሪን ስሇመያዜ
31. Arresting a Suspect
/ በአገሪቱ የወንጀሌ ሥነ-ሥርዓት ሕግ እና በዙህ
1/ Any member of the defense forces who has arrested a
አዋጅ በተዯነገገው መሠረት ተጠርጣሪን የያ዗ suspect in accordance with the provisions of the
ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ አግባብ ባሇው ጊዛ Criminal Procedure Code and of this Proclamation
ውስጥ በአቅራቢያው ሇሚገኝ የጦር ክፌሌ አመራር shall report to the nearest military unit leadership
ሪፖርት ማዴረግ አሇበት፡፡ within a reasonable time.
/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () መሠረት 2/ The commander who received the report under sub-
ሪፖርት የዯረሰው አዚዥ ሕግን ተከትል አግባብ article (1) of this Article shall hand the suspect to the
ባሇው ጊዛ ውስጥ ሇወታዯራዊ መርማሪ ወይም military investigator or regular police within a
ሇመዯበኛ ፖሉስ ተጠርጣሪውን ማስረከብ reasonable time and in accordance with the law.
/ በወታዯራዊ ካምፖች፣ ቢሮዎች፣ ወይም በግሌ 3/Where there is sufficient ground for suspicion of an
የሰራዊት መኖሪያ ቤቶች ውስጥ ጊዛ የማይሰጥ imminent and dangerous act of crime or threat to

እና አዯገኛ ወንጀሌ ወይም የፀጥታ መዯፌረስ security in military camps, offices or barracks,

ሲከሰት ወይም ይከሰታሌ የሚሌ በቂ ጥርጣሬ commanders at all levels may conduct an arrest or a
gA ፲ሺ፻፹፩ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ሲኖር በየዯረጃው ያሇ አዚዥ እስር ወይም ብርበራ search.

ማካሄዴ ይችሊሌ፡፡
/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () መሠረት 4/ arrest or search made in accordance with sub article
የተፇፀመ እስር ወይም ብርበራ ሇሚመሇከተው (3) of this article, shall be reported to the relevant
አካሌ ሪፖርት መዯረግ ያሇበት ሆኖ ሇማጓጓዜ organ, and the suspect shall be brought to a court of
ያሇውን ጊዛ ሳይጨምር በ፵፰ሰዓት ውስጥ law, or the property seized shall be handed over to the
የታሰረውን ሰው እና በብርበራ የተያ዗ውን ንብረት regular police within forty-eight hours excluding the

ሇፌርዴ ቤት ወይም እንዯነገሩ ሁኔታ ሇመዯበኛ time for transportation.

ፖሉስ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡

፴.ስሇምርመራ 32. Investigation

/ ወታዯራዊ ወንጀሌ መርማሪ፣ የሬጅመንት ወይም 1/ where crime has been committed, or there is a tip-off
የሻሇቃና ከዙያ በሊይ ያሇ አዚዥ የወንጀሌ ዴርጊት or sufficient ground for suspicion that it has been
ሲፇፀም ወይም ተፇፅሟሌ የሚሌ በቂ ጥርጣሬ committed, a military investigator, a regiment

ሲኖረው ወይም ጥቆማ ሲዯርሰው ምርመራ commander, or a battalion commander, and above

የመጀመር ወይም የማስጀመር ኃሊፉነት አሇበት፡፡ shall investigate or order the investigation of the
/ በወንጀሌ መረማሪው እና በአዚዡ መካከሌ ምርመራን 2/ where disagreement arises regarding the initiation or
ስሇመጀመር ወይም ስሇማቋረጥ ሌዩነት ከተፇጠረ discontinuation of the investigation between the
አንዴ ዯረጃ ከፌ ብል ያሇ አዚዥ ውሳኔ investigator and the commander, the stalemate shall
ይሰጥበታሌ፡፡ ውሳኔ ሰጪው አዚዥ ወንጀሌ be resolved by the final decision of the next higher-
ምርመራውን አስመሌክቶ የሚሰጣቸውን ምርመራ ranking commander. The commander making the

የማስጀመር ወይም የማቋረጥ እና ላልች ተያያዥ final decision shall provide the crime investigation

ውሳኔዎችን በፅሁፌ ሇወንጀሌ ምርመራ ክፌለ unit with a written report of the decision reached
regarding the initiation or discontinuation of the
የመስጠት ግዳታ አሇበት፡፡
investigation and related matters.

/ አዚዡ ምርመራን ሇማቋረጥ የሰጠው ትዕዚዜ ህገወጥ 3/ Where the decision of the commander to withdraw

ሆኖ የተገኘ እንዯሆነ ተጠያቂ ይሆናሌ፡፡ investigation is found illegal, he shall be liable.

/ በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን ስር 4/ Where a crime falling under the jurisdiction of a
military court is committed, intensive and impartial
የሚወዴቅ ወንጀሌ የተፇጸመ እንዯሆነ በወንጀሌ
investigation shall be carried out in accordance with
ሥነ-ሥርዓት ህግ እና በዙህ አዋጅ በተዯነገገው
the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure
መሠረት ጥሌቅና ገሇሌተኛ በሆነ ምርመራ
Code and this Proclamation.
መጣራት አሇበት፡፡
5/ Any crime falling under the jurisdiction of a military
/ በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን ስር
court shall be investigated by military crimes
የሚታይ ማንኛውም ወንጀሌ በየዯረጃው
investigation department organized at every level, or
በተዯራጀ የወታዯራዊ ወንጀሌ ምርመራ ክፌሌ
by a specially organized investigation team, or by the
gA Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

፲ሺ፻፹ በሌዩ ሁኔታ ሉዯራጅ በሚችሌ የምርመራ regular police.
ቡዴን ወይም በመዯበኛ ፖሉስ እንዱጣራ
/ በዙህ አንቀጽ በንዐስ አንቀጽ () በተዯነገገው 6/ Where crimes falling under the jurisdiction of the
መሰረት በመዯበኛ ፖሉስ ወይም በመዯበኛ ፌርዴ regular police or regular courts are committed in

ቤቶች ሥሌጣን ስር የሚወዴቁ ወንጀልች military camps or military holdings as stated under

በካምፖች ወይም በወታዯራዊ ይዝታዎች sub-article (1) of this Article, the commanders or
military investigators shall gather evidence which
ተፇጽመው ሲገኙ አዚዦች ወይም ወታዯራዊ
could be easily lost and carry out preliminary
መርማሪዎች በቀሊለ ሉጠፈ የሚችለ ማስረጃዎችን
investigation and submit the finding to the concerned
በመሰብሰብና የቅዴመ ምርመራ ሥራዎችን
regular police.
በማከናወን ውጤቱን ሇሚመሇከተው መዯበኛ ፖሉስ

፴.ስሇእስር ቅጣት አፇፃፀም 33. Execution of Sentence

/ በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የሚወሰን ቅጣት እንዯ 1/ Any sentence of imprisonment passed by a military

ጉዲዩ ሁኔታ በወታዯራዊ ወይም በመዯበኛ court may be served in military or civilian prisons,

ማረሚያ ቤት ሉፇጸም ይችሊሌ፡፡ as the case may be.

/የታራሚዎች የዜውውር ወይም የይቅርታ ወይም 2/ Issues relating to the transfer, pardon or amnesty and
such other related rights of inmates shall be
የምህረት ጥያቄዎች እና ላልች ተዚማጅ መብቶች
entertained by civil or military prisons where the
ታራሚው ባሇበት መዯበኛ ወይም ወታዯራዊ
inmate is located.
ማረሚያ ቤት ይፇጸማሌ፡፡
፴.የወታዯራዊ ዓቃቢ ህግ ሥሌጣንና ተግባር 34. Power and Duty of Military Prosecutor

ወታዯራዊ ዓቃቢ ህግ የሚከተለት ሥሌጣንና A military prosecutor shall have the powers and duties
ተግባራት ይኖሩታሌ፡- to:
/ በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን ስር 1/ institute criminal charges on any criminal matters
በሚወዴቁ ማናቸውም የወንጀሌ ጉዲዮች ሊይ ክስ falling under the jurisdiction of military courts;
ያቀርባሌ፣ ይከራከራሌ፤
/ የወንጀሌ ክስ ሇመመስረት ሲወስን ሇሚመሇከተው 2/ report to and consult the concerned commander

አዚዥ ሪፖርት ያዯርጋሌ፣ በጉዲዩ ሊይ ያማክራሌ፤ where he decides to institute a criminal charge;
3/ direct criminal investigations.
/ የወንጀሌ ምርመራን ይመራሌ፡፡
፴፭.የወታዯራዊ ወንጀሌ ክስ እንዱቋረጥ የማ዗ዜ ስሌጣን 35.Power to Withdraw Criminal Charges on Military
/ ሚኒስትሩ የሚከተለት መስፇርቶች ከተሟለ
1/ The Minister may order the withdrawal of a
በወንጀሌ ህጉ በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች የሥረ- criminal charge on military offence specified in the
ነገር ስሌጣን ስር የሚወዴቁ የወንጀሌ ክሶች Criminal Code falling under the jurisdiction of
እንዱቋረጡ ሉያዜ ይችሊሌ፡- military courts if the following conditions are met:
ሀ) ተከሳሽ በወታዯራዊ የወንጀሌ ዴርጊቱ የተፀፀተ a) where the accused regretted for the commission of
gA ፲ሺ፻፹ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

እንዯሆነ፤ the military offence he has committed;

ሇ) ክሱ ቢቋረጥ በተቋሙም ሆነ በአገር ሊይ b) where it is assessed that withdrawal of the charge

የሚያስከትሇው ከፌ ያሇ ጉዲት አይኖርም would not result in serious damage to the institution
and the nation and it is believed that the accused
ተብል የሚገመትና ተከሳሹ መሌካም ዛጋ ሆኖ
would become a good citizen and contribute
ሇተቋሙ ወይም ሇአገር በጏ አስተዋፅዖ
positively to the institution or the nation;
ያበረክታሌ ተብል እምነት የሚጣሌበት ከሆነ፤

ሐ) የተከሳሽ የ዗ወትር ባህሪው መሌካም የነበረና e) where the accused was previously of good character
and has no previous criminal record; and
የቀዴሞ የወንጀሌ ሪከርዴ የላሇበት ከሆነ፤ እና
f) where the accused compensated in cash or in kind or
መ) ወታዯራዊ ወንጀለ ከተቋሙ ገን዗ብ ወይም
in service for the offence which was committed on
ንብረት ጋር የተያያ዗ ከሆነና ተከሳሹ በገን዗ብ
the property or money of the institution, or made a
ወይም በአይነት ወይም በአገሌግልት ሇተቋሙ
binding commitment to provide such compensation.
ካሳ የከፇሇ ወይም ሇመካስ የሚፀና ቃሌ የገባ
2/ where the military criminal charge was brought
/ ወታዯራዊ ወንጀለ ከላሊ መዯበኛ ወንጀሌ ጋር
concurrently with ordinary criminal charge the order
ተጣምሮ ክስ የተመሰረተበት ከሆነ ክስ የማቋረጥ
for withdrawal shall only apply to the military criminal
ትዕዚዘ ሇወታዯራዊ ወንጀለ ብቻ ተፇጻሚ ይሆናሌ፡፡
/ የወታዯራዊ ወንጀሌ ክስ እንዱቋረጥ የሚሰጥ ውሣኔ 3/ any decision to withdraw a military criminal charge
ምክንያቱ ተጠቅሶ በፅሁፌ ካሌተገሇፀ በቀር shall not have acceptability unless it is made in writing

ተቀባይነት አይኖረውም፡፡ and the reasons thereof are stated.

፴.ስሇወታዯራዊ ተከሊካይ ጠበቃ 36. Military Defense Counsel

/ ወታዯራዊ ተከሊካይ ጠበቃ በወንጀሌ ተጠርጥረው 1/ A military defense counsel shall render advocacy
በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች ሇተከሰሱ ሰዎች የጥብቅና service to persons accused of military offences.

አገሌግልት ይሰጣሌ፡፡
/ ወታዯራዊ ተከሊካይ ጠበቃ በስር ፌርዴ ቤት 2/ A military defense counsel shall render advocacy
service in the appellate and cassation courts if he
ተከሳሽን ወክል የተከራከረበት ጉዲይ በይግባኝ
has stood in the primary court representing an
ሰሚም ሆነ በሰበር ታይቶ የመጨረሻ ውሳኔ
እስኪሰጥበት ዴረስ አገሌግልቱን የመስጠት ኃሊፉነት
3/ If a member of the defense forces or a civil
/ ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ ወይም የመከሊከያ
employee of the Ministry is brought before a federal
ሲቪሌ ሠራተኛ የመከሊከያ ወይም የመንግስት ግዲጅ
or regional state court in connection with a crime
በመፇፀም ሊይ እያሇ ከዙህ ጋር በተያያ዗ ሁኔታ
committed while carrying out a military or public
በወንጀሌ ተከሶ በፋዯራሌ ወይም በክሌሌ መዯበኛ
duty, the Ministry shall provide him with a defense
ፌርዴ ቤት ቢቀርብ በሚኒስቴሩ ተከሊካይ ጠበቃ
gA ፲ሺ፻፹ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ በወንጀሌ ተጠርጥሮ በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት 4/ A person charged with an offence before a military
የተከሰሰ ሰው በመረጠው ጠበቃ የመወከሌ መብት court shall have the right to be represented by legal

ይኖረዋሌ፡፡ counsel of his own choice.

5/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (4) of
/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () የተዯነገገው ቢኖርም
this Article, for the purpose of keeping confidential
ሇአገር ዯህንነት ሚስጥር አጠባበቅ ሲባሌ የሚቆመው
information relating to national security, the court
ተከሊካይ ጠበቃ ከሠራዊቱ አባሊት ብቻ እንዱሆን
may decide that the defense counsel be chosen from
ፌርዴ ቤት ሉወስን ይችሊሌ፡፡
among the members of the defense forces.
፴. ስሇወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች ዯረጃዎች 37. Hierarchy of Military Courts
በመከሊከያ ሠራዊት ውስጥ የሚቋቋሙት ወታዯራዊ Military courts to be established in the defense forces
ፌርዴ ቤቶች የሚከተለት ዯረጃዎች ይኖራቸዋሌ፡- shall have the following hierarchy:

/ ቀዲሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት፤ እና 1/ the Primary Military Court; and

/ይግባኝ ሰሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት፡፡
2/ the Appellate Military Court.
፴.የቀዲሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የዲኝነት ስሌጣን 38. Jurisdiction of Primary Military Court

/ ቀዲሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት በሚከተለት ጉዲዮች 1/ The Primary Military Court shall have jurisdiction

ሊይ የዲኝነት ስሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፡- over the following matters:

a) persons responsible for military offences
ሀ) በወንጀሌ ህጉ ከአንቀፅ ፪፻፹፬ እስከ አንቀፅ
provided from Article 284 to Article 322 of
፫፻፳፪ በተዯነገጉት ወታዯራዊ ወንጀልች
the Criminal Code;
ተጠያቂ በሚሆኑ ሰዎች፤
b) offences of murder or bodily assault resulting
ሇ) በሠራዊት አባሊት መካከሌ በሚፇፀሙ የግዴያ፣
bodily injury, committed among members of
የዴብዯባ እና የአካሌ ማጉዯሌ ወንጀልች፤
the defense force;
ሐ) ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ በአገር ውስጥ በጦር c) any offence committed at home by a member
ሜዲ ግዲጅ ሊይ ሆኖ በሚፇጽማቸው ማናቸውም of the defense forces while on active combat
ወንጀልች፤ duty;
መ) በውጭ አገር ግዲጅ ወይም በጦር ሜዲ ግዲጅ d) any offence committed by a member of the
ከተሰማራ የጦር ክፌሌ ጋር የ዗መተ የሠራዊት defense forces or a civilian on mission along
አባሌ ወይም ሲቪልች በሚፇፅሟቸው with a section of an army deployed abroad

ማናቸውም ወንጀልች፤ while on task or active combat duty;

ሠ) በአገር ውስጥ የጦር ክተት አዋጅ በታወጀበት e) any offence committed by civilians, members
of the regular police force or militia deployed
ወይም የጦር አዯጋ ምሌክት በተሰጠበት ጊዛ
along with members of the defense forces on
ከሠራዊቱ ጋር የ዗መቱ ሲቪልች፣ የመዯበኛ
grounds of general mobilization or the
ፖሉስ አባሊት እና ሚሉሻዎች በሚፇጽሟቸው
declaration of a state of war;
ማናቸውም ወንጀልች፤
ረ) የጦር ምርኮኞች ከተማረኩ በኋሊ በሚፇፅሟቸው f) any offence committed by prisoner of war
ማናቸውም ወንጀልች፤ after being captured;
gA Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ሰ) ምሌምሌ ወታዯሮች ወዯ ማሰሌጠኛ ከገቡ በኋሊ g) offences falling under the jurisdiction of
ወይም የብሔራዊ ተጠባባቂ ሃይሌ አባሊት ወዯ military courts committed by recruits after

ወታዯራዊ ማሰሌጠኛ ከገቡ ወይም ከመዯበኛ entering into training camps or members of
national reserve force after entering into
ሠራዊት ጋር ከተቀሊቀለ በኋሊ በሚፇጽሟቸው
military training camps or joining the regular
በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን ሥር
defense forces;
የሚወዴቁ ወንጀልች፤
ሸ) በውጊያ የተማረኩ ሰዎች የጦር ምርኮች መሆን h) Cases involving whether or not persons

አሇመሆናዉን የመሇየት ጉዲዮች፡፡ captivated during a time of war are prisoners

of war or not .
/ አንዴ ተከሳሽ ከቀረቡበት ክሶች መካከሌ ከፉለ 2/ If part of the offences an accused is charged with
በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የዲኝነት ስሌጣን ስር ከፉለ falls under the jurisdiction of a military court and a
ዯግሞ በመዯበኛ ፌርዴ ቤት የዲኝነት ስሌጣን ስር part thereof under the jurisdiction of a regular court,

የሚወዴቅ ከሆነ ሁለም ክሶች ከባዴ ቅጣት all charges shall be brought before the court having

የሚያስከትሇውን ወንጀሌ የማየት ስሌጣን ወዲሇው jurisdiction over the offence entailing the highest
ፌርዴ ቤት ተጠቃሇው ይቀርባለ፡፡

፴፱.የይግባኝ ሰሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ሥሌጣን 39. Jurisdiction of an Appellate Military Court

/ ይግባኝ ሰሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት በቀዲሚ 1/ The Appellate Military Court shall have appellate
ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ውሣኔ ያገኙ ጉዲዮችን jurisdiction on cases disposed of by the Primary
በይግባኝ የማየት ስሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፡፡ Military Court.

/ ይግባኝ ሰሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የቀዲሚ 2/ The Appellate Military Court shall have the power to
confirm, vary or reverse the decision of the Primary
ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤትን ውሣኔ የማፅናት፣
Military Court.
የማሻሻሌ ወይም የመሻር ስሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፡፡

፵.ስሇፋዯራሌ ጠቅሊይ ፌርዴ ቤት ስሌጣን 40.Power of the Federal Supreme Court

የፋዯራሌ ጠቅሊይ ፌርዴ ቤት መሰረታዊ የሆነ የህግ
The Federal Supreme Court shall have power of cassation
ስህተት ያሇበትን በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የተሰጠ
over any final decision of military court which contains a
የመጨረሻ ውሳኔ ሇማረም በሰበር ችልት የማየት
basic error of law.
ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፡፡
፵.ስሇወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች ውሳኔዎች፣ ትዕዚዝችና 41.Execution of Decisions, Orders and Rulings of
ብይኖች ተፇጻሚነት Military Courts

ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች ከዲኝነት ሥሌጣናቸው ጋር Decisions, orders and rulings rendered by military courts

በተያያ዗ የሚሰጧቸው ውሳኔዎች፣ ትዕዚዝችና in relation to their jurisdiction shall bind every person.
The military courts shall have the power to punish, in
ብይኖች በማንኛውም ሰው ሊይ ተፇፃሚ ይሆናለ፡፡
accordance with the law, any person or organ that
ፌርዴ ቤቶቹ እነዙህን ውሳኔዎች፣ ትዕዚዝች ወይም
disobeys same.
ብይኖች የማይፇጽም ማንኛውንም ሰው ወይም አካሌ
gA ፲ሺ፻፹ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

በሕግ መሠረት የመቅጣት ሥሌጣን ይኖራቸዋሌ፡፡

፵.ስሇሞት ቅጣት አፇፃፀም

42. Execution of Death Sentence
በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች የተወሰነ የሞት ቅጣት A death sentence may not be executed unless approved
በአገሪቱ ርዕሰ ብሔር ካሌፀና ተፇፃሚ ሉሆን by the Head of State. Death sentence may not be

አይችሌም፡፡ በይቅርታ ወይም በምህረት ያሌተሻረ executed prior to ascertaining that it has not been
commuted by pardon or amnesty.
ወይም ያሌተሇወጠ መሆኑ አስቀዴሞ ከመመርመሩና
ከመታወቁ በፉት ተፇፃሚነት አይኖረውም፡፡

፵.ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች ስሇሚሰሩባቸው የሥነ- 43. Procedural Laws to be Applied by Military Courts

ሥርዓት ህጏች
/ የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች በወንጀሌ ሥነ-ስርዓት 1/ Military courts shall in disposing of cases apply the

ህጎች መሠረት ያስችሊለ፡፡ Criminal Procedure Code.

/ በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶች ዲኞች መካከሌ በውሳኔ 2/ Where in rendering decision judges of military

አሰጣጥ ሌዩነት ሲኖር በዴምፅ ብሌጫ ይወሰናሌ፡፡ courts have differences of opinion, the matter shall
be decided by majority vote.
፵.ስሇወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች ሹመት፣ የሥራ
44. Appointment, Term of Office and Removal of
዗መንና ከዲኝነት ስሇመነሣት Military Court Judges

/ በውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሊይ ያሇ እና የህግ 1/ An officer rendering military service and having

ዕውቀት ያሇው መኮንን ወይም በመዯበኛ ፌርዴ legal skills or any civilian serving as a judge in
ቤቶች በዲኝነት በማገሌገሌ ሊይ ያሇ ሲቪሌ regular courts may be appointed as judge of a

በወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኛ ሆኖ ሉሾም military court.

/ የቀዲሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች በጦር 2/ Primary Military Court judges shall be appointed
by the Council of Defense Commanders upon the
ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም አቅራቢነት
recommendation of the Chief of the General Staff.
በመከሊከያ አዚዦች ካውንስሌ ይሾማለ፡፡
/ የይግባኝ ሰሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች 3/ Appellate Military Court judges shall be appointed
በሚኒስትሩ አቅራቢነት በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

አዚዥ ይሾማለ፡፡ upon the recommendation of the Minister.

/ የቀዲሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት እና የይግባኝ ሰሚ 4/ Term of office of judges of the Primary Military
ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች የሥራ ዗መን Court as well as the Appellate Military Court shall
አምስት ዓመት ይሆናሌ፡፡ be five years.

/ዲኞች ከሥራ የሚነሱት በህመም ምክንያት 5/ Judges shall be removed from office where they
ተግባራቸውን በተገቢው ሁኔታ ማከናወን አይችለም are unable to carry out their duties due to illness or
ተብል ሲወሰን ወይም በዱስፕሉን ጉዴሇት ወይም where they are found guilty of a disciplinary or

በወንጀሌ ጥፊተኛ ሆነው ሲገኙ ነው፡ criminal offence.
gA ፲ሺ፻፹ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ ዲኞች ከሥራ የሚነሱት በሾማቸው አካሌ 6/ Judges shall be removed from office by the organ
ይሆናሌ፡፡ which appointed them.

/በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () እና () 7/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (5)
የተዯነገገው ቢኖርም ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ and (6) of this Article, any judge who is a member

ዲኛ በሌዩ ሁኔታ ሇላሊ ሥራ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ ከተገኘ of the defense forces is needed for another
assignment, he may be removed from office before
የሹመት ዗መኑ ባያበቃም ሇሾመው አካሌ በማሳወቅ
the expiry of his term of office by the order of the
በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም ትዕዚዜ
Chief of the General Staff upon notifying the organ
ከዲኝነት ሉነሣ ይችሊሌ፡፡
which appointed him.
፵.ስሇችልት አሰያየም 45. Sitting at Military Courts

/ እስከ ሶስት ዓመት በሚያስቀጣ ቀሊሌ ወንጀሌ 1/ The case of an accused person whose offence is
የተከሰሰ ሰው ጉዲይ በአንዴ ዲኛ ሉታይ ይችሊሌ፡፡ punishable by a simple imprisonment not exceeding
three years may be tried by one judge.
/ ከሶስት ዓመት ፅኑ እስራት በሊይ በሚያስቀጣ 2/ The case of an accused person whose offence is
ወንጀሌ የተከሰሰ ሰው ጉዲይ ወይም የጦር punishable by a rigorous imprisonment exceeding
ምርኮኞችን ህጋዊ አቋም የመሇየት ጉዲይ three years or deciding on the legal status of

የሚታየው ከሦስት ባሊነሱ ዲኞች ይሆናሌ፡፡ prisoners of wars shall be tried by not less than three
/ በይግባኝ ሰሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት የሚያስችለ 3/ The number of judges sitting at the Appellate Military

ዲኞች ብዚት ከሦስት ያሊነሰ ሆኖ ሰብሳቢው ዲኛ Court may not be less than three and the presiding

ሲቪሌ ይሆናሌ፡፡ judge shall be a civilian.

/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () እና () 4/ Notwithstanding to the provisions of sub-article (2)

የተዯነገገው ቢኖርም የሚከተለት ተግባራት and (3) of this Article, the following issues may be

የዲኞች ቁጥር ባይሟሊም በአንዴ ዲኛ ሉከናወኑ carried out by one judge even if the number of judges
to sit at a particular bench is not met:
ሀ) የክስን ህጋዊ ብቃት ማረጋገጥ፤ a) ascertaining the legal adequacy of a charge;

ሇ) የተከራካሪ ወገኖች ማስረጃዎች በበቂ ምክንያት b) adjourning a session or a case where evidences

ባሌቀረቡ ጊዛ ተሇዋጭ ቀጠሮ መስጠት፤ of the parties are not produced on sufficient
ሐ) ተከሳሽ ወይም ምስክር መጥሪያ ዯርሶት ሳይቀርብ
c) giving orders for the arrest and appearance of an
ቢቀር ተይዝ እንዱቀርብ ወይም ያሌቀረበው
accused or a witness who failed to appear having
መጥሪያ ሳይዯርሰው ከሆነ ተገቢውን ትዕዚዜ been summoned or giving the appropriate order
መስጠት፤ where the non appearance is due to failure in

መ) ጉዲዩ በተቀጠረበት ዕሇት ያሌተሰራ ከሆነ serving the summon;

g) order of re-adjourning a case that adjourned for
ተሇዋጭ ቀጠሮ መስጠትን የሚመሇከቱ ትዕዚዝች፡፡
examination but the examination is not completed.
gA ፲ሺ፻፹ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ በዙህ አንቀፅ በንዐስ አንቀጽ () እና () 5/ Notwithstanding to the provisions of sub-article (2)
የተዯነገገው ቢኖርም የሚከተለት ተግባራት የዲኞች and (3) of this Article, the following issues may be

ቁጥር ባይሟሊም በሁሇት ዲኞች ሉከናወኑ carried out by two judges even if the number of judges
to sit at a particular bench is not met:
a) giving the appropriate order on objection to a
ሀ) በክስ ሊይ የቀረበን መቃወሚያ በመስማት
charge or on application for bail;
ወይም የዋስትናን ጥያቄ በመስማት ተገቢውን
ትዕዚዜ መስጠት፤

ሇ) የይግባኝ አቤቱታ መስማት፤ b) hearing a petition of appeal;

ሐ) በሦስት ዲኞች የተሰጠን ፌርዴ ሇተከራካሪ

c) reading a judgment rendered by three judges to
ወገኖች መግሇፅ፡፡
the parties.
/ በቀዲሚ ወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ከሚሰየሙ ዲኞች 6/ Among the judges sitting at a Primary Military
መካከሌ ቢያንስ ሰብሳቢው ዲኛ በወንጀሌ Court at least the presiding judge shall have higher
ተጠርጥሮ ከተከሰሰው ሰው የበሇጠ ወይም አቻ or equivalent rank with that of the accused person.
ማዕረግ ሉኖረው ይገባሌ፡፡
/ በመከሊከያ አቻ ማዕረግ ያሌተገኘሇት ሰው ተከሳሽ 7/ Where there is no equivalent rank with that of the
የሆነ እንዯሆነ ሰብሳቢው ዲኛ በጦር ሃይልች accused person, the presiding judge shall be assigned

ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ ይሰየማሌ፡፡ by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

፵.ስሇዲኞች ከችልት መነሣት 46. Withdrawal of Judges

/ ዲኛው ከተከራካሪዎች ከአንዯኛው ወገን ወይም 1/ A judge shall not sit in a case where he is related by

ከጠበቃው ጋር የስጋ ወይም የጋብቻ ዜምዴና consanguinity or affinity with one of the parties or the
advocate thereof or where he believes that there is any
ያሇው እንዯሆነ ወይም ፌትሃዊ ውሳኔ ሇመስጠት
other reason that prohibits him from rendering a fair
የማያስችሇው ላሊ ምክንያት መኖሩን ሲያምን
decision or an application requesting removal is
ወይም በማናቸውም ምክንያት እንዲያስችሌ
brought against him for any other reason and the
ማመሌከቻ ሲቀርብበትና ማመሌከቻው ተቀባይነት
application is accepted.
ሲያገኝ ከችልት ይነሳሌ፡፡

/ አንዴ ወታዯራዊ ዲኛ በሚመራው ክፌሌ አባሌ 2/ A judge may not sit in a case where the accused is a
የሆነ ተከሣሽ ጉዲይ ሲቀርብ ወይም አባለ member of the unit he directs or otherwise knows the
ባይሆንም በተሇያዩ አጋጣሚዎች ጉዲዩን ቀዴሞ case in advance.
ያወቀው እንዯሆነ በችልት አይሰየምም፡፡
3/ An application for removal of a judge shall be brought
/ አንዴን ዲኛ ከችልት እንዱነሳ ማመሌከቻ
before the trial opens or soon after the party becomes
የሚቀርበው ክርክሩ ከመጀመሩ በፉት ወይም
aware of the reason for making such an application.
ማመሌከቻ ሇማቅረብ ምክንያት መኖሩ እንዯታወቀ
መሆን አሇበት፡፡
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ ከችልት እንዱነሳ በማመሌከቻ ተቃውሞ የቀረበበት 4/ The judge against him an application for removal is
ዲኛ የማመሌከቻውን አግባብነት ከተቀበሇው made, shall withdraw where he found the application

ከችልቱ ይነሳሌ፤ ካሌተቀበሇው በላልች ዲኞች acceptable, or shall refer the matter for decision to
other judges where he found the application
እንዱወሰን ማመሌከቻውን ያስተሊሌፊሌ፡፡

/ ከችልት እንዱነሳ ተቃውሞ የቀረበበት ዲኛ ከላልች 5/ The remaining judges shall decide on the application
ዲኞች ጋር በሚያስችሌበት ጊዛ ከሆነ ተቃውሞ without the participation of the judge against whom
የቀረበበት ዲኛ በላሇበት በላልች ዲኞች ውሣኔ the application for removal is made.

፵. ስሇዲኝነት ነፃነት 47. Independence of the Judiciary

/ የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶችና ዲኞች ከማንኛውም 1/ Military courts and judges shall carry out their
የመንግስት አካሌም ሆነ ባሇሥሌጣን፣ መንግስታዊ duties independent of any influence from any
ካሌሆኑ ተቋማት፣ ከግሌ ዴርጅቶች ወይም governmental body or official, non-governmental or

ከማንኛውም ሰው ተጽዕኖ ነፃ ሆነው private organizations, or any person.

ሥራዎቻቸውን ያከናውናለ፡፡
2/ A judicial disciplinary committee of military court
/ የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤቶችና ዲኞች የስነ-ምግባር፣
composed of two judges from military courts, two
የሥራ አፇፃፀም ብቃት፣ ተጠያቂነትና ነፃነትን
judges from regular courts and one member from
የሚከታተሌ ከወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች ሁሇት፣
commanders shall be established with the power to
ከመዯበኛ ፌርዴ ቤቶች ዲኞች ሁሇት እና ከአዚዦች
follow up and monitor the discipline, performance,
አንዴ አባሌ ያሇበት የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች
accountability and independence of military courts
የሥነ-ምግባር ኮሚቴ ይቋቋማሌ፡፡ and judges.
/ የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች የሥነ-ምግባር ኮሚቴ 3/ The judicial disciplinary committee of military

በሚኒስትሩ አቅራቢነት በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ courts shall be established by the Commander-in-
Chief of the Armed Forces upon the
አዚዥ ይቋቋማሌ፡፡
recommendation of the Minister.

/ የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች የሥነ-ምግባር ኮሚቴ 4/ When an application or complaint alleging

የሥነ-ምግባር ጉዴሇት ተፇፅሟሌ ተብል ጥቆማ disciplinary offence against a judge is submitted to
the judicial disciplinary committee of military
ወይም አቤቱታ የቀረበበትን ዲኛ ጉዲይ አጣርቶ
courts, the committee shall investigate the matter
ውጤቱን ዲኛውን የመሾም ስሌጣን ወዲሇው አካሌ
and submit its result to the organ having the power
to appoint the judge

/ የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች የሥነ-ምግባር ኮሚቴ 5/ The judicial disciplinary committee of military
courts shall evaluate the performance of military
የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞችን የስራ አፇፃፀም
court judges and propose its recommendation
ይገመግማሌ፣ የመፌትሄ ሃሣብ ያቀርባሌ፡፡
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ የወታዯራዊ ፌርዴ ቤት ዲኞች የሥነ-ምግባር ኮሚቴ 6/The judicial disciplinary committee of military court
ኃሊፉነቱን ሇመወጣት የሚረዲው ዜርዜር የስራ shall draw up its own directive to enable it to carry

መመሪያ ያ዗ጋጃሌ፡፡ out its responsibilities.

ክፌሌ ስዴስት PART SIX

ሜዲይ፣ ሪቫንና የምስክር ወረቀት የሚያስገኙ MEDALS, RIBBON AND CERTIFICATE

ሁኔታዎችና የተሸሊሚዎች ሌዩ መብቶች AND PRIVILEGES OF AWARDEES

፵.ሜዲዮች፣ ሪቫንና የምስክር ወረቀት 48. Medals, Ribbon and Certificate

/ ሇመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አባሊት የሚሰጡ ሜዲዮች፣ 1/ The following are medals, ribbon and certificate to
ሪቫንና የምስክር ወረቀት የሚከተለት ናቸው፡- the bestowed upon members of the defense forces:

ሀ) የአዴዋ ዴሌ ሜዲይ፤ a) the Medal of the Victory of Adwa;

ሇ) የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ፤ b) the Medal of Heroism First Rank;

ሐ) የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሁሇተኛ ዯረጃ፤ c) the Medal of Heroism Second Rank;

d) the Medal of Heroism Third Rank;

መ) የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ፤
e) the Medal with Palm Leaf for Participation in
ሠ) የትግሌ ተሳትፍ ሜዲይ ባሇ዗ንባባ፤
the Armed Struggle;
ረ) የትግሌ ተሳትፍ ሜዲይ ያሇ዗ንባባ፤ f) he Medal without Palm Leaf for Participation in
the Armed Struggle;
ሰ) የሊቀ የሥራ ውጤት ሜዲይ፤
g) the Medal of Distinguished Labor;
ሸ) የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ፤ h) the Medal of Military Service First Rank;

ቀ) የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሜዲይ ሁሇተኛ ዯረጃ፤ i) the Medal of Military Service Second Rank;

በ) የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ፤ j) the Medal of Military Service Third Rank;

ተ) ዓሇም አቀፌ የሰሊም ማስጠበቅ ሜዲይ፤ k) the Medal of International Peace Keeping;

ቸ) የአውዯ ውጊያ ቁስሇኛ ሜዲይ l) the Medal of the Wounded;

ኀ) የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሪቫን m) the Military Service Ribbon;

ነ) የውጊያ ተሳትፍ የምስክር ወረቀት፡፡ n) Combat Certificate.

/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () የተመሇከቱት 2/ The dimension, shape and contents of the medals,
፲ሺ፻፺፩ ሪቫንና የምስክር ወረቀት መጠን፣ ቅርጽና ribbon and certificate specified under sub-article (1)
ይ዗ት በሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት ዯንብ ይወሰናሌ፡፡ of this Article shall be determined by regulation of
the Council of Ministers.
፵፱.የአዴዋ ዴሌ ሜዲይ 49. The Medal of the Victory of Adwa
/ የአዴዋ ዴሌ ሜዲይ ወዯር የላሇው ጀግንነት 1/ The Medal of the Victory of Adwa is the highest
በአውዯ ውጊያ ሇፇጸመ ኢትዮጵያዊ ግሇሰብ ወይም award that is bestowed to an Ethiopian individual,
gA ፲ሺ፻፺፩ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

የሠራዊት አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን የሚሰጥ military unit or group that has performed
የመጨረሻው ከፌተኛ የጀግና ሽሌማት ነው፡፡ unparalleled feats of bravery in the battlefield.

/ የአዴዋ ዴሌ ሜዲይ የተሸሇመ ሰው፡- ››› 2/ An awardee of the Medal of the Victory of Adwa:

a) shall take a seat in the place reserved for high

ሀ) በብሔራዊ በዓሌ አከባበር ስነ-ስርዓት ወቅት
government officials during national holiday
ሇከፌተኛ የመንግስት ባሇስሌጣኖች በሚ዗ጋጀው
ቦታ ይቀመጣሌ፤
ሇ) በርዕሰ ብሔሩ የተፇረመ ሌዩ የመታወቂያ ወረቀት b) shall receive a special identity card autographed

ይሰጠዋሌ፤ by the Head of the State;

c) may have at his birth place a school, a hospital,
ሐ) በትውሌዴ ሥፌራው ትምህርት ቤት፣
an avenue, a public square or any other similar
ሆስፒታሌ፣ መንገዴ፣ አዯባባይ ወይም ላሊ
memorial named after him.
ተመሳሳይ መጠሪያ በስሙ ሉሰየምሇት ይችሊሌ፡፡

/ የአዴዋ ዴሌ ሜዲይ ሁሇት ጊዛ የተሸሇመ ሰው 3/ A school, a hospital, an avenue, a bridge, a public

በፋዯራለ ርዕሰ ከተማ ትምህርት ቤት፣ square or any other similar memorial in the federal
capital city may be named after an individual who
ሆስፒታሌ፣ መንገዴ፣ ዴሌዴይ፣ አዯባባይ ወይም
has been awarded the Medal of the Victory of Adwa
ላሊ ተመሳሳይ መጠሪያ በስሙ ሉሰየምሇት
for the second time. In addition a statue may be
ይችሊሌ፤ በተጨማሪም መታሰቢያ ሐውሌት
erected for the awardee.
ሉቆምሇት ይችሊሌ፡፡
4/ A military unit or group awarded with the Medal of
/ የአዴዋ ዴሌ ሜዲይ ተሸሊሚ ሇሆነ የሠራዊት አሃዴ
the Victory of Adwa shall be entitled to receive a
ወይም ቡዴን በርዕሰ ብሔሩ የተፇረመ ሌዩ
special certificate autographed by the Head of State.
የምስክር ወረቀት ይሰጣሌ፡፡
/ የዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ ()(ሐ) እና ንዐስ 5/ The provision of sub-article (2)(c) and sub-article
(3) of this Article shall apply to military unit and
አንቀፅ () ዴንጋጌዎች ሇሠራዊት አሃዴና ቡዴንም
group, with birth place substituted by the place
ተፇጻሚ ይሆናለ፡፡ ስሇሆነም በትውሌዴ ሥፌራ
where the heroic deed was performed.
ምትክ ጀግንነቱ የተፇጸመበት ሥፌራ ይሆናሌ፡፡

፶.የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ 50. The Medal of Heroism First Rank

/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ 1/ The Medal of Heroism First Rank is an award that
በተሰሇፇበት አውዯ ውጊያ የ዗ወትር ወታዯራዊ may be bestowed upon an Ethiopian individual,
ግዲጅ አፇጻጸም ከሚጠይቀው በሊይ እጅግ በጣም military unit or group that has, beyond the call of
የሚያኮራ ጀግንነት ሇፇጸመ ኢትዮጵያዊ ግሇሰብ ordinary duty, achieved outstandingly honorable

ወይም የሠራዊት አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን የሚሰጥ feats of bravery in a battlefield.

ሽሌማት ነው፡፡
/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ የተሸሇመ 2/ An awardee of the Medal of Heroism First Rank
ሰው፡- shall:
ሀ) በብሔራዊ በዓሌ አከባበር ስነ-ስርዓት ወቅት a) Take a seat in the place reserved for high
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ሇከፌተኛ የመንግስት ባሇስሌጣኖች በሚ዗ጋጀው government officials during national holiday

ቦታ ይቀመጣሌ፤ ceremony;

ሇ) በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ የተፇረመ ሌዩ b) Receive a special identity card autographed by
the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.
የመታወቂያ ወረቀት ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡
/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ ሁሇት ጊዛ 3/ A school, a hospital, an avenue, a public square or
የተሸሇመ ሰው በትውሌዴ ሥፌራው ትምህርት any other similar memorial in his birth place may be
ቤት፣ ሆስፒታሌ፣ መንገዴ፣ አዯባባይ ወይም ላሊ named after an individual who has been awarded the

ተመሳሳይ መጠሪያ በስሙ ሉሰየምሇት ይችሊሌ፡፡ Medal of Heroism First Rank for the second time.

/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ ሦስት ጊዛ 4/ A school, a hospital, an avenue, a public square or
የተሸሇመ ወይም የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ other similar memorial in the federal capital city may
ዯረጃ እና የአዴዋ ዴሌ ሜዲይ የተሸሇመ ሰው be named after an individual who has been awarded

በፋዯራለ ርዕሰ ከተማ ትምህርት ቤት፣ ሆስፒታሌ፣ the Medal of Heroism First Rank for the third time or

መንገዴ፣ አዯባባይ ወይም ላሊ ተመሳሳይ መጠሪያ the Medal of Heroism First Rank and the Medal of
the Victory of Adwa.
በስሙ ሉሰየምሇት ይችሊሌ፡፡
/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ ተሸሊሚ 5/ A special certificate autographed by the Commander-
ሇሆነ የሠራዊት አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን በጦር ሃይልች in-Chief of the Armed Forces shall be given to a

ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ የተፇረመ ሌዩ የምስክር ወረቀት military unit or group awarded with the Medal of
Heroism First Rank.
/ የዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () እና () ዴንጋጌዎች 6/ The provisions of sub-article (3) and (4) of this
ሇሠራዊት አሃዴና ቡዴንም ተፇጻሚ ይሆናለ፡፡ Article shall be applicable to a military unit and

ስሇሆነም በትውሌዴ ሥፌራ ምትክ ጀግንነቱ group, with birth place substituted by the place where

የተፇጸመበት ሥፌራ ይሆናሌ፡፡ the heroic deed was performed.

፶፩.የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሁሇተኛ ዯረጃ 51. The Medal of Heroism Second Rank

/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሁሇተኛ ዯረጃ 1/ The Medal of Heroism Second Rank is an award that
በተሰሇፇበት አውዯ ውጊያ የ዗ወትር ወታዯራዊ is bestowed to an Ethiopian individual, military unit

ግዲጅ አፇጻጸም ከሚጠይቀው በሊይ በጣም or group that has, beyond the call of ordinary duty,
achieved very honorable feats of bravery in a
የሚያኮራ ጀግንነት ሇፇጸመ ኢትዮጵያዊ ግሇሰብ
ወይም የሠራዊት አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን የሚሰጥ
ሽሌማት ነው፡፡

/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሁሇተኛ ዯረጃ 2/ An awardee of the Medal of Heroism Second Rank
የተሸሇመ ሰው፡- shall:
ሀ) በብሔራዊ በዓሌ አከባበር ስነ-ስርዓት ወቅት a) take a seat in the place reserved for high

ሇከፌተኛ የመንግስት ባሇሥሌጣኖች በሚ዗ጋጀው government officials during national holiday

ቦታ ይቀመጣሌ፤ ceremony;
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ሇ) በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም b) receive a special identity card autographed by

የተፇረመ ሌዩ የመታወቂያ ወረቀት ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡ the General Chief of Staff.

/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሁሇተኛ ዯረጃ 3/ A military unit or group awarded with the Medal of

ተሸሊሚ ሇሆነ የሠራዊት አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን Heroism Second Rank shall be entitled to receive a

በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም special certificate autographed by the Chief of the
General Staff.
የተፇረመ ሌዩ የምስክር ወረቀት ይሰጣሌ፡፡

፶.የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ 52.The Medal of Heroism Third Rank

/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ 1/ The Medal of Heroism Third Rank is an award that is

በተሰሇፇበት አውዯ ውጊያ የ዗ወትር ወታዯራዊ ግዲጅ bestowed to an Ethiopian individual, military unit or
group that has, beyond the call of ordinary duty,
አፇጻጸም ከሚጠይቀው በሊይ የሚያኮራ ጀግንነት
achieved honorable feats of bravery in the battlefield.
ሇፇጸመ ኢትዮጵያዊ ግሇሰብ ወይም የሠራዊት አሃዴ
ወይም ቡዴን የሚሰጥ ሽሌማት ነው፡፡
/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ የተሸሇመ 2/ An awardee of the Medal of Heroism Third Rank shall
ሰው በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም be entitled to receive a special identity card

የተፇረመ ሌዩ የመታወቂያ ወረቀት ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡ autographed by the Chief of the General Staff.

/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ ሁሇት 3/ An awardee of the Medal of Heroism Third Rank for
ጊዛ ወይም ከዙያ በሊይ የተሸሇመ ሰው በብሔራዊ the second or more time shall take a seat specifically

በዓሌ አከባበር ስነ ስርዓት ወቅት በተሇይ reserved for him during national holiday ceremony.

በሚወሰንሇት የክብር ሥፌራ ይቀመጣሌ፡፡

/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ ተሸሊሚ 4/ A military unit or group awarded with the Medal of

ሇሆነ የሠራዊት አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን በጦር ሃይልች Heroism Third Rank shall be entitled to receive a

ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም የተፇረመ ሌዩ የምስክር special certificate autographed by the Chief of the
General Staff.
ወረቀት ይሰጣሌ፡፡
፶.የትግሌ ተሳትፍ ሜዲይ ባሇ዗ንባባ 53.The Medal with Palm Leaf for Participation in the
Armed Struggle
/ የትግሌ ተሳትፍ ሜዲይ ባሇ዗ንባባ በኢትዮጵያ ሰሊምና 1/ The Medal with Palm Leaf for Participation in the
ዱሞክራሲን ሇማስፇን ከዯርግ (የኢትዮጵያ ሰራተኞች Armed Struggle is awarded to all fighters who served
ፖርቲ) መንግስት ጋር ከ ፲፱፻፷፯ ዓ.ም እስከ ግንቦት for not less than ten years in the struggle from1975 to

፳ ቀን ፲፱፻፹፫ ዓ.ም ዴረስ በትጥቅ ትግለ ከአሥር

May 28, 1991 to remove the Derg (Workers’ Party of

ዓመት ያሊነሰ ተሳትፍ ሊሇው ታጋይ የሚሰጥ Ethiopia) regime and establish peace and democracy
in Ethiopia.
ሽሌማት ነው፡፡
/ የትግሌ ተሳትፍ ሜዲይ ባሇ዗ንባባ የተሸሇመ ሰው 2/ An awardee of the Medal with Palm Leaf for
በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም የተፇረመ Participation in the Armed Struggle shall receive a

ሌዩ የመታወቂያ ወረቀት ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡ special identity card autographed by the Chief of the
General Staff.
gA Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

፶.የትግሌ ተሳትፍ ሜዲይ ያሇ዗ንባባ 54.The Medal without Palm Leaf for Participation in the
Armed Struggle

/ የትግሌ ተሳትፍ ሜዲይ ያሇ዗ንባባ በኢትዮጵያ 1/The Medal without Palm Leaf for Participation in the
Armed Struggle is awarded to all fighters who served
ሰሊምና ዱሞክራሲን ሇማስፇን ከዯርግ (የኢትዮጵያ
for less than ten years in the struggle from 1975 to May
ሰራተኞች ፖርቲ) መንግስት ጋር ከ፲፱፻፷፯ ዓ.ም
28, 1991 to remove the Derg (Workers’ Party of
እስከ ግንቦት ፳ ቀን ፲፱፻፹፫ዓ.ም ዴረስ በትጥቅ
Ethiopia) regime and establish peace and democracy in
ትግለ ከአሥር ዓመት በታች ተሳትፍ ሊሇው
ታጋይ የሚሰጥ ሽሌማት ነው፡፡

/ የትግሌ ተሳትፍ ሜዲይ ያሇ዗ንባባ የተሸሇመ ሰው 2/ An awardee of the Medal without Palm Leaf for

በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹም የተፇረመ Participation in the Armed Struggle shall receive a
special identity card autographed by the Chief of the
ሌዩ የመታወቂያ ወረቀት ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡
General Staff.
፶.የሊቀ የሥራ ውጤት ሜዲይ
55. The Medal of Distinguished Labor
/ የሊቀ የሥራ ውጤት ሜዲይ በአእምሮ ሥራ 1/ The Medal of Distinguished Labor is an award that is

ወይም በፇጠራ ወይም በማናቸውም መስክ bestowed to a person, military unit or group that has
through mental labor or by way of invention or in any
ሇመከሊከያ ሠራዊት ተሌዕኮ መሳካት የሊቀና ወዯር
other field scored distinguished and unparalleled
የላሇው ውጤት ሊስገኘ ሰው ወይም የሠራዊት
achievement for the mission of the defense forces.
አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን የሚሰጥ ሽሌማት ነው፡፡

/ የሊቀ የሥራ ውጤት ሜዲይ የተሸሇመ ሰው፡- 2/ An awardee of the Medal of Distinguished Labor shall:

ሀ) በብሔራዊ በዓሌ አከባበር ስነ ስርዓት ወቅት a) take a seat in the place reserved for high
ሇከፌተኛ የመንግስት ባሇሥሌጣኖች በሚ዗ጋጀው government officials during national holiday
ቦታ ይቀመጣሌ፤ ceremony;
b) receive a special identity card autographed by the
ሇ) በሚኒስትሩ የተፇረመ ሌዩ የመታወቂያ ወረቀት

/ የሊቀ የሥራ ውጤት ሜዲይ ሇተሸሇመ የሠራዊት 3/ A military unit or group awarded with the Medal of
Distinguished Labor shall be entitled to receive a
አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን በሚኒስትሩ የተፇረመ ሌዩ
special certificate autographed by the Minister.
የምስክር ወረቀት ይሰጣሌ፡፡
፶.ስሇ ውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሜዲይ 56. The Medal of Military Service

Any member of the defense forces who is reputed for

በሥነ-ምግባሩ እና በወታዯራዊ ሥነ-ሥርዓት የጏሊ
his spotless record of conduct and military discipline
እንከን የላሇበት ማንኛውም የሠራዊት አባሌ
shall be awarded the following medals based on the
እንዯየአገሌግልት ዗መኑ የሚከተለት የሜዲይ
years of service he has served:
ሽሌማቶች ይሰጡታሌ፡-
1/ the Medal of Military Service First Rank for a
/ የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ ከ፳፭
member who has served in the defense forces for
ዓመት ሊሊነሰ ጊዛ ሊገሇገሇ፤
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

not less than twenty five years;

/ የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሜዲይ ሁሇተኛ ዯረጃ ከ፲፭ 2/ the Medal of Military Service Second Rank for a

ዓመት ሊሊነሰ ጊዛ ሊገሇገሇ፤ member of the defense forces who has served for
not less than fifteen years in the defense forces;
/ የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ ከ፲ 3/ the Medal of Military Service Third Rank for a
ዓመት ሊሊነሰ ጊዛ ሊገሇገሇ፡፡ member of the defense forces who has served for
not less than ten years in the defense forces.
፶.የሰሊም ማስከበር የምስክር ወረቀት
57. Certificate of Peace Keeping

/ በተባበሩት መንግስታት ዴርጅት ወይም በአፌሪካ 1/ Members of the defense forces who have participated
ህብረት ወይም በአጋር አገሮች የወታዯራዊ ትብብር in peace-keeping or peacemaking missions abroad
ስምምነት በተሰጡ የውጭ አገር የሰሊም ማስፇን mandated by the United Nations or the African Union
ወይም የሰሊም ማስከበር ተሌዕኮዎች ከ(፺) ቀናት or as per military cooperation agreements with allied
በሊይ ሇተሳተፈ የሠራዊት አባሊት በ዗መቱበት nations for more than 90 days shall receive a special

ተሌዕኮ የሰሊም ማስከበር ሜዲይ ወይም ሰርተፌኬት certificate autographed by the Chief of the General
Staff where they are not awarded with a peace keeping
ያሌተሰጠ ከሆነ በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር
medal or certificate by the mission that deployed them.
ሹም የተፇረመ ሌዩ የምስክር ወረቀት ይሰጣሌ፡፡

/ በዙህ አንቀጽ በንዐስ አንቀጽ () የተዯነገገው 2/ Notwithstanding to the provision of sub-article (1) of
ቢኖርም በአገር ዯረጃ በተሰጠው የውጭ አገር this Article a special certificate autographed by the
ወታዯራዊ ግዲጅ ከ(፺)ቀናት በሊይ ሇተሳተፈ Chief of the General Staff shall be given to members of

የሠራዊት አባሊት በጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ the defense forces who have participated for more than
90 days in military duty carried out abroad mandated
ኤታማዦር ሹም የተፇረመ ሌዩ የምስክር ወረቀት
by Ethiopia.
፶.የአውዯ ውጊያ ቁስሇኛ ሜዲይ 58. The Medal of the Wounded

/የአውዯ ውጊያ ቁስሇኛ ሜዲይ በአውዯ ውጊያ 1/ The medal of the wounded is an award that is
ተሰሌፍ የመቁሰሌ አዯጋ ሇዯረሰበት ሰው የሚሰጥ bestowed to a person who has been wounded in a
ሽሌማት ነው፡፡ battlefield.
/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ቁስሇኛ ሜዲይ የተሸሇመ ሰው 2/ An awardee of the Medal of the Wounded shall be

በክፌሇ ጦር ወይም በኮር አዚ ወይም entitled to receive a special identity card autographed
by a divisional or corps commander or by an officer
በተመጣጣኝ ዯረጃ የተፇረመ ሌዩ የመታወቂያ
of equivalent rank.
ወረቀት ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡
59. Military Service Ribbon
፶.የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሪቫን
The Military Service Ribbon is awarded to members of
የውትዴርና አገሌግልት ሪቫን ሇሕገ-መንግሥቱ ታማኝ
the defense forces for every 5 years of service given in
በመሆን በመከሊከያ ሠራዊት ውስጥ ሇተሰጠ
loyalty to the Constitution.
ሇእያንዲንደ አምስት ዓመት አገሌግልት የሚሰጥ
ሽሌማት ነው፡፡
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

፷.የውጊያ ተሳትፍ የምስክር ወረቀት 60.Combat Certificate

የውጊያ ተሳትፍ የምስክር ወረቀት በመንግሥት Combat Certificate is an award to be given to a person

በታወቀና በታወጀ ወታዯራዊ ስምሪት ወይም ዗መቻ or military unit or group having participated in a
military campaign initiated and proclaimed by the
ሇተሳተፇ ሰው ወይም የሠራዊት አሃዴ ወይም ቡዴን
የሚሰጥ ሽሌማት ነው፡፡

፷፩.የሜዲይ ተሸሊሚ የሚያገኘው ተጨማሪ ሌዩ መብት 61. Additional Privileges of the Medal Awardees

Without prejudice to other provisions of this

የዙህ አዋጅ ላልች ዴንጋጌዎች እንዯተጠበቁ ሆኖ
Proclamation an awardee who is bestowed with any of
በዙህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ ፵፰() ከፉዯሌ ተራ (ሀ) እስከ (ሰ)
the medals specified under Article 48 (1) from
እንዱሁም በፉዯሌ ተራ (ተ) እና (ቸ) የተመሇከተውን
paragraph (a) to (g) and paragraph (k) and (l) shall:
ማንኛውንም ሜዲይ የተሸሇመ ሰው፡-

/ በመንግስት ሆስፒታልችና የሕክምና ተቋማት 1/ receive free medical treatment in public hospitals and
health centers;
ውስጥ ነፃ ሕክምና ያገኛሌ፤
2/ be given priority to pursue education in public
/ በመንግስት የትምህርት ተቋማት ውስጥ ሇመማር
educational institutions;
ቅዴሚያ ያገኛሌ፤

/ በመንግስት መሥሪያ ቤቶች፣ ዴርጅቶችና ተቋማት 3/ be given priority to employment where his qualification

ውስጥ ችልታው ሇሥራ መዯቡ ተስማሚ ሆኖ satisfies the job descriptions required by government

ሲገኝ የመቀጠር ቅዴሚያ ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡ offices, organizations and institutions for a given position.

፷.ሇሜዲይ ሽሌማት የሚያበቃ ሥራ ሠርቶ ስሇሞተ ሰው 62. Posthumous Award of Medals

1/ The appropriate medal shall be registered in the name
/ ሇሜዲይ ሽሌማት የሚያበቃ ሥራ ሠርቶ የሞተ of a person who dies after having accomplished a
ሰው አግባብ ያሇው ሜዲይ በስሙ ይመ዗ገባሌ፡፡ feat worthy of medal award.

2/ Without prejudice to the provision of sub-article (1)

/ በዙህ አንቀፅ ንዐስ አንቀፅ () የተዯነገገው
of this Article the medal shall be given to his elder
እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ ሜዲዩ ሇታሊቅ ሌጁ ይሰጣሌ፡፡
descendant; in the absence of a descendant to his
ሌጅ ከላሇው ሇባሇቤቱ፣ ባሇቤት ከላሇው አግባብ
spouse; in the absence of a spouse to his heir in
ባሇው የውርስ ሕግ መሠረት ሇውርስ ባሇመብቱ
accordance with the relevant law of succession.

፷.ከውጭ አገር ሜዲይ ወይም ላሊ ሽሌማት ስሇመቀበሌ 63. Receiving Foreign Medals or Other Prizes

ማንኛውም የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አባሌ ከሚኒስቴሩ Any member of the defense forces shall not receive
ፇቃዴ ሳያገኝ ከውጭ አገር ሜዲይ ወይም ሽሌማት medal or other prize from foreign country without
permission from the Ministry. However, this provision
ሉቀበሌ አይችሌም፡፡ ሆኖም ይህ ዴንጋጌ የሰሊም does not prohibit receiving a medal or prize awarded
የማስከበር ሜዲይና ሽሌማት ሇመቀበሌ አይከሇክሌም፡፡ for participating in peace keeping mission.
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

፷.ሜዲይ፣ ሪቫን እና የምስክር ወረቀት መሌሶ 64. Forfeiture of Medals, Ribbon and Certificate
ስሇመውሰዴ The medal, ribbon or certificate shall be forfeited from

ተሸሊሚው፡- the awardee, where:

1/ it is discovered that the medal, ribbon or certificate
/ ሜዲዩ፣ ሪቫኑ ወይም የምስክር ወረቀቱ የተሰጠው was bestowed upon the awardee on the basis of
በተሳሳተ ማስረጃ መሆኑ ሲታወቅ፤ ወይም wrong evidence; or
2/ such an awardee has been found guilty, by a court,

/ በወንጀሌ ህጉ ከአንቀፅ ፪፻፵፮ እስከ አንቀፅ ፪፻፶፪ of offences provided from Article 246 to Article 252

የተመሇከቱትን ወንጀልች መፇጸሙ በፌርዴ ቤት of the Criminal Code

ውሣኔ ሲረጋገጥ፤

የተሰጠው ሜዲይ፣ ሪቫን ወይም የምስክር ወረቀት


፷.የሜዲዮች ዯረጃ ቅዯም ተከተሌ 65. Rank of Medals

የሜዲዮች ዯረጃ ቅዯም ተከተሌ በዙህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ The order of rank of medals shall be in accordance with

፶() በተመሇከተው ዜርዜር ቅዯም ተከተሌ መሠረት the order of lists provided under Article 50(1) of this

፷.የሜዲዮችና ሪቫኖች አሰጣጥ ሥርዓትና አሇባበስ 66. Award and Wearing of Medals and Ribbons

በዙህ አዋጅ የተመሇከቱት ሜዲዮችና ሪቫኖች የአፇፃፀም The award and wearing of medals and ribbons
ዜርዜር መስፇርት አሰጣጥ ሥርዓትና አሇባበስ provided under this Proclamation and the details of
በሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት በሚወጣ ዯንብ ይወሰናሌ፡፡ implementation criteria shall be determined by a
directive to be issued by the Council of Ministers.
፷.የገን዗ብ ወይም የዓይነት ሽሌማት የሚያስገኙ ሜዲዮች
67. Medals Entitling Monetary or in Kind Awards
የገን዗ብ ወይም የዓይነት ሽሌማት የሚያስገኙ ሜዲዮች
Medals entitling monetary or in kind awards shall be:
የሚከተለት ናቸው፡-
1/ the Medal of the Victory of Adwa;
/ የአዴዋ ዴሌ ሜዲይ፤
2/ the Medal of Heroism First Rank;
/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ አንዯኛ ዯረጃ፤
3/ the Medal of Heroism Second Rank;
/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሁሇተኛ ዯረጃ፤
4/ the Medal of Heroism Third Rank;
/ የአውዯ ውጊያ ጀግና ሜዲይ ሦስተኛ ዯረጃ፤ 5/ the Medal of Distinguished Labor.
/ የሊቀ የስራ ውጤት ሜዲይ፡፡
፷፷.ስሇሽሌማቱ ዓይነትና ተጠቃሚዎች 68. Type of the Award and Beneficiaries

/ ሇግሇሰብ ወይም ሇቡዴን የሚሰጠው የገን዗ብ 1/ A monetary award to an individual or a group shall
ሽሌማት በህይወት ካሇ ሇራሱ፣ ከሞተም ሇወራሾቹ be given in whole to the awardee himself if
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ሇአንዴ ጊዛ ብቻ የሚከፇሌ ይሆናሌ፡፡ surviving or to his heir if deceased.

/ ሇሠራዊት አሃዴ የሚሰጥ ሽሌማት በአይነት 2/ An award to a military unit shall be in kind and

ይሆናሌ፣ አጠቃቀሙን በተመሇከተ በሚኒስቴሩ utilization thereof shall be determined by the

directive of the Ministry.
መመሪያ ይወሰናሌ፡፡

/ ሇእያንዲንደ ሜዲይ የሚሰጠው የገን዗ብ ሽሌማት

3/ The amount of monetary award to each medal shall
መጠን ሚኒስቴሩ በሚያወጣው መመሪያ ይወሰናሌ፡፡
be determined by directive of the Ministry.
/ በዙህ አንቀጽ ከንዐስ አንቀጽ () እስከ ()
4/ Without prejudice to the provisions from sub-article
የተዯነገጉት እንዯተጠበቁ ሆኖ በዙህ አዋጅ የሜዲዮች
(1) to (3) of this Article, an awardee of a medal of
ዯረጃ አመዲዯብ ብሌጫ ያሇው ሜዲይ ተሸሊሚ higher rank in accordance with this Proclamation
የበሇጠ ገን዗ብ ተከፊይ ይሆናሌ፡፡ shall be entitled to higher monetary award.

ክፌሌ ሰባት
ሌዩ ሌዩ ዴንጋጌዎች
69. Budget
/ የሚኒስቴሩ ዓመታዊ በጀት በመንግሥት
ይመዯባሌ፡፡ 1/ The annual budget of the Ministry shall be allocated

/ የዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () ዴንጋጌ ቢኖርም by the government.

ሚኒስቴሩ ከሚከተለት ምንጮች የሚገኘውን ገቢ 2/ Notwithstanding to the provision of sub-article (1) of

this Article, the Ministry may utilize the following
ጠቅሊይ ሚኒስትሩን እያስፇቀዯ ሇመከሊከያ አቅም
revenues for purposes of building defense capacity
ግንባታ እንዱውሌ ሉያዯርግ ይችሊሌ፡-
upon obtaining the approval of the Prime Minister:
ሀ) የመከሊከያ ተቋማት በሰሊም ጊዛ
የሚኖራቸውን የማምረትና አገሌግልት a) revenue generated by engaging idle facilities of
defense institutions in peace times, in income
የመስጠት አቅም ሇገቢ ማስገኛ ተግባር
generating activities;
እንዱውሌ በማዴረግ የሚገኘውን ገቢ፤
ሇ) ሇመከሊከያ ጠቀሜታ የማያስፇሌጉ ንብረቶችን b) the proceeds of disposal of properties which are

በማስወገዴ የሚገኘውን ገቢ፤ no more required for defense purposes;

ሐ) በተቆጣጣሪ ባሇሥሌጣንነት ከሚመራቸው c) dividends from enterprises put under its

ዴርጅቶች የሚገኘውን የትርፌ ዴርሻ፤ እና supervisory authority; and
መ) ከሰሊም ማስከበር ስምሪቶች የሚገኘውን ገቢ፡፡ d) revenues generated from peace keeping
/ ሚኒስቴሩ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () እና ()
3/ The Ministry shall ensure that the procedures and
የተመሇከቱትን በጀትና ገቢዎች አስተዲዯር
standards provided in the federal government financial
በተመሇከተ በፋዯራሌ መንግስት የፊይናንስ administration laws are complied with in respect of
አስተዲዯር ህጏች የተዯነገጉትን ስርዓቶችና the administration of the budget and revenues referred
መመ዗ኛዎችን ተከትል መፇጸሙን ያረጋግጣሌ፤ to in sub-article (1) and (2) of this Article and cause
በውስጥ ኦዱተር፣ በዋናው ኦዱተር ወይም ዋና the auditing of same by the Auditor General or an
gA ፲ሺ፻፺ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

ኦዱተር በሚሰይማቸው ኦዱተሮች በየዓመቱ auditor designated by him.

እንዱመረመር ያዯርጋሌ፡፡
70. Procurement and Property Administration
፸.ስሇግዢና ንብረት አስተዲዯር
1/ The Ministry shall, by itself, procure, administer
/ ሚኒስቴሩ በፋዯራሌ መንግሥት የግዢና ንብረት
and dispose property in accordance with the
አስተዲዯር ህግጋት መሠረት ግዢ በራሱ federal government procurement and property
ይፇጽማሌ፣ ንብረቱን ያስተዲዴራሌ፣ ያስወግዲሌ፡፡ administration laws.
/ ሚኒስቴሩ ከውጭ አገር ወዯ አገር ውስጥ 2/ The Ministry may import equipments and weapons
የሚያስገባቸውን ሇአገር መከሊከሌ ዓሊማ የሚውለ intended for national defense purposes free of customs
ዕቃዎችና መሣሪያዎች ከጉምሩክ ቀረጥና ታክስ በነፃ duties and tax.

ማስገባት ይችሊሌ፡፡
/ ሚኒስቴሩ በዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () 3/ The Ministry may not be required to present customs
የተመሇከቱትን ዕቃዎችና መሣሪያዎች በሚመሇከት declaration and documents to be attached thereto with

የጉምሩክ ዱክሊራሲዮንና አባሪ ሰነድችን respect to equipments and weapons referred to in sub-

እንዱያቀርብና ዕቃዎቹን ወይም መሣሪያዎቹን article (2) of this Article, to present the equipments
and weapons for inspection and documents for
እንዱያስፇትሽ ወይም ሰነድች እንዱያስመረምር

፸.የሂሳብ መዚግብት 71. Books of Accounts

/ ሚኒስቴሩ የተሟለና ትክክሇኛ የሆኑ የሂሳብ 1/ The Ministry shall keep complete and accurate books

መዚግብት ይይዚሌ፡፡ of accounts.

/በዙህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ ፸፫ () የተዯነገገው 2/ Without prejudice to the provision of Article 73(3) of
እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ የሚኒስቴሩ የሂሳብ መዚግብትና this Proclamation the books of accounts and financial
ገን዗ብ ነክ ሰነድች በውስጥ ኦዱተሮች ይመረመራለ፡፡ documents of the Ministry shall be audited by internal
3/ documents regarding military weapons and combat
/ በሚኒስትሩና በጠቅሊይ ኤታማዦር ሹሙ አቅራቢነት
equipment procurement books of accounts, and
ጠቅሊይ ሚኒስትሩ አገራዊ ጥቅምንና ዯህንነትን
payment documents for intelligence which are
ሇመከሊከሌ ሲባሌ እጅግ ጥብቅ ሚስጥር ብል
designated as top secret for the purpose of defending
የሚሰየማቸውን የጦር መሳሪያና የውጊያ ቁሳቁስ
national interest and security by the Prime Minister
የግዢ የሂሳብ መዚግብትና ሰነድች፣ ሇመረጃ የወጡ
upon the recommendation of the Minister and the
የክፌያ ማስረጃዎች እንዲይገሇፁ ሉያዯርግ ይችሊሌ፡፡ Chief of the General Staff, may not be disclosed to
፸.ዯንብና መመሪያ የማውጣት ስሌጣን
72. Power to Issue Regulation and Directive
/ የሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት ይህን አዋጅ ሇማስፇፀም 1/ The Council of Ministers may issue regulation

ዯንብ ሉያወጣ ይችሊሌ፡፡ necessary for the implementation of this

gA ፲ሺ፻ Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

/ የዙህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ ፳፭ እና አንቀፅ ፳፮ 2/ Without prejudice to Article 25 and Article 26 of this
እንዯተጠበቁ ሆኖ የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ አዚዥ Proclamation, the Commander-in-Chief of the

የሚኒስትሩን እና የጦር ሃይልች ጠቅሊይ Armed Forces shall issue detailed directive on the
respective powers and duties of the Minister and the
ኤታማዦር ሹሙን ሥሌጣንና ተግባር በተመሇከተ
Chief of the General Staff.
ዜርዜር መመሪያ ያወጣሌ፡፡

/የዙህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ () ዴንጋጌ እንዯተጠበቀ 3/ Without prejudice to the provision of sub-article (1) of

ሆኖ ሚኒስቴሩ ሇዙህ አዋጅ አፇጻጸም አስፇሊጊ this Article, the Ministry may issue directive necessary
for the implementation of this Proclamation.
መመሪያ ሉያወጣ ይችሊሌ፡፡

፸.የመተባበር ግዳታ 73. Duty to Cooperate

1/ All federal justice organs, including the Federal

/ የፋዯራሌ ጠቅሊይ ፌርዴ ቤትን፣ ጠቅሊይ ዓቃቤ
Supreme Court, the Attorney General, the Federal
ህግን ፣ ፋዯራሌ ፖሉስ ኮሚሽንን እና የፋዯራሌ
Police Commission and the Federal Prisons
ማረሚያ ቤቶች አስተዲዯርን ጨምሮ ሁለም
Administration, shall, in their respective field of
የፋዯራሌ የፌትህ ተቋማት በየስራ ዗ርፊቸው
assignment, have the responsibility of cooperating
የወታዯራዊ ፌትህ አካሊት ጋር የመተባበር እና
with, and building the capacity of the military justice
በአቅም ግንባታና በሌዩ ሌዩ የፌትህ ስርዓቱ organs and supporting and making them take part in
ማሻሻያ መርሃ ግብሮች የመዯገፌና የማሳተፌ the various justice sector reform programs.
ሃሊፉነት አሇባቸው፡፡

/ሁለም የፋዯራሌና የክሌሌ አስፇፃሚ አካሊት በዙህ 2/ All the federal and regional state executive organs

አዋጅ በተሸፇኑ ጉዲዮች የመተባበር ግዳታ shall have the obligation to cooperate on matters
covered under this Proclamation.
፸.የተሻረ ህግ 74. Repealed Law
የመከሊከያ ሠራዊት አዋጅ ቁጥር ፻/ሺ በዙህ The Defense Force Proclamation No.809/2013 is hereby

አዋጅ ተሽሯሌ፡፡ repealed.

፸.አዋጁ የሚፀናበት ጊዛ 75. Effective Date

This Proclamation shall enter into force on the date of
ይህ አዋጅ በፋዯራሌ ነጋሪት ጋዛጣ ታትሞከወጣበት
publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette.
ቀን ጀምሮ የፀና ይሆናሌ፡፡

Done at Addis Ababa, this 19th day of January , 2019.

አዱስ አበባ ፲፱ ቀን ፪ሺ፲፩ ዓ.ም

ሳህሇወርቅ ዗ውዳ
የኢትዮጵያ ፋዳራሊዊ ዱሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሉክ መንግስት
gA Ød‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R ፲ጥር  qN ፪ሺ፲፩ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazette No..19, 19th January , 2019 ….

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