E Commerce Mobile App Development Gantt Chart

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Excel is far from ideal for creating and managing Gantt charts.

As an alternative
we have built Tom's Planner. And we would like to invite you to give it a try at:

weeks/days: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
activity: resource: status:
Market Research
Define Objectives
Identify Target Audience
Understand Customer Needs
Competitor Analysis
Industry Trend Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Product Research
Market Segmentation
Pricing Research
Consumer Behavior Research
Data Collection
Analysis and Interpretation
Project Planning
Define Scope
Identify Stakeholders
Develop Project Charter
Establish Team Roles
Create Work Breakdown Structure
Define Deliverables
Develop Project Schedule
Plan Resource Allocation
Risk Assessment
Establish Communication Plan
Develop Budget Plan
Finalize Project Plan
Design Mock-ups
Identify Design Requirements
Sketch Initial Concepts
Select Color Scheme
Develop Wireframes
Map User Journey
Create User Interface Elements
Design Layout Grids
Develop Prototype Screens
Test User Interactions
Refine Design Based on Inputs
Finalize Mock-up Designs
Obtain Stakeholder Approval
App Development
Set Up Development Environment
Establish Code Repository
Develop Backend Infrastructure
Create Database Structure
Implement Functionalities
Integrate APIs
Build User Interface
Coding Review and Refactoring
Implement Security Measures
Optimize Performance
Version Control and Documentation
Prepare for Testing Phase
Testing Phase
Develop Testing Strategy
Create Test Cases
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
Functional Testing
Usability Testing
Performance Testing
Security Testing
Cross-Platform Testing
Bug Reporting
Bug Fixing
Re-Testing and Finalization
User Interface Design
Understand User Expectations
Sketch UI Concepts
Develop UI Style Guide
Create UI Patterns
Design UI Layouts
Develop Interface Animations
Create Icons and Graphics
Design Navigation Elements
Implement Responsive Design
UI Prototyping
Conduct UI Testing
Refine and Finalize UI Design
Integration Phase
Define Integration Strategy
Prepare Integration Environment
Connect Modules
Integrate External APIs
Combine Front-end and Back-end
Perform Integration Testing
Debug Integration Issues
Data Integrity Validation
Optimize Integration Performance
Check System Scalability
User Acceptance Testing
Finalize Integration Process
Beta Launch
Define Beta Objectives
Select Beta Testers
Prepare Beta Version
Communicate Expectations
Distribute Beta Version
Monitor User Interactions
Collect User Feedback
Identify Bugs and Issues
Conduct Beta Review Meetings
Implement Necessary Changes
Re-test Post-Revision
Finalize Beta Testing Report
Feedback and Adjustment
Gather User Feedback
Categorize Feedback
Prioritize Adjustments
Plan Adjustment Strategy
Implement Technical Adjustments
Adjust User Interface
Update Functionality
Perform Adjustment Testing
Refine App Performance
Revisit User Feedback
Validate Adjustments
Finalize Adjustment Phase
Official Launch
Develop Launch Plan
Finalize App Version
Prepare Launch Materials
Set Up App Store Profiles
Coordinate with Marketing Team
Announce Launch Date
Publish App on Platforms
Monitor App Performance
Address Immediate Issues
Launch Promotional Activities
Gather Post-Launch Feedback
Post-Launch Review and Planning
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