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Test in Writing
1. Your cousin from the UK is taking part in a journalism workshop and wants to
interview some young people about their friends and family. Send an email to your
cousin and suggest he/she should interview one of your friends.
• Say how old the person is. Describe his/ her appearance, and the clothes he/she usually
• Mention some of his/her family members.
• Describe the positive aspects of his/her personality.
• Say why you think your cousin should interview this person.


2. Grammar & Vocabulary. Choose the correct answers.

1 Whenever I see him, he smiles all the time. He’s very ___.
Acaring Bcheerful Csensible D generous

2 How can Joe afford ___ a new laptop?

A buying B buy C buys D to buy

3 Do you ___ any celebrities on Twitter?

A see B update Ccollect D follow

4 What were you doing when you ___ the text?

A were getting B got C get D getting
5___ your parents use to have mobile phones when they were younger?
A Were B Are C Did D Do

6 Is London ___ as Beijing?

A big B as big C more big D bigger

7 Jenny is only eighteen but she’s ___ written two plays.

A yet B ever C never D already

8 Can you help me? I’m not ___ to reach this shelf.
A too much tall B too tall C tall enough D enough tall

9 Joe’s lived in that flat since ___.

Aamonth B a long timeC 2012 D two years

10 If we ___, we’ll catch the bus.

A to hurry B hurry C are hurrying D will hurry

11 We’ve got a sofa ___ is also a bed.

A which B who C where D–

12 If I ___ enough money, I’d go round the world.

A have B will have C would have D had

13 My sister always picks up a(n) ___! Whenever I go shopping with her, she finds
something very cheap.
Asale Boffer Cbargain Dbrand

14 Students ___ a lot of homework every day.

A give B are given C given D gave

15 There are ___ biscuits here – would you like one?

A any B a few C much D lots

16 I phoned the ticket office but it ___ closed.

A has already B already C did already D had already

17 I __that aliens have visited the Earth.

A haven’t believed B not believe C ’m not believing D don’t believe

18 I ___to go out today.

A ’m not wanting B don’t want C not want D haven’t wanted

19 I’m sorry I’m late. How long ______?

A have you waited B do you wait C have you been waiting D are you waiting

20He’s very ambitious. I’m sure he’ll ___ on any challenge.

Arun B take Cgo Dput

21 Our teacher makes ___ homework every day.

A us to do B we do C us do D us doing

22 These biscuits are ___! I won’t eat them.

A crunchy Bstale C ripe Dmild

23We’ll go out ____ it rains. I don’t want to get wet!

A as soon as B unless C until Dif

24 My uncle, ___ wife is Canadian, lives in Toronto.

A who B which C whose D that
3. Use of English
7 Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
Last Saturday, I 0 ____shopping with my friends Emma and Lucy. 1____ of us had been
shopping for ages, and we were hoping to 2____ a few nice things – including some 3____ !
First we went to a shoe shop that was having a sale. They had some wonderful summer
____ for the beach, so my friends and I 5____them on. They were great, so we all bought
them. Then we were very hungry, so we looked for6____nice to sit down and eat. We found
a restaurant and ordered pizza, but it wasn’t good – it wasn’t cooked properly, so we sent it
back and got a(n) 7____ . Then we decided 8____ home and make a sandwich instead!

0 A went B did C had D made

1 A No B No one C None D Nothing
2 A fit in B pick up C find out D catch up
3 A bargains B offers C products D sales
4 A boots B trainers C sandals D jeans
5 A had B tried C wore D set
6 A anywhere B everywhere C nowhere D somewhere
7 A refund B exchange C receipt D complaint
8 A going B go C went D to go

8Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

1 Peter has a lot of involvement in charity work.

Peter is very ______________________ charity work.
2 I really hate it when we have tests at school!
I can’t stand ______________________ tests at school!
3 I think you should ask for some help.
If ______________________ you, I’d ask for some help.

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