Unsur Intrinsik Novel

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The Sound and the Fury

Nava Nirmalasari (40300122037)


a) Main Characters

1. Benjamin (Benjy) Compson: The youngest child of the Compson family who is
mute and mentally disturbed. Benjy was originally named Maury, but his
mother changed his name when she learned of his disability. Benjy has no
understanding of time, space, or causality, so he is often confused and
frightened. Benjy loves his older sister; Caddy, who is the only person who
cares about him. Benjy is also sensitive to changes in smells and sounds
around him

2. Quentin Compson: The eldest child and narrator of the second part Of the
novel- Quentin is an intelligent, sensitive, and idealistic child, but also
depressive and reckless. He is very close to his father and Caddy, but he is also
obsessed With the honor of the family and the sanctity Of Caddy: She could
not accept the fact that Caddy had lost her virginity and became pregnant out
Of wedlock, so she decided to commit suicide by drowning in the river

3. Jason Compson IV! The third child of the Compson family, Jason is a cynical,
cruel, and miserly child, tormented by debt and sexual frustration. He became
head of the family after his father died, but he also worked in the Earl’s shop
as a clerk. He hates Caddy for tarnishing his family name and robbing him of
his job opportunities at the bank. He also hates Miss Quentin, Caddy’s
illegitimate daughter, who lives with him and often rebels. He always steals
the money Caddy sends to Miss Quentin and uses it to gamble. Jason is the
only child his mother loves, but he has no affection at all.

4. Candace (Caddy) Compson: The only daughter is Compson’s daughter

although she was never the narrator. Caddy is a brave, independent, and
loving boy, who is very close to Quentin and BenjyShe often spoils Benjy and
protects him from his uncaring motherHe also tries to comfort the sad and
desperate Quentin. However, Caddy also has a wild and mischievous side,
which leads him to engage in sexual relationships with several men. She
became pregnant out Of wedlock and married Herbert Head, but later
divorced after Herbert learned that the child Caddy was carrying was not her.
Caddy never met his daughter, Miss Quentin, who was raised by Jason and his
mother- Caddy is the figure most loved by his brothers, but also causes the
most suffering to them.

5. Mr. Compson: A well the Compson family, apessimistic, philosophical, and

alcoholic man, who spent his time drinking whiskey and reading Greek and
Roman literature, rather than taking care of his children or working. Mr.
Compson instills a bleak and nihilist outlook on life to Quentin, which
frustrates and commits suicide. Mr. Compson doesn’t care about the fate of
Caddy, Benjy, or Jason either, and regard them as a burden. Mr. Compson died
of alcoholism in 1912.

6. Miss Quentin Compson: Caddy’s illegitimate son who grew up without

knowing his mother’s name. Miss Quentin becomes a wayward, wild, and
shameless child, just like Caddy. She often ran away from home, lied, stole,
and hooked up with men. He was also raised by the cruel Jason and his
uncaring mother. Miss Quentin eventually escapes with a circus with money
stolen from Jason. Miss Quentin is the character most similar to Caddy, but
also the most hated by Jason

7. Dilsey Gibson: The most positive character in the novel, the mother Of the
servant family Compson. He was the only stable force in the lives Of the
Compson children, and raised them even though their mother didn’t care. He
was also very religious and devout, which was different from the Compson
family who had no faith.

b) Minor Characters

1. Mrs. Compson The mother Of the Compson family, a hypocondriac who

worries about herself and is unable to relate to or support her children- She
likes Jason more than other children, and is obsessed with the honor Of her
surname Bascomb- He is very arrogant.
2. Luster Gibson: The teenage grandson of Dilsey, who loves to make trouble but
is able to take full care of Benjy.

3. Roskus Gibson: The husband of Dilsey, the head of the Gibson family, Roskus
suffers from crippling rheumatism and talks about how unlucky the Compson
family is.

4. Damuddy: The grandmother Of Compson’s children, who never appears in the

novel except when she dies-

5. Herbert Head: Caddy’s husband who married her after learning that she was
pregnant, but later divorced her when he learned that the child was not hers.

6. Dalton Ames: The man who impregnated Caddy and then left irresponsibly.

7. Gerald Bland: Quintin’s arrogant, haughty, and insulting college friend Caddy-

8. Shreve McCannon: Quentin’s smart, friendly, and caring roommate at Harvard.

9. Spoade: Quentin’s friend who often drinks and talks about women.

10.Versh: The servant Of the Compson family who took care Of Benjy when he was a child

II.T.P.: Versh’s brother who also takes care of Benjy and often gives him booze.

The Sound and the Fury uses four different narrators to tell the story of the Compson family. The
narrators are:

1. Benjy Compsorr- The youngest child Of the Compson family who is mentally
retarded and cannot speak. He tells his Story in the first person, but lacks
awareness Of time and often jumps back and forth between past and present.
She is very attached to her Older sister, Caddy, who has left the family.

2. Quentin Compson. The eldest son of the Compson family who went to
Harvard. He also tells his story in the first person, but in a more complex and
poetic style. She is deeply obsessed with family honor, especially Caddy, who
has married a man she doesn’t love. He ended his life by suicide in the river

3. Jason Compsorr. The middle son of the Compson family who works as a
cashier at a hardware store. He tells his story in the first person, but in a more
sarcastic and cynical style. He is furious and frustrated with the plight of his
family, especially Caddy, who has left his daughter, Miss Quentin, to be cared
for by him. He is very stingy and likes to deceive others.

4. Di/sey Gibson: A loyal servant Of the Compson family who cared for the
Compson children since childhood- He does not tell his own Story, but his
Story is told by an omniscient or know-it-all narrator, with a third-person point
Of view- He is the only character who possesses spiritual and moral strength,
and strives to help the Compson family that is being destroyed


The Sound and the Fury uses forward, backward, and mixed plots to tell the story of the aristocratic and
ruined Compson family. The plot of this novel is not sequential, but jumps back and forth between the
past and the present, Here is a brief description of the plot of this novel:

The first part is told by Benjy Compson and uses a backward plot, as Benjy lacks time awareness
and often remembers past events related to his Older sister, Caddy, who has left the family-
The second part is told by Quentin Compson and uses a forward plot, as Quentin narrates what
happened on the last day of his life, and includes flashbacks from his childhood, especially those related
to Caddy, who has married a man he does not love.

The third part is narrated by Jason Compson and uses a forward plot as he attempts to chase
Miss Quentin, Caddy’s daughter, who has escaped with money stolen from him.

The fourth part Of the novel is not told by one Of the characters, but by an omniscient or know-
it-all narrator, This part uses a forward plot, since the narrator tells what happened on April a, 192B,
which is Easter Sunday, when the Compson family faced their final crisis.


a. Place

Key places in the novel include the Compson family home, which is a symbol of their glory and decline;
the black church, where Dilsey and his family worshipped; and the Charles River, where Quentin
committed suicide.

b. Time

The first part was narrated by Benjy Compson, a mentally disturbed 33year-old manr on April 7,

The second part focuses on Quentin Compson, Benjy ‘s older brother, on June 2, 1 91 0, the day
before he committed suicide.

The third part was written from the point of view of Jason, Quentin’s cynical younger brother, on
April 6, 192B, the day before the first part.

The fourth part introduces an omniscient third-person point Of view, on April a, 192B, the day
after the first part-
c. Atmosphere

The atmosphere of the novel is dark and gloomy, reflecting the moral and social devastation experienced
by the Compson family and the South in general.


Here are some examples of the tones used in this novel:

The first part of the novel is told by Benjy Compson, This part uses a *confused, and tone,
because Benjy lacks awareness of time and often jumps back and forth between the past and the
present. Benjy also couldn’t tell the difference between real and imaginary, and only reacted to what he
saw, heard, or felt.

The second part Of the novel is told by Quentin Compson, This part uses a

*desperate, and toner when he decides to commit suicide in the river Charles- Quentin is
obsessed with family honor, especially Caddy, who has married a man she doesn’t love- Quentin also
feels guilty for not being able to protect Caddy from a world he considers evil and corrupt-

The third part of the novel is narrated by Jason Compson and uses an *angry, cynical, and tone,
due to when he is trying to chase Miss Quentin who has escaped with the money stolen from him. Jason
is very angry with the situation of his family, especially Caddy-Jason is also very stingy and likes to
deceive others, including his own family.

The fourth part of the novel uses an *objective, calm, and wise* tone, as the narrator recounts
what happened on April 8, 192B, which was Easter Sunday, when the Compson family faced their final


The first part is full of irregular rhythms, sudden shifts in time, and illogical associations.
The second part is full of melancholy rhythms, long inner monologues, and the

Use Of symbols such as clocks, shadows, and water-

The third part is full of harsh rhythms, sarcastic dialogue, and the use of indirect language to
express his hatred for his family.

This fourth part is full of neutral rhythms, objective descriptions, and the use of direct language
to showcase the actions and dialogue of the characters.


The message is that human life does not always have a clear meaning and purpose, but is often full of
chaos and suffering.”

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