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Date: 26/01/2024

Location: ongata Rongai

Hospital: Jasons Medical Centre

Equipment: Portable Ultrasound

Model: Chison Ebit 60

Serviced by: Vicelec electrical services

Nature: Major service

Reported issue

Based on the user reports, the complaint from the user was that the machine was not coming
on even though the machine displayed AC and charging LEDS when connected to power.
The machine is designed in a way that the only way to turn it on is by pressing the power
button only once on the left side of the control panel. All these steps were attempted with no
response at all.

Initial diagnosis

The first step was investigating the charger behaviours, it is designed to receive an AC input
of 240V and step the power down to a DC output of 19V at two of the four outlet pins of the
charger board. The measurements were within the required range.

Next would be the charger module which is integrated in the equipment's power
management/ power supply board. The board automatically senses both power sources; from
battery and mains and then allocates power where necessary i.e.: battery charging power,
standby on state power and also acts as a changeover such that in case AC power is lost, it
switches to battery power automatically.

Tests began on the board whereby, the optocoupler and the MOSFETS assembly responsible
for the changeover were isolated from the circuit board and tested individually. These was
done through a simulation with the SHC component tester kit.
In this case, the components schematic diagram is inserted to a computer with a software that
simulates the circuit working and the electrical characteristics of each components analysed.

The results are then compared to the actual circuit. In this case, the readings indicated an
issue with one of the optocoupler ICs, MOSFETs and the voltage buck booster. The outcome
led to the conclusion that an overhaul of the power supply board/module was required

Optocoupler is a component that transfers a signal from the low power circuit to high power
circuit while ensuring that the two circuits are electrically isolated. MOSFETs receives the
signal and executes the changeover while the voltage buck booster ensures that that the
voltage from the battery doesn't drop below the power required by the machine

With these components not working, that means there is no power crossover to the
equipment's circuits.

Possible cause

A degrading battery can be one of the causes. Degrading lithium cells causes the changeover
board to be under excessive stress due to uneven charging cycles. These coupled with the fact
that the equipment is under use, the changeover system becomes overwhelmed.

Spares required

In order to perfume the above as described, the mains power board is required.

The following are the costings:

SMD chip mains power board with charge control module- Ksh. 220,000

SHC component inspection equipment hire- Ksh. 40,000

Service charges – Ksh. 40,000

Grand total: Ksh.300,000


Kindly provide the aforementioned requirements in order for the repair to be performed.


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