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Đề thi số 17

Task 2: Internet technology means people do not need to travel to foreign countries
to understand how others live. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Essay Plan:
Introduction: refer to the task question. My opinion – partly agree
Paragraph 2: most people who visit foreign countries experience nothing of
the lives of local people – example: Phuket in Thailand. They would learn
more by looking at the internet
Paragraph 3: a few travellers prefer to experience personally the culture and
daily lives of those in foreign places which they visit – food, shopping, music.
What they find on the internet may supplement this experience, but cannot
fully replace it
Conclusion: the internet provides useful information and analysis, but is not
a substitute for personal experience.

Vocabulary from technology:

the digital revolution

Meaning: the advancement of technology to the digital technology available

Example: The digital revolution has fundamentally changed the way that people
work, communicate, behave and even think.
to gain access to the internet/to access the internet
Meaning: to have the opportunity to use the internet
Example: Millions of people are able to gain access to the internet in cafes, libraries
or other public places.
advances in technology
Meaning: the improvement or development of technology
Example: Recent advances in medical technology are making a great contribution
to the search for a cure for Aids.
to become over-reliant on
Meaning: to need something so that your survival or success depends too much on
Example: Businesses have become over-reliant on complicated computer
systems, so that if these systems fail the results will be disastrous.

Vocabulary from tourism:

to experience phenomenal growth

Meaning: to experience an extremely successful or special development,

in a surprising way
Example: In recent decades there has been a substantial diversification in
international tourism destinations, and many developing countries have
experienced phenomenal growth in tourist arrivals and receipts.
 a holiday resort
 Meaning: a place where lots of people go for a holiday
Example: If you like to lie on the beach, Thailand offers some very popular
holiday resorts.
to be thronged with tourists
Meaning: refers to the situation of a place having a great number of visitors crowded
Example: At weekends, London, in particular, is thronged with tourists and certain
areas of the city such as Oxford Street and Covent Garden are swarming
the height of the holiday season
Meaning: the time of year when the greatest number of people visit a place and when
the prices are at their highest level
Example: Mid-summer in the UK is normally the height of the holiday season, so
remember to book a hotel in advance.
 to sunbathe
 Meaning: to sit or lie in the sun, in order to get brown/to get a suntan
Example: I don’t like to sunbathe when I go to the beach, so I spend most of the
time swimming in the sea.
 to go sightseeing
 Meaning: to look around the places that tourists like to visit
Example: If you go sightseeing in Paris, be sure to see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre
and the Palace of Versailles.

a guided tour

Meaning: an organized group shown around a place of interest by an expert
Example: The company runs guided tours of Hanoi in English and Japanese.
a package holiday
Meaning: a holiday that is organized by a company at a fixed price, including the
cost of a hotel, travel etc.
Example: Package holidays to Spain started to become popular in the UK in the
Other vocabulary:
appreciation [noun]:
Meaning: a full understanding (of something, such as a situation or problem)
Example: She has no appreciation of good food, so don’t invite her to an expensive
oblivious of/to [adjective]:
Meaning: not aware (of something)
Example: I don’t know how Mary is able to study in the coffee shop. She seems to
be oblivious to all the noise around her.
 intrepid [adjective]:
 Meaning: very brave, fearless
Example: They are members of an intrepid team of biologists who are studying
insects in the Amazon forest.
at first hand [expression]:
Meaning: by seeing or experiencing something yourself, rather than hearing about
it from somebody else
Example: He had seen photos of Paris, but his dream was to get to know the city
at first hand.

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