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Emadeb energy is an indigenous private company incorporated in 2007 but only commenced
operation in 2008. Since coming in stream, the company have grown to become one of the leading
oil and gas companies in Nigeria.
Emadeb energy limited is a downstream oil and gas company focused on providing storage for oil
and petroleum products. Almost recently, the company acquired the licenses from the government
for the importation of petroleum and gasoline into Nigeria. Emadeb energy Ltd is a privately
owned company with legal licenses to operate within Nigeria.
The company is mainly focused on processed natural gas products and distribution and storage of
refined petroleum products. It is geographically in Nigeria and can only operate within the shores
of the country.
Emadeb energy ltd has grown from a startup oil and gas firm to one of the leading and largest
privately owned in the country. According to the last ranking for oil and gas companies in Nigeria,
Emadeb is ranked among the top five (5).
The relevance of oil and gas (Energy) to the activities to humankind, as well as the significant
influence they have on the economies of both oil producing countries and oil importing countries
can never be overstressed. Oil and gas have a far reaching influence on the politics of these
countries and the world at large. The discovery of oil and gas has brought about staggering
advancement to industrial growth worldwide and has helped ease transportation at both
international and local levels. At household level, oil and gas have made life easy for mankind in
such areas as cooking, heating, provision of electricity, local mobility and many more. Thus
petroleum and its related products as sources of energy are nowhere near being replaced in the
contemporary world.
In the past 3 to 5 years however, the oil and gas sector have experienced a significant shift from
just the usual “liquid” and gaseous forms of crude oil into incorporating energy. From the world’s
yearnings for a cleaner air and green energy as a climate change, advances have been made towards
shifting energy sources to other alternatives. Natural gas for instance, have significantly shifted
from being flared to being used for different purposes. Natural gas from oil wells and now liquefied
to liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and exported or sold where they are used for different purposes.
This shift and advances in technology have made big industries and oil companies get more value
from natural gas and crude in general.
Emadeb energy ltd have been a top competitor in natural gas sales, storage, processing and
importation of gasoline and other petroleum products. The company in 2023, invested a total off
17milloin dollars to the importation of petroleum, making if among the first indigenous companies
that got license to import gasoline. It took delivery of a total of 27 million liters of petrol. (The
Guardian news).
Emadeb has grown into one of the leading oil and gas firms in the country. Its 45 million liter tank
farm located at a strategic position in Lagos, South West Nigeria was commissioned in the first
quarter of 2014 with the capacity to store 30,840,000 liters of petrol, 7,122, 000 liters of diesel and
7,122,000 liters of kerosene (official website).
The company have been largely successful in the industry with its massive structures. It has 12
loading arms with capacity to load an average of 100 to 120 trucks per day, a fully automated
loading system that can monitor activities from all over the world and a world class laboratory for
quality checks on all cargo received (thisdaylivenews),
The company have been recently accused of importing substandard petrol into the country but has
since cleared its name. Emadeb have since transformed from just being a downstream company, it
has moved into the midstream and upstream sectors where it has positioned itself into becoming
one of Nigeria’s finest oil and gas firms.
In 2012, the company embarks on a strategic infrastructure development to support its downstream
operations. This drive was to consolidate their efforts as a supplier of choice by bridging the gap
in the storage of petroleum products.

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