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Effect of Two Agroecological Management Strategies on Ant

(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Diversity on Coffee Plantations in
Southwestern Colombia

Article in Environmental Entomology · April 2013

DOI: 10.1603/EN11084 · Source: PubMed


37 329

2 authors:

María Ximena Urrutia Escobar Inge Armbrecht

Independent Universidad del Valle (Colombia)


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Effect of Two Agroecological Management Strategies on Ant
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Diversity on Coffee Plantations in
Southwestern Colombia
Author(s): M. X. Urrutia-Escobar and I. Armbrecht
Source: Environmental Entomology, 42(2):194-203. 2013.
Published By: Entomological Society of America

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Effect of Two Agroecological Management Strategies on Ant

(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Diversity on Coffee Plantations
in Southwestern Colombia

Environ. Entomol. 42(2): 194Ð203 (2013); DOI:

ABSTRACT SimpliÞcation of agroecosystems because of industrialization of agriculture may cause
the loss of associated animal biodiversity of both vertebrates and invertebrates. To measure how the
agricultural intensiÞcation on coffee plantations affects ant biodiversity, we intensively sampled ants
in Caldono (Cauca, Colombia). We surveyed 15 sites classiÞed into three management types: sun
coffee plantations, shaded coffee plantations, and forest patches. Fifteen 50-m linear transects, each
one consisting of 5 pitfall traps and 5 tuna baits, were set at each sampling location between December
of 2009 and February of 2010. We collected 18,186 ants that represent 82 ant species, 34 genera, and
9 subfamilies of Formicidae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The management intensiÞcation index
showed an increasing intensiÞcation gradient along the 15 sampling locations from forest patches to
shaded coffee to sun coffee plantations. Shaded coffee plantations harbored the highest number of
species (60), followed by forest (56) and sun coffee (33). Ant species composition and plant structure
on shaded coffee plantations resembled the forest patches more than the sun coffee plantations. Forest
and shaded coffee plantations had a more equitable distribution of ant species, whereas in sun coffee
plantations, Linepithema neotropicum (Emery) and Ectatomma ruidum (Roger) typically outnum-
bered all other ant species. Evidence from functional groups indicated that speciÞc habitat and feeding
requirements exist among the species that are found together. Our results conÞrmed that intensiÞ-
cation of agriculture negatively affects ant diversity, despite the fact that farms were located in a
heterogeneous landscape, suggesting that agroecological management is a strong determinant in the
conservation of wild fauna.

KEY WORDS agroecological strategy, ant community, coffee plantation, management intensiÞca-
tion index

Coffee is traditionally grown under a canopy of shade seed dispersal), especially in tropical areas that have
trees (Perfecto et al. 1996). However, the National been hard hit by deforestation. The use of alternative
Federation of Coffee Growers in Colombia (FNC management strategies in the agricultural matrix plays
2010a) reported on how the planted area has changed an important role in the conservation of biodiversity.
in the last 2 yr. An increase of modern or sun coffee In recent years, several authors have tested the idea
plantations (20,000 ha), contrasts with an evident de- that shaded coffee plantations (acting as diverse agro-
crease of the traditional or shaded coffee plantations ecosystems) are likely to be a critical refuge, providing
(10,000 ha). This conversion process, from shaded to a high-quality matrix within which biodiversity is con-
sun coffee farms, happened very fast. Colombia has served, somehow resembling a “good habitat” for for-
the largest cover of nonshaded coffee plantations in est species moving between forest fragments (Per-
northern Latin America (Perfecto et al. 1996, Arm- fecto et al. 1996, Armbrecht and Perfecto 2003,
brecht et al. 2005). Gallego-Ropero 2005, Philpott et al. 2006).
According to Philpott et al. (2006), the increase in Shaded coffee plantations represent complex agri-
intensive agricultural practices drives the loss of bio- cultural lands in terms of vegetation, some of which
diversity. This increase can have drastic consequences incorporate high diversity, density, and different lev-
for ecosystem services (e.g., predation, pollination, els of arboreal strata that can maintain levels of bio-
diversity similar to nearby native forests (Moguel and
1 Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystems Dynamics, University of Toledo 1999, Armbrecht et al. 2005, Philpott et al.
Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2006). The canopyÕs structural complexity affects the
2 Corresponding author: Marṍa Ximena Urrutia-Escobar, Departa-
microclimate of the coffee understory, and offers liv-
mento de Biologṍa, Universidad del Valle- Meléndez, Calle 13 No
100-00. Cali, Colombia (e-mail:
ing and nesting sites for a variety of organisms (Per-
3 Departamento de Biologṍa, Universidad del Valle, Apartado Aéreo fecto et al. 1996). They also offer sustainable economic
25360, Cali, Colombia. beneÞts to farmers (Moguel and Toledo 1999, Van-

0046-225X/13/0194Ð0203$04.00/0 䉷 2013 Entomological Society of America


dermeer and Carvajal 2001). In addition, the diversity

and complexity of habitat and feeding resources of-
fered by shaded coffee plantations may provide some
degree of niche diversiÞcation (Armbrecht et al. 2004)
in which generalist and specialist ants may coexist.
Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are known to be
highly sensitive to habitat change (Armbrecht et al.
2005). Nowadays, they are particularly useful in agro-
ecological research, because ant assemblages include
tramp species, forest and predatory specialists that are
sensitive to habitat change, showing strong negative
responses to agroecosystem intensiÞcation (Philpott
and Armbrecht 2006). Ants are a major focus for test-
ing hypotheses regarding species richness, community
dynamics, mutualisms, and invasions (Philpott and
Armbrecht 2006). IntensiÞcation processes mainly af-
fect the associated shade component. However, the
disappearance of other habitat variables such as leaf
litter, twigs, or plant cavities may increase nest-site
limitations of many ant species (Wielgoss et al. 2010).
In this sense, multistrata agroforestry systems such
as shaded coffee plantations can be used as templates
for sustainable and environmental friendly agricul-
tural production with a high potential to preserve
associated biodiversity (Armbrecht et al. 2005). Thus,
it is important to examine the conservation value of
shaded coffee plantations in other contexts in Colom-
bia as well as the variables that most inßuence the ant
distribution patterns. Because functional ant groups
(guilds) respond differently to the intensiÞcation pro-
cess on coffee plantations, it is also appropriate to use
them to measure the impact of agricultural intensiÞ- Fig. 1. Distribution of 15 sampling locations in Caldono,
cation on associated fauna instead of using only spe- Colombia.
cies identity (Rivera and Armbrecht 2005). In turn,
this will also contribute to more understanding of how
the transformation from shade to sun coffee planta- producer in Colombia with 74,000 ha (FNC 2010b). By
tions affects ant diversity and ecosystem services. 2009, shaded coffee plantations dominated the area
To understand how agricultural intensiÞcation pro- covering 72% of the planted area, the remaining area
cesses may affect the associated ant fauna, we mea- (20,500 ha) was cover by sun coffee plantations (FNC
sured different agroecological management strategies 2010b).
on southwestern Colombian coffee plantations. We We visited the villages of Pescador, El Descanso,
investigated whether ant diversity, species composi- and El Rosal. The farmers were asked about manage-
tion and functional assemblages were affected by the ment strategies and main characteristics of their coffee
intensiÞcation gradient on coffee plantations. We also plantations. Based on their information and the loca-
determined important habitat characteristics associ- tion of the sites, a classiÞcation of farms and forest
ated with differences in species distributions. patches was divided into three management catego-
ries: 5 shaded coffee plantations (Sh), 5 sun coffee
plantations (S), and 5 forest patches (F) (Table 1). To
Materials and Methods
avoid a “site effect,” we tried to maximize the spatial
Study Area. Intensive samplings were carried out mixture of the three categories in the study area,
between December of 2009 and March of 2010 in the which was ⬇15 km2. The studied coffee plantations
municipality of Caldono (2⬚ 49⬘ N, 076⬚ 32⬘ W) in the ranged between 3 and 6 yr of age.
Department of Cauca (Fig. 1). The average annual The forests were isolated patches of secondary nat-
temperature is 21.5⬚C. Annual precipitation is 2191 ural vegetation, not managed for any type of agricul-
mm, distributed in a bimodal pattern with two high ture, with closed canopies ⬇10 m above the ground.
rain peaks in AprilÐMay and OctoberÐNovember No agrochemical inputs were used at any of the
(Pardo-Lorcano et al. 2003). Altitude ranges from shaded coffee farms. In addition, they contained sev-
1,000 to 2,000 m at sea level (asl). The area is pre- eral tree species, particularly fruit trees such as guamo
dominantly agricultural, Caldono being the leading (Inga edulis Martius), tangerine (Citrus reticulate
producer of sisal, although coffee and cassava produc- Blanco), lime [Citrus aurantifolia (Christmas) Swin-
tion has increased in recent years (Pardo-Lorcano et gle], avocado (Persea americana Miller), and mango
al. 2005). The Department of Cauca is the sixth coffee (Mangifera indica L.) among others. All sun coffee

Table 1. Description of the 15 studied locations in Caldono, Colombia

No. of tree species (100 m2) Canopy Area Elevation

Code Owner⬘s name Geographic location
or dominating species cover (%) (ha) (m asl)
S1 Blanca Pantoja 02⬚ 48⬘43.5⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘32.4⬙ W Unshaded 0 1.5 1,545
S2 Carlos Mosquera 02⬚ 48⬘45.3⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘47.8⬙ W Unshaded 0 4 1,541
S3 Eduardo Gómez 02⬚ 49⬘18.5⬙ N, 076⬚ 31⬘57.3⬙ W Unshaded 0 1 1,532
S4 Elciario Hernández 02⬚ 49⬘29.9⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘31.2⬙ W Unshaded 0 4 1,547
S5 Segundo Erazo 02⬚ 48⬘49.0⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘05.7⬙ W Unshaded 14 6 1,535
Sh1 Blanca Pantoja 02⬚ 48⬘47.2⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘35.2⬙ W Inga edulis 66 1 1,484
Sh2 Celimo Argote 02⬚ 49⬘13.2⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘20.2⬙ W Inga edulis 91 0.5 1,549
Sh3 Elciario Hernández 02⬚ 49⬘27.5⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘34.4⬙ W Inga edulis 80 4 1,553
Sh4 José Daza 02⬚ 49⬘29.4⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘24.4⬙ W Inga edulis 86 1.5 1,555
Sh5 Maximiliano Ortiz 02⬚ 51⬘44.6⬙ N, 076⬚ 33⬘52.7⬙ W Inga edulis 89 1.6 1,398
F1 Arturo Prieto 02⬚ 51⬘31.0⬙ N, 076⬚ 33⬘44.0⬙ W Lauraceae sp. 2 83 2 1,391
F2 Dolly Zúñiga 02⬚ 51⬘27.7⬙ N, 076⬚ 33⬘07.6⬙ W Piper sp. 2 100 2 1,443
F3 Elciario Hernández 02⬚ 49⬘36.5⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘34.9⬙ W Lauraceae sp. 1 100 3 1,540
F4 Reinel Paz 02⬚ 51⬘26.0⬙ N, 076⬚ 33⬘04.7⬙ W Melastomataceae sp. 4 91 0.5 1,335
F5 Segundo Erazo 02⬚ 48⬘50.2⬙ N, 076⬚ 32⬘07.8⬙ W Lauraceae sp. 1 97 6 1,511

plantations were unshaded, with the exception of S1, 50-m linear transect. All trees located inside or with
which contained four guamo trees very distant of each their canopy touching the 1-m2 sampling plot were
other. Plantains (Musa x paradisiaca L.) occasionally identiÞed to species or morphospecies. In addition,
were found among coffee bushes or forming barriers their height and the elevation where they were touch-
on some of the sun coffee plantations. In this study, ing the station were estimated using the vertical in-
Musa x paradisiaca L. is not considered a shade tree tercept line technique described in Mills et al. (1991).
because it has no woody stem and a life cycle of about This was done to determine how many stratum layers
1 or 2 yr (Armbrecht et al. 2005). However, this crop were present at each station. The dbh of live trees, the
may provide some shade and resources for ants, and height of coffee bushes, and foliage width also were
canopy cover measures may increase when plantains measured. Canopy cover per plot was measured with
are close. a GRS densitometer (Forestry Suppliers Inc., Jackson,
Ant Sampling in Leaf Litter and Coffee Bushes. We MS). The percentage of shade cover then was esti-
visited each study site four times to sample ants and mated based on the proportion of covered and un-
one additional time to measure habitat variables. Five covered points (7) around the coffee bush in the
stations were established at each location following a station.
50-m linear transect. The stations were located 12.5 m The estimation of the tree density and percentage
from one another. Two traps (pitfall and tuna bait) of dominance of one shade tree variables were esti-
were installed at each station. Pitfall traps were es- mated in a 100-m2 area over the already established
tablished on the soil surface (burrowed) and left for 50 m linear transect. Thereafter, all extant trees 1 m
48 h for collecting ground foraging ants. These pitfall away from both sides of the transect were counted.
traps consist of a 150-ml plastic cup partially Þlled For the soil stratum, we recorded the number of twigs
(50%) with a solution of water plus detergent in a very lying on the soil per management strategy. The leaf-
low concentration. Tuna baits consisted of a 10- by litter layer was measured with a 30-cm ruler (KUM,
15-cm sheet of paper with 3Ð 4 g of tuna-in-oil placed Erlangen, Germany) placed vertically by dividing the
on top. Tuna baits also were attached to trees or on top 1-m2 plot in nine subsquares of 33.3 by 33.3 cm and
of coffee bushes 1 m from the soil, and left for 5 hr. For averaging the nine points.
the pitfall method, we collected samples of ant work- Laboratory Phase. The samples were cleaned and
ers, majors, and queens, in 60-ml vials with 96% eth- separated at the laboratory, and then placed in vials
anol. Tuna bait contents and samples were collected with 85% ethanol. Taxonomic identiÞcation was car-
in 11- by 13-cm Ziploc bags (S.C. Johnson & Sons Inc., ried out at the Entomology Section of the Biology
Racine, WI). Department at the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Co-
Habitat Characterization. In total, 11 habitat vari- lombia) by using keys from Bolton (2000), Fernández
ables were measured and grouped in three vertical (2008), Longino (2008), Galvis and Fernández (2009),
strata: 1) arboreal stratum, 2) coffee bush stratum, and and Mackay and Mackay (2008). In addition, the sam-
3) soil stratum. The arboreal stratum included per- ples were compared with those in the extant ant col-
centage of canopy cover, tree species richness, tree lection of the Museum of Entomology (MEUV), Uni-
density, tree height, percentage of tree dominance, versidad del Valle. Finally, voucher specimens were
diameter at breast height (dbh), and number of plant deposited at the MEUV.
strata per station. The coffee bush stratum included The Intensification Index. In total, 11 habitat vari-
coffee bush height and foliage width of coffee bushes. ables were used to calculate the Management Inten-
Finally, the soil stratum considered number of twigs siÞcation Index (MI). The Management IntensiÞca-
and leaf-litter volume. tion Index was calculated as is described in Mas and
At each location, the 11 habitat variables were mea- Dietsch (2003), taking into account the adaptations
sured in 1-m2 plots established at each station over the made by Armbrecht (2003), thus making the MI ap-

plicable to the study of ground and leaf-litter organ-



isms such as ants. Four habitat variables not consid-

ered previously (average leaf-litter height, average

tree height, average foliage width, and number of





plant strata) were included in this study. This index

weighs each habitat variable equally along a scale from
0.0 (less managed or more natural condition) to 1.0







(most intensive condition).
The 11 variables were standardized differently fol-



lowing the protocol of Mas and Dietsch (2003). Vari-



ables 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, and 13 (Table 2) were calculated
obtaining the proportion of the average value for each





location divided by the highest value found for that

variable among the 15 locations. The proportion then
was subtracted from 1.0 so that a higher value would


reßect a higher intensiÞcation grade. For example,
tree species richness variable tends to decrease with
agricultural intensiÞcation. Therefore, in this study,


for each location, the average value for that variable
was divided by the most natural condition (richest


location), in this case 12 (Table 2) and then subtracted
from 1.0. Variables 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 (Table 2) were
calculated using the proportion of the relative differ-




ence (Armbrecht 2003). Thus, the dominance of one
Standarized values for 11 habitat variables included in the MI plus Shannon Index values for each location

shade tree (DST) variable tends to increase with ag-

ricultural intensiÞcation, on the assumption that more


intensive management practices include a lower tree

diversity. The most natural condition for DST (0.0
value) was based on the location with the overall


lowest dominant tree value. Thus, the standardized


DST value for each location was calculated as follows:

1Ð [(DST location Ð lowest DST)/(highest DST -

lowest DST)]. The standardized values for each vari-
able were added in such a way that the number of
variables included in the index constitute the maxi-

mum value possible reached by the MI, 11 in this case.

Data Analyses. The total sampling effort was tested
by means of three nonparametric estimators: inci-


dence-based coverage estimator (ICE), Chao 2, and

Jacknife 1, which were chosen for being the most


appropriate for the analysis of hyperdiverse groups




that exhibit grouped distributions (Gallego-Ropero

2005, Rivera and Armbrecht 2005). The sampling ef-
Avg no. of plant strata (0.0 ⫽ 10, 1.0 ⫽ 0)

Avg foliage width (0.0 ⫽ 5.66, 1.0 ⫽ 0.51)

fort also was measured by categories (forest, shaded

Avg dbh live trees (0.0 ⫽ 154, 1.0 ⫽ 9.5)

Avg leaf-litter ht (0.0 ⫽ 8.33, 1.0 ⫽ 0)

coffee, and sun coffee plantations). To estimate the

Avg coffee ht (0.0 ⫽ 3.65, 1.0 ⫽ 0.72)
% canopy cover (0.0 ⫽ 100, 1.0 ⫽ 0)
Tree sp. richness (0.0 ⫽ 12, 1.0 ⫽ 0)

Avg no. of logs (0.0 ⫽ 69, 1.0 ⫽ 0)

number of ant species at the 15 sampling locations, the

Avg tree ht (0.0 ⫽ 1.2, 1.0 ⫽ 14.9)
Tree density (0.0 ⫽ 52, 1.0 ⫽ 0)

% dominance of one shade tree

nonparametric ICE was obtained. These calculations

Habitat variables

plus Shannon diversity values (H⬘) were carried out

(0.0 ⫽ 22.2, 1.0 ⫽ 100)

using the EstimateS Program version 8.2 (Colwell

2006). The ICE values then were compared by means
of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (ANOVA;
3 management types, 5 sampling locations each) when
normality assumptions and homogeneity of variances
were met. This was done using the PAST Program for
Windows (Hämmer et al. 2001). A posthoc Tukey
analysis was carried out to further determine which of
the treatments was statistically different.
We tested whether the MI results were consistent
Shannon Index

with the qualitative classiÞcation done at each sam-

Table 2.


pling location by means of a one-way ANOVA and


Tukey test. The assumptions of normality and homo-


geneity of variances were met. A correlation analysis



(Pearson correlation coefÞcient) was made between sence data. In this study, “occurrence” represents an
MI values and Shannon diversity index (H⬘) at each event in which one ant species was recorded, regard-
sampling location. Both analyses were performed us- less of the number of individual ant species captured
ing the R program for Windows (R Development Core by a sampling method. In this sense, abundance data
Team 2008). are deÞned as the number of occurrence events for a
Differences in species composition between the particular ant species in a particular trap during the
three studied categories were detected by means of whole sampling period.
the ordination methodology nonmetric multidimen-
sional scaling (NMDS) using the BrayÐCurtis distance
measure. Subsequently, we tested these differences by
means of a single factor ANOSIM (analyses of simi- During sampling time, a total of 18,186 ants were
larities), which allowed us to test the H0 of no differ- collected. They represented 82 ant species grouped in
ence between the three habitat types (Quinn and 34 genera and 9 subfamilies of Formicidae. The sub-
Keough 2002). For performing NMDS and ANOSIM, family Myrmicinae showed the highest number of
we used the PAST Program for Windows (Hämmer et species and represented 46% of the total number of ant
al. 2001). The SIMPER test (similarity percentages) species. This subfamily dominated both in number of
was used to calculate the percentage of contribution genera (15), morphospecies (38), and capture events
of each species to the dissimilarities between groups (741). Formicinae was the second largest subfamily
and similarities within groups (Quinn and Keough representing 18% of all ant species, followed by the
2002). The SIMPER test was performed using the Poneromorph subfamilies (mostly solitary hunters)
Community Analysis Package (CAP version 3.01) (15%), Pseudomyrmecinae (11%), and Dolichoderi-
(Seaby et al. 2004). For determining which habitat nae and Ecitoninae both with 5%. Pheidole, Pseu-
variables inßuenced the ant distribution patterns domyrmex, and Camponotus were the most species-
most, a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was rich genera and were represented by 14, 9, and 7
carried out using the CANOCO Program for Windows species, respectively.
version 4.5 (ter Braak and Šmilauer 1998). The signif- The three nonparametric estimators (ICE [87%],
icance of all canonical axes was measured by means of Chao 2 [86%], and Jacknife 1 [83%]), showed that the
a 999 permutations Monte Carlo Test. A set of eight collected ants represented an average of 85% of the
habitat variables was used (the most representative for total estimated number of ant species in the study area.
ants), but two of them presented autocorrelation and The sampling effort also was measured for each man-
were withdrawn from the analysis (average tree spe- agement strategy by using the nonparametric estima-
cies richness and average coffee height). tor Chao 2, it being the most rigorous and less biased
The relationship between habitat management for small samples (IAvH 2006). According to Chao 2,
strategy and functional attributes or traits of species the best sampled management strategy was forest
was assessed using the fourth-corner approach (Roy (82%), followed by sun coffee (79%) and shaded cof-
and de Blois 2006, Dray and Dufour 2007). Only 73 fee (70%).
species were considered in this analysis. The remain- Species Richness per Management Strategy. Ant
ing nine species were not included in the analysis species richness per management strategy was highest
because of a lack of information about their habitat in shaded coffee with 60 ant species, followed by forest
preferences and feeding habits. The traits classiÞca- (56) and sun coffee (33). The richest locations were
tion was based on the ant guilds reported by Ramṍrez Sh5 and F1 both with 32 ant species each; the less
et al. (2010), Lozano-Zambrano et al. (2009), Jiménez diverse location was S5 with only 14 ant species. The
et al. (2008), and unpublished data of E. Jiménez (E. three management strategies showed signiÞcant dif-
Jiménez, personal communications), which are the ferences in terms of the incidence-based coverage
result of several years of ecology research of southwest estimator (ICE) mean values (Colwell 2006) (F ⫽
Colombian ant fauna. The trait classiÞcation includes 3.89; df ⫽ 2,12; P ⫽ 0.039). Posterior analyses revealed
the habitat and feeding requirements of the ant spe- that the mean number of ant species in the shaded
cies, for offering relevant information of how ant coffee plantations was higher than that on sun coffee
groups with similar ecological requirements respond plantations (P ⫽ 0.035) but not different from the
to agricultural intensiÞcation. Abundance data (num- forest patches. Shaded coffee plantations harbored 15
ber of times one ant species was recorded for one trap) ant species not found elsewhere (25% of its ant fauna)
and a functional characterization were used to com- whereas 13 (23%) and six (18%) ant species were
pute the fourth-corner statistic. To perform the anal- found exclusively in forest and sun coffee plantations,
ysis, the ade4 package (Dray and Dufour 2007) for R respectively. Capture methods also varied in efÞ-
was used. These associations were tested by 999 per- ciency. Pitfall traps recorded 80% of occurrence
mutations and, in this case, abundance values were events; the remaining 20% were registered by tuna
permuted in such a way as to simulate the absence of baits.
habitat control over species assemblages (permuta- As a general tendency, species diversity (H⬘) by
tion model 2 sensu Legendre et al. 1997). location tends to decrease as the MI values increase.
Abundance data were used for all analysis with This is shown by a negative and signiÞcant correlation
the exception of the species accumulation curves, coefÞcient (r ⫽ ⫺0.5714, df ⫽ 13, P ⫽ 0.026) between
ANOSIM and SIMPER that used presence and ab- species diversity and the correspondent MI values.

The management index values (Table 2) discrimi- Table 3. Canonical and correlation coefficients of six habitat
nated three principal groups, corresponding to the variables analyzed by CCA
categories deÞned at the beginning of this study. The
Canonical Correlation
three groups of values do not overlap (sun: 9.78 Ð10.43, Habitat variables coefÞcients coefÞcients
shaded: 5.85Ð7.17, forest: 2.68 Ð3.99). MI results per Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 1 Axis 2
location followed a gradient in terms of agricultural
intensiÞcation (Table 2). The gradient reßected the Avg tree ht 0.3508 ⫺0.5455 0.8844 ⫺0.0148
Avg no. plant strata ⫺0.1694 0.4027 0.839 ⫺0.1126
most (S4) and less (F4) intensively managed locations Avg leaf-litter ht 0.5973 ⫺0.86 0.8138 0.2888
at the two ends of the intensiÞcation gradient for the Coffee foliage width ⫺0.2327 0.8977 ⫺0.4321 0.7069
studied area in the municipality of Caldono. Tree cover (%) ⫺0.278 1.8243 0.8673 0.372
The one-way ANOVA conÞrmed that the MI mean Avg no. of twigs 0.5534 ⫺0.4221 0.829 0.1474
values per management strategy were statistically dif- Numbers in bold show the highest coefÞcients.
ferent (F ⫽ 206.43; df ⫽ 2,12; P ⬍ 0.001), and a posthoc
Tukey analyses revealed that the MI means in the two
resented a gradient in tree height and the second CCA
strategies and forest were all different (P ⫽ 0.0001).
axis represented a gradient in coffee foliage width
Species Composition per Management Strategy. A
(Table 3). The canonical coefÞcients of leaf-litter and
separation of the three strategies was evident from the
tree cover were high for axis 1 and axis 2, respectively,
NMDS diagram (stress value: 0.18), which may be a
indicating that these two variables determined the ant
result of the variation in shade cover. The ANOSIM
distribution patterns in the study area (Table 3).
analysis detected highly signiÞcant differences be-
These results are also shown by a CCA plot (Fig. 2)
tween all management strategies (ANOSIM R
where longer arrows represent the habitat variables
global ⫽ 0.29; P ⬍ 0.0001), rejecting the H0 of no
that are more strongly correlated with the ordination
difference between the three habitat types. The
axes and, therefore, more closely related to the pat-
SIMPER analysis detected that forest and sun coffee
terns of variation in species composition (Jongman et
plantations showed the highest dissimilarity (92%),
al.1995). The Monte Carlo Test was highly signiÞcant
followed by forest and shaded coffee plantations
(P ⫽ 0.001).
(90.8%) and sun and shaded coffee plantations
Functional Ant Groups. The fourth-corner analysis
(82.7%). Shaded coffee plantations and forest patches
determined that the relationship between categories
shared a total of 20 ant species, all of them highly
and functional attributes (feeding and habitat) were
associated with the arboreal component. In contrast,
globally signiÞcant. On the one hand, feeding attri-
sun coffee plantations and forest patches only shared
butes were highly signiÞcant (G ⫽ 77.14, P ⫽ 0.001)
three ant species.
for exudates and omnivorous. However, habitat attri-
Some ant species were considered typical based on
butes were signiÞcant (G ⫽ 90.68, P ⫽ 0.001) for
their occurrence for each management strategy. Het-
arboreal, rotten sticks, and soil (Table 4).
eroponera inca (Brown), Pachycondyla aenescens
(Mayr), Camponotus novogranadensis (Mayr), Crema-
togaster nigripilosa Mayr, and Pseudomyrmex pallens Discussion
(Mayr) were very frequently present in the forests.
Species Richness by Management Strategy. The re-
Camponotus sp. 11 and Atta cephalotes (L.) were also
sults of this study clearly demonstrated that differ-
very common but were found in forest and shaded
ences in management strategies on Colombian coffee
coffee plantations. Linepithema neotropicum (Emery),
plantations inßuence the number and identity of ant
Ectatomma ruidum (Roger), Pheidole sp. 4, Cypho-
species present at each management strategy. The
myrmex rimosus (Spinola), and Solenopsis geminata
shaded coffee strategy showed the highest ant species
(F.) were common in sun coffee plantations. Partic-
richness and the highest number of exclusive species,
ularly, E. ruidum (8.4%), L. neotropicum (7.6%), and
even above the forest management strategy, which
Pheidole sp. 4 (9.1%) were the ant species that most
was expected to harbor the highest ant diversity and
contributed to establishing the differences between
species exclusivity. Several explanations are possible:
categories. For instance, L. neotropicum represented
12.1% of total occurrence events during the whole 1) Shaded plantations vary in degree of shade, some-
sampling period. However, 55% of L. neotropicumÕs times with big gaps where high sunlight exposure
occurrence events were reported for sun coffee plan- may reach high values, whereas other areas may be
tations. A similar situation occurred for Pachycondyla 100% covered by tree canopy. This situation allows
obscuricornis (Emery), Ectatomma ruidum, and Phei- shaded-tolerant ants to move from forested areas at
dole sp. 4. lower elevations where their habitat had almost
Habitat Variables Affecting Ant Distribution Pat- disappeared to shaded coffee plantations in search
terns. The canonical correspondence analysis deter- of additional food or habitat resources. For in-
mined that 38% of the variation in the data were stance, Pachycondyla impressa (Roger) is usually
explained by this analysis. Here, 20 and 10% of the registered on forest ßoor but, in this study, it was
variation in the species data were explained by axis 1 also collected at the Sh1 shaded coffee plantation,
(eigenvalue: 0.474) and axis 2 (eigenvalue: 0.247), close to a riparian forest. It is possible that this
respectively. Based on the canonical correlation co- species crossed forest boundaries in search of nest-
efÞcients, it was inferred that the Þrst CCA axis rep- ing or extra feeding resources.

Fig. 2. CCA ordination triplot of ant data with six habitat variables measured at 15 sampling locations in Caldono,

2) A wide range of feeding and habitat resources for ties for the associated fauna (Armbrecht et al. 2005,
ants may be found, depending of the agricultural Mera et al. 2010).
intensiÞcation gradient. Some ant species may be 3) The sampled forest patches were small and sec-
favored by the Þrst stages of agricultural intensi- ondary, usually embedded in pasture matrixes. For
Þcation. In addition, low-intensity agriculture may this reason, they may have already lost part of their
promote habitat diversiÞcation. This may provide ant species richness, especially the very sensitive
more resources such as plant biomass and fruits, and rare ones (usually present at low densities).
not only for ants but also for other animals Although forests did not register the highest num-
(Tscharntke et al. 2005). The structural complexity ber of species, they harbored 13 species not found
offered by shaded coffee plantations may increase elsewhere and that probably have special habitat
the number of associations (mutualism and pre- requirements. These exclusive species mainly are
dation) between ants and other insects (Blattaria, associated with different strata in the forest and
Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, and Hyme- their presence is possible because of the structural
noptera), thus providing more nesting opportuni- complexity of the vegetation that forests exhibit
(Azteca cf coeruleipennis Emery, Myrmelachista sp.,
Table 4. Fourth-corner diagram: relationship among catego-
Acanthognathus teledecus [Brown and Kempf], and
ries and functional attributes Heteroponera inca). Particularly, H. inca is endemic
from Colombia (Jiménez et al. 2008) and A. tele-
Functional Categories decus was only collected twice at F4, thus a very
attributes Forest Shaded Sun rare species in this study.
Exudates ⫹ ⫺ The results of this study are highly consistent with
Fungivorous studies in other parts of Colombia. Armbrecht et al.
Generalist (2005) found that ant fauna in forests were less rich
Omnivorous ⫺ ⫹
Opportunistic than on organic shaded coffee plantations in Apṍa,
Predator Risaralda, and Tamesis, Antioquia (northwestern Co-
Habitat lombia). Statistical differences with ICE estimators
Arboreal ⫹ ⫺ also were detected between shaded and sun coffee
Rotten sticks ⫹
Generalist plantations in that study, although the methodology
Leaf-litter was visual (manual) capture and winkler extraction
Opportunistic from the leaf litter (Armbrecht et al. 2005). Highly
Soil ⫹ similar results were reported by Gallego-Ropero
(2005) in Apṍa using tuna baits as sampling units.
Positive (⫹) and negative (⫺) relationships between categories Gallego-Ropero et al. (2009) and Mera et al. (2010)
and functional attributes are shown. found similar results in the Department of Cauca

when shaded and sun coffee plantations were studied, canopy cover gradient. Clearly, the species present at
although no forests were sampled in the region. The highly intensive management plantations (e.g., Phei-
consistency among studies developed on Colombian dole sp. 4, C. rimosus, E. ruidum) were separated from
coffee plantations demonstrates that effectively species present at more natural locations (P. impressa,
shaded coffee plantations represent a high quality C. novogranadensis, C. nigripilosa).
matrix for ants where greater species richness and The importance of leaf litter and twigs demon-
more equitable ant communities can be found. The strated by this study was consistent with other studies.
current study goes far beyond because, here, we fur- Armbrecht et al. (2005) found that ants on the litter
ther analyze the composition of ant fauna by using stratum (where twigs are found) are inßuenced neg-
other statistical tools. Implications for conservation atively by coffee production intensiÞcation and may
are strong. As demonstrated by Perfecto et al. (2009), even disappear in the Þrst stages of the agricultural
migration among forest fragments in heterogeneous modernization process. Not only do the number of
tropical landscapes is fundamental for maintaining twigs increases from sun coffee plantations to forest,
metacommunities in the long-term and, therefore, a but also their length and thickness, thus offering ad-
requirement for the conservation of biodiversity. ditional habitat resources and quality (tree diversity)
Our results show a negative effect of agricultural that may contribute to the diversity of ant species
homogenization on species richness, species identi- (Armbrecht et al. 2004). Canopy cover not only reg-
ties, and the possibility of equitable distribution. ulates the temperature inside sampling locations, but
Therefore, the higher the MI value (or intensiÞcation also, directly affects the establishment of different ant
condition), the lower species diversity. Overall, our populations and other arthropods (Gallego-Ropero
previous qualitative characterization matched the 2005), offering more nesting and feeding resources.
quantitative analyses derived from 11 measured hab- Ant Functional Groups. Our results demonstrated
itat variables, evidencing that there is an agricultural that ant species assemblages were effectively depen-
intensiÞcation gradient in the coffee plantations of the dent upon the habitat characteristics of the three mea-
region. sured management strategies. Ant guilds ecologically
Changes in Species Composition Because of Differ- responded to the agricultural intensiÞcation gradient
ences in Management Strategies. The results of this on coffee plantations. Some ant guilds were favored by
study determine that differences in management strat- the habitat characteristics of less complex agricultural
egies on coffee plantations also inßuence the way in systems (e.g., omnivorous), whereas others were quite
which these ant species are distributed over the ag- sensitive and were only present at more natural or less
ricultural intensiÞcation gradient. As expected, managed locations (e.g., exudates). This implies that
shaded coffee plantations resembled forest patches strong biotic ties (speciÞc habitat and feeding require-
more than sun coffee plantations in terms of ant spe- ments) exist among the species that are found to-
cies composition. This may be a result of the similarity gether.
of the arboreal component between these two man- The species possessing functional attributes favored
agement strategies (Table 4). In this sense, the great- by agricultural intensiÞcation were always dominant
est dissimilarity between forests versus sun coffee and in great abundance in sun coffee plantations. In
plantations is explained as the lack of shade trees and this study, 1,450 “occurrence” events in total were
other derived components (e.g., twigs, leaf litter) on recorded. Shaded coffee plantations and forests only
sun coffee plantations. This situation limited the avail- registered 29 and 28% of the total occurrence events,
ability of certain kinds of habitat and feeding resources respectively. In contrast, sun coffee plantations ob-
needed by specialist ants. tained the highest number of occurrence events
The differences in species composition among the (44%), albeit with the lowest species richness among
three management strategies are basically determined the three measured management strategies.
by the ant species that were present in the three The relative homogeneity of sun coffee plantations
sampled strategies, but differed in terms of the number seemed to favor soil dominant and omnivorous ant
of occurrence events reported for each management species such as S. geminata, E. ruidum, and Pheidole sp.
strategy. Linepithema neotropicum, Pachycondyla ob- 4. E. ruidum particularly, may reach great abundance
scuricornis, Ectatomma ruidum, Cyphomyrmex rimo- in open pasturelands in the southwestern region of
sus, and Pheidole sp. 4 were present in all categories Colombia (Santamaria et al. 2009). E. ruidum can also
but were particularly dominant in sun coffee planta- be a dominant species in economically important
tions. This trend is in agreement with Abadṍa et al. crops (Lachaud 1990). In this study, it represented
(2010) where the species found in pastures are a 12% of the total occurrence events for sun coffee
subset of the species found in the remaining categories plantations after L. neotropicum (15%). According to
(riparian corridor, secondary, and mature forest) and the SIMPER results, these dominant species deter-
the difference in species composition is mainly estab- mined the differences between management strate-
lished by species abundance recorded in pastures. gies and forest patches.
Habitat Variables that Influence Ant Distribution Regarding forests, the relationships between envi-
Patterns. Variation in species composition was driven ronment and functional traits mainly were associated
by the average tree height gradient, corroborating with the arboreal component. The detected positive
the assumption made from the NMDS plot where the relationships were a result of the presence of exclusive
three management strategies were separated by the ants with strict habitat requirements (Cephalotes spp.:

arboreal and exudates attributes, A. teledecus: rotten Armbrecht, I., I. Perfecto, and J. Vandermeer. 2004. Enig-
sticks). Finally, no signiÞcant relationship was found matic biodiversity correlations: ant diversity responds to
for shaded coffee plantations. This may be related to diverse resources. Science 304: 284 Ð286.
the possibility that some ant species may even disap- Armbrecht, I., L. Rivera, and I. Perfecto. 2005. Reduced
pear during the Þrst stages of the agricultural mod- diversity and complexity in the leaf-litter ant assemblage
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