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| GOVOL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL DESIGN and CONSTRUCT] | __ APRIL 2023 ON | eotimcnamans etmiahigane Mk TE Mes Cyd XM, =0 : 2424) = 427 jiven figure: fon T=4BKN we 24KN l= 1.2m byet.2m L=1.2m TeAg, Cs 75 mm wie x 10 mm hick stu, in ADIs 100 mm wide x 10 mm thick rigid bar, ie 40 (6) d= 9.48 say 10 mmo FF UP here b) Stessin stut Bc Sz THA 4800 = oy (75)(10) o1= 6.4 MPa 8) Whats the minimum required bot diameter 4) Botstes ati deters 20 mm (mm) at C if the allowable bolt shear stress is 68 MPa? 4) Determine the stress (MPa) in strut BC, 4) Calculate the bot stess (MPa) at A i its diameter is 20 mm. Solution: @) Bolt diameter at C if the allowable bolt shear stress is 68 MPa f a 24kN 6, F(20} = 4800 6, = 153MPa DSH den antes onstor 1m. stip of wall The concrete wall shown retains water 10 its ‘maviimum height H, Given; H= 3m, t205m. Concrete unit weight = 23 KNim* ‘Assume full fixity at the base of the wal. 105m He3m 2) Find the max, compressive stress (KPa) at the base ofthe wall f the water reaches the top of the wall. b) If the maximum compressive stress at the base of the wall isnot o exceed 380 KPa, ‘hat isthe allowable depth of water? 1c) Ifthe allowable tensile stress at the base of water which the wall can retain? Solution: a) Max. compressive stress at the base of the wall if the water reaches the top of the wall the wall is zero, what is the max. height of » w, 20508123) w, 245K erg 983)" pee ped4.145 kN wt) .145(3) vs oe M= 44.145 KN. PMC aE pM Max, stress oct 3S, 05(1) bd? AS, (44.145) Gas et 7 05(1) (0.5) o.,, = 1128.48 KPa b) Depth of water when compressive stress is 380 KPa [Wa345 kN 1 3m = ee eae ee | gpoineeting licensure Examinations Dss7 "gait = 400s y eo, ) Tho ahs ed at spot, 05H) 45 p8 wos eat Oe A bd Hoy 6(1.636)h* of” oq) 05) eee Solution: socteightof water ifte allowable ensie 1 goss ofthe wal is zero SP oF A . be 345 6.636)" o 5) (105) hot.20m. _ (eae 2023 No. of reaction = 6 No. of talc equations = 3 cassly each of the structures as slatcally fpeminale, indeterminate or unstable. Indeteminale = 6-3 Indeterminate = 3 degree 3) Thebeam shown hinged at and a oller supports at B and C Solution: 4 b ¢ a Io ID Io No. of reactions = 4 No. of static equations = 3 Indeterminate = 4-3 Indeterminate = 1* degree ) . The gable arch shown is fixed at: ‘supports. No. of reactions = 6 No, of static equation = 3 Indeterminate = 6 - 3 Indeterminate = 3¢ degree The hooks subjected to three forces A, B and Cas shown, A=35KN, B=45KN. Ifthe resultant of the forces is 80 KN and is acting along the positive x-axis, find the angle a. ) ifer=60', whats the value of foroe C such thal the resultant of forces A,B and C acts along the x-axis? For the forces A, B and C to be in equilibrium, what is the magnitude of the resutng force C? * °) ht Wo rst of he 4) Ao ds 289 9100 Ooi cay ea cosa #45008 cosa #928 60° -35 = 80 sina =45Sin 60 Sin a = 38.97 casa =925 C Sin 60° = 45 Sin 60° C=45KN 9) Value of C for A, B and C to be in equiibrium : F pi snainnering cansure Examination, onan fsa #45 66 23897 Como 125 20 wo’ 125 oan 9in 722 = 38.97 ce 409kN ge CRC LUE when the columns at E and H of the floor taming plan shown are deleted, girder BEHK a one span fixed ended beam supporting beam DEF at E and beam GHI at H, The following loads on girder BEHK are as plows: Concentrated load at E = 266 KN Concentrated load at H = 268 kN Uniform load throughout its length = 5 kNim a) Calculate the resulting shear at B due to the, given load. 1) Calculate the max. shear at E induced by the concentrated loads, 9) Calculate the max. positive moment due to the uniformly distributed load, MTN ae My == SUS | 2548)? zensy2532 12 (75? My =46677kNm= My Ry=R, Ry +Ry =6(75) +266(2) 2R, =575) +06) Ry = 284.751 ans Max. shear at B= 284.75 kN (st 2 centile p00 Civil Enpinooringy Licensure Examinations as re LED ow core slabs with pe stesso the figure are used ee froring of Dray: b) Max. shear at E induced by the ‘conoentrated loads 2W6AN — 2064N 26! Ve = 266 KN ©) Max. positive moment due to the uniformly distributed load a5 kNiov +M= 11.72kNm pis pre stressed with 820 KN force at an yee 163 mm below the neutral axis of the section Slab weight = 2.7 kPa ‘Super imposed (OL) = 2.0 kPa Live load = 2.9 KPa The slab is simply supported on a span of 8 m, Allowable stresses at service loads are 2.0 MPa in tension and 15.5 MPa in compression, Consider 15% loss of pre stressed at service loads. a) Compute the stress at the top fibers of the slab at the ends due to the ‘nitial pre stress force. b) Determine the resulting =(rass at the top fibers of the slab at iridspan due to the loads and pre stress force. Determine the maximum total load (kNim) including its own weight, that the slab can be subjected to if the allowable stress at service loads are not to be exceeded. 9 | i gull Engineering Licensure Examinations Don tio sot op fs of esl a the we WE } 4) fs duo tote ial pre sess force. ; } ws 1267 8 M=72.96x 108 Nim te feo Me i 1 fe PyPeoM AS 8, P=820(085) te 820000 820000(63) 14x10 68x 10° {= 1.74 MPa (tension) Resulting stress at the top fibers of the slab al midspan due to the loads and pre stress force. LL=29(1.2) LL=3.48kNIm Slab weight = 2711.2) Slab weight = 3.24 kNiin ‘Super imposes load = 2(1.2) ‘Super imposed load = 2.4 kNim Total load = 3,48 + 3.24 + 2.4 Total load W = 9.12 Nim * 68x10 6ax108 $8 + 8.46- 10.73, 9.25 MPa (compression) 9) Maximim total load (KN) including its ‘own weight, that the slab canbe subjected {o if the allowable stress at service loads are not io be exceeded, $PelS, fy PIA “18S | \ , fy +20 “PIA. -PelS 498 646 thy 42.0 j D-602 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations steht Pc ae 4904 648-f => 155 raed {= 1698MPa csr pl IS Bed ty a leat ft im thick and its outside diam te, a mn, The pole subjected 1 tgp es i Maller fore atte fee end. = 134MPa Given: Torque T= 254m. Wate Lateral force H= SKN M ‘Shear modulus of elasticity = 78 GPa a ‘Alowable shear stess = 60 MPa ae 4) atte max, hear sess he cutie se surface ofthe pole due fo the forque, T? yea pes b) What isthe angle of twist (degrees) due to i the torque? i. o «) Find the max. flexural sve55 (MPa) al the ee ase ofthe pole due tothe lateral force, ee Solution: 1693- 68x10" a) Max. shear stress al the outside surface of Me (1540 Kim the pole due to the torque Safe moment = 91.39 Nim oe ee J w2 ye wey? giz9= Sr 8 We 11.42kNIm tT 7 2 J= Ea (288 we wes J=119.8x 10° mm* we? Te 25(10)(160) eee 1.3 ieee Tex W= 144KN/m 1.0°(2000) _ 6 x 10°(78000) 19 20.0080 ra. ye Lan) = 46" © flexural stress at the base of the pole 0 tear force M=3(3) x 10° M=9x 10° Nmm me oars i ane ate 1= [on -2ae)) 1=59.9x 10° 9x 10°(180) eecrreey {=225MPa \ ahh i Ue ap normal “weight conereta why a aan conn tne SUMP, sees Tmt 4 Water-cement rato by a Spestraiyetcenens O48 MS Specific gravy of coarse aggregate 268 Speco gray of five aggregate 264 Water (net mixing), Entrapped air. . a) Whatis the total solid ‘volume of water, Cement, coarse aggregate and entrapped alr, ifthe dry unit weight of coarse ‘aggregate is 10.1 KNim’? Fora 10 cum. of concrete, how much ‘cement (KN) is needed? ©) Ifthe combined solid volume of cement, waler, coarse aggregate and entrapped air is 0.55 m3, What is the weight of the dry ‘sand in KN? b) Solution: Total solid volume of water, cement, coarse aggregate and entrapped ar, if the dy unit weight of coarse aggregate is 10.1 KNin? Consider 1 m? of concrete. ‘Note : Unit wt of water = 1000 kg / m* 180 1 = —— 20.18 Vol. of water: i000 Water — cement ratio = 0.48 180(981) a W, =368KN LL», D604 tt nnn ee mens _——=_——_ 9 ees spgr(98!) 3.68 ‘Absolute volume of concrete = ‘Absolute volume of concrete = ‘Absolute volume of conorete = 0.12 m? : 10.1 ‘Absolule vol. of coarse aggregate = ———— ats 2.68(9.81) Absolute vol. of coarse aggregate = 0.38 m? MATERIALS ABSOLUTE VOLUME Cement 0.12 © Coarse aggregate 038 ‘Water 0.18 Air 0.01 Total vol. = 0.69 m> Wt ofcement fora 10 m? of concrete ‘Water-cement ratio = 0.48 ogg = 120(988110) W, W, = 36788 N W, = 36.8 kN We of dry sand If combined volume of ‘cement, water, coarse aggregate and entrapped ai is 0.55 m? Absolute volme of sand = 1 - 0.55 ‘Absolute volme of sand = 0.45 m? Weight of sand'= 0.45(9.81)(2.64) Weight of sand = 11.6 KN 3.15(981) pas ie Es Ci, b 26,07 5M, 4+ 2M. “\ vel? a) Which of the following gives the reaction of 0 b) Find the load at C. : ¢)_ How much is the maximum moment Solution: a) Reaction at D Ro=4+12= 16 kN b) Load at C P=4+4=8kN °) Maximum moment Ms-12kNm, re t PEO SUA) ( long gitder of a bridge is sim, Me eh al the right end and at 3m, from n end, It is subjected to a highway langloag yt jating of a uniformly distributed load and a const rated load as follows, {fol cstbued fad = 953 Nn concentrated load for moment = 80 kN concentrated load for shear = 115.7 kN 4 What is the maximum span positive moment? ») Calculate the Tmaximum support reaction, ) What is the maximum negative moment? Solution: a) Max. span positive moment Max. positive moment = area of positive influence diagram times uniform load plus concentrated load times the maximum ordinate of the positive influence diagram. ‘Max. positive moment = 287K 80(5.5) Max. positive moment = 1006 kN. wl engineering Licensure Eaminations R= 1157(1.136)+ Sei Ry = 264 ia) ¢) Max. negative moment 80KN Max. negative moment = 603) + 9.35318) Max. negative moment = 282 AN. Ta D-606 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations FTC Px) AW470'mm x 105 kg/m beam of 12 mm web thickness is spliced near the support using 15 mm thick connector plate welded to part B and bolted using 20 mm o A325 bolts to point A. Dimensions are: $1= 40mm $9= 80mm S2= 40mm Su= 100mm Ss=40 mm Steel strength and allowable stresses are as follows: Yield stress, Fy = 248 MPa Bolt shear stress, Fy = 120 MPa The load P, acts an eccentricity © = 180 mm from the centroid ofthe bolt group. a) Calculate the shear load (kN) on the critical bolt at section A of the splice if P = 200 kN. b) Calculate the torsional load (KN) on the critical bolt at section A if P = 200 kN. c) Calculate the total critical bolt load (kN). a) shearload on ») solution: . e tne citical ol P= 209 hear bad = 25 kN Torsional load on the critical bolt: (only ‘moment is acting) critical bolt ~ @} Gs, Jy critical ot fees “507504 ioe + y= 4120) + 483) + 850 Zit + y= 84000 M=200(0.18) M=36kNm. Re? onl gngineering Licensure Examinations Vary) “Toe 36 x 10°(50) “e000 {£21429 f =21.43KN x Sy=21.43 kN Torsional load : R? = (21.43) + (61.43)? R= 55.72 kN Total cttcal bolt load Moment and axial loadis acting. fy | Sy Set oe h te Pint PB fPin 120 o10° | sooo Pin 40| sy ay 51.43 KN wm @ cet Om Lf ye Tous Pak sos Pla 25 S143 en R 4643 KN RE= (51.4392 + (46.43)2 R= 69.29 kN D609 aT EEC ) Gi we XL = 600 mm x 800 mm Main rein 5 jens Vorcement A, 16-25 om dimeter Lateral ies = 49 mm di Reinforcing steal yield a ew ” Main reinfocemen, fy = 445 MPa Lateral ties, {w= 275 Mpg Concrete, fo’ = 28MPa Clear concrete caver = 40m Spacing Of ties = 450 - mm @) Whats the nominal the column forthe shear paral othe y- axis? shear strength (kN) of b) ‘What is the nominal shear strength of the column for the shear parallel to the x-axis? Which of the folowing gives thie nominal Compressive load (KN) al zero eccenticty? 9) Solution: Nominal shear strength for the shear parallel to the y-axis V, =0.47Vie' bya d=600-40- 10-3 4=5375mm Vv, =0.17/28(600)5975) V, = 386.81 kN i> D-608 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations eta b) A= Fu) = 452.39 mm? -_ 452,39(275)(537.5) 150 V, = 445.7 KN Vny=Va+Ve Vny= 445.7 + 386.81 Vn, = 832.51 KN Nominal shear strength for the shear parallel tothe x-axis 4=200-40-10- 2 4=73750 v, =0.17V/e' bd v, =0.174/28(600)(737.50) V, #98 05KN = Acthd 8 (10)8(3) = 285.62 mm? Vs __ 735.62(375)(737:50) 150 V, = 318.58 KN Vix = Vs + Ve 8.58 + 398.05, Vinx = 716.63 KN Nominal conipressive loadat zero eccenticty Py = 0,80 [0.85 fc (Ay —A) + fy As] Pa = 0.80 {0.85(28) [(600)(800) - 7854] +415(7854)} Pr = 11597.2 KN mes ee ‘The design of @ beam yields the following: t= 110mm = 490 mm 375 mm ‘pg = 3-28 mma bars 5-28 mmo bars ; A ‘compressive strength, fo’ = 34 Mpa Longitucinal ste! veld strength = 413 Mg Lateral ties yield strength: fw = 275 MPa Effective cover to the centroid of As = 75 mm Shear sliength reduction factor = 0.75 Calculate the shea strength (KN) providey by 12mm diameter tes spaced at 109 ‘mm on center. Calouate the shear strength (kN) provided by the concrete. «) The beams tobe redesigned fora shear force of 455 KN. Using 10 mm diameter ties spaced at 90 mm center to center, how much is the required width (mm) of the beam? a) b) ,=110| NS 4=328mm 9 moter A=5-28mm9 6-315 Solution: a) Shear strength provided by 12 mm diameter ties spaced at 100 mm on center d= 110+ 490-75, d= 525 mm wl Engineering Licensure Examinations \_ 339,28(275)(525) 100 = = 489.84 KN ) Shear strength provided by the concrete j Ve=0A7/ Fel by d ¥, = 0.17V34 (375)(525) Ve 195.15 KN ) Required width of the beam ifthe beams "ees oa shear force Of 455 KN using 10 mm diameter tes spaced at 90 mm center to center Wo 455000 N safe d =5 (0)(8) = 235.62 mm2 235.62(275)(525) 90 = —PPCE75) (525) % Vs= 377973 $5000 _ a77973 4 % 0.75 Ve= 228694 Ves O17) FE" by d 228694 = 0.17V34 b,, (525) bw=439.4 say’ 440 mm D609 April 2003 Asteet Column is fix, hinged at the top, a tetotn a ere is no side. ' Concentric load that wi bucking of column in limitis the Euler buckling load, P. The slendemesg, Tatio’= Up The eect nah ac, x99 Given: Column Properties A=9.200 mm? b= 113.21 X 108 mm* 438.88. 108 mm 4=250mm. Es= 200,000 Mpa Column height = 8,0 m Determine the axial load ‘Cause initial buckling, b) Determine the buckling stress (MPa ©) Using the table, determine the allowable ‘Compressive load (kN) in the. ‘column. (KN) that wit. Solution: Axial load that wll cause tal bucking - wel °F 1? (200,000)(38.88)(10)6 Pes Tas @o00yF Pe = 1873682N * Pe= 1874 KN > Kir FOR COMPRESSION MEMBERS OF 248 MPA Fo SSSSBSS ES SBRBSBBUBRNBseseaeacse BESRRSSSIsHRSS 2S coraaaon (MPa) 146.70 148.42 148.13 147.53 147.53 147.22 146.90 146.58 146.24 145,90 145.55 145.19 144.83 144.45 144.07 143.69 143.29 142.89 142.48 142.06 141.54 141.21 140.77 140.33 139.88 139.42 138.95 138.49 139.01 137.53 137.04 136.54 136.04 135.53 135.01 134.49 133,96 133.43 192.69 132.34 Ke a4 42 43 4a 45 46 aT 48 49 51 53 55 87 6 62 63 65 67 69 70 "1 2 73 74 7 76 7 78 9 80 Fo (MPa) 43179 13123 130.67 130.10 129.52 12894 128.38 127.76 127.16 126.56 Kur 125.26 , 125.33 424.71 124.08 123.45 122.81 122.47 121.52 12086 12021 119.54 11887 116.19 11751 116.83 116.13 116.44 11473 114.03 113.31 112.60 11167 114.14 140.41 100.67 106.93 108.18 107.42 106.66 105.90 gpcieIED YIELD STRESS wr OF re) bie sig (zt 88.02 ei 105. 422 68.92 2 1043893 67.92 a3 10357 68.91 (10279 oe 8 a5 10200—« el gs 10120««128 LST fy to04o 127 63.85 88 99.59 128 62.86 89 98.78 429 61.89 90 97.96 130 60.94 Bie ardd eh. COM o «9631 1382—«88.11 9395.48 «= 133 (88.22 o 94gd 1384 (87.36 os 93800 138—««8 8 96 609298 «136 (85.68 oy ga10- 137 (84.07 op 40 gt24 138 84.08 aD 139 53.30 100 «= 89.60 140, 52.54 101 89.63 441 51.80 1028775142 61.07 4038688143, (80.36 104 85.97 144 49.67 105 85.07 145 48.98 4088417146 48.31 107 63.26 147 47.68 108 82.34 148 47.02 109 81.42 149 46.39 140 80.50 150 45.77 ant °79.66 151 A517 112-7863 152 38.58 113 77.68 153 $3.99 1147673184 43.43 115 75.78 155 42.87 116 7482 156 42.32 a7 73.85 157 41.76 118 7288 158 44.26 1197190159 40.74 120 70.91 160 40.28 wl ») sucking a = B A 6 13.24 x 10 n= F-9290 1 108.09 Bh n= 38,88 x 10° 5= | 9290 “y= 64.69 KL _ 0.8(8000) 7 6469 WE fe Gay 12(200,000) fe=~oggaye fe = 201.69 say 202 MPa = 98,93 ¢) Allowable compressive loadin the column P=FLA . From the table: KUIr= 98.93, Fa= 9037 P=90,37(9290) P=839527 N P= 840 kN + 9) Calculate the resuit D611 Properties of ; Area = 8530 me Se! beam Depth = 306 mm, a Flange width= 204 mm 200000 Mpa Web thickness Flange thickness = 5mm 14.6 mm @) Calculate the Teactior Support, b) Calculate the Fesulting moment (kN, the added support, ae (KN) at the addeg moment kN). "UM postive Solution: a) Reaction at the midspan Downward deflection due ot load: : a= Sut ‘ 3B4EI Upward deflection ue to concentrated load at midspan; 1 uniform To prevent defecion 8, =, sult _ at MEI EI = Sak : oer 5(21.5(12) a P= 161.25 KN Li» og D-612 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations, j f the 1b) Moment at the added support «}_Posive ment ea From the shear diagram w=21.5kNim 1g:35-205420 x2225m om tm ay SE - tttin R 161.25 R 2R+ 164.25 = 21.5(12) R=48375KN Ms =R(6) - (63) * Ma =48.375(6) ~21.5(6)(3) Me = - 96.75 kN. w= 21. 5kNIm (wea of shaded secton IS Ul ly hy positive moment) 16. CE Board A rl 2023 ‘600 mm x 600 mm column By 236 m square footing on 5 ples as Shown. 06, 24 abs a was a3 Area = pose Shortout solution: Me Me uy, = 2802 2 M, =+96.75 kNm Dimensions are: a=0.6m b=24m Effective depth = 650 mm Diameter of pile = 350 mm Utimate pile capacity = 280 kN ‘Column axial loads: ~ D=420kN L=360kN E=210KN Column moment due to =i ake = 160 kNm The required strength of "= footing is based on the following factored loz1s -oinbination: U=132D4 1) Let = eS *e ‘s ring Licensure Examinations wl fnginee D613 the ofa tea shear stress at 320444 beds | imate loads. © = $2(420) +4436 +44 | ome the ultimate punching stress, Poe ttet aie ) (2t0) | 2075. uF hear of the most j fons M1044 64 | stressed pl ic 1200 ig 176 ution : ae beam shear stress . 4 ‘ Utimate ‘eacton of pie atrow P, J} psu | MA mM, a i ~~? teh ; 3 15 (1.22) | 13578 PMc” | 650 say Paty ‘most stressed pile =e BM zi R meu OK = 3272.98), 1000) »* 0 75(@800)650) ' | rt 1) =0467 MPa * | ia i D-614 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations b) Ultimate punching shear stress °) Punching shear ofthe most stressed pile ‘A mass hangs on two paralle springs. The individual spring stifress are K: and Ko. What is the total composite spring constant? KK ’ g c} Ky +Ke Answer: K = Ky + K2 oq tooinoorin LCENSUTE Examinations Deis “ogee EEL ine the spring constant for the system of fis in series. ®) ae i Ky ) ig ans & g KitKe ‘ gd Kk P K; answer: 5+ 2 1+ Ke 19. CE Board A ye) The columns of a warehouse are fixed at the base and pin-connected at the top. About the y axis, the columns are braced at mid-height. Sdesway is prevented and effective length factor = 1.0. Along the x-axis, there are no braces at mid-height. Sidesway uninhibited and effective length factor = 1.2 Given: Column Properties ‘Atea, A = 8580 mm? Depth, d = 255 mm Flange width, b= 200 mm. Flange thickness, t= 16 mm Modulus of elasticity, E = 200000 MPa Length of column = 6 m Web thickness, t= 9 mm b= 103.x 10 mm y= 22 x 108 mmé Fy=248 MPa ®) Solve for the (Pa) talvounee? aia does exist. Refer fg a ia 1 axial load smahevae mia 4 * stress, column, Sthe for the max, 9) ts Interaction mt py S10, fi fe ) equation nd the maximum load p Solution: a) aa Compressive stress if axial force does ist = KL _ 1.03000) T= 5882 KL Use — = 65.45 7 From table: KLir F, { 65 ( 16.83) 045 1.0 65.45 0.7 osf 66 116.13, By ratio & proportion: (See attached table) x _07 045 10 x= 0.315 Fa=116.83-0.315 Fa= 116.5 MPa Lh Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations ' ALLOWABLE STRESS 7 FOR COMPRESSION MEMBERS OF 248 MPA ‘SPECIFIED ‘YIELD ‘STRESS Kir Fa Kir. Fa Kir Fa Klir Fa (wee) . (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) 494 69.92 1 1467004113179 81 (108.13 . 2 148.42 42 131.23 ez. 10495 = 122 oe 3 tas a3 13067 8310387128 41475348 13010 «8410279 2K ‘ 5 147530451292 10200 128 6 147.22 46 128.94 86 101.20 126 eae 7 146,90 47 128.36 87 = 100.40 127 4 8 14658 ~ «48 12776 «889950128 . 9 10 146.24 49° 127.16 89 98,78 129 61.89 145.90 50 126.56 90 97.96 130 60.94 ah 145.55 51 125.95 91 97.14 131 60.01 412 145.19 §2 125.33, 92 96.31 132 59.14 13 144.83 83 124,71 93 95.48 133 58:22 14 144.45 84 124.08 94 94.64 134 57.36 16440755 tza45 «| 95 9380 «= 198 88.61 46014369 5612281 «= 96 «92.95 1368 85.68 47 4329S 7122.47, 979340 1374.0 48 142895812152 98, 9124138 84.08 1914248 «| 59« 120.86 99° «9037139 83.30 20 «14206 «= «60. 12021 «= 100,« «89.80 1402.54 24 14154 61 «119.54. 101 8963144 51.80 2200 144.24 62 11887 «102,775 1421.07 23°« 140.77: «6318.19 103, 86.86 = 143 (80.36 24 44033 «64 «11751 = 104. S97) 144 89.67 25 139.88 65, 416.83 105 85.07 145 48.98 26 439.42 106 84.17 146 48.31 27 138.95 67, 115.44 107 63.26 147 47.68 28 138.49 68 114.73, 108 82.34 148 29 139.01 69 114.03 109 81.42 149 43.39 30 13753« 70,143.31 110 BSD 180 48.77 uN 137.04 1 112.60 111 79.66 151 48.17 32 136.54 7211167112, 78.83 162 44,58 33, 136.04 73 1444113 77.68 153 43.99 34 1355374011041 114 76.73 184 43.43, 35 «13501 «75 10067115 75.78) = 155 42.87. 38 «13449 «76=« 10893 118 =S 7482188 42.32. 37 (133.96 7? 10848 117 7385 157 44.76 38° 13343 «=. 78 «10742. «1187288458 1.26 39 132.69 73 106.66 119 71.90 159 40.74 40 132.34 ao 610590 120 70.91 160 40.28 ‘ ey D. ey Exonoering Licensure Examinations = M.=Pe Me= 160(0.25) Mc= 40 KN.m My far = 255 =—=1275 EE _ 40x 108 (127.5) Sox = ~~ 103x105 fox= 49.5 MPa Max. load P P fa = Bee5 = 0.000177. MC hae M=025P 9.25P(127.5)(10)6 b-—— 103 x 106 = 0.31P fa, fo _ Rt ato 20. CE Board April 2023 Colum loads forthe combined fon. denne ined footing is Column A. Colu DL = 295 kn a LL=350 kN LL=650 kN Column A and B= = 400 mmx 400 mm Net = Pressure in ulimate Condition = 139 a Distance between Columns = 3.9 m Effective depth = 500 mm Width of footing = 3 m fete ie for shear = 0.75 5 Mi ye = ABMS a) Determine the A length L of the ‘Combined foot ®) Delerine teva the combined foo ¢) Determine the ca purhing sear ‘tress of the combined footing, i beam shear stress of Solution: a) Total length L of te contin fotng Pa=4.2DL44 Pas 1285 189 Pa=9t P= 189 Po= 1426, = 130(3) = 390 kNim Shear forces from shear diagram: V1 = 390(0.4) = 156 kN Va= 166 + 390(0.4) - 914 Ve=-602.* Va=- 602 + 390(3.5) Va=+763 Va=763 + 390(0.4) - 1426.4 Va=-5074kN 507.4 + 390x=0 3 D-618 Chil Engineering Licensure Examinations Total length of combined footing: L=04404+35+04+1.3=6m b) Wide beam shear stress along the x-axis Max. shear force Vs occurs at a distance d= 0.5 m from the face of column B. Vu + 390(0.5) = 763 Vu = 568 KN 568,000 .75(3000)(500) t= 0.50 MPa ¢) Punching shear stress at column B 250 400 8 Vu= 1426.4 - 130(0.90)? Vu = 1321.1 KN Ww sha be = 4(900) = 3600 pee ae 0.75(3600)(500) ‘tp = 0.98 MPa ‘ D619 (80)? + 4(120)2 + 4(40)2 16200 B gennecion shown, the = 240000300) gan, eats 180. merextotinm 4. frre 6a aig ks Po pata wae ele By al 4 rn Pp _ 240000 n 8 : 2 ~ 30000 7 pre MO) = Ya? + y2) iste det shear stress ofthe bot? Wa deociaa 2 he react of the bolt number 8? pa ceo Le 170 715200 «) Wan the max. reaction ofthe bolts 3 i000 what is the diameler of the. most f.=75000 Nibolt 0 sessed bo if it has an allowable shear sa {0000 sts of 276 MPa? Me hy - sary { so000 Solution: 73x 165(80) 4) Direc sher stress ofthe bolt 5 ae 15000 40000 _ 30000 Nibolt P a a 30000 N % e Se = R= (75000)? + (800002 30000 R= 109659 N Shem stress = Were ~ R= 109,66 kN reaction of bolt no.8 4 (16) Diameter of the most stressed bolt if it has an allowable shear stress of 276 MPa when Shear stress = 149.2 MPa +) Reaction of bolt number 8 the max. reaction ofthe bolts 170 kN R re eyes Shearing stress =| we yro it” 170000 ats HH. 216 =a, a m0 qa nel 9 : P= 7842 el oe . d= 28mmo : LY

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