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Background of the Study

The rapid growth of technology is now getting bigger in today’s generation,

wherein students are one of the most vulnerable people who use technology like

mobile phones in terms of learning. Mobile phones have become the vital part of

their daily life since its rapid growth in popularity in the late 1990’s. Thus, the

benefits of mobile phones integration into students learning on campus are useful

with the mobile phone capabilities that are easily supporting learning. The impact

of mobile phones in learning as enhance student’s learning in different ways and

mobile phones motivate students to be more engage to the lesson promoting

learners-centered participation. The study seeks to determine how often students

use their phones in the classroom in terms of studying and find the effect of

mobile phone usage on student’s academic performance.

The mobile phones were originally made for adults for business use. This

is extremely similar to the fixed telephone in the early 20 th century, were

telephone engineers explained that the telephone was made for the business

world and not for social conversation. The growth of mobile phone technology is

demonstrated by the fact that in 2002 the number of mobile phone users

worldwide, surpassed those of fixed-phone users. It has been predicted that by

the end of 2005, the number of mobile phone subscribers worldwide will reach 2

billion and in Australia 19.2 million (Jumoke, 2015).

In the Philippines, the benefits of mobile phones integration into student

learning on campus are useful with the mobile phone capabilities that are easily

supporting learning. Students who have smart phones were more likely to both

access social media tools and spend time engaging with others. From an

educational standpoint, this means there may very well be a “digital divide”

between those who are making connections with others, and those who might be

left behind. Similarly, professors may have to be wary of assigning projects

involving social media to students as some may have an advantage in

completing the work than others.

Significance of the Study

The result will be beneficial to following:

Students: The student will be the main beneficiaries of the study. The

information of the study will later help them to know what the efficacy of mobile

phone in their academic learning.

Parents: Parents is also one of the beneficiaries of this study in order for them

to limit their children in using mobile phones. And to inform them what are the

efficacy of mobile phones in academic learning.

Teachers: Just like parents, teacher is also one of the beneficiaries. The

teachers should remind their students to limit of using mobile phones.

Future Researcher: The future researcher is one of the beneficiaries of this

study, because it can help them to compare and contrast about this kind of study.

Scope and Delimitations

This research is limited to the Grade 11 HUMSS students enrolled in

Panabo City Senior High School located at Barangay New Visayas, Panabo City

SY 2019-2020. The study primarily focused on Grade 11 HUMSS Studemts to

know the efficacies of mobile phones in their academic learning. Likewise the

researcher will use survey questionnaires in gathering the data in order to collect

the information.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to know about the impact of the efficacy of mobile

phone among the students of Panabo City Senior High School towards their

academic learning. This paper will be answering the following questions.

1. What is the impact of mobile phone use on students learning?

2. What are the positive effects of mobile phones on students learning


3. What are the negative effects of mobile phone on students’ academic


Related Review of Literature

This section presents relevant literatures pertaining to the Efficacy of Mobile

Phones in the Student’s Academic Leaning. It provides a basic foundation for

understanding the concept surrounding this study.

In the online article entitled Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Academic

Performance (2019), it stated that mobile phone is helpful for the students for

exchanging of useful information with their classmates about their studies. Some

of the studies proved that this technology has increased the academic that it

enables them to visit internet sites during study time. It also indicated that they

mainly access Google and other text or search engines during study time thereby

turning their cell phones into research tools. Also, some of the site visited

included the dictionary and encyclopedia (Hossain, 2019) mobile learning helps a

lot especially to the students to gather more information’s to widen more their

understanding in the

In addition specific problem that the teachers give to them. Scanning in

the internet is easier for the students to learn and find some related study they

want to read, especially in making some research studies.

The study of Sundari (2015) entitled, Effects of Mobile Phones use on

academic performance of college going young adults in India, stated that the

cost-conscious users believe that a mobile phone helps them save money. The

safety/security conscious users are cognizant of their own security and having a

cell phone gives them a feeling of security. The dependent users are a person

who is reliant on his/her phone and feels disconnected to the world without one

(Sundari, 2015).

There are various educational benefits of mobile phone technologies that most

often cited as: easily accessing content, integrating a broad range of educational

activities, supporting independent study and student organization, encouraging

students enthusiasm, supporting classroom-base collaboration and interaction as

well as supporting inquiry-base instruction and learning (Jairus et al., 2017).

In addition, mobile phone technologies can support students in their learning by

exploring their world through these technologies. Mobile Phone technology is a

necessity in student’s life and also an important technological device to them.

University students use mobile phones far more often than desktop computers

and even laptops. This implies that mobile phones can be an even more

significant learning tool and typically raised area in the near future.

Academic learning is now innovative as a result of smartphone and other

media in promoting and advancing 21st century needed skills and knowledge.

Ifeany and Chukwuere (2016) stated that the use of smart phones by students

improves collaborative learning through its connection to the internet. This

statement implies that the use of smart phone drives students to be more

engaged in learner-centered participation learning. This is vivid indication on

numerous supports that smart phones have brought to the students; it advances

their understanding by increasing academic performance, social media

participation and information sharing; it helps their social skills by giving them

opportunities to seek academic assistance and support.

However, Frimpong (2016) point out that even through cell phones are

popular their use in the learning environment has been met with some resistance

from students and educators mainly based on the fact that they are “a source of

irritation, delinquency and even crime”. Proponents of cell phone use strongly fell

that cell phones are inappropriate tools for learning as they are actually harmful.

Commonly cited negative effects of cell phone use in education include, chatting

and texting when students should be studying. Public use of cell phones

transforms our roles from social participants to observer or user. In other words ,

it’s not just the student using a cell phone who is affected but also the one who is

studying closer to the user thereby constituting a disturbance to proximate


Definitions of Terms

This section presents the operational definitions of the terms used in the study.

Efficacy- the impact of using cell phones among students academic learning.

Mobile Phones- technology that is used in studying.

Academic- the student’s educational basis of learning.

Learning- the capacity of a student to gain knowledge.

Students- are the main participants of the study.

Conceptual Framework

The table shows the conceptual framework of the study which represent

the procedure on how the research study is completed .This framework provide

the researcher.

Independent variables Dependent variables

Efficacy of Mobile Learning Student’s Academic Learning

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Theoretical Framework

The Mobile Learning Theory

A theory of mobile learning is essential when thinking of the role of mobility

and communication in learning environment. (Sharples,Taylor, & Vavoula, 2005).

In mobile learning, students learn across both space and time and more from

topic to topic. Like a blended environment, learners move in and out of

engagement with technology (Shuler, 2009). As devices are ubiquitous, learning

can be interwoven with activities part of everyday life. Control of mobile learning

environment can be distributed, and context is constructed by learners though

their interaction with device and with each other .They acknowledge that mobile

learning can both complement and conflict, with format education, and it raises

ethical issues both of privacy and ownership.

A broad literature review of mobile technologies and learning stated that a

challenge for both educators and designers is one of knowing how that to use

mobile tools in the most meaningful way (Naismith,Lonsdale, Vavoula, &

Sharples,2004). That author suggested that a blended learning approach is

necessary when using mobile technologies in learning settings. That is, all

instructional and learning activities do not necessarily need to be done using

mobile phones, but rather those types of activities must be balanced out with

other instructional and learning strategies. As mobile in technologies are

becoming more ubiquitous, the greatest challenge will be to “discover how to use

mobile technologies to transform learning into a seamless part of daily life to the

point where it is not recognized as learning at all.



This part of the study discusses the research design, research

environment, research instrument, research participants, data gathering

techniques, research procedure, statistical treatment of the data and ethical


Research Environment

This study will be conducted at Panabo City Senior High School located

at Barangay New Visayas. Panabo City, Davao Del Norte. Panabo City Senior

High School offers Academic Track with the strands of Accountancy, Business

and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and

General Academic Strand (GAS). The school also offers Technical Vocational

and Livelihood Courses with the strand of Industrial Arts in the specialization of

Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) and Information Communication

Technology (ICT). The school has a total 1,251 enrolled students for the SY


Research Procedure

The researchers will send a letter of permission to the principal of Panabo

City Senior High School to conduct the survey in the said school. After granting

the permission, the researchers will consult the students and the teachers

concerned for the purpose of the study. The researchers consider the time

allotted to the respondents.


The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 HUMSS students from six

(6) different sections of Panabo City Senior High School SY 2019-2020. The

study focuses on potential respondents who have some level of familiarity with

the phenomenon under this study.

Research Instrument

The researchers will be using questionnaire as the main instrument in

gathering the data and information. The researchers prepared survey

questionnaires to the respondents which is Grade 11 HUMSS students of



As this study seeks to determine the efficacy of mobile phones in PCSHS

students in their academic learning, the following are the variables:

Dependent Variable

The student’s academic learning will serve as the dependent variable of the

study. This dependent variable is dependent to the efficacy of mobile learning.

Independent Variable

The efficacy of mobile learning serves as the independent variable of the study. It

refers to the results which will be determined by their scores from the conducted


Research Design

The researcher used quantitative-descriptive correlational research design

in the study. The design aimed to describe the relationship among variables

rather than to infer cause and effect relationships. It is helpful to consider

whether the researchers implied a relationship that consistent with the theoretical

framework. The advantage of descriptive-correlation research is that it is straight

forward, is usually in expensive, and can be done quickly. Often it may serve as

important preliminary research for further studies that can be done to determined

cause and effect relationships between variables.

The design was chosen because of its appropriateness in the study

conducted by the researchers as they aimed to identify the Efficacy of Mobile

Phone among Grade 11 HUMSS students of Panabo City Senior High School in

their academic learning.

Data Gathering Technique

The data gathering process will involve the school as participant, with that,

the permission should be communicated orderly before the administration of the

procedure with the personnel in authorities.

As this study seek the Efficacy of Mobile Phone among Grade 11 HUMSS

students on their academic learning. The first set of the instruments will be given

to the HUMSS 11 students respondents by the researchers to personally provide

the instructions on how to respond to the test. After the administration, all

responses will be collected thoroughly.

After the recording and the analysis of the first test result, the second test

will be administered following the same procedure which is to followed with the

recording, analysis and the interpretation of the test results.

Data Analysis

Data were gathered using questionnaires on the Efficacy of Mobile Phone

on Student’s Academic Learning. Survey questionnaires were used in this study,

it is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts

for the purpose of gathering information from respondents often designed for

statistical analysis of the responses, and was analyzed in terms of their:

Weighted mean, T-test for two variables, ANOVA for three variables. Both

descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data collected. The

descriptive statistics used were means of the responses, whereas, the inferential

statistics used were t-tests for independent samples and Analysis of Variance to

test the difference(s). All research questions will be answered at 0.05 level of

significance using two-tailed test.

Ethical Consideration

The researches will serve a letter of invitation to the participants for

conducting the said stud. When the consent is approved, it is expected that the

respondents is fully aware and informed about the survey then they will be

expected to participate. The survey will be personally addressed to the

respondents when they are available and when they have a time in the said

study. The distribution of the survey questionnaires will be conducted during the

vacant time of the respondents.

Statistical Analysis

The data to be gathered will be tabulated and be further analyzed with

the following statistical tools:

Mean - This will be used to identify the efficacy of mobile phone on

student’s academic learning.

Standard Deviation- This will be used to determine the spread or

scatter of the observation in order to compare the efficacy of mobile phone

studying in the academic learning.

Research Survey Questionnaire

Name (optional): ______________________________


Age:___ Gender:_____

General Instruction: Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement

with each of these statements regarding the study. Place a check () mark to your

preferred answer.

(5) Always (4) Often (3) Sometimes (2) Seldom

(1) Never

IMPACT OF MOBILE PHONE Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never


How often the use of Mobile

Phone in class interfere your

How often the use of Mobile Phone

in class assist your learning

How often the calls/messages

received just before class has an
impact on your ability to

How often does the use of Mobile

Phone during your study time
distract you

How often does the use of Mobile
Phone during your study time
assist you in learning?

POSITIVE EFFECTS Always Often Sometime Seldom Never


I can easily contact the

teachers for study purposes

I can easily contact classmates

to get help in studies

My academic performance has

been increased due to mobile

The Mobile Phone has helped

to improve the level of the
quality of education

The teacher uses Mobile Phone

in the classroom

Students use dictionary

/thesaurus/calculator of Mobile
Phone in classes

Using a smart phone enhances

my study effectiveness

Using a smart phone helps me to

study efficiently

Overall, I find a smart phone

useful in my studies

Using a smart phone improves
my performance in studying

NEGATIVE EFFECTS Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

I keep my Mobile Phone on and

the ring tone disturbs the class

I purchased the Mobile Phone

without the permission of the

I send missed calls to class fellows

to disturbs the classes

I waste my time sending/writing

SMS during class work

The Mobile Phone has put

negative impact on students moral

The Mobile Phone is waste of time

for students

The students use Mobile Phone in

examination hall as a source of
unfair means
Adaptation: Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Academic Performance



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