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International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 78 (1992) 59-67 59

© 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0378-5173/92/$03.50

IJP 02597

Kinetics for degradation of rifampicin, an azomethine-containing

drug which exhibits reversible hydrolysis in acidic solutions

R i c h a r d J. P r a n k e r d , J o h n M. W a i t e r s and Joel H. P a r n e s
Department of Pharrnaceutics, Uniuersity of Florida College of Pharmacy, J. Hillis Miller Health Center,
Gainesl,ille, FL 32610-0494 (U.S.A.)
(Received 22 April 1991)
(Modified version received 29 July 1991)
(Accepted 6 August 1991)

Key words: Rifampicin; Azomethine; Hydrolysis; Reversible reaction; Kinetics; pH-rate profile


The degradation of rifampicin (I) was studied at six pH values from pH 1 to 5 (37°C, I = 0.1 M). The principal reaction under
these conditions is reversible hydrolysis of an azomethine bond. Oxidative side-reactions were prevented by the addition of ascorbic
acid to the reaction media. Concentration-time plots were initially concentration dependent and approached an equilibrium,
consistent with a reversible reaction. Studies were performed at low initial drug concentration (21 ~zg/ml), as the primary reaction
product was observed to precipitate at higher substrate concentrations. Apparent rate constants for hydrolysis were calculated from
the concentration-time data by two methods. The first assumed pseudo-first order irreversible behavior (forward reaction only), as
linear log concentration-time plots were observed for about three half-lives. The second attempted to account for the expected
pseudo-second order reverse reaction as well. The rate constants were in close agreement, due to the low initial drug concentration
and the very low concentration of 1 ( > 1-7.5% of initial) at equilibrium. The pH-rate profile appears complex below pH 4.3, but
displays a slope of - 0 . 9 7 between pH 4.3 and 5.(I, suggesting specific acid catalysis, or a kinetic equivalent.

Introduction fined to a very narrow pH range (0.75-1.75). This

early study indicated limited stability in acid me-
Rifampicin (rifampin, 3-(4-methyl-l-piperazin- dia. The principal degradation products in the
yliminomethyl)rifamycin; I) is an anti-tubercular absence of oxidative reactions are 3-formylri-
drug which has been in clinical use for some 20 famycin SV (11) and 1-amino-4-methyl-piperazine
years. Although a quantitative study of rifampicin (III). Exposure to alkaline pH values results in a
hydrolytic stability as a function of pH has been further degradation product, which is also the
previously reported (Seydel, 1970), it was con- major metabolite in humans, 25-desacetylri-
fampicin (Ratti et al,, 1981). In view of the expo-
sure of this drug in oral dosage formulations to
varying acidic conditions in the stomach and duo-
Correspondence: R.J. Prankerd, D e p a r t m e n t of Pharmaceu-
denum, it was of interest to examine the stability
tics, University of Florida College of Pharmacy, J. Hillis of rifampicin over a wider range of acidic pH
Miller Health Center, Gainesville, FL 32610-0494, U.S.A. values.

l+H20, k, "1I+111 recently discussed by Prankerd and Stella (1989).

kr The following expression (Eqn 1) (Moore and
Pearson, 1981) was used to estimate kf and k r
Scheme 1. for ebifuramin over the pH range 1-5 from the
time course of its disappearance:
Rifampicin, as well as a number of other drugs, aX e q'- X ( a --Xe) 2a - x ~
such as ebifuramin (Snyder and Ebetino, 1966), In -kf--t (1)
diazepam, furazolidone, nitrofurantoin and fural- (xe - x ) Xe
tadone all contain an azomethine bond (-N=
C H - ) . Studies of the kinetics of degradation of where a is the initial concentration of the reac-
such azomethine bond-containing drugs in aque- tant, x is the molar extent of reaction at any time
ous solutions have been reported previously. The (t), and x e is the molar extent of reaction at
hydrolyses of diazepam (Han et al., 1977; Nakano equilibrium. A plot of the left-hand side of Eqn 1
et al., 1981; Connors et al., 1986a), nitrofurantoin vs time should be linear with a zero intercept and
(Inotsume and Nakano, 1981; Connors et al., a slope of kf(2a -Xe)/X e. The value for k r may
1986b) and ebifuramin (Prankerd and Stella, 1989) then be calculated from Eqn 2:
in acidic solutions all involve reversible azome-
a -x e kf
thine bond cleavage. Reversible addition of water
kr=kf~-xe g~e (2)
across the azomethine bond to form a transient
carbinolamine, which then rearranges to the
product(s), is the most likely mechanism for this Other methods for isolation of kf, such as the
reaction (Prankerd and Stella, 1989). The hydrol- use of trapping reagents, have been discussed by
yses of nitrofurantoin and ebifuramin can be de- Prankerd and Stella (1989).
scribed by Scheme 1, where the forward reaction
is pseudo-first order (k f), While the reverse reac-
tion is pseudo-second order (k r) (Prankerd and Experimental
Stella, 1989).
The overall position of the equilibrium (Keq) is Materials
defined by the ratio (kJkr). For Scheme 1, the Rifampicin (3-(4-methyl-l-piperazinylimino-
second order reverse reaction complicates the methyi)rifamycin) (I) (Ciba-Geigy lot no. 37960;
estimation of rate constants. Treatment of experi- Merrell-Dow M D L 13,407) and 3-formylrifamycin
mental kinetic data according to Scheme 1 was SV (II) (Merrell-Dow MDL 29,038) were used as


"T -OH
CH30~,, -t ~ ~ N H
I; X = N ~ N N--CH3
x \ /
II; x = o
0 I~0 OH H


received. All reagents were ACS reagent grade or taken for analysis, and the reaction flask then
better and were used without further purification. returned to the bath. The reaction solutions had
Acetonitrile was pre-filtered H P L C grade an acetonitrile content of 0.99% v/v. pH values
(Fisher). Institutional deionized water was glass- measured at the beginning and end of the experi-
distilled (Mega-Pure System Model AG-3, Corn- mental runs did not differ by more than 0.04 pH
ing). unit. Trapping experiments were performed by
repeating the above reaction (at pH 2.8) in a
Methods reaction solution that was also 1.0 M in formalde-
Isocratic high-performance liquid chromatog- hyde. Loss of I and the appearance of degrada-
raphy (HPLC) was used for all analyses. Analysis tion products was followed by the HPLC method
of rifampicin and its decomposition product used described above. Instrumental drift was checked
an LDC CM4000 pump, a Rheodyne 7125 injec- with an external standard. The concentrations of
tor (20 /~1 loop), a 150 x 4.6 mm reversed-phase l were calculated from the peak areas in the
column (Nucleosil C8, 5 /zm; Keystone) and an HPLC chromatograms and a standard curve. The
LDC SM3100 UV detector (255 nm). The mobile following retention volumes (Vr) were seen: 5.9-
phase was 38.5% acetonitrile, 5% water and 6.1 ml (rifampicin); 9.9-10.1 mi (primary degra-
46.5% 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.0) v / v at a dation product); 9.9-10.1 ml (authentic 3-for-
flow rate of 1 m l / m i n . A plot of peak area mylrifamycin SV, If). All kinetic runs were per-
(Shimadzu C-R3A integrator) vs concentration of formed in duplicate at least.
I was linear (r 2 = 0.999) in the range 0.050-200
/~g/ml and passed through the origin. The coeffi-
cient of variation was 0.66% at 10 ~ g / m l (n = 3) Results and Discussion
and 3.1% at 1.67/~g/ml (n = 10). A plot of peak
area vs concentration of II was linear (r 2 = 0.999) HPLC chromatograms of reaction solutions
in the range 0.050-27.5 / z g / m l and the coeffi- showed that the peak corresponding to I de-
cient of variation was 0.75% at 5.5 ~ g / m l (n = 8). creased in area with time, while a second peak
The time course for rifampicin decomposition (II) appeared. The appearance of 1-amino-4-
was studied in the following aqueous solutions methylpiperazine (l|I) could not be followed by
(ionic strength adjusted to 0.1 M with NaCI, this method, due to its polarity and UV trans-
where needed) at 37.0 _+ 0.05°C: hydrochloric acid parency, although changes were seen at the sol-
(0.1 and 0.01 M) and sodium chloroacetate (0.1 vent front. An additional peak was seen in the
M; pH 2.8), sodium formate (0.1 M; pH 3.4) and absence of an antioxidant, presumably rifampicin
sodium acetate (0.1 M; pH 4.3 and 5.0) buffers. quinone (IV). Formation of IV had not previously
The initial drug concentration was approx. 21 been reported in acid solutions. Initial concentra-
~ g / m l (2.6 x 10 -5 M). All solutions contained tions of rifampicin had to be low (_< 21 /zg/ml),
ascorbic acid (100 /.Lg/ml) to prevent known ox- due to the very low water solubility of the primary
idative side-reactions, pH values were measured degradation product (II). At initial concentra-
with a Beckman Model 4500 Digital pH Meter, tions greater than 21 ~ g / m l , precipitation oc-
calibrated against phosphate (pH = 6.98 at 37°C) curred before equilibrium was reached for the
and phthalate (pH = 4.02 at 37°C) pH standard first decomposition step (initial phase of the biex-
solutions (Fisher). Temperature control was ponential semilog plot). Although such precipita-
maintained with a Haake NK22 water bath. A tion would n~t invalidate kinetic analysis based
stock solution of approx. 2.1 mg rifampicin (Cahn on irreversible apparent first-order kinetics, it
Model 2000 Electrobalance) in 1.0 ml of acetoni- would invalidate calculations based on reversible
trile was freshly prepared each day. 100/~1 of the kinetics, as an equilibrium constant describing
stock solution was then added at zero time to the saturated solubility of II would be required.
10.0 ml of the reaction solution (pre-equilibrated The formation of II during decomposition of ri-
at 37.0 ° C), mixed thoroughly, a zero time aliquot fampicin in acid solutions has been reported pre-

(i) Pseudo-first order kinetics were assumed,

1.6 based on the linearity seen for about three half-
lives. The rate constants calculated in this way
e" 1.2 are referred to as a p p a r e n t first-order initial rate
constants (kinit).
(ii) Reversible kinetics involving a pseudo-sec-
ond order reverse reaction (Moore and Pearson,
O 1981) as previously used to describe the hydroly-
sis of ebifuramin (Prankerd and Stella, 1989). The
forward rate constants calculated by this m e t h o d
-0.4 • . = i = are called a p p a r e n t first-order forward rate con-
0 40000 80000 120000 160000 stants (kr).
time (see)
Fig. 1. Changes in log% remaining of rifampicin (calculated
from molar concentrations) as a function of time for initial
rifampicin concentrations of 10.5/xg/ml (~) and 21.8 gg/ml 10-5~
( • ) at 37°C in 0.01 M hydrochloric acid. [rilampicin]
e~ e ~ o r m y l r i f a m y c i n SV]
viously (Gallo and Radaelli, 1976). In the present 10-6
study, the presence of I1 in reaction mixtures was e=
suggested by co-elution with an authentic speci- o
men (Merrell-Dow M D L 29,038), although isola- 0
tion of reaction products was not attempted. Un- 10-7
der the acidic conditions of this study, and in the O
presence of ascorbic acid (Ratti et al., 1981), no
o t h e r d e g r a d a t i o n p r o d u c t s were observed. ("!.,. ; . . . . . . .
Semilog plots of [I + II] vs time were linear for 1000 2000
the reaction duration. Ascorbic acid did not in-
terfere with the H P L C analyses. In addition, rate
constants did not change when a 2-fold change in
ascorbic acid concentration was used at p H 1. No 1O- 5 D [rifampicin}
studies were p e r f o r m e d to examine possible cat-
• [3-formylrifamycln SV]
alytic effects of the buffering agents.
As has been previously observed for nitrofu- .9
rantoin and ebifuramin, hydrolysis of rifampicin
was not expected to follow p s e u d o first-order o
kinetics. Semilog plots of [1] as a function of time C
a p p e a r e d to be biexponential, with the initial
phase appearing to be linear for about three m
half-lives, before curvature to a shower linear E
terminal phase (Figs 1-3). In addition, the slope
of the terminal phase was parallel to that of the
0 1000 2000
decline in concentration of II (Fig. 2), indicating
that l and II are in equilibrium. minutes
Fig. 2. T i m e - d e p e n d e n t c h a n g e s in concentration of ri-
fampicin and 3-formylrifamycin SV at pH 2.8 (37°C, 1 = 0.1
Treatment of concentration-time data M) in the absence (a) and presence (b) of 1.0 M formalde-
T h e experimental data was analyzed by two hyde. For (a), the a p p a r e n t initial first-order rate constant is
methods: 9.96×10-5s ], and for (b), l . 8 0 × 1 0 4 s I.

10-41 Apparent initial (kinit) and forward (k l) rate constants for
hydrolysis o f I in buffers (1 = O. 1 M) at 37°C as a function of
10"5-.~~°=~ o pH kmi ~ ( × 105 ) k I (X 105 ) ~ I at equilibrium
(s i) (s i) (corrected) "
ODO 0 0 1.08 14.6 _+0.25 b 15.3 +]).9 4.50
2.02 8.31 _+0.03 8.90 + 0.02 3./)0
2.82 10.97_+0.25 10.92_+0.10 0.89

1o'4 N":. + ~ + ++'¢-t4-
E % 5.0 1.21 _+0.03 1.23_+0.10 7.51

D pH 1.08 Calculated from the molar extent of reaction at equilibrium

(x~) and the initial [I].
• pH 2 . 0 == ~ Errors are calculated from the range of replicate measure-
10 .7 m m mm
• pH 2.8 m ments.
+ pH 3.4 G

A pH 4.3

pH 5.0 as they were found to be too imprecise. This was

10-8 i due to the difficulty in accurately determining the
0 4OOOO 800O0 120000
molar extent of reaction at equilibrium, which
was very close to completion of the reaction. This
time (sec) is indicated by the percent remaining of I at
Fig. 3. Representative plots of time-dependent changes in equilibrium after correction for the terminal
concentration of rifampicin at various pH values (37°C, I = 0.1
M) and an initial rifampicin concentration of 21 p.g/ml. Data
phase reaction (Tables 1 and 2).
from longer intervals showing all of the terminal phase of the
reaction have been omitted for clarity. Concentration-dependent hydrolysis of rifampicin
in O.1 M hydrochloric acid
The concentration-dependent hydrolysis of ri-
The rate constants are reported in Tables 1 fampicin was studied in 0.01 M hydrochloric acid
and 2. The second method can also be used to at two different initial concentrations of I. Fig. 1
calculate the apparent second-order reverse rate shows the change in concentration of 1 with time
constant and the equilibrium constant for each for these solutions. As in the previous study on
reaction (Eqn 2). These have not been reported ebifuramin hydrolysis (Prankerd and Stella, 1989),
the plots of rifampicin loss as a function of time
(Fig. 1) are interpreted in terms of a fast re-
versible reaction leading to a dynamic equilib-
Apparent first-order initial rate constants (ki,,it), apparent rium, followed by one or more parallel slower
first-order forward rate constants (k f) and corrected % remain- reactions which obey apparent pseudo-first order
ing for hydrolysis o f I in O.Ol M hydrochloric acid at 37°C, with
t w o different initial rifampicin concentrations
kinetics. The apparent first-order initial (k~n~t)
and forward rate constants (k r) are reported in
Initial kinit ( × 105) kf ( × 105) % I at t 0 Table 1. The slower reaction(s) corresponds to
conc (s t) (s 1) (corrected) loss of either rifampicin or its degradation prod-
(/zg/ml) ucts by parallel pseudo-first order reactions (see
1.05 9.74_+0.22 " 9.21 _+0.35 2.14_+0.05 Fig. 2). As would be expected for a reversible
2.18 8.31-+0.05 8.90_+0.04 3.00_+0.06 reaction (Scheme 1), the initial phase of the curves
a Errors are calculated from the range of replicate measure- in Fig. 1 indicates that the equilibrium dissocia-
ments. tion of rifampicin to It and lit is more complete

as the initial concentration of rifampicin is de- k f

1 + H20 . • II + 1II
creased. Concentration-dependent degradation of
rifampicin was previously observed by Seydel
(1970), but mistakenly attributed to precipitation
of II. secondary products

(k=kt + k2 + k 3)
Trapping experiment
The use of formaldehyde as a trapping agent
has been described previously for hydrolyses of S c h e m e 2.
ebifuramin (Prankerd and Stella, 1989). The
added aldehyde (in high concentration) competes
with the liberated aldehyde (II, in tile case of Hydrolysis of rifampicin as a function of pH
rifampicin) for the amine reaction product (Ill, in The hydrolysis of rifampicin was studied in the
the present study). For ebifuramin, addition of pH range 1-5 and at an initial concentration of
0.6 M formaldehyde to the reaction solutions (pH approx. 21 /.~g/ml. Plots of the time-dependent
1-5) converted the biphasic log concentration- concentrations of I (Fig. 3) at pH values in the
time plots to monophasic apparent first-order range of 1-5 did not follow pseudo-first order
plots with rate constants similar to kf at each pH. kinetics for more than about three half-lives, very
The results of the trapping experiment for ri- similar to those in Fig. 2. Fitting the data up to
fampicin (chloroacetate buffer, pH 2.8) are com- three half-lives to the standard equation for
pared to a similar reaction solution without pseudo-first order kinetics gave the apparent ini-
formaldehyde in Fig. 2. The figure shows that the tial rate constants (kinit) in Table 2. The concen-
presence of 1.0 M formaldehyde increased the tration-time data were also analyzed as described
initial slope of the log concentration vs time plot. above for reversible kinetics with a second order
However, the plot is still biphasic (due to the reverse reaction (method (ii) above). As previ-
competing reverse reaction). Thus, the concentra- ously described (Prankerd and Stella, 1989), a
tion of formaldehyde was not sufficient to convert feathering method was used to correct the con-
the reversible hydrolysis reaction to an irre- centration-time plots for the secondary degrada-
versible reaction. This result is interesting, by tion, described by Scheme 2, using Eqn 3:
comparison with the complete conversion to ap-
parent first-order behavior seen for ebifuramin ln[I]co~ = ln[I]t+kt (3)
(Prankerd and Stella, 1989), and indicates a very
high affinity of the 1,4,8-trihydroxynaphthalene-
2.00 -
3-carboxaldehyde group of 3-formylrifamycin SV
for the liberated amine (1-amino-4-methyl- 1.75
piperazine). It was decided not to pursue this 1.50 ~
approach to even higher concentrations, as other 1.25
effects of the added formaldehyde (such as polar- 1.00
ity) were expected to be large and rate constants 0
would not be expected to be close to kf for the
reversible reaction. In the study of ebifuramin 0.50 ~

(Prankerd and Stella, 1989), the apparent first- 0.25 ~

order rate constants in the presence of the trap- 0.00 ~
ping agent were typically 15-25% higher than -0.25 • i - = • i • i • | , i

those obtained using Eqns 1 and 2. These differ- 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
ences were ascribed to medium effects (presuma- tlrne ($ec)
bly on the transition state) from the added high Fig. 4. Typical plot of ln[ax e + x ( a - x e ) ] / a ( x e - x ) ( = In Q )
concentration of formaldehyde. as a function of time, a c c o r d i n g to E q n 1.

where k is the observed slope of the linear termi- -3.5

nal phase of the plot of In[l]/vs time, t, at each

pH value. The corrected concentrations [I]t were |
then employed in Eqn 1. The rate constants from -4.0 • • •
the terminal slopes (k) are regarded as apparent |

first-order rate constants which describe the over-

all loss of rifampicin after a pseudo-equilibrium
had been reached at each pH value. It was as-
sumed that the rate constants for the secondary slope = -
degradation reactions (k~, k 2, k 3) were all
pseudo-first order for the reaction conditions.
The apparent first-order forward rate constants -5.0 . ,.. " i " i . . . . . . . . .
0.5 10 0 25 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0\
obtained from Eqn 1 are reported in Table 2. In
all cases, the plots of the left-hand side of Eqn 1
Fig. 5. Dependence o f log kinit ( ~ ) and log k f (11) on p H for
vs time had zero intercept and were linear with the hydrolysis o f rifampicin (37°C, I = 0.1 M ) and an initial
standard errors of less than 10% of the slope at r i f a m p i c i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f 21 p , g / m l . E r r o r b a r s a r e f r o m
worst. A typical plot is shown in Fig. 4. The T a b l e 2. T h e d a t a f r o m S e y d e l (1970) is also p l o t t e d ( • ).
precision of fitting the data to Eqn 1 was less
than previously observed for ebifuramin. This was
largely due to the difficulty in accurately deter- spectrophotometric value of 1.7 to the azome-
mining the molar extent of reaction at equilib- thine nitrogen, consistent with other azome-
rium. The percent remaining of rifampicin, cor- thines, e.g. diazepam, p K a = 3.3 (Barrett et al.,
rected according to Eqn 3, was very small when 1973) and ebifuramin, p K a < 2 (Prankerd and
equilibrium was reached (Table 2). For this rea- Stella, 1989). The value of 7.9 should then be
son, the values for k r (0.05-1.0 M -1 s - l ) and assigned to ionization of the C 1, C a and C~
Keq (5 X 10-4-1 X 1 0 - 3 M) were very imprecise aromatic hydroxyl system. Also, the piperazine
and no relationship with pH could be recognized. N-CH 3 might be expected to exhibit an ionization
The values for kf were found to be similar to step with a p K a value in the range 6-8. For
those for kin" and their pH-rate profiles are example, N-nitroso-N'-methylpiperazine, which is
shown in Fig. 5. The apparent rate constants similar to the N-methylpiperazine side-chain
(kinit and kf) range from 1.5 × 10 - 4 to 1.2 x 10 -5 moiety of I, has pKa 5.93 (Perrin, 1965). This
s-~ for pH 1-5. The hydrolysis of ebifuramin is ionization would not be detected by the proce-
rather slower, as the rate constants (kf) varied dures reported so far (Maggi et al., 1966) for
from 2.8 x 10 -5 to 6.9 × 10 - 7 S - l for the same rifampicin.
pH range and temperature. The pH-rate profiles for k r and kinit (Fig. 5)
are not easily interpreted. Similar difficulties in
pH-rate profiles interpretation of the pH-rate profiles for hydroly-
The pK~ values for rifampicin have been re- sis of ebifuramin were previously reported
ported previously (Maggi et al., 1966; Gallo and (Prankerd and Stella, 1989), and a partial pH-rate
Radaelli, 1976; Kenny and Strates, 1981). Values profile for reversible hydrolysis of the diazepam
reported were 1.7 (from spectral data, assigned to azomethine bond is also irregular (Han et al.,
the C1, C 4 and C 8 phenolic hydroxyl groups) and 1977). The increased rate constants for hydrolysis
7.9 (potentiometric titration with sodium hydrox- of rifampicin at pH 2.8, compared to those at pH
ide, assigned to one of the piperazine nitrogens). 2.0 and 3.4 seem to be real. There is a similar
However, these assignments should be ques- discontinuity at about the same pH value in the
tioned. In particular, the value of pK~ = 1.7 seems corresponding pH-rate profile for diazepam (Han
to be too low for the aromatic hydroxyl system. et ai., 1977). This discontinuity was ascribed to
An alternative interpretation would assign the facile reformation of diazepam from its acyclic

hydrolysis p r o d u c t . D i f f e r e n c e s are seen on com- ( P r a n k e r d a n d Stella, 1989) that a p a t t e r n is

p a r i n g Fig. 5 with the c o r r e s p o n d i n g p H - r a t e e m e r g i n g o f u n u s u a l p H - r a t e profiles for hydroly-
profile for e b i f u r a m i n , w h e r e t h e r e is a m o r e - o r - sis of a z o m e t h i n e c o m p o u n d s which r e q u i r e s ad-
less c o n t i n u o u s d e c r e a s e in log k f as p H is raised. ditional basic study to fully c o m p r e h e n d .
Below p H 2, the profile for e b i f u r a m i n has a
slope which a p p r o a c h e s negative unity. F o r ri-
fampicin, a unit negative slope is s e e n b e t w e e n Acknowledgements
p H 4.3 and 5.0, b u t not at lower p H values. A
similar unit negative slope is s e e n for d i a z e p a m F i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t from S m i t h K l i n e B e e c h a m is
hydrolysis above its pK~l ( H a n et al., 1977). T h e s e gratefully a c k n o w l e d g e d . T h e a u t h o r s w o u l d like
n e g a t i v e slopes may result e i t h e r from specific to express t h e i r t h a n k s to C i b a - G e i g y a n d to
acid catalysis, o r from a kinetic e q u i v a l e n t involv- M e r r e l l - D o w for g e n e r o u s gifts of r i f a m p i c i n and
ing a c i d - b a s e e q u i l i b r i a of the s u b s t r a t e o r a a u t h e n t i c s a m p l e s of its d e g r a d a t i o n p r o d u c t s .
transient carbinolamine intermediate. Interpreta-
tion of t h e s e p H - r a t e profiles is difficult w i t h o u t a
k n o w l e d g e of the p K a for the t r a n s i e n t carbinol- References
a m i n e p r e s u m e d to b e f o r m e d on h y d r a t i o n of
the a z o m e t h i n e bond. Barrett, J., Smyth, W.F. and Davidson, I.E., An examination
Kinetics for hydrolysis o f the a z o m e t h i n e b o n d of acid-base equilibria of 1,4-benzodiazepines by spec-
o f I have previously b e e n r e p o r t e d in a systematic trophotometry. 3. Pharm. Pharmacol., 25 (1973) 387-393.
Connors, K.A., Amidon, G.L. and Stella, V.J., Chemical Sta-
fashion only over a very n a r r o w p H r a n g e ( 0 . 7 5 - bility of Pharmaceuticals, 2nd Edn, Wiley, New York,
1.75) (Seydel, 1970). T h e p H - r a t e profile given in 1986a, pp. 412-419.
Fig. 5 is in q u a l i t a t i v e a g r e e m e n t with that of Connors, K.A., Amidon, G.L. and Stella, V.J., Chemical Sta-
Seydel. T h e p r e s e n t d a t a shows t h a t at 37°C, the bility of Pharmaceuticals, 2nd Edn, Wiley, New York,
rate o f a z o m e t h i n e b o n d hydrolysis d e c r e a s e s by 1986b, pp. 621-624.
Gallo, G.G. and Radaelli, P., Rifampin In Florey, K. (Ed.),
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