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MOTI Engineering PLC


Procurement Reference Number: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz



July, 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
MOTI Engineering PLC BID Document 07/2023


Name of the
Client/Owner MOTI Engineering Plc,
Kirkos Sub city, wereda 10 ,
Africa Avenue, Mega House,4th floor, Office No. 410
Tel. +251 115 545059, +251 115 545060, +251 115 545061
2 Client’s
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
3 Site Location Addis Ababa, Kirkos Sub city, wereda 09.
i. Architectural Design Works: Floor plans, elevations and section, and all
related detail designs, specifications,
ii. Structural Design works: Soil test program considering the soil condition
of the area, plans for formwork, plans for slab reinforcement, foundation,
beams and columns reinforcement plans, sections, Bar bending
iii. Mechanical Design works : Detail design of any mechanical system
including report and calculation
iv. Electrical Design Works: Floor plans Details drawings for special item,
Distribution layout and wiring diagrams for all distribution boards,
Electrical and other necessary calculations.
Brief Scope of v. Sanitary Design Works: Floor plans, riser diagram, Detail drawings for
Work special items, Hydraulic and other necessary calculations
vi. Design Report: Each of the above shall be supported by design report.
vii. BOQ Preparation Work: preparation of bill of quantity, includes detail
item of works and quantities, and engineers estimate for the project and
takeoff sheet need to be include.
viii. Design Approval follow-up works: organizing all required documents
required by the respected authority, application for design approval,
approval stage process follow-up, and delivering the final approved
documents to the client (Obtaining all clearance from government
agencies as required and any other works related to this project)
ix. Construction Bid Document preparation Work: this work includes
preparation of a Standard Bid Document based on the design prepared.
Eligible A consultant need to Grade 1 REGISTERED Consulting ARCHITECTS/
As of July 17, 2023
Bid Floating Bid Document can be obtained from MOTI Engineering Plc office from the
Date: address given above during office hours (Monday to Friday 8:00AM to
5:00PM and Saturday, 8:30AM to 1:00PM) FREE OF CHARGE. And bidder

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MOTI Engineering PLC BID Document 07/2023

should present a renewed trade license, Tax Clearance Certificate, and VAT
Registration Certificate is a must.
The Bid Document is Available in Bothe Hard copy and soft copy
The deadline for Bid Proposal submissions:
(Closing Date
7 August 8, 2023
and Time)
Time – Before 12:00 AM
Date & Time of
August 8, 2023
8 Opening of
Time –2:00 PM
Technical Bid
Date & Time of
9 Opening of To Be decided
Financial Bid
A Bid Proposal security shall be required, the amount of the Bid Proposal
security shall be 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Birr). And the bid security must
10 Bid Bond
be attached in the original Technical document, Certified Payment Order
(CPO) or An unconditional Bank Guarantee
Bidders must submit the technical and financial document in separate
envelop. The technical and financial documents should have one original
Submission and one copy for each, clearly marked “ORIGINAL” and “COPY”. Each
Instruction envelope shall be stamped and sealed. The two sealed envelope must be
submitted in a THIRD ENVELOP and need to be stamped and sealed with
name of Bidder.
Mode of
Submission of
12 Through by hand and need to be placed in sealed bid Box
Expression of
Method of Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) (80:20)
Validity of the The bids shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of
14 the tenders.

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Section 1. Instruction to Bidders (ITB)

Section 2. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section 3. Evaluation Criteria
Section 4. Bidding Forms
Section 5. Eligible Countries


Section 6. Term of Reference (TOR)


Section 7. General Condition of Contract (GCC)

Section 8. Special Condition of contract (SCC)
Section 9. Contract Forms

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Part 1. BIDDING PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Section 1. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS ......................................................................................................................... 7
A. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
2. Source of Funds ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Fraud, Corruption and Complaint Provisions .................................................................................................... 8
4. Eligible Consultants .................................................................................................................................................. 9
5. Conflict Of Interest .................................................................................................................................................... 9
B. CONTENTS OF BID DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................... 10
6. Bid Documents ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
7. Written Questions/Clarification of Bid Document ......................................................................................... 11
8. Modification to Bid Document ............................................................................................................................ 11
9. Site Visit before Bid Proposal .............................................................................................................................. 11
C. PREPARATION OF BID PROPOSAL ................................................................................................................ 12
10. Cost of Bidding.................................................................................................................................................... 12
11. Language of Bid Proposal ................................................................................................................................ 12
12. Preparation of Bid Proposals........................................................................................................................... 12
13. Joint Venture or Consortium ........................................................................................................................... 12
14. Professional Qualifications and Capability of the Consultant ............................................................... 13
15. Financial Standing of the Consultant............................................................................................................ 13
16. Technical Qualifications, Compliance and Experience of the Consultant .......................................... 13
17. Professional Staff ................................................................................................................................................ 14
18. Technical Proposal Format and Content ..................................................................................................... 14
19. Financial Proposal Format and Content ...................................................................................................... 16
20. Currencies of Financial Proposal and Payment ......................................................................................... 17
21. Period of Validity of Bid Proposals ................................................................................................................ 18
22. Bid Security ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
23. Format and Signing of Bid Proposal ............................................................................................................. 19
D. SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BID PROPOSAL..................................................................................... 19
24. Sealing and Marking of Bid Proposals ......................................................................................................... 19
25. Deadline for submission of Bid Proposal .................................................................................................... 20
26. Late Bid Proposals .............................................................................................................................................. 20
27. Withdrawal, Substitution and Modification of Bid Proposals ............................................................... 20
28. Bid Proposal Opening ....................................................................................................................................... 21
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bid Proposals ................................................................................................. 22
29. Confidentiality ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
30. Clarification of Bid Proposals .......................................................................................................................... 22
31. Responsiveness of bid Proposals ................................................................................................................... 22
32. Nonconformities and Omissions ................................................................................................................... 23
33. Dubious price Quotations and Errors in calculation ................................................................................ 23
34. Margin of Preference ......................................................................................................................................... 23
35. Preliminary Examination of Bid Proposals................................................................................................... 23
36. Legal, professional, Technical and Financial Admissibility of Bid Proposal ....................................... 24
37. Evaluation of technical Proposals .................................................................................................................. 26
38. Opening of Financial Proposals...................................................................................................................... 26
39. Evaluation of Financial Proposals .................................................................................................................. 27
40. Comparison of Financial Proposals ............................................................................................................... 28
41. Negotiations ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
42. Post-Qualification Evaluation/ Due Diligence/ .......................................................................................... 29
43. Acceptance or Rejection of Bid Proposals .................................................................................................. 30

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44. Re-Advertising Bid Proposals.......................................................................................................................... 30

F. AWARD OF CONTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... 30
45. Award Criteria ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
46. Right to Vary Quantities at time of Award .................................................................................................. 30
47. Announcing and Awarding of the Successful Consultant ...................................................................... 30
48. Signing of Contract ............................................................................................................................................ 31
49. Performance Security ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Section 2. Bid Data Sheet (BDS) .................................................................................................................................... 32
Section 3. Evaluation Criteria ......................................................................................................................................... 37
Section 4. Bidding Forms ................................................................................................................................................ 41
Section 5. Eligible Countries .......................................................................................................................................... 60
Part 2. SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 61
Section 6. Term of Reference (TOR) ............................................................................................................................ 61
A. General Objective ............................................................................................................................................... 62
B. Scope of the Work ............................................................................................................................................. 62
C. General Design Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 63
D. Specific Design Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 67
E. Approach and Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 70
F. Deliverable Documents. ........................................................................................................................................ 74
Part 3. CONTRACT ............................................................................................................................................................ 75
Section 7. General Condition of Contract (GCC) ...................................................................................................... 76
A. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 77
B. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 79
C. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 81
D. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 83
E. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 83
F. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 83
G. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 85
Section 8. Special Condition of contract (SCC) ........................................................................................................ 86
Section 9. Contract Forms .............................................................................................................................................. 90
A. Contract Agreement .......................................................................................................................................... 91
B. Appendices ........................................................................................................................................................... 93
C. Performance Security ........................................................................................................................................ 95
D. Advanced Payment Security ............................................................................................................................ 96

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1. Introduction
With a core focus on ICT Network infrastructure, E-transaction processing solutions, enterprise
software, and digitization solutions, Moti Engineering PLC is one of the leading providers of
information and communication technology solutions in Ethiopia.

MOTI Engineering PLC, (herein after referred to as "MOTI"), seek to retain the services of
qualified consulting firm (hereinafter referred to as "the Consultant"), for execution of
Architectural and Engineering Design Service for A HIGH RISE MIXED USE APARTMENT
BUILDING at Addis Ababa, Kirkos Sub city’s wereda 09.

The Client is requesting for consultants to submit their Bid Proposals containing the Technical
and Financial Proposals separately with a view to entering into contract with MOTI for
Consultancy Service which general description is provided in the BDS.

The Bid Proposal will be the basis for contract negotiation and ultimately for a signed contract
with the selected Consultant.

The Consultancy Service that are subjects of this procurement process are more particularly
specified in Section 6. Terms of Reference upon the basis of information supplied in and in
accordance with the bid documents.

Shortlisted Consultants may submit on bid Proposal, if the consultant submits or participate
in more than one bid proposals, such proposal shall be disqualified

This Section 1. Instruction to Bidders shall not form a part of the contract. The purpose of these
Instructions are intended to assist shortlisted consultants in the preparation of their Bid

MOTI reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof and
also not bound to accept lowest tender.

MOTI retains ownership of all Bid Proposals submitted in response to this RFP. Consultants
have no rights to have their Bid proposals returned to them except late Bid Proposals.

Consultants are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, contract
provisions and specifications contained in this Bid document. Consultants are advised to
conduct development site before submitting the Bid Proposals.

The permitted method of communication shall be in writing. Throughout this bid document
the term ‘in writing’ means, communicated in written form and delivered against receipt.

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2. Source of Funds
Payment will be made directly by MOTI, for Activity, unit Quantity, unit cost total. 1.1.
Architectural Design Works: which includes, Floor plan Drawings, elevations and section
drawings, Site plan, 3D design and all related detail designs, specifications, 1.2. Structural
Design works: which includes, Soil test program considering the soil condition of the area,
Structural analysis report, plans for formwork, plans for slab reinforcement, foundation, beams
and columns reinforcement plans, sections, bar bending schedules 1.3. Mechanical Design
works: which includes, detail design of any mechanical system including report and calculation
1.4. Electrical Design Works: which includes, Floor plans Details drawings for special item,
Distribution layout and wiring diagrams for all distribution boards, Electrical and other
necessary calculations and report.1.5. Sanitary Design Works: which includes, floor plans, riser
diagram, Detail drawings for special items, Hydraulic and other necessary calculations and
reports. 1.6. BOQ Preparation Work: preparation of bill of quantity, includes detail item of
works and quantities, and engineers estimate for the project and takeoff sheet need to be
include. 1.7. Design Approval follow-up works: which includes, organizing all required
documents required by the respected authority, application for design approval, approval
stage process follow-up, and delivering the final approved documents to the client (Obtaining
all clearance from government agencies as required and any other works related to this
project) 1.8. Construction Bid Document preparation Work: this work includes preparation of
a Standard Construction Bid Document for the building based on the design prepared. And
will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the resulting contract placed by

3. Fraud, Corruption and Complaint Provisions

MOTI observes the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of
contracts. In pursuance of this policy, MOTI defines for the purpose of this provision, the terms
set forth below as follows:
‘Corrupt Practice’ is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything
of value to influence improperly the action of a technical team in the procurement process or
in contract execution.
‘Fraudulent Practice’ is a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a
procurement process or execution of a contract.
‘Collusive Practice’ is a scheme or arrangement between two or more parties, with or without
the knowledge of MOTI, designed to establish price at artificial, non-competitive level and
‘Coercive Practices’ is harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly. Parties or their
property to influence their participation in the procurement process or affect the execution of
a contract.
Subject to the recent edition of Public Procurement proclamation and procurement directive,
a candidate or consultant aggrieved or likely to be aggrieved on account of MOTI requesting
a bid proposal not complying with the provision of Public Procurement proclamation and

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procurement directive in conducting a Bid Proposal proceeding may present complaint to the
head of MOTI to have the Bid Proposal proceeding reviewed or investigated.
Any compliant must be submitted in writing to the head of MOTI, within five (5) working days
from the date the Consultant knew, or should have known, of the circumstances given rise to
the compliant. If the head of MOTI dose not issue a decision within ten (10) working days after
submission of complaint, or the candidate or the consultant is not satisfied with the decision,
it may submit the complaint to the Board within five (5) working days from the date on which
the decision has been or should have been communicated to the candidate or the consultant
by MOTI. The Boards’ decision is binding for both parties.

4. Eligible Consultants
All shortlisted Consultant interested to participate in the tender should meet the following
minimum qualifying criteria, which includes, Registered Grade 1 Consulting Architects or
Registration Grade 1 Consulting Architects and Engineers firm with respective governmental
body. Copy of the Registration Certificate valid as on date should be enclosed.

The consultant need to satisfy the Minimum evaluation Criteria attached at Section 3:
Evaluation Criteria. Details should be furnished in the format ‘Form T1: Technical Proposal
Submission Sheet at Section 4.

The consultant need to have a valid and renewed trade license for the year; and Bidders should
be VAT registered. Bidders should have an establishment of at least five years and the principal
partners/ owner should have professional qualification and experience of 10 years in the field
of Architecture/Planning etc. Details should be furnished in the format ‘Form T 2: Consultants
Certification Compliance at Section 4.

Details of similar projects handled by the biding firm (initiated or completed in the last 5 years)
and Should have successfully designed and completed minimum Five work of similar projects
during the past five years giving date of start, date of completion, built up area, cost of project
and delay if any attributable to the firm. Photographs of work may also be given if available.

The consultant need to present details of the composition of the team to be deployed for this
Project with their qualification, experience profile List of Experts/ Specialists such as Architects,
Structural consultants, Cost Estimators, quantity surveyors etc. Details should be furnished in
the format Form T1: Technical Proposal Submission Sheet at Section 4.

The consultant need to present evidence of Availability of in-house Software and hardware
facilities and must have an office at Addis Ababa.

5. Conflict Of Interest
It is required that Consultants provide professional, objective, and impartial advice and at all
times hold MOTI interests’ paramount, strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their
own corporate interest and act without any consideration for future work. Without limitation

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on the generality of the forgoing, consultants, and any of their affiliates, shall be considers to
have a conflict of interest and shall not be recruited, under any of the circumstances set forth
A firm that has been engaged by MOTI to provide goods, works or services other than
consultancy service for a project, and any of its affiliates, shall be disqualified from providing
consultancy service related to those goods, works, or services. Conversely, a firm hired to
provide consultancy services for the preparation or implementation of project, and any of its
affiliates, shall be disqualified from subsequently providing goods, works, or services other
than consultancy services resulting from or directly related to the firms’ Consultancy service
are defined as those leading to a measurable physical output.
A consultant (including its personnel and sub-consultants) or affiliates shall not be hired for
any assignment that, by its nature, may be in conflict with another assignment of the
consultant to be executed for the same or for another. For example; a consultant hired to
prepare TOR for an assignment should not be hired for the assignment in question.
Consultants have an obligation to disclose any situation of actual or potential conflict that
impact their capacity to serve the best interest of MOTI. Or that may reasonably be perceived
as having this effect. Failure to disclosed said situation may lead to the disqualification of the
consultant or the termination of its contract.
If a shortlisted consultant could derive a competitive advantage from having provided
Consultancy services related to the assignment in question, MOTI shall make available to all
shortlisted consultants together with this Bid Document all information that would in that
respect give such consultant any competitive advantage over competing Consultants.


6. Bid Documents
The Bid Document consists of PART 1, 2, 3, which include all the sections indicated below and
should be read in conjunction with any Addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause at
Section 2: BDS.
Section 1. Instruction to Bidders (ITB)
Section 2. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section 3. Evaluation Criteria
Section 4. Bidding Forms
Section 5. Eligible Countries
Section 6. Term of Reference (TOR)
Section 7. General Condition of Contract (GCC)
Section 8. Special Condition of contract (SCC)

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Section 9. Contract Forms

MOTI, is not responsible for the incompactness if the Bid Proposals, and if not obtained directly
from MOTI, the consultant will be rejected during evaluation.
Consultants are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, contract
provisions and specifications contained in this Bid document. Failure to furnish all information
or documents required and stated in the bud document may result in the rejection of the Bid

7. Written Questions/Clarification of Bid Document

The consultant requesting any clarification of TOR shall contact MOTI in writing at MOTI
Engineering Plc address indicated in BDS. MOTI Engineering Plc will respond in writing to any
request for clarification, provided that such request is received no later than ten (10) days prior
to the deadline for the submission of bid proposals.

MOTI Engineering Plc shall forward copies of the response to all consultant who have received
expression of interest directly, including a description of the inquiry but without reference to
the identity of the shortlisted consultants initiating the request.

Should MOTI deem it necessary to amend the TOR as a result of a clarification, it shall do so
following procedure. Only the written response will be considered official and carry weight the
procurement process and subsequent evaluation. Any answers received outside the official
channels, whether received verbally or in writing, from employees or representatives of or any
other party, shall not be considered official response to questions regarding this Tender.

8. Modification to Bid Document

Where MOTI finds it necessary to introduce modification to the TOR on its initiative or on the
basis of request for clarification by consultants, MOTI may modify the TOR at any time prior
to the deadline for submission of Bid Proposals. Any alteration to the content of the Tender
document, shall be at the same time be communicated in the form of amendment to all
shortlisted consultants and will be binding on them.

Consultants are required to immediately acknowledge receipt of any such amendments, and
it will be assumed that the information contained in the amendment will have been taken into
account by the consultants in its bid proposal. MOTI may, at its discretion, extend the closing
date for submission of bid proposal where it modifies a TOR, if it is assumed that the time
remaining before the closing date is not sufficient for consultants to prepare adjusted proposal
documents on the basis of such modification.

9. Site Visit before Bid Proposal

All shortlisted Consultants are strongly advised to visit the development site prior to
submitting the Bid Proposals.

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10. Cost of Bidding

The consultant shall bear any, and all costs related to the preparation and/or submission of
the Proposal, regardless of whether it’s Proposal was selected or not. MOTI shall not be
responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the procurement

11. Language of Bid Proposal

The Proposal, as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the Bidder and MOTI, shall
be written English.

12. Preparation of Bid Proposals

The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence of its status as an eligible and qualified vendor,
using the Forms provided under Section 6 and providing documents required in those forms.
To award a contract to a Bidder, its qualifications must be documented to Clients’ satisfaction.
Material deficiencies in providing the information requested in the RFP may result in rejection
of the Proposal. Consultants are requested to submit separate technical and financial

13. Joint Venture or Consortium

If the consultant is a group of legal entities that will form or have formed a Joint Venture (JV),
Consortium or Association for the Proposal, they shall confirm in their Proposal that : they
have designated one party to act as a lead entity, duly vested with authority to legally bind
the members of the JV, Consortium or Association jointly and severally, which shall be
evidenced by a duly notarized Agreement among the legal entities, and submitted with the
Proposal; and if they are awarded the contract, the contract shall be entered into, by and
between MOTI and the designated lead entity, who shall be acting for and on behalf of all the
member entities comprising the joint venture.
After the Deadline for Submission of Proposal, the lead entity identified to represent the JV,
Consortium or Association shall not be altered without the prior written consent of MOTI. The
lead entity and the member entities of the JV, Consortium or Association shall abide by the
necessary legal, technical and financial requirement respect of submitting only one proposal.
The description of the organization of the JV, Consortium or Association must clearly define
the expected role of each of the entity in the joint venture in delivering the requirements of
the RFP, both in the Proposal and the JV, Consortium or Association Agreement. All entities
that comprise the JV, Consortium or Association shall be subject to the eligibility and
qualification assessment by MOTI.

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A JV, Consortium or Association in presenting its track record and experience should clearly
differentiate between:
a) Those that were undertaken together by the JV, Consortium or Association; and
b) Those that were undertaken by the individual entities of the JV, Consortium or
Previous contracts completed by individual experts working privately but who are permanently
or were temporarily associated with any of the member firms cannot be claimed as the
experience of the JV, Consortium or Association or those of its members, but should only be
claimed by the individual experts themselves in their presentation of their individual
credentials. JV, Consortium or Associations are encouraged for high value, multi-sectoral
requirements when the spectrum of expertise and resources required may not be available
within one firm.

14. Professional Qualifications and Capability of the

In order to proof their professional qualifications and capability, Consultants must provide
their team skills matrix and personnel statistics for the period specified in BDS by completing
the relevant tables in the form entitled Consultants certification of compliance furnished in
section 4, Bidding Forms.
For key professionals, consultants must provide resumes that identify years of experience,
relevant projects implementation experiences, and relevant education and training.
Consultants must provide references for proposed personnel, ensuring that reference provide
will be available to be contacted during the evaluation timeframe of the bid Proposals.

15. Financial Standing of the Consultant

In order to proof that it has adequate financial resources to manage this contract the
Consultant must present its financial data by completing relevant table in the form entitled
Consultants certification of compliance furnished in section 4, Bidding Forms.
Financial statement certified by an independent auditor; other documents as stated in the BDS

16. Technical Qualifications, Compliance and Experience of

the Consultant
The consultant must present a description of its company and organization, with appropriate
references to any parent company and subsidiaries. The consultant shall also include details
demonstrating the consultants’ experience and ability in providing the consultancy service
listed in section 6, TOR. Also, Consultant shall include a description of how it plans to manage
the consultancy service.
This information shall be included in a separate form entitled Consultants certification of
compliance furnished in section 4, Bidding Forms.

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As a proof of satisfactory execution of contracts, the consultant must provide Certificate of

satisfactory execution of previous contracts provided by other contracting party. With a
budget of at least that of this contract, and for similar size/type contracts. For verification so
as to provide due diligence, contact information should be included, at minimum: name,
function, address, phone number, value of contract, time and place of performance of the
If the Consultant(s) proposed a joint venture all of the information listed above must be
provided for all of the joint venture members. This information shall be in separate section,
one section per joint venture members.
In addition, the Bid Proposal shall provide the agreements that support the relationships
between joint venture members.
MOTI reserve the right to undertake physical checking of current Consultants’’ technical
qualifications and competence in order to make sure that the consultants has adequate
qualifications to manage this contract.

17. Professional Staff

The estimated number of professional staff-months or the budget for executing the
assignment shall be shown in the BDS. But not both. However, the proposal shall be based on
the number of professional staff-months or budget estimated by the Consultant.
It is desirable that the majority of proposed professional staff is permanent employees of the
consultants or has an extended and stable working relationship with the consultant.
Proposed staff must have relevant experience, preferably under condition similar to those
prevailing in the FDRE, alternative professional staff shall not be proposed, and only one
Curriculum Vitae (CV) may be submitted for each position.

18. Technical Proposal Format and Content

All Technical Proposals submitted must comply with the requirements in the Request for
Proposals and comprise the following:
Depending on the nature of the assignment, Consultants are required to submit a Full
Technical Proposal (FTP) or a Simplified Technical Proposal (STP). The BDS indicates the format
of the Technical Proposal to be submitted. Submission of the wrong type of Technical Proposal
will result in the Proposal being deemed non- responsive. The Technical Proposal shall provide
the information indicated in the following paragraphs using the attached Standard Forms
(Section 4).
Mandatory documentary evidence establishing the Consultant's qualification is the following:
 Technical Proposal Submission Sheet (Section 4, Form T1) including the following
mandatory attachments:
 VAT registration certificate issued by the tax authority (only domestic Consultants)
in case of contract value as specified in BDS Clause 4.5;

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 A valid tax clearance certificate issued by the tax authority (only domestic
 Relevant professional practice certificates, as appropriate.
 Consultant Certification of Compliance (Section 4,Form T2) including the following
mandatory information and attachments:
 Brief description of the Consultants' organization [Form T2, Sub-Clause (C)]:
For the FTP only: a brief description of the Consultants' organization and an outline of recent
experience of the Consultants and, in the case of joint venture, for each partner, on
assignments of a similar nature is required in Sub-Clauses (a) and (c) of Form T2. For each
assignment, the outline should indicate the names of Sub- Consultants/ Professional staff who
participated, duration of the assignment, contract amount, and Consultant's involvement.
Information should be provided only for those assignments for which the Consultant was
legally contracted by MOTI as a corporation or as one of the major firms within a joint venture.
Assignments completed by individual Professional staff working privately or through other
consulting firms cannot be claimed as the experience of the Consultant, or that of the
Consultant's associates, but can be claimed by the Professional staff themselves in their CVs.
Consultants should he prepared to substantiate the claimed experience if so, requested by
MOTI. For the STP the above information is not required and Sub-Clauses Clauses (a) and (c)
of Form T 2 shall not be used

Comments and suggestions on the Terms of Reference [Form T 2, Sub-Clause (f) I:

For the FTP only comments and suggestions on the Terms of Reference including workable
suggestions that could improve the quality/ effectiveness of the assignment; and on
requirements for counterpart staff and facilities including: administrative support, office space,
local transportation, equipment, data, etc. to be provided by MOTI (Form T 3 of Section 4)
For the STP Sub-Clauses (f) and (1) of Form T 2 shall not be used; the above comments and
suggestions, if any, should be incorporated into the description of the approach and
methodology (refer to following sub-clause 18.2 (c) (ii)).
Written statement by a power of attorney (or notary statement, etc.) proving that the person,
who signed the Bid Proposal on behalf of the company/joint venture/consortium, is duly
authorized to do so, as stipulated in ITB Clause 23.2
Documents required in the BDS and on Form T2 (b) as proof of the Consultant's financial
standing. Certificates of satisfactory execution of contracts provided by contracting parties to
the contracts successfully completed in the course of the period as specified in the BDS with a
budget of at least that of this contract, unless otherwise specified in the Section 3: (C).
CVs of the Professional staff signed by the staff themselves or by the authorized representative
of the Professional Staff (Form T 4 of Section 4).
Technical Proposal (Section 4, Form T 3) including description of the approach, methodology
and work plan, and mandatory attachments, as follows:

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For the FTP, and STP: a description of the approach, methodology and work plan for
performing the assignment converting the following subjects: technical approach and
methodology, work plan, and organization and staffing schedule.
Guidance on the content of this section of the Technical Proposals is provided under Form T
3 of Section 4.
The work plan should be consistent with the Table Work Schedule (Sub-Clause (d) of Form T3)
which will show in the form of a bar chart the timing proposed for each activity,
For the STP only: the description of the approach, methodology and work plan should normally
consist of 10 pages, including charts, diagrams, and comments and suggestions, if any, on
Terms of Reference and counterpart staff and facilities.
The list of the proposed Professional staff team by area of expertise, the position that would
be assigned to each staff team member, and their tasks (Sub-Clause (e) of Form T 3). Estimates
of the staff input (staff-months of foreign and local professionals) needed to carry out the
assignment (Sub-Clause (f) of Form T 3). The staff-months input should be indicated separately
for home office and field activities, and for foreign and local Professional staff.
For the FTP only: a detailed description of the proposed methodology and staffing for training,
if the TOR specifies training as a specific component of the assignment. Bid Security, in
accordance with ITB Clause 22.1
Any other document or information required to be completed and submitted by consultants,
as specified in the BDS.
The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information, A Technical Proposal
containing financial information may be declared non responsive.

19. Financial Proposal Format and Content

All Financial Proposals submitted must comply with the requirements in the Request of
Proposal and shall list all costs associated with the assignment, using the following mandatory
documentary evidence and standard forms contained in Section 4, Bidding Forms that will
establish the Consultant's qualification:
Financial Proposal Submission Sheet (Section 4, Form F 1);
Financial Proposal (Section 4, Form F 2) including the following mandatory information and
 Financial Proposal Total Price (Sub-Clause (a) of Form F 2);
 Breakdown of Financial Proposal by activity (Sub-Clause (b) of Form F 2);
 Breakdown of Fees (Time-Based), (Sub-Clause (c) of Form F 2);
 Breakdown of Fees (Lump-Sum), (Sub-Clause (d) of Form F 2);
 Breakdown of Reimbursable Expenses as indicated in BDS (Time-Based). (Sub-Clause
(e) of Form F 2);
 Breakdown of Reimbursable Expenses (Lump-Sum), (Sub-Clause (f) of Form F 2);
The total Financial Proposal price shall be broken down into the following cost components
using the appropriate forms:

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 Fees for staff, indicating rates for home and field work, where appropriate; and
 Reimbursable expenditure, such as subsistence, transportation (international and local
for mobilization and demobilization), services and equipment (vehicles, office
equipment, furniture, and supplies), printing of documents, translation, and other
incidental expenses as indicated in the BDS Clause 19.1(b) (v).
 Where a foreign Consultant plans to use local Consultants the portion of the Financial
Proposal representing such local cost shall be expressed in ETB.
 Where indicated in the BDS, the total Financial Proposal price shall be broken down
into separate activities and corresponding tables in Financial Proposal (Form F 2) shall
be completed for each activity.
 The Financial Proposal should clearly estimate, as a separate amount, the local taxes
(such as: value added or sales tax, social charges or income taxes on nonresident
Foreign Personnel, duties, fees, levies ' and other charges imposed on the Consultant
and their personnel (other than nationals of or permanent residents in the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia), unless the BDS specifies otherwise.
 The completed Financial Proposal forms, adjusted if necessary, during evaluation or
negotiation, will be used in any resulting Agreement, to compile the:
Breakdown of Contract Price in the case of a Lump Sum contract, which will be used only to
determine prices for any additional Services or costs;
 Cost Estimates in the case of a Time-Based contract, with payment being made for the
actual inputs provided, using the rates in the Cost Estimates.
 The Consultant offering conditional discounts shall indicate the methodology for their
application in the Financial Proposal Submission Sheet.
 If so, indicated in BDS Sub-Clause 1.4, Proposals are being invited for contracts
(package). Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, prices quoted shall correspond to
100 % of the items specified and to 100% of the quantities specified for each item.
Consultants wishing to offer any price reduction for the award of more than one
Contract shall specify in their Financial Proposal the price reductions applicable to each
package or, alternatively, to individual Contracts within the package. Price reductions
shall be submitted in accordance with ITB, provided the Financial Proposals submitted
and opened at the same time
The type of contract is indicated in the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC).

20. Currencies of Financial Proposal and Payment

For those inputs to the Consultancy Services which the Consultant expects to provide from
within Ethiopia, the prices shall be quoted in the Ethiopian Bin, unless otherwise specified in
the BDS.
For those inputs to the Consultancy Services which the Consultant expects to provide from
outside Ethiopia, the prices shall be quoted in the freely convertible currency. If the Consultant

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wishes to be paid in a combination of amounts in different currencies, it may quote its price
accordingly but use no more than three currencies different from Ethiopian Birr.

21. Period of Validity of Bid Proposals

Bid Proposals shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS, commencing on the
Deadline for Submission of Proposals. A Proposal valid for a shorter period may be rejected
by MOTI and rendered non-responsive.
During the Proposal validity period, the consultants shall maintain its original Proposal without
any change, including the availability of the Key Personnel, the proposed rates, and the total
In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the proposal validity period, MOTI may
request consultants to extend the period of validity of their Proposals. The request and the
responses shall be made in writing and shall be considered integral to the Proposal. If the
consultants agrees to extend the validity of its Proposal, it shall be done without any change
in the original Proposal. The consultants has the right to refuse to extend the validity of its
Proposal, and in which case, such Proposal will not be further evaluated.

22. Bid Security

Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the consultant shall furnish as part of its Bid Proposal,
a Bid Security in the original form in the amount and currency specified in the BDS. A copy of
Bid Security, if submitted without original form, shall not be accepted.
The Bid Security shall be, at the consultants’ options, in any of the following forms:
 An unconditional Bank Guarantee,
 Certified Payment Order (CPO)
The Bid Security shall be submitted either using Bid Security form included in Section 4,
Bidding Forms, or in other substantially similar format approved by MOTI.
In either case, the form must include the complete name of the Consultant.
The bid security shall be valid for Sixty (60) days beyond the end of the validity period of the
Bid Proposal. This shall also apply if the period of Bid Proposal validity period is extended.
Any Bid Proposal not accompanied by a substantial responsive Bid Security, if one is required
in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 22.1, shall be rejected by MOTI as non-responsive.
Consultants’ furnishing of the performance security pursuant to ITB.
The Bid Security of successful consultant shall be returned as promptly as possible once the
successful Consultant has signed the contract and furnished the required performance
The Bid Security may be forfeited:
 If a Consultant withdraws its Bid Proposal during the period of bid validity specified by
the on the Bid Submission sheet, except as provided in ITB
If the successful consultant fails to:
 Sign the contract in accordance with ITB.

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 Furnish a performance security in accordance with ITB.

23. Format and Signing of Bid Proposal

The Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal envelopes MUST BE COMPLETELY
SEPARATE and each of them must be submitted sealed individually and clearly marked on the
outside as either “TECHNICAL BID” or “FINANCIAL BID”, as appropriate.
PART-I- TECHNICAL BID: The envelope shall be marked PART-I- TECHNICAL BID and
shall contain the information/ documents as per (Section 4, Form T1, T2, T3 and T4.
PART-II- FINANCIAL BID: The envelope shall be marked PART-II- FINANCIAL BID will
contain consultancy fee for executing the job in the format enclosed as (Section 4, Form F1
and F2. [No condition i.e. deviations / assumptions / stipulations / clarifications / comments /
any other request whatsoever should be imposed. The conditional offers will be rejected.]
Bidding consultants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their
proposals and contract negotiation. The biding consultant firms are strongly advised to submit
a sealed offer in two bid system containing Technical bid and a financial bid, where the TWO
Separate Envelops will be submitted in a THIRD ENVELOPE, sealed and with all required
The bid documents shall be signed by the Bidder or person(s) duly authorized to commit the
Bidder. All pages of the documents shall be signed / stamped. If the bidder is a proprietary
firm, the application shall be signed by the proprietor above his full typewritten name, position
and the full name of his/her firm with its current address.
All pages of original technical and financial proposals, except for non-amended printed
literature, shall be signed or initiated by the person signing the technical and financial


24. Sealing and Marking of Bid Proposals

Hard copy (manual) submission by courier or hand delivery allowed or specified in the BDS
shall be governed as follows:
The signed Proposal shall be marked “Original”, and its copies marked “Copy” as appropriate.
The number of copies is indicated in the BDS. All copies shall be made from the signed original
only. If there are discrepancies between the original and the copies, the original shall prevail.
The Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal envelopes MUST BE COMPLETELY
SEPARATE and each of them must be submitted sealed individually and clearly marked on the
outside as either “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” or “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”, as appropriate.
Each envelope SHALL clearly indicate the name of the Consultant. The outer envelopes shall:

i. Bear the name and address of the bidder.

ii. Be addressed to as specified in the BDS

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iii. Bear a warning that states “Not to be opened before the time and date for proposal
opening” as specified in the BDS.
If the envelopes and packages with the Proposal are not sealed and marked as required, MOTI
shall assume no responsibility for the misplacement, loss, or premature opening of the

25. Deadline for submission of Bid Proposal

Complete Proposals must be received by MOTI in the manner, and no later than the date and
time, specified in the BDS. MOTI shall only recognize the date and time that the bid was
received by MOTI.
MOTI shall not consider any Proposal that is submitted after the deadline for the submission
of Proposals.

26. Late Bid Proposals

MOTI shall not consider any Bid Proposal that arrives after the deadline for submission of
Bod Proposals, in accordance with ITB Clause 25.1 any Bid Proposal received by MOTI after
the deadline for submission of Bid Proposal shall be declared late, rejected, and returned
unopened to the consultant.

27. Withdrawal, Substitution and Modification of Bid

A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Proposal after it has been submitted at any
time prior to the deadline for submission. A bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its
Proposal by sending a written notice to MOTI, duly signed by an authorized representative,
and shall include a copy of the authorization (or a Power of Attorney).
The corresponding substitution or modification of the Proposal, if any, must accompany the
respective written notice. All notices must be submitted in the same manner as specified for
submission of proposals, by clearly marking them as “WITHDRAWAL” “SUBSTITUTION,” or
All notice must be:
 Submitted in accordance with ITB clause 25.1 (except that withdrawals notices do not
require copies), and in addition, the respective envelopes shall be clearly marked
‘Withdrawal’, ‘Substitution’, ‘Modification’ and
 Received by MOTI prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of Bid Proposals, in
accordance to ITB clause 25.1
Bid withdrawal requested to be withdrawn in accordance with shall be returned unopened to
consultants, Bid proposal withdrawal notice received after Bid Proposal submission deadline
will be ignored, and the submitted Bid Proposal will be deemed to be a validly submitted Bid

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28. Bid Proposal Opening

MOTI shall conduct the Bid Proposal opening in the presence of consultants’ designated
representative who choose to attained, and at the address, date and time specified in BDS. The
opening of the Bid proposal shall not be affected by the absence of the consultant on their
own will.
First, outer envelope Marked ‘WITHDRAWAL’ shall be opened and read out and the envelope
with the corresponding Bid Proposal shall not be opened. But returned to the Consultant. No
bid proposal shall be submitted unless the corresponding withdrawal notice contains a valid
authorization to request the withdrawal and is read out at Bid Proposal Opening.
Next, outer envelopes marked ‘SUBSTITUTION’ shall be opened and read out and exchanged
with the corresponding Bid Proposal binge substituted, and the substituted Bid Proposal shall
not be opened, but returned to the consultant. No Bid Proposal substitution shall be permitted
unless the corresponding substitution notice contains a valid authorization of request the
substitution and read out at Bid opening.
Outer envelopes marked ‘Modification’ shall be opened and read out with corresponding Bid
Proposal. No Bid proposal modification shall be permitted unless the corresponding
modification notice contains a valid authorization of request the modification and read out at
Bid opening. Only envelopes that are opened out at Bid Proposal opening shall be considered
All outer envelopes containing Technical Proposals shall be opened one at a time, reading out:
the name of the Consultant, the presence of Bid Security, if required, and any other salient
points of Technical Proposal as MOTI may consider appropriate.
The envelope containing the Financial Proposal of all Consultants shall be put in to one large
envelope unopened. The large envelope containing the Financial Proposals shall be properly
sealed and labeled with the procurement reference number and a statement indicating that
the envelopes therein contain Financial Proposals written on it and employees of MOTI
executing the bid opening proceeding putting their respective signatures on it.
The large envelope containing the Financial Proposal shall remain sealed and kept carefully
under the custody of the procurement unit or any other unit entrusted with the custody of the
envelope until the second Bid opening proceeding.
MOTI shall record the minutes of the Bid Proposal opening that shall include, as a minimum:
the name of the consultant and whether there is withdrawal, substitution, or modification, the
presence or absence of a Bid Proposal Security, if one was required, and any other salient
points raised in the Bid Proposal opening proceeding. The consultants’’ representative who
are present shall be requested to sign contents and effect of the minutes. A copy of the
minutes shall be distributed to all consultants, any Bid Proposals not opened and read out
during the Bid Proposal opening proceeding shall not be considered for further evaluation.

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E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bid Proposals

29. Confidentiality
Information relating to the examination, evaluation, clarification, and comparison of Bid
Proposal. And recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to consultants or nay
other persons not officially concerned with such process until information of contract award is
communicated to all Consultants.
Any effort by a consultant to influence MOTI in the examination, evaluation, and comparison
of Bid Proposal or contract decision may result in rejection of its Bid Proposal. Notwithstanding
the time of BID Proposal opening to the time of contract award, if any consultant wishes to
contact MOTI on any Matter related to the bidding process, it should do so in writing.

30. Clarification of Bid Proposals

To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Proposals, MOTI may, at its
discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification of its Proposal.
MOTI’s request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in the prices
or substance of the Proposal shall be sought, offered, or permitted, except to provide
clarification, and confirm the correction of any arithmetic errors discovered by MOTI in the
evaluation of the Proposals, in accordance with Bid Document.
Any unsolicited clarification submitted by a Bidder in respect to its Proposal, which is not a
response to a request by MOTI, shall not be considered during the review and evaluation of
the Proposals.

31. Responsiveness of bid Proposals

MOTI’s determination of a proposal’s responsiveness will be based on the contents of the
Proposal itself. A substantially responsive Proposal is one that conforms to all the terms,
conditions, TOR, and other requirements of the RFP without material deviation, reservation, or
If a Proposal is not substantially responsive, it shall be rejected by MOTI’s and may not
subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the material deviation,
reservation, or omission.
Decision to the effect that the bid is not substantially responsive must be duly justified in
evaluation minutes.
If only one Bid Proposal meets salient requirements and not otherwise disqualified, MOTI’s
may still complete the full evaluation of the Bid Proposal and sign contracts with that
consultant if the Bid Proposal submitted by such consultant is satisfactory to MOTI and price
offered by the consultant is comparable to or less than market price of the required object of

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32. Nonconformities and Omissions

Provided that a Proposal is substantially responsive, MOTI may waive any non-conformities or
omissions in the Proposal that, in the opinion of MOTI, do not constitute a material deviation.
MOTI may request the Bidder to submit the necessary information or documentation, within
a reasonable period, to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the Proposal
related to documentation requirements. Such omission shall not be related to any aspect of
the price of the Proposal. Failure of the Bidder to comply with the request may result in the
rejection of its Proposal.

33. Dubious price Quotations and Errors in calculation

For Financial Proposal that has been opened, MOTI shall check and correct arithmetical errors
as follows:
 If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the line-item total that is obtained
by multiplying the unit price by the quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the line-
item total shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of MOTI there is an obvious
misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price; in which case the line-item total
as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected.
 If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals,
the subtotals shall prevail, and the total shall be corrected; and
 If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail,
unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case
the amount in figures shall prevail.
If the consultant that submitted the lowest evaluated financial proposal does not accept the
correction of errors made by MOTI, its Proposal shall be rejected.

34. Margin of Preference

Preference shall be granted for consultancy companies that satisfies the following conditions
 Registered Grade 1 Consulting Architects or Registration Grade 1 Consulting Architects
and Engineers firm with respective governmental body.
 Consulting firm should have an establishment of at least five years and the principal
partners/ owner should have professional qualification and experience of 10 years in
the field of Architecture/Planning etc.
 The firm / company must have office in Addis Ababa.

35. Preliminary Examination of Bid Proposals

MOTI shall examine the Bid Proposals to confirm that all documentary evidence establishing
the Consultant's qualification requested in ITB have been provided, and to determine whether
Bid Proposal comply with administrative requirements of the Request for Proposals.
From the time the Proposals are opened to the time the Contract is awarded, the Consultants
should not contact MOTI on any matter related to its Technical and/or Financial Proposal. Any

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effort by consultants to influence MOTI in the examination, evaluation, ranking of Proposals,

and recommendation for award of Contract may result in the rejection of the Consultants'
MOTI may determine Bid Proposal as not responsive when:
Consultant has failed to submit Written statement by a power of attorney (or notary statement,
etc.) proving that the person, who signed the Bid Proposal on behalf of the company/joint
venture/consortium, is duly authorized to do so Original and all copies of the Bid Proposal are
not typed or written in indelible ink and signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf
of the Consultant.
All pages of the Bid Proposal, except for non-amended printed descriptive literature, are not
signed or initialed by the person signing the Bid Proposal.
Bid Proposal is not written in language specified in the BDS Clause 11.1;
Consultant has failed to submit signed and dated Technical Proposal Submission Sheet,
Form T1;
Consultant has failed to submit signed and dated Price Schedule Form;
Consultant has failed to submit signed and dated Consultant Certification of
Compliance, Form T2;
Consultant has failed to submit signed and dated Technical Proposal, Form T 3;
Consultant has failed to submit signed and dated Bid Security;
The Bid Security is not in accordance with ITB.

36. Legal, professional, Technical and Financial Admissibility

of Bid Proposal
After confirming the Bid Proposals comprise all mandatory documentary evidence establishing
the Consultant's qualification, MOTI will rule on the legal, technical, professional, and financial
admissibility of each Bid Proposal, classifying it as compliant or non-compliant with
qualification requirements set forth in the Bid Document.
Legal Admissibility
MOTI may determine Bid Proposal as not responsive when:
 Consultant does not have nationality in accordance with ITB
 Consultant is found to have a conflict of interest as described in ITB
 Consultant has failed to submit valid business license indicating the stream of business
in which the Consultant is engaged, in accordance with ITB
 Consultant has failed to register itself in the Public Procurement and Property
Administration Agency's Consultant s list (mandatory for domestic Consultants only),
in accordance with ITB Domestic Consultant has failed to submit VAT registration
certificate issued by the tax authority (in case of contract value specified in BDS ITB) (ii),
in accordance with ITB);
 Domestic Consultant has failed to submit valid tax clearance certificate issued by the
tax authority, in accordance with ITB

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 Foreign Consultant has failed to submit business organization registration certificate

or trade license issued by the country of establishment, in accordance with ITB
 Consultant has been debarred by a decision of the Public Procurement and Property
Administration Agency from participating in public procurements for breach of its
obligation under previous contracts, in accordance with ITB
 In the case of a Bid Proposal submitted by a joint venture (JV),the Consultant has failed
to submit the Form Data on Joint Ventures, the Agreement governing the formation of
joint venture, or letter of intent to form JV, including a draft agreement, in accordance
with ITB
Professional Admissibility
MOTI may determine Bid Proposal as not responsive when:
 Consultant has failed to submit relevant professional practice certificates, if required in
BDS Clause 4.5(b)(iv);
 Consultant has failed to provide in the Consultant Certification of Compliance Form
information related to its professional qualification and capability for the period
specified in the BDS Clause 14.1;
 Consultant has failed to provide in the Consultant Certification of Compliance Form
the Team Skill Matrix identifying the skills that are relevant to the role in the contract
team and are required for successful execution of the contract ;and
 Consultant has failed to provide CVs of the Professional staff signed by the staff
themselves or by the authorized representative of the Professional Staff.
Technical Admissibility
MOTI may determine Bid Proposal as not responsive when:
 Consultant has failed to provide in the Technical Proposal Submission Sheet Form the
Statement attesting the origin of the Consultancy Services offered;
 Consultant has failed to provide in the Consultant Certification of Compliance Form
information about major relevant contracts successfully completed in the number and
period specified in the BDS;
Consultant has failed to submit Certificates of satisfactory execution of contracts provided by
contracting parties to the contracts successfully completed in the period and budget as
specified in the BDS Clause 16.3:
Consultant has failed to complete its Technical Proposal, Form T3 in accordance with Terms of
Reference presented as per template in Section 6: TOR
Financial Admissibility
MOTI may reject any Bid Proposal when:
 Consultant has failed to submit financial statements certified by an independent
auditor as required in ITB for the period specified in Section 3, Evaluation Methodology
and Criteria;
 Consultant has failed to submit other documents proofing its financial standing. As
required in the BDS Clause 15.2(b):

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 The average annual turnover for the period specified in Section 3, Evaluation
Methodology and Criteria does not exceed the amount of the financial proposal of the
Bid Proposal in value specified in the BD; v Consultant has failed to calculate Financial
Proposal Price as prescribed in ITB Clause 19.3 and
 Consultant has failed to quote prices in currency specified in the BDS in accordance
with ITB Clause 20.1

37. Evaluation of technical Proposals

MOTI shall evaluate each Technical Proposal that has been determined, up to this stage of the
evaluation, to be substantially responsive. MOTI shall evaluate the Technical Proposals on the
basis of their responsiveness to the Terms of Reference, applying the evaluation criteria, sub-
criteria, and point system specified in the Section 3. No other criteria or methodology shall be
permitted. Each responsive Proposal will be given a technical score. A Proposal shall be
rejected at this stage if it does not respond to important aspects of the Request for Proposals
and particularly the Terms of Reference or if it fails to achieve the minimum technical score
indicated in the Section 3.
The proposals proceeding to the financial evaluation shall be determined in accordance with
the methodology and criteria specified in Section 3. The result of the technical evaluation shall
be communicated in writing to all Consultants who participated in the bid at the same time.
After the evaluation of Technical Proposals is completed, the letter of notification shall be
written to the unsuccessful Consultants on the technical evaluation stating the reason for not
being chosen as the successful Consultant and indicating that their bid security and the
envelopes containing the Financial Proposals will be returned unopened upon disclosure of
the result of the technical evaluation.
The unsuccessful Consultants have the right of complaint against the result of the evaluation.
If a complaint is lodged against the result of the technical evaluation the bid security and the
financial envelopes shall not be returned to the unsuccessful Consultants pending final
decision on such complaints.
Evaluators of Technical Proposals shall have no access to the Financial Proposals until the
technical evaluation is concluded.

38. Opening of Financial Proposals

The letter of notification shall be written to Consultants whose Technical Proposals have been
accepted by MOTI stating the time and place of opening of the Financial Proposals. The
notification shall be sent to all such Consultants at the same time and adequate time should
be given to all Consultants wishing to attend the financial envelopes opening proceeding.

If a complaint is lodged against the result of the technical evaluation, the Financial Proposals
shall not be opened pending decision on such complaint. The Financial Proposals shall be
opened in the presence of the Consultants whose Technical Proposals have been accepted
and to whom letter of notification is written to attend the proceeding in accordance with ITB.

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The envelopes containing the Financial Proposals of Consultants successful in the technical
evaluation shall be opened and the name of the Consultant, the technical score of the
Consultant, the total price offered and any discount given by such Consultant and the
conditions for such discount, and any other information related to price shall be read aloud to
inform the Consultants in accordance with ITB.

MOTI shall record the minutes of the Financial Proposal opening that shall include, as a
minimum: the name of the Consultants, their Financial Proposal price, and any other salient
points raised in the Financial Proposal opening proceeding. The Consultants' representatives
who are present shall be requested to sign the attendance sheet. The omission of a
Consultant's signature on the attendance sheet shall not invalidate the contents and effect of
the minutes. A copy of the minutes shall be distributed to all Consultants

39. Evaluation of Financial Proposals

MOTI shall evaluate each Financial Proposal that has been opened. For evaluation and
comparison purposes, MOTI shall convert all Financial Proposal's prices expressed in the
amounts in various currencies into a single currency indicated in BDS, using the selling
exchange rate established by the National Bank of Ethiopia and on the dale of the Bid opening.
To evaluate each Financial Proposal, MOTI shall consider the following:

 The Financial Proposal total price;

 Price adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors in accordance with ITB
 Price adjustment due to discounts offered:
 Converting the amount resulting from applying (a) to (c) above, if relevant, to a single
currency in accordance with ITB
 Adjustment for non-conformities and omissions in accordance with ITB
 Adjustments due to the application of a margin of preference, in accordance with ITB
 In addition to the correction of computational errors, as indicated under ITB activities
and items described in the Technical Proposal but not priced, shall be assumed to be
included in the prices of other activities or items. In case an activity or line item is
quantified in the Financial Proposal differently from the Technical Proposal:

If the Time-Based form of contract has been included in the Request for Proposals, MOTI shall
correct the quantification indicated in the Financial Proposal so as to make it consistent with
that indicated in the Technical Proposal, apply the relevant unit price included in the Financial
Proposal to the corrected quantity and correct the total Financial Proposal cost;

If the Lump-Sum form of contract has been included in the Request for Proposals, no
corrections are applied to the Financial Proposal in this respect. Prices shall be converted to a
single currency in accordance with ITB. Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, prices offered
by foreign and local Consultants shall, for the purpose of evaluation, include those taxes,
duties, fees, and other charges imposed under applicable low (and to be paid under the

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Contract, unless the Consultant is exempted). Prices offered by foreign and local Consultants
may also include translation, travel, stationery and other incidental expenses.

If this Request for Proposals allow Consultants to quote separate prices for different lots, and
the award to a single Consultant of multiple lots, the methodology of evaluation to determine
the lowest evaluated lot combinations, including any discounts offered in the Financial
Proposal Submission Sheet, is specified in the BDS and detailed in Section 3 Evaluation
Methodology and Criteria

40. Comparison of Financial Proposals

MOTI shall compare all substantially responsive Financial Proposals to determine the best
evaluated proposal, in accordance with the methodology specified in Section 3, Evaluation
Criteria. In the Quality and Cost based selection MOTI shall apply the following selection
procedure: Method of Selection will be on the basis of Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
The combined scoring method, the formula for the rating of the Proposals will be as follows:
 Rating the Technical Proposal (TP): (Total Score Obtained by the Offer / Max.
Obtainable Score for TP) x 100
 Rating the Financial Proposal (FP): The bidder who has quoted the lowest price will be
assigned a score of 100 in the financial bid. The other bidders will be allotted score
relative to the score of bidder with the lowest quote, as : FP Rating = (Lowest Priced
Offer / Price of the Offer Being Reviewed) x 100
 Total Combined Score: The score of technical proposal including presentation would
be given 80% weightage, and the financial proposal would be given 20% weightage.
The weighted combined score of the Technical Proposal (TP), and Financial proposals
(FP) shall be used to rank the bidders as below:
 Combined Score = (TP Rating) x (80%) + (FP Rating) x (20%), where the first ranked
bidder is eligible for award of the work.

41. Negotiations
Prior to the expiration of Proposal validity, MOTI shall notify the successful Consultant in
writing and invite it to negotiate the Contract at the location indicated in the BDS. The
negotiation to be held with the selected Consultant shall focus on the content of the
consultancy work, the method applied to accomplish the work, the quality of the professional
staff to be engaged by the Consultant, the work schedules, which shall indicate activities, staff,
periods in the field and in the home office, staff months, the material to be used by the
Consultant in the performance of the service, the content of the report to be submitted by the
Consultant as well as the manner of submitting such report and such other issues arising from
the performance of the service.

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The essential requirements of the Request for Proposals and the quality of the work to be
delivered by the Consultant are not negotiable.

No negotiation shall be allowed between MOTI and the Consultant on the price quoted by the

Having selected the Consultant on the basis of among other things, an evaluation of proposed
key professional staff, MOTI expects to negotiate a contract on the basis of the staff named in
the proposal. Prior to contract negotiations, MOTI shall require assurances that the staff
members will be actually available.

MOTI shall not consider substitutions during contract negotiations except in cases of
unexpected delays in the starting date or incapacity of key professional staff for reasons of
health. The agreement to be reached with the Consultant pursuant to Sub-Clauses above, shall
not be detrimental to the interest of MOTI nor favor the selected Consultant to the prejudice
of the other Consultants.

42. Post-Qualification Evaluation/ Due Diligence/

MOTI reserves the right to undertake a due diligence exercise, also called post qualification,
aimed at determining to its satisfaction, the validity of the information provided by the Bidder.
Such exercise shall be fully documented and may include, but need not be limited to, all or
any combination of the following:
 Verification of accuracy, correctness and authenticity of information provided by the
 Validation of extent of compliance to the Bid Document requirements and evaluation
criteria based on what has so far been found by the evaluation team.
 Inquiry and reference checking with entities with authority on the Bidder, or with
previous clients, or any other entity that may have done business with the Bidder.
 Inquiry and reference checking with previous clients on the performance on on-going
or contracts completed, including physical inspections of previous works, as necessary.
 Physical inspection of the Bidder’s offices, branches, or other places where business
transpires, with or without notice to the Bidder.
 Other means that MOTI may deem appropriate, at any stage within the selection
process, prior to awarding the contract.
If the successful consultant fails to provide documentary proof within 15 calendar days
following MOTI request or if the successful consultant is found to have provided false
information in its Bid Proposal shall be disqualified, in such event MOTI shall proceed to the
next lowest evaluated Bid Proposal to make a similar determination of that consultants’
capabilities to perform satisfactorily.

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43. Acceptance or Rejection of Bid Proposals

MOTI reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, to render any or all the Proposals as
non-responsive, and to reject all Proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without
incurring any liability, or obligation to inform the affected Bidder(s) of the grounds for MOTI’s
action. MOTI shall not be obliged to award the contract to the lowest priced offer.

44. Re-Advertising Bid Proposals

MOTI may issue invitation for expression of interest for a second time under the following
 Where the Invitation of Expression of interest has been unsuccessful, namely where no
qualitative or financially worthwhile Bid Proposal have been received.
 Where the best price offered by a consultant is significantly higher than the market
price estimate of the object of procurement made by MOTI prior to issuance of the
invitation of Expression of interest.
 Where it is concludes the noncompliance with the rules and procedures governing Bid
Proposals prescribed by the procurement and procurement directive led to the failure
of the invitation for Expression of Interest to attract more than one Consultant, or
where it is believed that modifying the Bid Document could attract adequate number
of Consultants.
 Circumstance of Force Majeure render normal implementation of the Contract


45. Award Criteria

Prior to expiration of the proposal validity, MOTI shall award the contract to the qualified
Bidder based on the award criteria indicated in the BDS.

46. Right to Vary Quantities at time of Award

At the time of award of Contract, MOTI reserves the right to vary (increase or decrease) the
scope of consultancy service specified in Section 6, by up to a maximum percentage of the
total offer as indicated in BDS, without any change in the unit price or other terms and
conditions, by up to a maximum Ten percent (10%) of the total offer,

47. Announcing and Awarding of the Successful Consultant

Prior to expiration of the proposal validity, MOTI shall notify in wring the result of a Bid
Proposal evaluation to all Consultant alike at the same time. The letter of notification to be
disclosed to unsuccessful consultants on the Bid Proposal evaluation shall state the reason
why they did not succeed in their Bid Proposal and the identity of the successful Consultant.

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A letter of award to be sent by MOTI to successful shall not constitute a contract between him
and MOTI. A contract shall deemed to have been concluded between MOTI and successful
Consultant only where a contract containing detailed provisions governing the execution of
the procurement in issue is signed. A letter of contract to be sent to a successful Consultant,
depending on the type of contract, may contain the following information
 That MOTI has accepted his Bid Proposal
 The total contract Price
 The amount of performance security the successful consultant is required to furnish
and the deadline for providing such security.

48. Signing of Contract

Promptly after notification of the proposed contract award shall send the successful consultant
the contract. Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the Contract, the successful
Bidder shall sign and date the Contract and return it to MOTI.
Failure to do so may constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, and
forfeiture of the Proposal Security, if any, and on which event, MOTI may award the Contract
to the Second Ranked Bidder or call for new Proposals.
MOTI shall not sign a contract before seven (7) working days from the date consultants are
notified for the result of their bid proposal or of nay complaint against the bid Proceeding.

49. Performance Security

Within fifteen (15) days from the signing the contract the successful consultant shall furnish
the performance security in accordance with GCC, using for the purpose the performance
security form included in section 9, contract forms.
Failure the consultant to submit the above-mentioned performance security or sign the
contract shall constitute sufficient grounds for annulment of award and forfeiture of the bid
Where the successful consultant cannot or in unwilling to sign a contract of furnish the above-
mentioned performance security, MOTI may either declare the consultant submitting the
second most prefer Bid Proposal the successful consultant or invite such consultant to sign a
contract or advertise the Bid Proposal afresh by assessing the benefit of the two options.

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Section 2. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)


A. Introduction 31

B. Request for Proposal 31

C. Preparation of Bid Proposals 32

D. Submitting and Opening of the Bid Proposal 33

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bid Proposals 34

F. Award of Contact 34

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to Bidders
Data Relevant to ITB

A. Introduction
ITB 1.1 The Name of the Client is: Moti Engineering Plc
Registered Address: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
ITB 1.1 The Request for Proposals is issued under Procurement Method: Invitational Bid
General description of design (Consultancy) service that are subjected the
ITB 1.2 and Procurement would include : Architectural Design Works (both preliminary and
final), Structural Design works, Mechanical Design works, Electrical Design Works,
24.5 (b) Sanitary Design Works, BOQ Preparation Work including takeoff sheet, Design
regulatory Approval follow-up works, Construction Bid Document preparation
Work. Where Each of the above shall be supported by design report.
ITB 1.4 The number and identification of Lots in this Request for Proposals is: one
Domestic Designer (Consultant) shall provide VAT registration certificate issued
ITB 4.5(b)(ii)
by the tax authority
ITB 4.5(b)(iv) Relevant professional practice certificate shall be required
A Consultant shall amend the evidence of its continued eligibility with the
following documents: Documentary evidences mentioned in ITB 4.5 together
with the bid document.
 VAT registration certificate
ITB 4.7
 Registration from a respective regional or Federal Urban
Development or Construction Bureau for bidding period
 Renewed license valid for the bidding period.
 And all other legal status documents

to Bidders
Data Relevant to ITB

B. Request for Proposals

For questions and/or clarification purposes only, the Name of the
Client 's address is:
Name of the Client: MOTI Engineering Plc
ITB 7.1 and Attention: Henok Sime
9.4 Floor/Room Number: Mega House,4 th floor, Office No. 410
Street Address: Africa Avenue,
Town: Addis Ababa
Country: Ethiopia

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Telephone: +251 115 545059, +251 9 11 79 48 20

The Bid Proposal validity period shall be 120 (one hundred twenty) days from
ITB 21.1
the date of opening of the tenders.

to Bidders
Data Relevant to ITB

C. Preparation of Bid Proposals

ITB 11.1 Language of the Bid Proposal shall be English
An invitation to submit Bid Proposals has been sent to the shortlisted
ITB 12.4
A Consultant obtain the Client's permission to enter into a Joint Venture with
ITB 13.1
other Consultants not invited for this assignment.
ITB 13.2 A Consultant associate with other Consultants invited for this assignment
ITB 13.3 Limits on subcontracting are the following
The Consultant must provide in the Consultant Certification of Compliance Form
ITB 14.1 information related to its professional qualification and capability for the current
and the previous years in order to proof' its professional capacity
The Consultant must submit the following documents as a proof of its financial
ITB 15.2(b)
The Consultant must submit at least Certificates of satisfactory execution of
ITB 16.3 contracts provided by contracting parties to the contracts successfully completed
in the course of the past 5 years with a budget of at least 20,000,000.00 Birr
The Client undertakes physical checking of current Consultant's technical
ITB 16.7
qualifications and competence.
ITB 17.1 The estimated number of key professional staff-months is:
ITB 17.2 For fixed-budget-based assignments. the available budget is the following:
The format of the Technical Proposal to be submitted is:
ITB 18.2  Full Technical Proposal (FTP), or
 Simplified Technical Proposal (STP)
1.1. A per diem allowance in respect of Personnel of the Consultant for every day
in which the Personnel shall be absent from the home office and, as applicable.
outside the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for purposes of the
ITB 19.1(b)(v) Services;
1.2. Cost of necessary travel, including transportation of the Personnel by the
most appropriate means of transport and the most direct practicable route;
1.3. Cost of office accommodation, investigations and surveys;

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1.4. Cost of applicable international or local communications such as the use of

telephone and duplicate required for the purpose of the Services;
1.5. Cost, rental and freight of any instruments or equipment required to be
provided by the Consultants for the purposes of the Services;
1.6. Cost of printing and dispatching of the reports to be produced for the
1.7. Other allowances where applicable and provisional or fixed sums (if any), and
1.8. Cost of such further items required for purposes of the Services not covered
in the foregoing (will be covered by the consultant)
ITB 19.3 The total Financial Proposal price broken down into separate activities.
The Financial Proposal indicate local taxes as a separate amount.
If affirmative, the Client shall:
ITB 19.4
(a), reimburse the Consultant for any such taxes paid by the Consultant, or
(b) pay such taxes on behalf of Consultant
Prices quoted for the lot shall correspond to at least percent of the items specified
ITB 19.7
for the lot
For those inputs to the consultancy services that the consultant expects to provide
ITB 20.1
from Ethiopia the price shall be quoted in Birr
The Bid Proposal validity period shall be 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the
ITB 21.1
date of opening of the tenders.
A Bid Proposal security shall be required, the amount of the Bid Proposal security
shall be 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Birr). And the bid security must be attached in
ITB 22.1
the original Technical document, Certified Payment Order (CPO) or An
unconditional Bank Guarantee
A power of attorney (or notary statement, etc.) providing that the person, who
ITB 23.2
signed the Bid Proposal.
to Bidders
Data Relevant to ITB

D. Submission and Opening of Bid Proposals

In addition to the original of the Bid Proposal, the number of copies required is 2
ITB 24.7
Consultants can submit their Bid Proposal Staring From July 17, 2023
For Bid Proposal Submission Purpose only, the Client 's address is:
Name of the Client: Moti Engineering Plc
Attention: Tasew Ayele,
ITB 25.1 Floor/Room Number: Mega House,4 th floor, Office No. 410
Street Address: Africa Avenue,
Town: Addis Ababa
Country: Ethiopia
The deadline for Bid Proposal submissions:
August 8, 2023
Time – Before 12:00AM
ITB 28.1 The Technical Bid Proposal opening shall take place at:

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Name of the Client: Moti Engineering Plc

Floor/Room Number: Mega House,4 th floor, Office No. 410
Street Address: Africa Avenue,
Town: Addis Ababa
Country: Ethiopia
Date: August 8, 2023
Time - 2:00PM

to Bidders
Data Relevant to ITB

E. Evaluation, and Comparison of Bid Proposals

ITB 33.2 Consultant has to confirm that he has to accepts the correction of the calculation
Consultant must provide in the Consultant Certification of Compliance Form
ITB 36.4(b) information about major relevant contracts successfully completed in the course
of the past years.
The average annual turnover for the last business year of the Consultant must
ITB 36.5(c)
exceed times the amount of the Financial Proposal.
The currency that shall be used for proposal evaluation and comparison purposes
ITB 39.2 to convert all proposal prices expressed in various currencies into a single
currency is: Ethiopian Birr
ITB 39.5 The evaluation include all taxes, duties, fees, levies and other charges.
The evaluation methodology to determine the lowest-evaluated co shall be
ITB 39.6
detailed in Section 3 Evaluation Methodology and Criteria
The Negotiation shall take place at:
Name of the Client: Moti Engineering Plc
Floor/Room Number: Mega House,4 th floor, Office No. 410
ITB 41.1
Street Address: Africa Avenue,
Town: Addis Ababa
Country: Ethiopia
to Bidders
Data Relevant to ITB

F. Evaluation, and Comparison of Bid Proposals

The percentage by which quantities may be increased is: 10%
ITB 46.1
The percentage by which quantities may be decreased is: 10%

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Section 3. Evaluation Criteria


A. Legal 36

B. Technical 37

C. Financial 37

D. Professional 37

E. Evaluation and Comparison 38

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Legal, Professional, Technical, and Financial Qualification Criteria

Minimum Eligibility and Qualification Criteria will be evaluated on Pass/Fail basis.

If the Proposal is submitted as a Joint Venture/Consortium/Association, each member should
meet minimum criteria, unless otherwise specified in the criterion.


A. Legal
Must meet
Nationality Nationality.

Must meet
Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest.

Valid TRADE LICENSE & Having been submitted valid trade license or
Must meet Attach
business organization business organization registration certificate
Requirement a Copy
Registration certificate. issued by the country o establishment

Having been submitted valid organization

TIN registration Must meet Attach
registration certificate issued by the country
certificate Requirement a Copy
of establishment

Having been submitted VAT registration Must meet Attach

VAT registration
certificate issued by the tax authority Requirement a Copy

Having been submitted valid tax clearance

Valid TAX clearance Must meet Attach
certificate issued by the tax authority in
certificate Requirement a Copy

Renewed certificate of Having been submitted valid organization

competence from registration certificate issued by the country Must meet Attach
Addis Ababa & federal of establishment Requirement a Copy
construction office

Any consultant before award client must be

ask ever technical document original for
cross check of the originality and if found Must meet
Froude /cheating
any cheating (false document of Technical) Requirement
the client automatically reject bidders from

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B. Technical
Form T2:
Minimum ten years of relevant experience.
Section 4
Minimum Five contracts of similar value, nature and
General Experience
complexity implemented over the last five years. Form T2(d):
(For JV/Consortium/Association, all Parties Section 4
cumulatively should meet requirement).

Details of similar projects (Mixed Use Apartment

buildings) handled by the biding firm, of repute of Form T2(d):
more than 700 m built up area in last 5 years as on
Section 4
July/2023. Certificate shall be enclosed.
Specific Experience
Should have an establishment of at least ten years
and the principal partners/ owner should have Form T2(a):
professional qualification and experience of 10 years Section 4
in the field of Architecture/Planning etc.

C. Financial
Minimum average annual turnover of ETB 1 million
for the last 3 years. Form T2(b):
(For JV/Consortium/Association, all Parties Section 4
cumulatively should meet requirement).
Financial Standing Bidder must demonstrate the current soundness of
its financial standing and indicate its prospective
Form T2(b):
long-term profitability.
Section 4
(For JV/Consortium/Association, all Parties
cumulatively should meet requirement).

D. Professional
Minimum BSC Arch with 15 years of Experience and
Team Leader and Lead Form T2(e), T4:
must have handled large projects. Should be
Architect Section 4
registered Architect. (PPA)

Minimum BSC. Arch with 15 years of Experience and

2 Professional Form T2(e), T4:
must have handled large projects. Should be
Architects Section 4
registered Architects.(PA)

Professional Structural Minimum BSC in structural Engineering with

Form T2(e), T4:
Engineer minimum 15 years of experience and must have

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handled structural design of buildings. Should be Section 4

registered Engineer.(PPE)

Minimum BSC Degree (Mechanical / Electrical) having

Professional MEP Form T2(e), T4:
minimum 10 years of experience in the same
Engineer Section 4

Professional Water Minimum BSC Degree (hydraulic / Water) having

Form T2(e), T4:
Supply and Sanitary minimum 10 years of experience in the same
Section 4
Engineer field.(PWE)

Minimum Degree in (construction Management)

Form T2(e), T4:
Quantity Surveyor having minimum 10 years of experience in the same
Section 4

Method of Selection will be on the basis of Quality and Cost Based Selection
(QCBS) (80:20)

E. Evaluation and Comparison

The combined scoring method, the formula for the rating of the Proposals will be as follows:

Rating the Technical TP Rating = (Total Score Obtained by the Offer / Max. Obtainable
Proposal (TP): Score for TP) x 100
FP Rating = (Lowest Priced Offer / Price of the Offer Being
Reviewed) x 100
Rating the Financial Where:
Proposal (FP): Fs = the financial score of the Financial Proposal being evaluated
FL= the price of lowest priced Financial Proposal
F = the price of Financial Proposal under consideration

Total Combined Score: The weighted combined score of the Technical bid (Ts), and
Financial proposals (Fs) shall be used to rank the bidders as below:
Combined Score = (TP Rating) x (80%) + (FP Rating) x (20%)

The first ranked bidder is eligible for award of the work.

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Section 4. Bidding Forms


A. Technical Proposal - Standard Forms

1. Technical Proposal Submission Sheet - Form T 1 40

2. Consultant Certification of Compliance - Form T 2 42

3. Technical Proposal - Form T 3 47

4. Form - Data on Joint Venture/Consortium 49

5. Curriculum Vitae for Proposed Professional Staff- Form T 4 50

6. Bid Security 52

B. Financial Proposal - Standard Forms

1. Financial Proposal Submission Sheet - Form F 1 53

2. Financial Proposal - Form F 2 55

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A. Technical Proposal - Standard Forms

Technical Proposal Submission Sheet - Form T 1

Name of Bidder: [Insert Name of Bidder] Date: Select date

Procurement reference: [Insert Reference Number]

Name of Client: [Insert Name of Client]

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for [Insert Title of services] in accordance
with your Request for Proposal No. [Insert Procurment Reference Number] and our Proposal. We are
hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes this Technical Proposal and our Financial Proposal sealed
under a separate envelope.
We hereby declare that our firm, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or employees, including any
JV/Consortium /Association members for any part of the contract:
a) Have no conflict of interest in accordance with ITB Clause 5.
b) Have not declared bankruptcy, are not involved in bankruptcy or receivership proceedings, and
there is no judgment or pending legal action against them that could impair their operations in
the foreseeable future.
c) Undertake not to engage in proscribed practices, including but not limited to corruption, fraud,
coercion, collusion, obstruction, or any other unethical practice, with MOTI Engineering Plc or any
other party, and to conduct business in a manner that averts any financial, operational,
reputational, or other undue risk to client.
d) We have examined and accept in full the content of the Request for Proposals for the,
Procurement Number: [Insert Procurment Reference Number]. We hereby accept its provisions in
their entirety, without reservation or restriction.
e) We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Consultancy services for in accordance with your
Request for Proposal dated and our Proposal.
f) We are submitting our Bid Proposal in association with: [Insert Name of Affiliates or Partners]
g) Our Bid Proposal shall be valid for a period of days from the date fixed for the Bid Proposal
submission deadline in accordance with the Request for Proposals, and it shall remain binding
upon us and may be accepted at any time before expiry of that period;
h) If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Bid Proposal we undertake to
negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Bid Proposal is binding upon us and subject to
the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations.
i) We, including any Sub-consultants for any part of the contract resulting from this procurement
process, are eligible to participate in public procurement in accordance with ITB and have not
been debarred by a decision of the Public Procurement Agency from participating in public
procurements for breach of our obligation under previous contract;

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j) We have read and understood the provisions on fraud and corruption in (ICC and confirm and
assure to the Public Body that we will not engage ourselves into these evil practices during the
procurement process and the execution of any resulting contract;
k) We have not committed an act of embezzlement, fraud or connivance with other Consultants.
l) We have not given or have been offered to give inducement or bribe to an official or procurement
staff of MOTI Engineering Plc to influence the result of the Bid Proposal in our favor.
m) We are not participating, as Consultants, in more than one Bid Proposal in this bidding process;
n) We do not have any conflict of interest and have not participated in the preparation of the original
Terms of Reference for the Public Body;
o) If our Bid Proposal is accepted, we commit to submit a performance security in accordance with
the GCC of the Request for Proposals, in the amount of for the due performance of the Contract;
We, including any Sub-consultants or Consultant s for any part of the Contract, have nationalities
from eligible countries in accordance with Section 5;
p) We will inform MOTI Engineering Plc immediately if there is any change in the above
circumstances at any stage during the implementation of the contract. We also fully recognize
and accept that any inaccurate or incomplete information deliberately provided in this Bid
Proposal may result in our exclusion from this and other contracts funded by the Government of
the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia_
q) We understand that this Bid Proposal, together with your written acceptance thereof included in
your notification of award, shall not constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal
contract is prepared and executed.
r) We understand that you reserve the right to reject any or all Bid Proposals that you may receive
We declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal are true and we accept
that any misinterpretation or misrepresentation contained in this Proposal may lead to our
disqualification and/or sanctioning by the MOTI Engineering Plc.
We offer to provide services in conformity with the Bidding documents and in accordance with the
Terms of Reference.
Our Proposal shall be valid and remain binding upon us for the period specified in the Bid instruction
I, the undersigned, certify that I am duly authorized by [Insert Name of Bidder] to sign this
Proposal and bind it should MOTI Engineering Plc. accept this Proposal.
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________

[Stamp with official stamp of the Bidder]

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Consultant Certification of Compliance - Form T 2

Address of Bidder: [Insert relevant Adress] Date: Select date

Procurement reference: [Insert Reference Number]

Name of Client: [Insert Name of Client]

A. General Information About the Consultant

Legal name of Bidder [Complete]

Legal address [Complete]

Year of registration [Complete]

Bidder’s Authorized Representative Name and Title: [Complete]

Information Telephone numbers: [Complete]
Email: [Complete]

Countries of operation [Complete]

No. of full-time employees [Complete]

Quality Assurance Certification (e.g.,

ISO 9000 or Equivalent) (If yes, provide [Complete]
a Copy of the valid Certificate):

Does your Company hold any

accreditation such as ISO 14001 [Complete]
related to the environment? (If yes,
provide a Copy of the valid Certificate):

Does your Company have any

accreditations? (If yes, provide a Copy)

Contact person MOTI Engineering Name and Title: [Complete]

plc may contact for requests for Telephone numbers: [Complete]
clarification during Proposal
Email: [Complete]
Please attach the following  Company Profile, that shows relevant projects previously
documents: accomplished which should not exceed fifteen (15)
pages, including printed brochures and product

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catalogues relevant to the goods/services being

 Certificate of Incorporation/ Business Registration
 Tax Registration/Payment Certificate issued by the
Internal Revenue Authority evidencing that the Bidder is
updated with its tax payment obligations, or Certificate
of Tax exemption, if any such privilege is enjoyed by the
 Trade name registration papers, if applicable
 Local permit to locate and operate in assignment
 Relevant professional practice certificates.
 Official Letter of Appointment as local representative, if
Bidder is submitting a Bid on behalf of an entity located
outside the country
 Power of Attorney issued by FDRE Document
Authentication and Authorization Agency

B. Financial Standing
Has adequate financial resources to manage this Contract as established by our financial
statements, audited by an independent auditor, and submitted in this Bid Proposal. The following table
contains our financial data. These data are based on our annual audited accounts. Figures in all columns
have been provided on the same basis to allow a direct year-on-year comparison to be made

Year ETB
Annual Turnover for the last 3 years Year ETB
Year ETB

Average Annual Turnover, indicate the


Financial information
Historic information for the last 3 years
(In ETB)
Year 1 Year 2 Current Year Average
Information from Balance Sheet
Total Asset (TA)
Total Liabilities (TL)
Curent Asset (CA)
Curent Liabilities (CL)
Information from Income Statement
Total / Gross Revenue (TR)
Profits Before Taxes (PBT)
Net Profit
Current Ratio
☐ Attached are copies of the audited financial statements (balance sheets, including all related notes,
and income statements) for the years required above complying with the following condition:
a) Must reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or party to a JV, and not sister or parent

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b) Historic financial statements must be audited by a certified public accountant.
c) Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and
audited. No statements for partial periods shall be accepted.

C. Consultant's Organization
i. Brief description of the organization, including the year and country of incorporation, and types
of activities undertaken.
ii. General organizational capability which is likely to affect implementation: management
structure, financial stability and project financing capacity, project management controls, extent
to which any work would be subcontracted (if so, provide details).
iii. Relevance of specialized knowledge and experience on similar engagements done in the
iv. Quality assurance procedures and risk mitigation measures.
v. Organization’s commitment to sustainability.

D. Technical Qualifications, Competence, and Experience in the Procurement

As proof of the technical and professional ability in providing the Consultancy Services similar to the
ones requested under this assignment the tables below summarize the major relevant contracts
successfully completed in the course of the past years with a budget of at least that of this Bid Proposal.
Please list only previous similar assignments successfully completed in the last 3 years.
List only those assignments for which the Bidder was legally contracted or sub-contracted by the Client
as a company or was one of the Consortium/JV partners. Assignments completed by the Bidder’s
individual experts working privately or through other firms cannot be claimed as the relevant experience
of the Bidder, or that of the Bidder’s partners or sub-consultants, but can be claimed by the Experts
themselves in their CVs. The Bidder should be prepared to substantiate the claimed experience by
presenting copies of relevant documents and references if so, requested by MOTI.

Period of
Project name & Client & Reference Contract Types of activities
activity and
Country of Assignment Contact Details Value undertaken

Bidders may also attach their own Project Data Sheets with more details for assignments above.

☐ Attached are the Statements of Satisfactory Performance from the Top 3 (three) Clients or more.

E. Proposed Methodology, Approach, and Implementation Plan

This section should demonstrate the bidder’s responsiveness to the TOR by identifying the
specific components proposed, addressing the requirements, providing a detailed description of the
essential performance characteristics proposed and demonstrating how the proposed approach and
methodology meets or exceeds the requirements. All important aspects should be addressed in

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sufficient detail and different components of the project should be adequately weighted relative to one
a) A detailed description of the approach and methodology for how the Bidder will achieve the
Terms of Reference of the project, keeping in mind the appropriateness to local conditions
and project environment. Details how the different service elements shall be organized,
controlled, and delivered.
b) The methodology shall also include details of the Bidder’s internal technical and quality
assurance review mechanisms.
c) Explain whether any work would be subcontracted, to whom, how much percentage of the
work, the rationale for such, and the roles of the proposed sub-consultants and how everyone
will function as a team.
d) Description of available performance monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and tools; how
they shall be adopted and used for a specific requirement.
e) Implementation plan including a Gantt chart or Project Schedule indicating the detailed
sequence of activities that will be undertaken and their corresponding timing.
f) Demonstrate how you plan to integrate sustainability measures in the execution of the
g) Any other comments or information regarding the project approach and methodology that
will be adopted.

F. Bidder’s Comments and Suggestions on the Terms of Reference

Provide comments and suggestions on the Terms of Reference, or additional services that will be
rendered beyond the requirements of the TOR, if any.

G. Management Structure and Key Personnel

i. Describe the overall management approach toward planning and implementing the project. Include
an organization chart for the management of the project describing the relationship of key positions
and designations.
ii. Provide a spreadsheet to show the activities of each personnel and the time allocated for his/her
iii. In order to proof our professional qualifications and capability the following table contains
personnel statistics for the current and the two previous years.

Year Before Last Last Year This Year

Average Manpower Specialists Specialists Specialists

Overall In Technical Overall In Technical Overall In Technical
Area Area Area


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The following Team Skill Matrix identifies the skills that are relevant to the role in the contract team and
are required for successful execution of the contract:
Expert Name
Role (E.g., Professional Architect, Structural Engineer)
Knowledge Knowledge Level Resume Page Reference Comments

Experience Knowledge Level Resume Page Reference Comments

Additional Knowledge&
Knowledge Level Resume Page Reference Comments

Experience indicated in the matrix is backed up in the individual's resume.

We have used the following ratings in order to accurately reflect the skill ratings of our team:
Has exposure to education in the subject area but has not used this skill
U Understanding
set in practice.
W Working Has limited working experience using this skill set
Has hands-on experience using this skill set to implement between 2 to 5
P Proficient
projects of various scope/complexity.
Has hands-on experience using this skill set in a key role to implement
X Expert
more than 5 projects of various scope/complexity,

H. Consultant Audit Agency


I. Bank Account Number and Bank Address

The bank account into which payment should be made is the following:

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
[Stamp with official stamp of the Bidder]

1. Statement issued by a power of attorney authorizing the signatory of the Bid Proposal:
2. Certificates of satisfactory execution of contracts provided by contracting parties to the
contracts successfully completed in the course of the past years, as required in the BDS.
3. Individual’s resume for proposed Professional Staff -Form T 4.
4. Audited financial statements;
5. Documents required as proof of the Consultants financial standings in BDS

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Technical Proposal - Form T 3

Address of Bidder: [Insert relevant Adress] Date: Select date

Procurement reference: [Insert Reference Number]

Name of Client: [Insert Name of Client]

Alternative No. [Insert ]

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A. Technical Approach and Methodology

B. Work Plan

C. Organization and Staffing

D. Work Schedule

Time Period
No. Activity
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

E. Team Composition and Task Assignments

Professional Staff
Name Firm Area of Expertise Position Task Assigned

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F. Staffing Schedule

Foreign/ Time Period Total Staff Input

N Name of
o. Staff National
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Home Field Total

Subtotal 1

Subtotal 2

Full Time Input

Part-Time Input

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
[Stamp with official stamp of the Bidder]

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Form - Data on Joint Venture/Consortium/ Association

Name of Bidder: [Insert Name of Bidder] Date: Select date

RFP reference: [Insert RFP Reference Number]

To be completed and returned with your Proposal if the Proposal is submitted as a Joint

No Name of Partner and contact information Proposed proportion of responsibilities

(address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail (in %) and type of services to be
address) performed

1 [Complete] [Complete]

2 [Complete] [Complete]

3 [Complete] [Complete]

Name of leading partner

(With authority to bind the JV,
Consortium, Association during the RFP [Complete]
process and, in the event a Contract is
awarded, during contract execution)

We have attached a copy of the below document signed by every partner, which details the
likely legal structure of and the confirmation of joint and severable liability of the members of the said
joint venture:
☐ Letter of intent to form a joint venture OR ☐ JV/Consortium/Association agreement

We hereby confirm that if the contract is awarded, all parties of the Joint
Venture/Consortium/Association shall be jointly and severally liable to MOTI Engineering Plc. for the
fulfillment of the provisions of the Contract.

Name of partner: Name of partner:

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Signature: Signature:
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Date: Date:
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Name of partner: Name of partner:

_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Signature: Signature:
_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Date: Date:
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Stamp with official stamp of the Bidder]

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Curriculum Vitae for Proposed Professional Staff- Form T 4

Provide CVs for key personnel that will be provided to support the implementation of this project using
the format below. CVs should demonstrate qualifications in areas relevant to the Scope of Services.












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I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe my
qualifications, my experiences, and other relevant information about myself.

______________________________________ ___________________

Signature of Personnel Date (Day/Month/Year)

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Date: Select date

Procurement Reference Number: [Insert RFP Reference Number]

Alternative No: [Insert ]

To: [Insert Name of Client]

Whereas (hereinafter "the Consultant") has submitted its Bid Proposal dated for Procurement reference
Number for the supply of, hereinafter called "the Bid Proposal."

KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE, of having our registered office at hereinafter ("the
Guarantor"), are bound unto (hereinafter "the Public Body") in the sum of, for which payment well and
truly to be made to the aforementioned Public Body, the Guarantor binds itself, its successors or
assignees by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of this Guarantor this] day of, Select date.

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are the following:

1. If the Consultant withdraws its Bid Proposal during the period of Bid Proposal validity
specified by the Consultant in the Bid Proposal Submission Sheet, except as provided in ITB
Sub-Clause 21.2; or
2. If the Consultant, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid Proposal by the Public
Body, during the period of Bid Proposal validity, fails or refuses to:

(a) Execute the Contract; or

(b) Furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the ITB Clause 49; or

We undertake to pay the Public Body up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand,
without the Public Body having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Public Body
states that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or more of the above
conditions, specifying the occurred conditions.

This security shall remain in force up to and including twenty-eight (28) days after the period of Bid
Proposal validity, and any demand in respect thereof should be received by the Guarantor no later than
the above date.

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
[Stamp with official stamp of the Bidder]

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B. Financial Proposal - Standard Forms

Financial Proposal Submission Sheet - Form F 1

Address of Bidder: [Insert relevant Adress] Date: Select date

Procurement reference: [Insert Reference Number]

Name of Client: [Insert Name of Client]

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Complete Name and Address of the Seat of Consultants Nationality

In response to your Request for Proposals for the above Procurement Number: [Insert Reference Number]
we, the undersigned, hereby declare that:

(a) We have examined and accept in full the content of the Request for Proposals for the,
Procurement Number: [Insert Reference Number], we hereby accept its provisions in their
entirety, without reservation or restriction.
(b) We offer to provide the Consultancy services for in conformity with your Request for Proposals
and our Technical and Financial proposals;
(c) The total price of our Financial Proposal, inclusive of local taxes and excluding any discounts
offered in item (d) below is:
(d) The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:

Unconditional Discounts: If our Financial Proposal is accepted, the following discounts shall
Methodology of Application of the Discounts: The discounts shall be applied using the following
Conditional Discounts: If our Financial Proposal(s) are accepted, the following discounts shall
Methodology of Application of the Discounts: The discounts shall be applied using the following
(e) The prices in this Financial Proposal have been arrived at independently, without, for the
purpose of restricting competition, any consultation, communication, or agreement with any
other consultant or competitor relating to:

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a. Those prices;
b. The intention to submit a proposal; or
c. The methods or factors used to calculate the prices offered.
(f) The prices in this Financial Proposal have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by the,
directly or indirectly, to any other consultant or competitor before bid opening.
(g) Our Financial Proposal shall be valid for a period of days from the date fixed for the proposal
submission deadline in accordance with the Request for Proposals, and it shall remain binding
upon us, subject to any modifications resulting from negotiations, and may be accepted at any
time before the expiration of that period:
(h) We are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have had our business
activities suspended and not be the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing;
(i) We have fulfilled our obligations to pay taxes according to Ethiopian Tax laws
(j) We understand that you are not bound to accept any Financial Proposal that you receive;

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
[Stamp with official stamp of the Bidder]

1. Financial Proposal; and
2. Other documents requested by the Public Body.

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Financial Proposal - Form F 2

Address of Bidder: [Insert relevant Adress] Date: Select date

Procurement reference: [Insert Reference Number]
Alternative No. [Insert]
Name of Client: [Insert Name of Client]
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A. Financial Proposal Total Price

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for [Insert Title of services] in accordance with your
Request for Proposal No. [Insert RFP Reference Number] and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting
our Proposal, which includes this Technical Proposal and our Financial Proposal sealed under a separate

Price Item Price Price in ETB

Total Price of Financial Proposal

Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [Insert amount in words and figures].
Our Proposal shall be valid and remain binding upon us for the period specified in the Bid Data Sheet.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

B. Breakdown of Financial Proposal by Activity

Group Of Activity (PHASE):______ Description

Price Item Price Price in ETB

Reimbursable Expenses
Local Taxes

C. Breakdown of Fees (Time-Based)

No. Name of Staff Position Staff-Month Inputs Staff- Rate Rate in ETB
Rate Months
Foreign Staff
Subtotal 1

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Local Staff
Subtotal 2
D. Breakdown of Fees (Lump-Sum)

No. Name of Staff Position Staff-Month Rate

Foreign Staff
Local Staff
E. Breakdown of Reimbursable Expenses (Time-Based)

Group Of Activity (PHASE):_________________________________________

No. Description Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost Cost in ETB

Per diem allowances Day
International flights Trip
Miscellaneous travel expenses Trip
Communication costs between
Drafting, reproduction of report
Equipment, instruments, materials,
supplies, etc.
Shipment of personal effects
Use of computers, software
Laboratory tests
Local transportation costs
Office rent, clerical assistance
Training of the…
F. Breakdown of Reimbursable Expenses (Lump-Sum)

Group Of Activity (PHASE):_____________________

No. Description Unit Unit Cost in ETB

Per diem allowances Day
International flights Trip
Miscellaneous travel expenses Trip

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Communication costs between And…

Drafting, reproduction of report
Equipment, instruments, materials, supplies, etc.
Shipment of personal effects
Use of computers, software
Laboratory tests
Local transportation costs
Office rent, clerical assistance
Training of the…

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
[Stamp with official stamp of the Bidder]

1. Documents required in the BDS as proof of the Consultant's financial standing;

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Section 5. Eligible Countries

Procurement Reference Number: _____________________ odds supplied and Works provided

under the Contract may originate from any country except if:

(a) As a matter of law or official regulation. The Government of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia prohibits commercial relations with that country. provided that
the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is satisfied that such
exclusion does not preclude effective competition for the provision of goods or related
services required; or

By an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under
Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the Government of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia prohibits any import of Goods from that country or any payments to
persons or entities in that country.

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Section 6. Term of Reference (TOR)


A. General Objective 60

B. Scope of the Work 60

C. General Design Requirements 61

D. Specific Design Requirements 65

E. Approach and Methodology 68

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A. General Objective
The purpose of this Section is to provide interested parties with information to enable them
to prepare, submit and obtain regulatory design approval for architectural/engineering design
services for the Client. The Client’s project consists of the construction of a new Mixed Use
Apartment Building, and all related site work. Services include architectural/engineering
design, consulting services and to represent the Client’s interests during the concept
validation, schematic design, design development, construction documents, and obtain
Design approval form regulatory body.

B. Scope of the Work

The scope of the work is to produce a construction design document responding to the tender
requirements and illustrating suitability for immediate implementation.
The (“Client”) is requesting a service from registered Grade 1 Consulting Architectural /
Engineering (A/E) firms for the Client’s anticipated new Mixed Use Apartment Building. The
goal of the Client is to receive the highest level of quality that aligns with its needs at the
lowest reasonable price from an experienced and qualified firm.
The Scope of the Services includes the following where the details is presented in this section:
i. Architectural Design Works: Floor plans, elevations and section, and all related detail
designs, specifications,
ii. Structural Design works: Soil test program considering the soil condition of the area,
plans for formwork, plans for slab reinforcement, foundation, beams and columns
reinforcement plans, sections, bar bending schedules.
iii. Mechanical Design works: Detail design of any mechanical system including report and
analysis reports and associated calculations
iv. Electrical Design Works: Floor plans Details drawings for special item, Distribution
layout and wiring diagrams for all distribution boards, Electrical and other necessary
v. Sanitary Design Works: Floor plans, riser diagram, Detail drawings for special items,
Hydraulic and other necessary calculations
vi. Design Report: Each of the above shall be supported by design report.
vii. BOQ Preparation Work: preparation of bill of quantity, includes detail item of works
and quantities, and engineers estimate for the project and takeoff sheet need to be
viii. Design Approval follow-up works: organizing all required documents required by the
respected authority, application for design approval, approval stage process follow-up,
and delivering the final approved documents to the client (Obtaining all clearance from
government agencies as required and any other works related to this project)
ix. Construction Bid Document preparation Work: this work includes preparation of a
Standard Bid Document based on the design prepared.

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The buildings need to have an arrangement that ensures smooth flow (and direction) of all
activities within the complex in addition to having adequate space to accommodate all the
function in the design program.
The requirements regarding space, function, sustainability, aesthetics, techniques, and
presentation are set out in the design requirements. However, taking into consideration local
and international trends in residential and commercial building design is required.
In terms of Functional accommodation the Dwelling sizes
The designer is expected to apply the Nationally Space Standards to all functional programs
where this forms a part of local planning guidance.
The client expect the consultant to utilize the available plot to the maximum efficiency where
design approach shall consider an alternative housing units per floor and the unit typology
will be:
2 BED ROOM 2 units alternative typology
3 BED ROOM 2 Units alternative typology

C. General Design Requirements

The purpose of this section is not to repeat the essential guidance, but to clarify areas of
conflict or contradiction between the stated standards and to highlight items which can often
be overlooked by designers.
1. Site Considerations:
The layout and massing of a site in relation to its immediate context need to be considered
from the outset to ensure that the development would seamlessly integrate with the existing
and future development pattern of the area.
 Make the best use of the site to maximize its value, making the most of the plot area,
landscape or topography in the design;
 The buildings should be sited, to maximize daylight and sunlight penetration.
 Where possible and appropriate, the development should consider the provision of good
quality amenity spaces wherever possible,
 The site need to be planned with respect to pedestrian and vehicular accessibility options,
the layout of the building to be simple for everyone to navigate;
 The building design should be secure and permeable layouts with available and limited
street frontages where the commercial space would overlook the streets so that it will be
easily accessible for shoppers and should promote active uses.
 Building orientation can have a substantial impact on the success of a development,
maximizing the use of the sun and capitalizing on views within and beyond the site.
Designers must consider these aspects, and in doing so, create a balance which best suits
the project, and also make use of natural light and ventilation.
 Careful consideration should be given to using the building form, its orientation and siting
to mitigate noise pollution from excessive noise sources.

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 Access to the building premises for disabled people should be provided.

2. Parking
The car parking should be well integrated and situated so it would be sufficient for the
intended functions.
 Addis Ababa structure plan document (September, 2022) is the essential design reference
for parking standards.
 Provide car parking spaces below ground (Basement Parking), and separate parking lot
for commercial space users which will be an immediate parking spaces
 Dedicated parking for wheelchair users should be provided, with one dedicated space for
every wheelchair-accessible home in the development. All parking for wheelchair
accessible homes is expected to be considered.
 Bicycle and motor bike parking must be considered in the developments, alongside car
It is unreasonable to expect people to store bikes in their homes, and Safe, secure, well-lit
covered communal bicycle external store integrated with the design at the front of the home
for dwellings accessed at street level.
3. Outside the Building (including shared areas)
The design of the outside (Approach) of the building has a direct impact on the quality of the
immediate users. This means that the design of refuse arrangements, entrances, bike storage,
etc., must be integral to the design of the buildings, and not an afterthought. It is important
to have a distinction between the public domain of the street and the semipublic domain of
the front of a dwelling in the form of a front garden area. This ensures that residents are clear
about ownership and the extent of their responsibility in looking after the front of the property.
Boundary walls, fences or railings and entrance gates are excellent indicators of ownership.
 The buildings should exhibit architectural quality and look and feel welcoming and secure;
 Provision of some distinguishing features such a green elements and different planting
treatment which will enhance cognitive stimuli.
 Eases of accessibility for all users, like ramp for wheelchair users.
 External materials and details should take account of the need for durability and low
maintenance. They must look good in all weather conditions and from a range of viewing
4. Refuse storage and Disposal
Refuse collection and management systems need to be developed at each floor and at the
basement level.
 Communal refuse storage areas must be designed to be secure, with minimal visual
impact and avoiding causing nuisance from smells and spills.
 Garbage chute need to be designed with minimal visual impact and avoiding causing
nuisance from smells and spills.

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 Refuse storage areas shall be capable of being easily washed down and, in the case of
communal storage, provided with drainage and a lockable communal water supply
 Designers should consider the possibility provision of a bulky refuse (garbage) storage
facility should be included at first basement level, whereas adequate space need to be
5. Lifts
The number and function of lifts in the building needs to be weighed carefully, balancing
running costs, servicing requirements and benefits to the residents.
 The number of lifts need to consider the number of users and its location in relation to
the housing units.
 There should be two lifts in the common areas to ensure that one is working while the
other is being maintained or repaired, one of which should be at least an 8-person lift.
 Possibly the second lift should be service or goods lift.
 Lift shafts and motor rooms must be located and built to minimize the transmission of
noise to habitable rooms and should not be located adjacent to bedrooms.
6. Staircases and corridor
 The location of the common stair need to be located at an optimum distance from each
housing units.
 The flight width landing should have a net width of 1.5m (excluding space for Balustrades
and handrails), and should have adequate space for furniture delivery and removal, and
riser to trade ration should be 1:2 that is Riser=15cm and trade=30cm.
 As much as possible the design need to avoid long corridor and the naturally lilted and
 The stair case need to be well lilted with natural light and a power outlet should be
provided adjacent to the top or bottom of the stair run.
 The corridor should receive natural light and adequate ventilation
7. Fire Equipment and Fire Scape
 The designer requires a design that will provide fire safety that is in line with the current
fire legislation as well as being sustainable and economical.
 An appropriate fire scape stair and escape route need to be considered not more that
10m distance from each housing unit.
8. Common entrances and Shared Circulation areas
The approach to a flat, through shared common areas should be regarded as an extension of
the home itself, and therefore should be designed accordingly.
 Long, windowless, narrow corridors are not acceptable, nor are runs of double-banked flats,
entered from both sides of a central corridor.
 Access cores and corridors should always be designed so that they benefit from natural
ventilation and daylight. This approach ensures people are able to orientate themselves

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within the building by looking out of the window, and it reduces running costs and energy
 Alternatively a cluster core approach may be used to maximize the number of homes off a
circulation area, as long as dual aspect is maintained.
 Entrances should be situated away from individual windows or with a ‘buffer zone’ to reduce
 A simple circulation system which avoids the inclusion of unnecessary lobbies and fire doors
will make a block easy to navigate and easily accessible by all.
 An efficient or shorter corridor and maximum of 1.5 m width should be considered
 Common entrances, lobbies, staircases and circulation generally should be kept to a
minimum. As a guide, common areas would be expected to be in the range of 10-15% of
gross internal floor area.
 Building entrances should be open, light, and secure and finished to a high quality standard.
 Communal entrances should give a sense of place and welcome, in which the residents can
take pride. Provision of seating areas should be considered.
 Common entrances to buildings, including door entry panels, should be adequately
protected from rain, should be artificially lit, and should avoid hiding places.
 Consideration should be given to the provision of cleaning stores janitor's room and WCs
for cleaners, caretakers and concierges.
 Reception and waiting area need to be integral part of the main lobby
 CCTV and Entrance Control mechanisms should be considered, Duct/Riser for Cabling and
telecom and electrical should be provided around building core
9. Roof
 Roofing design must be considered in detail at the early design stage, as the choice of roof
detailing and materials will have major implications for the whole life cost of the building.
 Roof orientation and design should provide maximum potential for the future installation
different equipment.
 Where living roofs (Green terrace) are proposed, they should be designed in close
consultation with the MOTI team, and taking account of the need for access for ongoing
 Water tanker space need to be considered.
10. Commercial spaces
 Where commercial units are to be delivered, designers should liaise closely with MOTI team,
in order to ensure that the designs and level of internal fit-out will be suitable for the local
 For retail units, the structural floor to ceiling height should be 3.5m with possible mezzanine
floor. Designers should also note that shallow units may restrict lettings.
 Designers should take account of the need to receive deliveries, and to store, toilet
optionally shared or individual and remove refuse.

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 Refuse facilities should be kept separate from the residential areas. Larger retail units will
require a dedicated toilet of roughly 6m2 which should be situated so as to not cause
disturbance to surrounding dwellings.
 Designated on-site parking should be provided for staff, and this should be clearly
separated from residential parking provision.
 All services (water, electric power) should be supplied to service heads within the
commercial unit, and should be separately supplied and metered.
 Possibly the ground floor, mezzanine floor, first and second floor should be designed for
commercial use. Provision of space for Generator Set should be considered.
11. Lighting and Ventilation
 Lighting should be provided in communal areas, such as the entrance area, corridors and
lobbies. It should be consistent throughout these areas, without pooling and dark areas.
 Natural daylighting should be used wherever possible to reduce the need for artificial
lighting. Designers should make every effort to include windows in all kitchens and bath
 Views from inside the home should be created to provide contact with the neighborhood
and community outside. Consideration should be given to extending the internal space
beyond the main walls of the building envelope to maximize these views.
 Glazing to all habitable rooms must be between 15% and 25% of the internal floor area of
the room.
 Wherever possible, living rooms should have French windows opening directly onto private
external space (balcony), however there must always be an alternative opening window to
provide ventilation when the doors are closed.
 Windows and glazed doors should be designed so as to maximize the natural light within
a property without compromising occupants’ privacy. All habitable rooms should have an
openable, lockable window.
 Windows in communal areas should be cleanable from the internal communal areas
wherever possible.
 Windows should be adequately recessed to enhance the appearance of the building

D. Specific Design Requirements

12. Entrances and circulation areas
 Circulation areas are fundamental to a good dwelling layout. They should be efficient in
area and yet provide well designed, practical links between spaces and individual rooms.
 The dwelling should not enter the dwelling’s living space directly from communal
circulation areas (entrance lobby is required).
13. Storage and utility rooms
 For open plan layouts, consideration should be given to providing a washer dryer space in
a separate hall cupboard.

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 Generous, full height storage within the dwelling should be provided wherever possible,
maximizing the use of the whole building volume.
 Innovative storage solutions will be considered provided they are practical and readily
accessible. Storage should be shelved and accessible from circulation areas wherever
14. Kitchens
 Kitchens should be convenient to both the dining area and living room
 The traditional kitchen need to be accessible from modern kitchen
 Both traditional kitchen and modern kitchen need to be naturally ventilated
 Kitchens should be designed to incorporate the following appliances: a cooker, a
fridge/freezer, a dishwasher.
 The cooker space should not be located near a door or under a window and should
incorporate electricity outlets.
 The clothes washing machine/tumble dryer may, with the Group’s agreement, be located
elsewhere within the dwelling such as in a utility space.
15. Bathrooms and WCs
 All bedrooms should ideally have direct access to a bath or shower room,
 For both typologies, a second bathroom should be provided, accessed from circulation
 Second private bathrooms should be considered for three bedroom which will be accessed
from the master bed room.
 It is desirable that bathrooms be provided with a window to provide natural daylight and
allow natural ventilation
16. Bedrooms
 Master bedrooms may have direct access to balcony areas providing the primary access to
these areas is from the living/dining room, kitchen/dining room or circulation area. In such
cases, the bedroom must have an openable window as well as the external door.
 A built-in wardrobe should be provided in walk in closet at main bedroom. It should be full
height with a clear internal depth of 600mm
 Built-in wardrobes are desirable in all bedrooms, the wardrobe should, wherever possible,
occupy a recess in the bedroom partitions.
 Consideration should be given to the location of bed spaces so that beds are not located
under windows and sockets are provided adjacent to beds. A TV outlet and double socket
should also be provided opposite the foot of the bed, or in an appropriate location for a
television. Bed heads should not be located adjacent to main bathrooms.
17. Living rooms and living/dining rooms
 Living rooms, or living/dining rooms should be designed to provide maximum flexibility for
family socializing and home entertainment.

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 Living rooms should ideally have direct access to the private external space (Balcony),
although this can be provided from a kitchen/dining room. In such cases, the room must
have an openable window as well as the external door.
18. Balconies and roof terraces
 Balconies or roof terraces should be provided wherever possible as amenity space for
dwellings above ground floor level. They must be practical, easily accessible and usable, but
this must not compromise the security of the individual dwellings and the building as a
whole. Consideration should be given to enclose these areas to allow use all year round.
 Primary access to balconies should be via living rooms. Where access from master
bedrooms is provided, this should only be secondary access.
 Care should be taken in the design of these areas, in particular, the integrity of the building
envelope, drainage, protection to balconies/roof terraces below, the cladding and the
 Balconies should be a minimum of 1.5m deep with a minimum area of 3m2 and sufficient
space for a small table with chairs for all the occupants.
19. Utilities and metering
 All dwellings should be individually metered for all services.
 All units should therefore be designed for a maximum water usage of 110 liters per person
per day, including 5 liters for external use.
 Based on per capita consumption above, water reservoir space need to be included at
second basement level with pump room.
 Meters should be discreetly positioned out of sight from the common corridor, should be
located to facilitate meter reading without having to enter individual dwellings and be
readily accessible to both residents and supply companies.
 Our preference is to have meters in communal intake individual cupboards next to flat
entrances. Residents’ meters should not, however, share cupboards with non-resident
 Sufficient space should be provided to facilitate the installation of a card or credit meter at
a later date for electricity metering must be arranged so that the resident has the option to
install a pre-pay meter that can be topped up from inside the home.
 Well ventilated space need to be included at first basement level for backup power
generator, where the space requirement will be determined by the size of the generator.
 Separate metering should be provided for each of: development communal services, block
communal services, any offices or commercial units, community facilities.
 For facilities such as underground car parks or car charging points should have separate
 Service risers (Electric line, cables, sanitary and water lines) must be easy to locate and
access, with spare capacity to retrofit foreseeable new systems and technologies.
 Every effort should be made to locate water pipes away from lifts and electrical intakes, to
prevent loss of amenity in the event of water leaks.

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 Wherever possible, fibrotic cabling should be provided to residents’ homes, to enable them
to access high speed broadband.
 A communal, 13 wire Integrated Reception System (IRS) shall be provided with two cables
to each property and drops to the living rooms and all bedrooms. The system shall enable
each dwelling to receive at least two satellite TV service
 A Building Management System (BMS) shall be provided to remotely monitor and manage
all communal services (for repairs, consumption and optimization) including any plumbing
system, water pumps and lifts.
 Space should be provided for traditional abettor service, which should be well ventilated
and supplied with water

E. Approach and Methodology

Phase-I Preliminary Design

A full report compiled by the Design Consultant shall be provided, this shall comprise: -
1. An inception report will be presented within fifteen days of signing of contract, and
it will include:
a. Initial findings
b. Scope of the project and the rationale for the design proposed,
2. Photographs of existing condition
3. A report on the existing condition (Site Analysis report)
4. Concept and approach for the proposed design.
5. Proposed Solutions
• The Design Consultant shall make a presentation of the preliminary design and final
design result to the MOTI Engineering Plc. technical review team at the end of Phase
I and Phase II and whenever necessary base on the comments given on each
presentation meeting
Phase II / Final Design/Working Drawing
Phase- II will consist of but not be limited to the preparation and presentation of:
The final Preliminary technical drawings and 3D view of the building.
Deliverables and Schedules/Expected Outputs
Architectural Design Drawings
• Two (2) sets Final Drawings printed on A3 paper and two sets (2) blueprint, signed
and sealed by Architect, along with electronic (.dwg and .pdf) copies of drawings to
be provided to client.
• Site plan; illustrating boundaries, magnetic north, contour lines (or spot levels),
position/location of buildings, trees or obstructions on the site, location of main
services, plumbing and/or drainage layout (where appropriate)
• Floor plans Layout to a scale of 1:50 to 1:100 or 1:200
• A minimum of four cross sections clearly showing levels, vertical heights, door, and
window heights
• Elevations as required
• Roof plan, details, (ridge, eave, sheet overlap/connection details, details where

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necessary to facilitate clarity of designs and design interpretation)

• Plumbing and electrical layouts
• Connection details (if applicable)
• Door and window schedule, cross sections, carpentry details, cabinet details
• Plans of bathrooms and wall elevations to scale 1:20
• Finish schedule for floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs
• Access and boundary facilities, fence/ boundary wall and gates details (as required)
• Security design as needed
• Reflective Ceiling Plan
• Two sets (2) approved drawings blueprints, two sets (2) negatives and an electronic
copy (mandatory)
• Planning and Building Permission.
• Site plan to scale of 1:500 or 1:200 and Landscape design for the respective design
Units, common areas, access roads and related infrastructure.
• Reflecting ceiling plans to a scale of 1:50 to 1:100 or 1:200
• Sections and Wall sections to a scale of 1:50 to 1:100 or1:200
• Elevations and Detail facades to a scale of 1:50 to 1:100 or 1:200
• Special drawings and schedules for doors, windows, stairs, and any other necessary
items to a scale of 1:20 or 1:10 or 1:5
• Interior space design which includes
o Floor, Wall, and Ceiling finishes
o Layout of furniture and fixtures.
• Three Dimensional drawings:
o Internally for rooms as per the architectural and interior designs and
o External buildings along with the surroundings including the landscape
Structural Design drawings to include:
• Foundation plan, Floor plan and details
• Structural details for foundation, columns, beams, floor and roof slabs or footing
• Stair Details
• Structured connection details between new and existing structures
• Related structural drawings and details as per local permitting body
• Bar bending schedule
• Plans of form work to a scale of 1:50
• Plans for slab reinforcement to a scale of1:50
• Foundation plans to a scale of 1:50
• Structural sections to a scale of 1:20 or1:10
• Beam, Column, and Foundation reinforcement drawings to a scale of 1:20
• Drawings for wooden or steel structure to a scale of 1:20 or 1:10
• All necessary details to scale if 1:10, 1:5, 1:1 or as required
• Bar bending schedules
• Structural calculations
• Report
Electrical Design drawings to include:
• Complete electrical design to be submitted and approved by local permitting body

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• Consider Lightning Arrestors and earthing details to Buildings according to the local
• Electrical layout, including wiring diagrams, with circuit breakers and heights of
• Service entry location; showing point of entry and distance from Service mains.
• Reflective Ceiling
• Main and sub-main distribution system
• Lighting systems including control systems.
• Site Electrical System including site lighting, power networks, street lighting and any
other necessary systems.
• Emergency lighting systems
• Fire detection and alarm system
• Location of Invertor for Power Supply Panels
• Ceiling plan showing lighting layout
• Location and size of the generator room
• Instrumentation Earthing (grounding) distribution schematic drawing
• Location and size of power supply rooms and battery rooms
• Sizing and location room for Telephone, Data and TV Systems
• Two sets of final design drawings and an electronic copy (mandatory)
• Related electrical drawings and details as per local permitting body
• Report.
• Site plan to scale of 1:500 o r1:200
• Floor and Ceiling plans to a scale of 1:50 to be coordinated with reflected ceiling
• Detail drawings to a scale of 1:20 or 1:10 or 1:5 or 1:1
• Distribution layout and wiring diagrams for all distribution boards.
Mechanical Design drawings to include:
• Generator room for commercial sized generator
• Design and location of pumps and accessories
• Sizing and location of pipes and all fixtures
• Design should provide detail design for passenger and service lift system
• Designs should provide specifications for equipment, to include guarding of moving
parts and other specifications to meet OSHA and other regulatory standards.
• Lift pit and motor room detail design based on suppliers specification
• Garbage Shute duct detail
• Vent method and detail design
• Fire protection system
• Floor plans to a scale of 1:50
• Detail drawings to a scale of 1:20 or 1:10 o r1:5 or 1:1
• Catalogue cuts (for fixtures)
• Hydraulic and other necessary calculations.
Plumbing design drawings to include:
• Complete sanitary/plumbing/ design to be submitted, meeting the requirements of
local permitting body.
• All Plumbing Engineering Drawings are to be coordinated with all disciplines;

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domestic water, sanitary and storm drainage, and other liquid conveyance systems
shall be designed to avoid inappropriate juxtaposition with other utilities.
• All Plumbing Engineering Drawings are to be coordinated with all design outputs;
electrical, structural, Architectural designs.
• The plumbing design should consider the visual impact all utility lines interims of
overall aesthetic the building.
Plumbing Systems design components
• Domestic Cold-Water Service
• Domestic Water Service Pressure
• Domestic Water Booster Pumping System
• Domestic Hot Water Service
• Domestic Water Supply Equipment
• Plumbing Fixtures water supply
• Sanitary and Storm Drainage Systems
• Sanitary Vent System
• Sanitary Floor Drains
• Roof Drainage
• Roof level water tanker
• Water storage tanks (based on demand calculation)
• Location and size of the reservoir room
• Automatic Pumps
• Floor plans to a scale of 1:50
• Detail drawings to a scale of 1:20 or 1:10 o r1:5 or 1:1
• Catalogue cuts (for fixtures)
• Demand calculations
• Material detail and specification
• Report
Design Report
Each of the above shall be supported by design reports along with design calculation for clear
understanding of various documents.
BOQ Document
• Bills of Quantity shall not include Prime Cost Sums and can only include provisional
sums where necessary.
• Takeoff Sheet
• The appendices shall carry a 'List of Drawings' from which the Bill of Quantities was
• Each page of the Bill of Quantities shall carry a footer indicating the total prices on
that page and read “carried to summary”.
• The Bills of Quantities shall carry a general summary
• All quantities are to be measured in metric units and rounded off to two decimal
• The Bills of Quantities shall not include Prime Cost Sums and can only include
Provisional Sums where necessary (i.e., only for works or for costs which cannot be
entirely foreseen, quantified, or detailed at the time the documents are prepared).
The justification for ALL Provisional Sums must be outlined in a separate document,
accompanying the Bills of Quantities.
• Each page shall carry a footer indicating the total of prices on that page. This footer

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shall read ‘Carried to Summary”.

• The Bills of Quantities shall carry a General Summary.
• A printed copy of the priced Bills of Quantities should be submitted in electronic

Phase-III Application for Design Approval

• The consultant will compile all required documents for design approval.
• Based on the regulatory body feedback or comments the consultant will make
necessary amendment.
• The consultant need to inform the design changes (if there is), to the client
• The consultant will report the progress of design approval every week
• The consultant will submit the approved design documents in (3 copy)
Phase-IV Construction Bid Document Preparation
• Bid Document Preparation
• Contract Document Preparation
• It will include a complete construction document preparation
Drawing requirements:
• All measurements in metric units
• All drawings to have legend explaining symbols
• All drawings to be dated, signed and sealed by Design Consultant
• All designs must conform to all applicable standards
• Summary sheet with legend to all drawings
• A legend to indicate changes to the drawings with date of these changes
• Design to be based on full topographic survey or spot levels as the site requires, to
determine exact quantities
• All measurements in metric units

F. Deliverable Documents.

Documents to be submitted for approval, per the following table, the record set of Complete
Stamped and Signed Documents for Client archiving and future use.
Completed and Stamped Documents Softcopy Hardcopy

Conceptual Design Report and Schematic Drawings. PDF & MS-Word &CAD A4 & A1
Preliminary Architectural Drawing PDF, MS-Word, and MS- A4 & A1
Final Architectural Drawing and Design Report PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A1
Final Structural Design Drawing and Report PDF, and AutoCAD A4 & A2
Final Sanitary and Mechanical Design Drawings and Report PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A2
Final Electrical Design Drawings and Reports PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A2
Bill of Quantities and Engineering Estimate PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A3
Technical Specification and Methods of Measurement PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A3
Complete Bid Document PDF, MS-Word, and MS- A4 & A3
3D view pictures and Animated Video JPGE and .mp4 files Visible

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Section 7. General Condition of Contract (GCC)

Section 8. Special Condition of contract (SCC)

Section 9. Contract Forms

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Section 7. General Condition of Contract (GCC)

Table of Clauses
A. General Provisions ............................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Contract Documents................................................................................................................................................ 10
3. Law Governing the Contract................................................................................................................................. 10
4. Language...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5. Notices .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Location ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
7. Authorized Representatives.................................................................................................................................. 11
8. Taxes and Duties ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
B. Commencement, Completion, Modification and Termination of Contract ..................................... 11
9. Effectiveness of Contract ....................................................................................................................................... 11
10. Commencement of Services ................................................................................................................................. 11
11. Modification ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
12. Force Majeure ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
13. Termination ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
C. Obligations of the Consultant ....................................................................................................................... 12
14. General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
15. Conflict of Interests .................................................................................................................................................. 13
16. Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
17. Insurance to Be Taken Out by the Consultant .............................................................................................. 13
18. Consultant Actions Requiring Client Prior Approval................................................................................... 14
19. Reporting Obligations ............................................................................................................................................ 14
20. Documents Prepared by the Consultant to Be the Property of the Client ........................................ 14
D. Consultant’s Personnel .................................................................................................................................... 14
21. Description of Personnel ....................................................................................................................................... 14
22. Removal and/or Replacement of Personnel .................................................................................................. 14
E. Obligations of the Client ................................................................................................................................. 14
23. Assistance and Exemptions ................................................................................................................................... 14
24. Change in Laws .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
25. Services and Facilities .............................................................................................................................................. 15
F. Payments to theConsultant ............................................................................................................................ 15
26. Contract Price and Currency................................................................................................................................. 15
27. Type of Contract ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
28. Option 1 – Payments in respect of Lump Sum Contracts ......................................................................... 84
29. Option 2 – Payments in respect of Time-Based Contracts ...................................................................... 84
30. Payment Schedule and Advance Payment ..................................................................................................... 16
31. Payment Terms .......................................................................................................................................................... 85
32. Price Adjustments ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
G. Settlement of Disputes .................................................................................................................................... 17
33. Amicable Settlement ............................................................................................................................................... 17
34. Dispute Settlement .................................................................................................................................................. 17

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General Conditions of Contract (“GCC”)

A. General Provisions
1. Definitions
1.1 Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in this Contract have
the following meanings:
"Authorized Officer" means a person designated as such by the Client from time to time as
notified in writing to the Consultant to act as the representative of the Client for all purposes
connected with the Contract, including any authorized representative of such person;
"Completion" means the fulfilment of the Contract by the Consultant in accordance with the
terms and conditions set forth in the Contract;
“Contract” means the Agreement entered into between the Parties and includes the Contract
“Contract Documents” means the documents listed in GCC 2, including all attachments,
appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein, and shall include any
amendments thereto.
“Contract Price” means the sum stated in the Agreement representing the maximum, total or
estimated amount payable for the provision of the Services.
“Days” are calendar days; “months”
"Effective Date" means the date on which this Contract comes into force and effect pursuant
to GCC Sub-Clause 27.1;
“General Conditions of Contract”, hereinafter referred to as “GCC”, means the conditions in
this section of the Contract, which shall govern the Contract, except where amended by the
SCC or Contract Agreement.
“Government” means the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
"In Writing" shall be interpreted to include any document which is recorded in manuscrip7
"Insurances" all or any of the policies of insurance required to be maintained by the Consultant
pursuant to this Contract
“Lump Sum contract” means a contract under which the Services are performed for an all-
inclusive fixed total amount.
"Member", in case the Consultant consists of a joint venture of more than one entity, means
any of these entities; "Members" means any of these entities, and "Member in charge" means
the entity specified in the SCC to act on their behalf in exercising all the Consultants rights and
obligations towards the Procuring Entity under this Contract.
"Party" means the Procuring Entity or Consultant, as the case may be, and "Parties" means
both of them.
“Personnel” means persons engaged by the Consultant or by any Sub-consultant as employees
and assigned to the performance of the Services or any part thereof; “Foreign Personnel”
means such persons who at the time of being so engaged had their domicile outside the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; “Local Personnel” means such persons who at the
time of being so engaged had their domicile inside the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia; and “Key Personnel” means those Personnel that are regarded by the Consultant as
essential to the successful completion of the Services and related tasks.
“Procuring Entity” means the entity purchasing the Services, as specified in the Agreement.
“Special Conditions of Contract”, hereinafter referred to as “SCC”, means the conditions
attached to the Contract Agreement, which shall govern the Contract and shall prevail over
these General Conditions of Contract.

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“Services” means the consultancy services to be performed by the Consultant as described in

the contract.
“Supplier” means the natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the
above, whose proposal to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Procuring Entity
and is named as such in the Agreement, and includes the legal successors or permitted assigns
of the Consultant.
“Sub-consultant” means any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination
of the above, including its legal successors or permitted assigns, to whom any part of the
Services to be provided is subcontracted by the Consultant.
“Time-Based contract” means a contract under which the Services are provided on the basis
of fixed fee rates and payments are made on the basis of time actually spent.
2 Contract Documents
2.1 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following order of priority:
a) Agreement, including all appendices;
b) Special Conditions of Contract;
c) General Conditions of Contract; and
d) Any other document listed in the SCC as forming part of the Contract.
2.2 All documents forming the Contract are intended to be correlative, complementary, and mutually
2.3 No amendment, modification or other variation of the Contract shall be valid unless a
Modification to Contract is made in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Contract, and is
signed by a duly authorised representative of each party thereto.
2.4 If any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or rendered invalid or unenforceable,
such prohibition, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of
any other provisions and conditions of the Contract.
2.5 Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document required or permitted to be
executed, under the Contract by the Procuring Entity or the Consultant may be taken or
executed by the authorised representatives specified in the SCC.
2.6 The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Procuring Entity and the Consultant
and supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral) of
parties with respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract. No agent or representative of
either Party has authority to make, and the Parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any
statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth herein.
3 Law Governing the Contract
3.1 This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the relation between the Parties shall be
governed by the laws of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
4 Language
4.1 This Contract has been executed in English, which shall be the binding and controlling language
for all matters relating to the meaning or interpretation of this Contract.
5 Notices
5.1 Any notice, request, or consent made pursuant to this Contract shall be in writing and shall be
deemed to have been made when delivered to an authorized representative of the Party at the
address specified in the SCC.
6 Location
6.1 The Services shall be performed at such locations as are specified in the Terms of Reference.
7 Authorized Representatives
7.1 Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document required or permitted to be
executed, under this Contract by the Procuring Entity or the Consultant may be taken or
executed by the authorized representatives specified in the SCC.
8 Taxes and Duties

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8.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Consultant, Sub-consultants, and their Personnel shall
pay such taxes, duties, fees, and other impositions as may be levied under the law of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the amount of which is deemed to have been included in the
Contract Price.

B. Commencement, Completion, Modification and Termination of Contract

9 Effectiveness of Contract
9.1 This Contract shall come into effect on the date the Contract is signed by both parties and such
other later date as may be stated in the SCC.
10 Commencement of Services
10.1 The Consultant shall begin carrying out the Services on the date the Contract becomes effective,
or at such other date as may be specified in the SCC.
11 Modification
11.1 Modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including any modification of the
scope of the Services or of the Contract Price, may only be made by written agreement between
the Parties.
12 Force Majeure
12.1 For the purposes of the Contract, "Force Majeure" shall mean an event or events which are
beyond the reasonable control of a Consultant, and which makes a Consultant's performance of
its obligations hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be considered impossible
in the circumstances and includes:
(a). An official prohibition preventing the performance of a contract,
(b). A natural catastrophe such as an earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, floods, or other adverse
weather conditions, or
(c). International or civil war, or
(d). Strikes, lockouts or other industrial action (except where such strikes, lockouts or other
industrial action are within the power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent), or
(e). The death or a serious accident or unexpected serious illness of the Consultant, or Other
instances of Force Majeure identified as such by the civil code.
12.2 The following occurrences shall not be deemed to be cases of Force Majeure:
(a). A strike or lock-out taking of a party or affecting the branch of business in which he carries
out his activities, or
(b). An increase or reduction in the price of raw materials necessary for the performance of the
contract, or
(c). The enactment of new legislation where by the obligations of the debtor becomes more
onerous, or
(d). Any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a consultant or such
Consultant's Sub-consultants or agents or employees; or
(e). Any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected to both'
(i) Take into account from the effective date of the Contract; and
(ii) Avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations; or
(f). insufficiency of funds or failure to make any payment required hereunder.
12.3 The failure of a Consultant to fulfil any of its obligations hereunder shall not be considered to
be a breach of or default under the Contract insofar as such inability arises from an event of Force
Majeure, provided that the Consultant affected by such an event has taken all reasonable
precautions due care and reasonable alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying Out
the terms and conditions of the Contract.
12.4 A Consultant affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable measures to
(a). Remove such Consultant's inability to fulfil its obligations hereunder with a minimum of
delay; and
(b). Minimize the consequences °fatly event of Force Majeure.

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12.5 A Consultant affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the Client of such event as
soon as possible, and in any event not later than fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of
such event, providing evidence of the nature and cause of such event, and shall similarly give
notice of the restoration of normal conditions as soon as possible.
12.6 Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action or task,
shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform
such action as a result of Force Majeure.
12.7 During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an event of Force
Majeure, the Consultant, upon instructions by the client, shall either:
(a). Demobilize, in which case the Consultant shall be reimbursed for additional costs they
reasonably and necessarily incurred, and, if required by the Client, in reactivating the Services; or
(b). Continue with the Services to the extent possible, in which case the Consultant shall continue
to be paid under the terms of this Contract and be reimbursed for additional costs reasonably
and necessarily incurred.
12.8 Not later than thirty (30) days after the Consultant, as the result of an event of Force Majeure,
has become unable to provide the Consultancy Services, the Parties shall consult with each other
in good faith and use all reasonable endeavours to agree appropriate terms to mitigate the
effects of the Force Majeure Event and facilitate the continued performance of the Contract.
13 Termination
By the Procuring Entity
13.1 The Procuring Entity may terminate this Contract, by not less than fifteen (15) days’ written
notice of termination to the Consultant, to be given after the occurrence of any of the events
specified in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this Clause and thirty (30) days’ in the case of the event
referred to in (f):
a) If the Consultant does not remedy a failure in the performance of its obligations under the
Contract, within fifteen (15) days after being notified or within any further period as the
Procuring Entity may have subsequently approved in writing;
b) If the Consultant become insolvent or bankrupt;
c) The Consultant fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of dispute settlement
proceedings pursuant to GCC Clause 34;
d) The Consultant, in the judgement of the Procuring Entity, has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive or coercive practices in competing for or in executing the Contract;
e) If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultant tis unable to perform a material portion of the
Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days; or
f) If the Procuring Entity, in its sole discretion, decides to terminate the Contract.
By the Consultant
13.2 The Consultant may terminate this Contract, by not less than thirty (30) days’ written notice to
the Procuring Entity, such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of the events specified
in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Clause 13.2:
a) If the Procuring Entity fails to pay any monies due to the Consultant pursuant to this Contract
and not subject to dispute pursuant to Clause 12 within forty-five (45) days after receiving
written notice from the Consultant that such payment is overdue;
b) If the Procuring Entity is in material breach of its obligations pursuant to the Contract and has
not remedied the same within forty-five (45) days (or such longer period as the Consultant
may have subsequently approved in writing) following the receipt by the Procuring Entity of
the Consultant’s notice specifying such breach;
c) If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultant is unable to perform a material portion of the
Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days; or
d) If the Procuring Entity fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of dispute
settlement proceedings pursuant to GCC Clause 34.
Payment upon Termination

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13.3 Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses 13.1 or 13.2, the Procuring Entity shall
make the following payments to the Consultant:
a) Remuneration pursuant to Clause 28 or 29 for Services satisfactorily performed prior to the
effective date of termination;
b) Except in the case of termination pursuant to paragraphs (a) to (d) of Clause 13.1,
reimbursement of any reasonable cost incident to the prompt and orderly termination of the
contract, including the cost of the return travel of the Personnel and their eligible dependents.

C. Obligations of the Consultant

14 General
14.1 The Consultant shall perform the Services and carry out its obligations with all due diligence,
efficiency, and economy, in accordance with generally accepted professional techniques and
practices, and shall observe sound management practices, and employ appropriate advanced
technology and safe methods.
14.2 The Consultant shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to this Contract or to the
Services, as a faithful adviser to the Procuring Entity, and shall at all times support and safeguard
the Procuring Entity’s legitimate interests in any dealings with Sub-consultants or third parties.
14.3 The Consultant shall respect and abide by all applicable laws and regulations in force. The
Consultant shall indemnify the Client against any claims and proceedings arising from any
infringement by the Consultant its sub-consultants or their employees of such laws and
14.4 The Consultant shall ensure that Consultancy Services conform to applicable environmental
and quality standards, that no chemical or other product/equipment is used in such a way as to
cause negative impact on the environment in general and occupational health hazards for the
personnel of the Client in particular, and shall employ the most recent technology, safe and
effective equipment machinery, materials and methods, as necessary, The Consultant shall always
act, in respect of any matter relating to this Contract, to safeguard the Client 's legitimate
interests., pursuant to Conditions of this Contract
14.5 The Consultant shall obtain the Client 's prior approval in writing before taking any of the
following actions:
(a). Entering into a subcontract for the performance of any part of the Consultancy Services, it
being understood that the Consultant shall remain fully liable for the performance of the
Consultancy Services by the Sub-consultant and its Personnel pursuant to the Appendix C;
(b). Any other action that may be specified in the SCC.
14.6 The Consultant shall furnish the Client with any personnel data or information required by the
Client to arrange the provision of documentation required in accordance with GCC.
14.7 The Consultant shall comply with administrative orders given by the specific contract manager.
Where the Consultant considers that the requirements of an administrative order go beyond the
authority of the specific contract manager or of the scope of the contract, it shall, on pain of
being time-barred, notify the specific contract manager, explaining its opinion, within 30 days
after receipt thereof Execution of the administrative order shall not be suspended because of this
14.8 The Consultant shall treat all documents and information received in connection with the
contract as private and confidential, and shall not, save in so far as may be necessary for the
purposes of the performance thereof, publish or disclose any particulars of the contract without
the prior consent in writing of the Client or the specific contract manager after consultation with
the Client. If any disagreement arises as to the necessity for any Publication or disclosure for the
purpose of the contract, the decision of the Client shall be final
15 Conflict of Interests
Consultant Not to Benefit from Commissions, Discounts etc.

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15.1 The remuneration of the Consultant pursuant to Clause 28 or 29 shall constitute the Consultant
sole remuneration in connection with this Contract or the Services, and the Consultant shall not
accept for its own benefit any trade commission, discount, or similar payment in connection
with activities pursuant to this Contract or to the Services or in the discharge of its obligations
under the Contract, and the Consultant shall use its best efforts to ensure that the Personnel,
any Sub-consultants, and agents of either of them similarly shall not receive any such additional
Consultant and Affiliates Not to Be Otherwise Interested in Project
15.2 The Consultant agrees that, during the term of this Contract and after its termination, the
Consultant and its affiliates, as well as any Sub-consultant and any of its affiliates, shall not
provide materials produced for this project to third party.
15.3 Prohibition of Conflicting Activities
15.4 Neither the Consultant nor its Sub-consultants nor the Personnel shall engage, either directly
or indirectly, in any of the following activities:
a) During the term of the Contract, any business or professional activities in the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia which would conflict with the activities assigned to them
under the Contract; or
b) After the termination of this contract, such other activities as may be specified in the SCC.
16 Confidentiality
16.1 The Procuring Entity and the Consultant shall keep confidential and shall not without the written
consent of the other party hereto, divulge to any third party any reports or data, or other
information furnished directly or indirectly by the other party hereto in connection with the
Contract, whether such information has been furnished prior to, during or following completion
or termination of the Contract. Notwithstanding the above, the Consultant may furnish to its
Sub-consultant such documents, data, and other information it receives from the Procuring
Entity to the extent required for the Sub-consultant to perform its work under the Contract, in
which event the Consultant shall obtain from such Sub-consultant an undertaking of
confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Consultant under the Contract.
17 Insurance to Be Taken Out by the Consultant
17.1 The Consultant shall take out and maintain, and shall cause any Sub-consultants to take out
and maintain, at it’s (or the Sub-consultants’, as the case may be) own cost but on terms and
conditions approved by the Procuring Entity, insurance against the risks, and for the coverage.
17.2 The Consultant, at the Procuring Entity’s request, shall provide evidence to the Procuring Entity
showing that such insurance has been taken out and maintained and that the current premiums
have been paid.
18 Consultant’s Actions Requiring Procuring Entity’s Prior Approval
18.1 The Consultant shall obtain the Procuring Entity's prior approval in writing before taking any of
the following actions :
a) Entering into a subcontract for the performance of any part of the Services;
b) Appointing such members of the of the personnel not listed by name in the Contract; and
c) Any other action that may be specified in the SCC.
19 Reporting Obligations
19.1 The Consultant shall submit to the Procuring Entity the reports and documents specified in the
Terms of Reference in the form, in the numbers, and within the periods set forth in the said
Terms of Reference.
20 Documents Prepared by the Consultant to Be the Property of the Procuring Entity
20.1 All plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports, and other documents and software
submitted by the Consultant in accordance with the Contract shall become and remain the
property of the Procuring Entity, and the Consultant shall, not later than upon termination or
expiration of this Contract, deliver all such documents and software to the Procuring Entity,
together with a detailed inventory thereof. The Consultant may retain a copy of such documents

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and software. Restrictions about the future use of these documents, if any, shall be specified in
the SCC.

D. Consultant’s Personnel
21 Description of Personnel
21.1 The titles, agreed job descriptions, minimum qualifications, and estimated periods of
engagement in the carrying out of the Services of the Consultant’s Key Personnel are described
in the Contract. The Key Personnel and Sub-consultants listed by title as well as by name in
Contract are hereby approved by the Procuring Entity.
22 Removal and/or Replacement of Personnel
22.1 Except as the Procuring Entity may otherwise agree, no changes shall be made in the Key
Personnel. If, for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Consultant, it becomes
necessary to replace any of the Key Personnel, the Consultant shall provide as a replacement a
person of equivalent or better qualifications.
22.2 If the Procuring Entity finds that any of the Personnel have (i) committed serious misconduct or
have been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) have reasonable cause to be
dissatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then the Consultant shall, at the
Procuring Entity’s written request specifying the grounds therefore, provide as a replacement a
person with qualifications and experience acceptable to the Procuring Entity.
22.3 The Consultant shall have no claim for additional costs arising out of or incidental to any
removal and/or replacement of Personnel.

E. Obligations of the Procuring Entity

23 Assistance and Exemptions
23.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Procuring Entity shall use its best efforts to ensure
that the Government shall:
a) Provide the Consultant, Sub-Consultants and Personnel with work permits and such other
documents as shall be necessary to enable the Consultant, Sub-Consultants or Personnel to
perform the Services.
b) Provide to the Consultant, Sub-Consultants and Personnel any such other assistance as may
be specified in the SCC.
24 Change in Laws
24.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, if after the date of the Request for Proposals, any law,
regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having the force of law is enacted, promulgated,
abrogated, or changed in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (which shall be deemed
to include any change in interpretation or application by the competent authorities) that
subsequently affects the period for completion of the Services and/or the Contract Price, then
such time period and/or Contract Price shall not be correspondingly increased or decreased.
25 Services and Facilities
25.1 The Procuring Entity shall make available to the Consultant the Services and Facilities listed in
the Contract.

F. Payments to the Consultant

26 Contract Price and Currency
26.1 The Contract Price shall be expressed as a specific amount in the Agreement representing:
a) The total amount payable for a Lump Sum contract; or
b) The estimated amount for a Time-Based contract.
26.2 Payments shall be made in Ethiopian Birr.
27 Type of Contract

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27.1 In consideration of the Services performed by the Consultant under the Contract, the Procuring
Entity shall make to the Consultant such payments in such manner as is provided by the
27.2 The type of contract shall be as specified in the SCC and payment shall be in accordance with
the provisions of:
a) GCC Clause 28, Option 1 in the case of Lump Sum contracts; or
b) GCC Clause 29, Option 2 in the case of Time-Based contracts.
28 Option 1 – Payments in respect of Lump Sum Contracts
28.1 The Contract Price shall be a fixed total lump sum including all Personnel costs, Sub-consultants’
costs, printing, communications, travel, accommodation, and all other costs required to carry
out the Services described in the Contract.
28.2 The Contract Price may only be increased through amendment of the Contract in accordance
with GCC Clause 11.
28.3 The price for any additional services, as may be agreed in accordance with GCC Clause 11, shall
be determined using the Breakdown of Contract Price in the Contract.
29 Option 2 – Payments in respect of Time-Based Contracts
29.1 The Contract Price shall be an estimated amount, based on the Breakdown of Cost Estimates in
the Contract.
29.2 Payment shall be made for the time actually spent and for reimbursable expenses actually
incurred by the Consultant in the performance of the Services.
29.3 Fees for the Personnel shall be determined on the basis of time actually spent by the Personnel
in the performance of the Services after the date determined in accordance with the
Commencement Date of the Services, or such other date as the Parties may agree in writing,
and at the rates specified in the Contract. Personnel time spent in the performance of the
Services shall include time for necessary travel via the most direct route, at the rates detailed in
the Contract, unless otherwise specified in the SCC.
29.4 Reimbursable expenditures shall include costs actually and reasonably incurred by the
Consultant in the performance of the Services, as specified in the Contract.
29.5 The Consultant’s total remuneration shall not exceed the ceiling amount stated in the SCC. The
Consultant shall notify the Procuring Entity as soon as cumulative charges incurred for the
Services have reached 80% of the ceiling amount.
29.6 Separate invoices shall be submitted for fees and for reimbursable expenditure. Invoices shall
be supported by the documentation specified in accordance with GCC 34.2.
29.7 A final payment shall be made against submission by the Consultant of a final statement,
identified as such and approved by the Procuring Entity. The final statement shall be deemed
approved by the Procuring Entity ninety calendar days after receipt by the Procuring Entity
unless the Procuring Entity, within this period, gives written notice to the Consultant specifying
in detail deficiencies in the Services, the deliverables or the final statement.
29.8 Any amount which the Procuring Entity has paid or caused to be paid which is in excess of the
amounts actually payable in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, shall be reimbursed
by the Consultant to the Procuring Entity within thirty days after receipt by the Consultant of a
notice thereof. Any such claim by the Procuring Entity for reimbursement must be made within
twelve months after receipt by the Procuring Entity of a final statement approved by the
Procuring Entity.
30 Payment Schedule and Advance Payment
30.1 All payments under the Contract shall be made in accordance with the payment schedule
specified in the SCC.
30.2 Unless otherwise stated in the SCC, where any payment is made in advance of any deliverables
as an advance payment, the payment shall be made against the provision by the Consultant of
a bank guarantee for the same amount, and shall be valid for the period stated in the SCC.

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30.3 Should the advance payment guarantee cease to be valid and the Consultant fails to re-validate
it, a deduction equal to the amount of the advance payment may be made by the Procuring
Entity from future payments due to the Consultant under the contract.
30.4 If a Contract is terminated for any reason, the guarantee securing the advance may be invoked
in order to recover the balance of the advance still owed by the Consultant.
31 Payment Terms
31.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, payments shall be made by the Procuring Entity, no later
than sixty days after submission of a request for payment by the Consultant.
31.2 The Consultant’s request for payment shall be made to the Procuring Entity in writing,
accompanied by invoices and supporting documents. The supporting documentation required
shall be as specified in the SCC.
31.3 The Procuring Entity shall notify the Consultant of the inadmissibility of a request for payment
due to an error, discrepancy, omission or any other reason so that the Parties may resolve such
error, discrepancy, omission or other fault and agree a solution to enable payment of the
corrected request for payment. The Procuring Entity shall not unreasonably withhold payment
of any undisputed portion of a request for payment. Should any discrepancy be found to exist
between actual payment made and costs authorised to be incurred by the Consultant, the
Procuring Entity may add or subtract the difference from any subsequent payments.
31.4 If the Procuring Entity has delayed payments beyond fifteen (15) days after the due date stated
in the SCC, interest shall be paid to the Consultant for each day of delay at the rate stated in
the SCC.
32 Price Adjustments
32.1 Prices charged by the Consultant for the Services performed under the Contract shall not vary
from the prices quoted in the Contract

G. Settlement of Disputes
33 Amicable Settlement
33.1 The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in
connection with this Contract or its interpretation.
34 Dispute Settlement
34.1 Any dispute between the Parties as to matters arising pursuant to this Contract that cannot be
settled amicably within thirty (30) days after receipt by one Party of the other Party’s request
for such amicable settlement may be submitted by either Party for settlement in accordance
with the provisions specified in the SCC.

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Section 8. Special Condition of contract (SCC)

The following Special Conditions of Contract (“SCC”) shall supplement the General
Conditions of Contract (“GCC”). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein
shall prevail over those in the GCC.

GCC clause
reference Special Conditions of Contract
The Procurement Reference Number is:
In addition to the documents listed in GCC Clause 2.1(d), the following documents
shall form the Contract:
Letter of Acceptance,
GCC 2.1(d) Terms of Reference,
Bidders bid document,
Minutes of negotiations (if any) and
Appendices and Annexes shall be part of the Contract.
The addresses for Notices are:
For the Employer: MOTI Engineering
Street Address: Africa Avenue Floor/Room number, 4th floor, Room No.410
Town/City: Addis Ababa
Postal Code/PO Box No:
Country: Ethiopia
Telephone: +251 115 545059
Facsimile number: +251 115 545060
GCC 5.1
For the Consultant:
Street Address:
Floor/Room number:
Town/City: Addis Ababa
Postal Code/PO Box No:
Country: Ethiopia
Facsimile number:
The Authorised Representatives are:
For the Employer:
Authorized Officer:
P.O. Box:
Street Address: Africa Avenue
Town/City: Addis Ababa
GCC 7.1 Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
E-mail address

For the Consultant:

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GCC clause
Special Conditions of Contract
Authorized Officer:
P.O. Box:
Street Address:
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
E-mail address
The Consultant, Sub-consultants, and their Personnel shall pay such taxes, duties,
GCC 8.1 fees, and other impositions as may be levied under the law of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia.
The period within which the Services shall commence is: upon the Contract signing
GCC 10.1
(“Commencement Date”).
GCC 15.3 (b) The following activities are prohibited: None
The risks and coverage shall be:
i. Third Party motor vehicle----Not required
ii. Third Party liability-----Not required
iii. Consultant’s liability and workers’ compensation----Not required
iv. Professional liability-----Need to be provided. The Consultant shall provide
professional indemnity insurance within 10 days after signing of the
Contract, for the value of 10% of the Contract Price from a bank or insurance
in a form and content acceptable to the Employer.
v. Loss or damage to equipment and property----Not required
GCC 17.1
vi. The amount of the Consultant’s aggregate limit of liability shall be: a sum
equal to 110% of the Contract Price provided that in no event shall this limit
the liability of the Consultant for: (i) intellectual property or any Consultant
indemnity obligations for infringement for third-party intellectual property
rights; (ii) any claims covered by any specific provision in the Contract
providing for liquidated damages; or (iii) any claims against the Consultant
for wilful misconducts, intentional torts, criminal acts, fraudulent conduct, or
acts or omissions that result in personal injuries or death.
vii. Other
The Employer’s prior approval is also required for: Any modification from agreed
GCC 18.1 (c) program during design and construction stage, variation works and at each stage of
The future use of documents is restricted as follows: Employer shall own all the
designs and submittals by the Consultant and has the right to re-use, and the
GCC 20.1
Consultant shall not use these documents for purposes unrelated to this Contract
without the prior written approval of the Employer.
GCC 23.1 (g) The Employer shall provide the following further assistance: None
Any change in laws or regulations shall not result in any change to the period for
GCC 24.1
completion of the services or the Contract Price.
Payments to the Consultant under this Contract shall be made in the Ethiopian Birr
GCC 26.2
GCC 27.2 The Contract is a Lump sum contract.
Personnel time spent in the performance of the Services shall not include the
GCC 27.3
following: time for necessary travel.

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GCC clause
Special Conditions of Contract
GCC 27.5 The Consultant’s total remuneration shall not exceed : Not applicable
The payment schedule shall be: Payments shall be made according to the following
- Advance Payment of 20% of Contract Price upon submittal of an absolute,
unconditional and irrevocable advance payment guarantee, which is
equivalent to the advance payment, from a bank or insurance in a form and
content acceptable to the Employer at the signing of the Agreement.
- 10% of the Contract Price upon submission of design Concept, Geotechnical
investigation, Topography and preliminary Architectural and engineering
GCC 30.1
- 40% of the Contract Price upon submission of final detail design.

- 30% of the Contract Price upon securing all concerned government entities
approval of the design, completion of bill Of Quantities and Specification and
construction bid document.

Payment shall be subjected to retention in the sum of 30% of the value certified until
completion of all the Services.
The Advance Payment Guarantee shall be absolute, unconditional and irrevocable
bank guarantee payable without the consent of the Consultant in a form and by a
GCC 30.2 bank acceptable to the Employer in amounts equal to the Advance Payment. The
period of validity of the Advance Payment Guarantee shall be: Until all advance
payment is recovered.
Payments shall be made by the Employer within a period of thirty (30) days of receipt
of the request for payment from the Consultant and within forty five (45) days of
receipt of the request for payment from the Consultant for final payment.

Payment to the Consultant under the Contract shall be made payable through wire
GCC 31.1
transfer to the Consultant’s bank account details provided below:
Account No.:
Bank :
Branch :
Account Name :
The following documentation shall be required from the Consultant to support
GCC 31.2 requests for payment: Payment request letter describing the work done.
Interest shall be paid on late payments at the rate of: legal interest rate of the country
GCC 31.4
Prices charged by the Consultant shall not vary from the prices quoted in the
GCC 32.1
The formal mechanism for dispute settlement shall be: If the Employer and the
Consultant fail to resolve a dispute or difference arising from or in connection with
the Contract by conciliation within twenty-eight (28) days from the commencement
GCC 34.1
of such conciliation, either Party may require that the dispute be referred for
resolution through the competent Federal court-of-law located in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia in accordance with the applicable laws of Ethiopia.

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GCC clause
Special Conditions of Contract
35. Performance Security
35.1 The Consultant shall, within fifteen (15) days from signing the Contract, provide
a Performance Security for the due performance of the Contract in the amount of
35.2 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to the Employer as
compensation for any loss resulting from the Consultant’s failure to complete its
obligations under the Contract.
GCC 35 35.3 The Performance Security shall be denominated in ETB, and shall be in the form
of absolute, unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee in the form acceptable to
the Employer.
35.4 The Performance Security shall be discharged by the Employer and returned to
the Consultant not later than twenty-eight (28) days following the date of completion
of the Consultant’s performance obligations under the Contract, including any
warranty obligations.

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Section 9. Contract Forms


A. Contract Agreement

1. The Agreement 89

2. Effectiveness of Contract Agreement 90

B. Appendices

1. Appendix A- Description of Services 91

2. Appendix B- Reporting Requirements 92

3. Appendix C- Key Personnel and Sub-Consultants 92

4. Appendix D- Breakdown of Contract Price/Cost Estimation 92

5. Appendix E- Duties of the Employer (MOTI Engineering Plc) 92

C. Performance Security 93

D. Advanced Payment Security 94

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A. Contract Agreement

For the Procurement of: [Insert Reference Number]

This Contract Agreement (hereinafter called “Contract Agreement”) is made the Select date
(“Effective Date”)
By and between
[Insert Name of Client]
Tel. +251 115 545059
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(Hereinafter called the “Employer”)
[Insert Name of Bidder]
Tel. +251-11-cccccccccccccccc
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(Hereinafter called the “Consultant”).

a) The Employer has invited bid for certain Consultancy Service (hereinafter called the
‘’Consultancy Services’’), and has accepted a Proposal by the Consultant for the
provision of those Consultancy Services in the sum of [insert currency and amount in
words and figures], (hereinafter called the ‘’Contract Price’’) in the manner and on the
terms described herein.
b) The Consultant having represented to the Employer that it has the required
professional skills, personnel and technical resources, has agreed to provide the
Services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract;

NOW THEREFORE the Employer and the Consultant hereto agree as follows:

1. The Agreement
1.1. In this Contract Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings
as are respectively assigned to them in the General Conditions of Contract.
1.2. The following documents shall constitute the Contract between the Employer and
the Consultant, and each shall be read and construed and integral part of the
a) This Contract Agreement;
b) The Special Conditions of Contract (“SCC”);
d) The General Conditions of Contract (“GCC”);
e) The Terms of Reference;
f) The all Appendices attached:

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1.3. This Contact shall prevail over all other Contact documents. In the event of any
discrepancy or inconsistency within the contract document, then the documents
shall prevail in the order listed above.
1.4. In consideration of payments to be made by the Employer to the Consultant as
hereinafter mentioned, the Consultant herby covenants with the Employer to
provide the Consultancy Services and remedy defects therein in conformity in all
respect with the provisions of the Contract.
1.5. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Consultant in consideration of the
Consultancy Services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contact Price or
such other sum as may become payable under the provision of the contract at the
same times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

2. Effectiveness of Contract Agreement

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Employer and the Consultant hereto have caused this Contract to
be signed in their respective names and on their behalf by their duly authorized
representatives on the Effective Date.

For and on behalf of for and on behalf of

By: ___________________________ By: __________________________

Name: _______________________ Name: _______________________

Position: _____________________ Position: _____________________

Date: _________________________ Date:__________________________

In the presence of these Witnesses:

Name Title Signature

1. ______________________________ ____________________ ____________________

2. ______________________________ ____________________ ____________________

3. ______________________________ ____________________ ____________________

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B. Appendices

1. Appendix A- Description of Services

Location: Addis Ababa, Kirkos Sub-city, wereda 09
Built-up Area of the Site = 684 m2

No. Activity (Tasks) Unit Qty Unit Cost Total

Architectural Design Works: Floor plans, elevations and
1 section, and all related detail designs, specifications, 3D view LS 1
pictures and Animated Video
Structural Design works: Soil test program considering the LS 1
soil condition of the area, plans for formwork, plans for slab
reinforcement, foundation, beams and columns
reinforcement plans, sections, bar bending schedules.
Mechanical Design works: Detail design of any mechanical LS 1
3 system including report and analysis reports and associated
Electrical Design Works: Floor plans Details drawings for LS 1
special item, Distribution layout and wiring diagrams for all
distribution boards, Electrical and other necessary
Sanitary Design Works: Floor plans, riser diagram, Detail LS 1
5 drawings for special items, Hydraulic and other necessary
BOQ Preparation Work: preparation of bill of quantity, LS 1
includes detail item of works and quantities, and engineers
estimate for the project and takeoff sheet need to be
Design Approval follow-up works: organizing all required LS 1
documents required by the respected authority, application
for design approval, approval stage process follow-up, and
delivering the final approved documents to the client
(Obtaining all clearance from government agencies as
required and any other works related to this project)
Complete Construction Bid Document preparation LS 1
8 Work: this work includes preparation of a Standard Bid
Document based on the design prepared.
Grand Total with VAT

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2. Appendix B- Reporting Requirements

Completed and Stamped Documents Softcopy Hardcopy

Conceptual Design Report and Schematic Drawings. PDF & MS-Word A4 & A1
Preliminary Architectural Drawing PDF, MS-Word, and A4 & A1
Final Architectural Drawing and Design Report PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A1
Final Structural Design Drawing and Report PDF, and AutoCAD A4 & 2
Final Sanitary and Mechanical Design Drawings and Report PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A2
Final Electrical Design Drawings and Reports PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A2
Bill of Quantities and Engineering Estimate PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A3
Technical Specification and Methods of Measurement PDF and AutoCAD A4 & A3
Complete Bid Document PDF, MS-Word, and A4 & A3
3D view pictures and Animated Video JPGE and .mp4 files Visible

3. Appendix C- Key Personnel and Sub-Consultants


4. Appendix D- Breakdown of Contract Price/Cost Estimation

5. Appendix E- Duties of the Client (MOTI)

E-1 Service, facilities and property to be made available to the Consultant by Employer
E-2 Professional and support counterpart personnel to be made available to the
Consultant by the Employer

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C. Performance Security


Date: Select date

Procurement Reference Number: [Insert Procurment Reference Number]

To: [Insert Name of Client]

WHEREAS (hereinafter ‘the Consultant’) has undertaken, pursuant to Contract No. [Insert
Contract Number], dated Select date, to supply (hereinafter ‘the Contract’).

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementioned Contract that the
Consultant shall furnish you with a security issued by a reputable guarantor for the sum
specified therein as security for compliance with the Consultant’s performance obligations in
accordance with the Contract.

AND WHEREAS the undersigned, legally domiciled in [insert full address of Guarantor]
(hereinafter “the Guarantor”), have agreed to give the Consultant a Security.

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the
Consultant, up to a total of [insert currency and amount of guarantee in words and figures],
and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Consultant to be
in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, any sums within the limit of [insert
currency and amount of guarantee in words and figures], as aforesaid, without your needing
to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This Security is valid until the day of, Select date,

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No

Name: [insert complete name of person signing the Security]

In the capacity of [insert legal capacity of person signing the Security]

Signed: [signature of person whose name and capacity are shown above]
Duly authorized to sign the Security for and on behalf of: [insert complete name of the Financial
Dated on ____________ day of __________________, _______ [insert date of signing]

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MOTI Engineering PLC BID Document 07/2023

D. Advanced Payment Security


Date: Select date

Procurement Reference Number: [Insert Procurment Reference Number]

To: [Insert Name of Client]

In accordance with the payment provision included in the Contract, in relation to advance
payments, [insert complete name of Consultant] (hereinafter called “the Consultant”) shall
deposit with the Client a security consisting of [indicate type of security], to guarantee its
proper and faithful performance of the obligations imposed by said Clause of the Contract, in
the amount of [insert currency and amount of guarantee in words and figures].

We, the undersigned [insert complete name of Guarantor], legally domiciled in [insert full
address of Guarantor] (hereinafter “the Guarantor”), as instructed by the Consultant, agree
unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligor and not as surety merely, the
payment to the Procuring Entity on its first demand without whatsoever right of objection on
our part and without its first claim to the Consultant, in the amount not exceeding [insert
currency and amount of guarantee in words and figures].

This security shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment received
by the Consultant under the Contract until [insert day and month], [insert year].

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.
458, except that subparagraph (ii) of Sub-article 20(a) is hereby excluded.

Name: [insert complete name of person signing the Security]

In the capacity of [insert legal capacity of person signing the Security]

Signed: [signature of person whose name and capacity are shown above]

Duly authorized to sign the Security for and on behalf of: [insert complete name of the Financial

Dated on ____________ day of __________________, _______ [insert date of signing]

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