Profil Dosen Pembimbing Thesis Only MMSI 2021-10-28

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Program Pascasarjana
Magister Manajemen Sistem Informasi (MMSI)

28 Oktober 2021
(diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa yang akan mulai
menempuh matakuliah Pre Thesis pada November 2021 )

00001 Business Process Management 00007 00013 E-Business 00019 Computer For Education 00025 Blockchain Technology
Manangement IS and Information System Financial Technology
00002 Enterprise Resource Planning 00008 Corporate IS 00014 Security 00020 Mobile Technology 00026 (Fintech)
Information System Customer Relationship
00003 Information System Risk Management 00009 Governance 00015 Management 00021 Internet of Things
00004 Information System Strategic Planning 00010 Online Learning 00016 Intelligence 00022 Evaluation System
00005 Knowledge Management 00011 Information System Valuation 00017 Analytic 00023 IS Project Management
Service Oriented Artificial Neural
00006 Quality Assurance in Information System 00012 Architecture 00018 Network 00024 Multimedia and Gamification Design

Kode Topik Tesis

No Nama Dosen 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0002
Dosen 00001 00002 00003 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 00011 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026
1 D1390 Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
2 D1886 Dr. Viany Utami Tjhin, S.Kom, MM., MCom(IS) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
3 D2146 Dr. Drs.Nilo Legowo, M.Kom. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
4 D3392 Ir. Togar Alam Napitupulu, M.S., M.Sc., Ph.D Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
5 D1787 Dr. Sfenrianto, S.Kom, M.Kom Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
6 D4898 Dr. Ahmad Nurul Fajar, ST., MT Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
7 D1459 Jarot Suroso, Ir.M.Eng. Dr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
8 D2307 Dr. Gunawan Wang, ST, MM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
9 D2854 Astari Retnowardani, S.Kom,MT, PhD Y Y Y Y Y
10 D5795 Tuga Mauritsius, Drs., MT.PhD Y Y Y Y Y Y
11 D6141 Riyanto Jayadi, S.Kom., Ph.D. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
12 D1972 Dr. Diyurman Gea, S. Kom, M.M. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
12 D6048 Emil Robert Kaburuan, S.T., MA., Ph.D Y Y Y Y Y Y
13 D2880 Dr.Wahyu Sardjono, S.Si, MM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
14 D1003 Dr. Siswono, S.Kom., M.M. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
15 D1702 Dr. Meyliana, S.Kom., MM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dr. Viany Utami Tjhin, S.Kom, MM, M.Com(IS)
Research Interest: E-Commerce, E-Business, E-Learning, Online Learning, Distance
Learning, Consumer Behavior, Data Mining, Management Information Systems, IS Audit, and
IS Governance
Selected Publications (indexed by SCOPUS)
• Fulltime Lecturer: 1999 - Now • Strategic planning of information systems in a timber company (2020)
• Education • Effect of E-WOM and social media usage on purchase decision in clothing
• S3, Doctor of Research in Management, streaming industry (2019)
Business Information Systems, BINUS University • The role of electronic word-of-mouth on customer confusion in increasing
• S2, Master of Commerce (Information Systems), purchase intention (2018)
Curtin University, Australia • Performance Prediction in Online Discussion Forum: State-of-the-art and
• S2, Master of Management IS, BINUS University comparative analysis (2018)
• S1, Information Systems, BINUS University • The role of mobile devices to improve student learning motivation on
• Teaching: distance learning (2017)
• Dissertation Proposal II (for Doctoral students) • Exploring effective learning resources affecting student behavior on
• Digital Business (for MMSI students) distance education (2017)
• MIS for Leader (for S1, SIS students) • Predicting students performance in final examination using linear regression
and multilayer perceptron (2017)
• Entrepreneurship: Ideation (for S1, SIS students)
• Mobile usability: An antecedent for influencing purchase intention
moderated by omni-channel integration quality (2017)
e-Mail: • Rekening Bersama (RekBer) the Indonesian escrow service of money (2016)
Dr. Ir. Jarot S. Suroso, M.Eng.
Research Interest: Research Methodology, e-Education, Competitive
Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Cloud
Computing, Emerging Technologies (Blockchain, AI, IoT), Internet Security, Risk
Management, IS Quality Assurance, Disruptive Innovation
Lecturer in BINUS University: 1994 - Now Selected Research
Education • Pemodelan Sistem Kendali Robot Tempur dengan Teknologi Wireless dan Computer Vision
• S3 Doctor of Education State University of Jakarta (Dikti)
• S3 Doctoral Sandwich Aix Marseille University France • Pengembangan Aplikasi Sistem e-Commerce Pengintegrasi Komponen Pengguna Kedelai
• S2 Master of Engineering Ecole Superieure d’Engineur de Marseille France Lokal Dan Olahannya Dari Hulu Sampai Hilir (Dikti)
• S1 Electronic Engineering Hasanuddin University Ujung Pandang • Implementasi Drone Untuk Penanggulangan Kebakaran di Pemukiman Padat Penduduk
(Penelitian Unggulan Binus)
• Research Methodology (S2 MMSI) Selected Research
• IS Security and Risk Management (S2 MMSI) • Design of object tracking for military robot using pid controller and computer vision (Scopus Q1)
• Entrepreneurship (S2 MMSI)
• GNSS-based navigation systems of autonomous drone for delivering items (Scopus Q1)
• Business Process Management (S2 MMSI)
• IS Quality Assurance and Control (S2 MMSI) • Assessing an Information Security Governance Using IPPF in Multi-Finance Companyions (Scopus Q3)
• Research Topics in Computer Science (S1 Computer Science) Website
• Machine Learning (S1 Computer Science)
• Algorith and Programming (S1 Computer Science) •

Working Experience: •

• Rector of Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Multimedia Cendekia Abditama •
• Researcher of Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)
• CEO PT Inovatek, CEO PT Anugeraha Sejahtera


Dr. Sfenrianto, S.Kom.,M.Kom.
Research Interest: Digital Business and Startup, e-Commerce Management, e-
Business, e-Learning, Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Architecture,
Corporate Information Strategy and Management, Big Data Analytics, Business
Intelligence, Evaluation Systems, Business Process Management, Information System.
Since 2014 - now, a Lecturer Specialist – S3 of BINUS Graduate Program – Master of
Information Systems Management (MMSI), Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta Indonesia.
Doktor in Computer Science, University Indonesia, 2014. Currently, an Associate Professor and
Master supervisor at Master of Information Systems Management (MMSI).
Teaching: Publication:
• Digital Business and e-Commerce • Scopus :
Management (S2 MMSI)
• Advanced Topics in MIS (S2 MMSI)
• Google Schoolar :
• Project and Change Management (S2 MMSI)
• Thesis Colloquium (S2 MMSI)
• Management Information System (S1 Sistem • Researchgate :
• Digital and New Media (S1 Sistem Informasi) • Sinta :

Contact : Email:

D2146- Dr. Drs.Nilo Legowo,M.Kom
Research Interest: IS Governance (COBIT.5,Octave, ITIL) Enterprise Architecture-
(Togaf, Zachman,EA3) IS Risk Management (ISO, SNI), IS Strategic Planning, E-Learning,
Evaluation System Business Application, E-commerce, BPM, Knowledge Management)
Software Engineering (Agile, Dynamic, CMMI, SOA) Mobile Application, Business
Intelligence Application
Selected Publication
• Lecturer in BINUS ( S1 ) SoCS: 2000 - Now,
• Audit information system risk management using ISO 27001 framework at private bank
JJA: Lektor Kepala ( S2) MMSI: 2011- Now
• 4 Domains Of Cobit Framework Version 5.0 That Can Be Used To Evaluating Information
• Education Technology Project Management Governance In The It Function,
• S1-Education Management, Unesa,1989
• Implementation of incident management for data services using ITIL V3 in
• S2-Computer Science, STTI-BI, 1997
telecommunication operator company
• S3- DRM-Business Information System,Binus2018
• Business Process Re-Engineering To Improve Process Alignment & Information System
• Teaching: Platform At Stainless Equipment Company.
• Advanced Enterprise Architecture (S2)
• IS Strategic Planning (S2) • Factors Influencing the Adoption of Internet Banking System Using UTAUT Combined
TTF at Private Bank Indonesia.
• Thesis Colloqium (S2)
• Software Engineering , OOSE, HCI (S1) • The Influence of Instructor Readiness, IT Capability, Support of LMS Content, and their
• Program Design Methode (S1) Implications on E-Learning Effectiveness in a Corporate University of BUMN.
• MIS, Anapersis (S1) • Big Data Analytics Implementation In Banking Industry – Case Study Cross Selling
• Entrepreneurship (S1) Activity In Indonesia’s Commercial Bank
• Risk Management of Credit Card Payment Gateway using Octave Allegro Methodology
At Electronic Payment Provider Institution
Dr. Gunawan Wang, ST, MCom(IS), MMSI, MPd
Research Interest: Knowledge Management System, Digital Business and Startup, e-
Commerce Management, Enterprise Architecture, e-Learning, Financial Technology, Corporate
Information Strategy and Management, Gamification and Multimedia Technology, Selected
Topics in Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), and Health Information Systems.

• Lecturer in BINUS MMSI (D2307): 2013 – Present, with almost 20 Selected Publication Scopus Journal
years in Undergraduate Programmes. • Applying Smart Contract in e-Logistics monitoring and control
• Senior Business and Technical Consultant. with Block Chain Technology.
• JJA : Lektor • Formulating Hospital Information System with Enterprise
Architecture Approach.
• Education
• S3 DRM, Information System Management (Binus) • Applying Smart Parking System with Internet of Things (IoT)
• S2 Information System Management (Binus), Information
System (Curtin), Education Technology (UPH) • Gamification for Recruitment: A new tool to attract Talent.
• S1 Electronics Engineering (UKSW) • The Use of Big Data in Supporting Customer Profiling.
• Teaching: • Analysis of Gamification Use in Learning Management System.
• Digital Business and e-Commerce Management (S2 MMSI)
• Advanced Topics in MIS (S2 MMSI) • Exploring Blockchain in Health Industry.
• Enterprise Architecture (S2 MMSI) • Smart Parking System with Automatic Cashier Machine
• Entrepreneurship (S1) Utilisation.
• Management Information System (S1 Sistem Informasi)

Scopus id :
Sinta id :
Google Schoolar id :
Dr. Diyurman Gea, S.Kom, MM
Research Interest: Management Information System, E-Business,
E-Commerce, Database System

• Working Experience
• Fulltime Lecturer: 1999 – Now
• IT Consultant at KARS: 2013 – Now
• IT Consultant at Ministry of Health : 2019 – Now

• Education Selected Publications (indexed by SCOPUS)

• S3, Doctor of Research in Management, streaming
Business Information Systems, BINUS University 1. 'Smart healthcare' a medical record system for effective health
services (2020)
• S2, Master of Management IS, BINUS University
2. Netnography analysis of consumer sentiment towards panic
• S1, Information Systems, BINUS University buying in the early period of the COVID-19 virus spread (2020)
• Teaching: 3. Utilization of data and applications to increase the services
• Database Systems quality of hospital industry accreditation in Indonesia (2019)
• Business Intelligence
• Testing and System Implementation


Astari Retnowardhani, S.Kom.,M.Kom., Ph.D
Research Interest: Information system, IT/IS investment valuation, Decision
Support System, Corporate Information Strategy and Management, Evaluation Systems,
Knowledge Management System
Since 2004 until now as a Lecturer in UBINUS, teach in MMSI since 20016
PhD – Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Computer Science (Decision Support System), 2016
MKom – Universitas Indonesia, Information Technology, 2002
SKom – Universitas Budi Luhur, Information System Management, 2002

Teaching: Publication:
• Emerging ICT & Valuation (S2 MMSI) • Scopus :
• Information System Analysis and Design
(S1 Information System) • Google Schoolar :
• Advanced Information System Analysis &,5&q=astari+retnowa
Design (S1 Information System)
• Sinta :
• Software Testing (S1 Information System)

Email: /

Dr. Wahyu Sardjono, S.Si, MM.
Research Interest: Knowledge Management, Corporate Information Systems,
Environmental Information Systems, IT Airport and Eco-Airport, Disaster Recovery Center,
Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relation management, Supply Chain Management,
e-Learning, IT Valuation, Artifial Neural Network, and System Dynamics
Selected Publication – SCOPUS Indexed.
• Senior Lecturer in BINUS MMSI: 2004 - Now 1. The Social Welfare Factors of Public Transportation Driver With Online
• Education Application As a Result of The 4.0 Industrial Revolution In Transportation.
• S3 University of Indonesia (UI) in Environmental Science 2. Readiness Model of Knowledge Management Systems Implementation at the
Higher Education
• S2 University of Gadjahmada (UGM) in Master of Management (e-
3. Improve Understanding and Dissemination of Disaster Management and
Climate Change by Using Knowledge Management Systems
• S1 Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) + Open Distance Learning 4. Modeling the relationship between public transportation and traffic conditions
University (UT) in Applied Mathematic and Applied Statistic. in urban areas: A system dynamics approach
• Practician 5. Analisis of failure factors in Information Systems Project for Software
Implementation at the Organization
• PT. GARUDA INDONESIA (Airlines) : 1985-2014, with position
occupied as General Manager of areas Corporate Information Awarding
Systems, Systems Engineering Development, Information • The 1st Best Lecturer of Faculty Member Category, the academic year 2015/2016
Technology Operation, Research and Development. in BINUS University. INDONESIA.
• Lecturing: • The 2nd Best Lecturer of Faculty Member Category, the academic year 2018/2019
• Emering ICT Issues and Valuation, Technology and Management in BINUS University. INDONESIA.
• Honorary Life Membership Certificate of Asian PGPR Society of Sustainable
Valuation, IT Portfolio Management (S2 MMSI)
• Knowledge Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Corporate
• HIBAH Penelitian DIKTI 2020, Analisis Kesiapan Implementasi e-Learning Dari Sisi
Information Systems, Information Systems lLadership (S1) Guru dan Siswa Pada Sekolah Di Lingkungan Pulau Pramuka Kepulauan seribu –
DKI Jakarta.
Email: Website : &
Ir. Togar Alam Napitupulu, MS., MSc., Ph.D
An Associate Professor of Information systems, at Binus Graduate Program, he
is currently a Faculty Member and lecturer at the MMSI and DCS Programs and
occasionally a lecturer and facilitator at the DRM program.
Education Research Interest
1. Ir. degree in Wood Technology, IPB University. Advances in the application of IS in supporting Management of Business
2. Master degree in Statistics, IPB University. in the Digital Transformation Era, from paradigm perspective at the
3. Master degree in Computer Science, Southern Illinois Enterprise level to enabler issues at the technological level. On the
Paradigm perspective: Issues such as the changing scope of the business;
University, USA. adjustment in business models (DBMI-canvas); the necessity of working in
4. Ph. D degree in Economics, Oklahoma State University, platforms and the business ecosystems. Of course their implications on (a)
Business value chain, such as, C&D and Innovation; Operational
USA. Excellence, Omnichannel Strategy, (b) Customer relations such as
5. Defense College of the Republic of Indonesia Customer acquirement and engagement, including on optimizing marketing
(LEMHANNAS) Graduating class of 2001 expenses; (c) Business organization, such as Talent management,
capability, skill improvement. On the Technological perspective: Topics
Working Experience includes, application of the latest in IT on the six Enterprise systems -
1. Prior to teaching at the University he was working with Integrated Enterprise with ERP, Customer-Centric Enterprise with CRM,
Customer-Responsive Enterprise with SCM, Renewing Enterprise with
the Government of Indonesia. PLM, Collaborative Enterprise with BPM, Informed Enterprise with BI –
2. Former Senior Researcher at the UN-ESCAP. such as (a) Blockchain technology to eliminate intermediary, and improve
security (b) WoT to realize implementation of IoT through the Web,
3. Former Senior Economic Adviser to AMARTA Project, including Semantic-web, (c) Big Data Analytics and Machine learning, for
DAI, Inc. USA. BI, SCM, CRM, (d) Reinforcement learning for autonomous business
Courses Taught decision making such as portfolio management in stock market, (e)
Application of Knowledge-based Intelligent systems, such as Case Based
1. IS-Research Methodology (MMSI). Reasoning (CBR), Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) combined with VR
2. Advanced Topics in MIS (MMSI). &AR, Rule-based Systems, in all those Enterprise systems, (f) Evaluation
of Information systems from user perspective to improve design and uses.
3. Advanced Knowledge-based Intelligent Systems (DCS).
Please Check at Google Scholars and/or Sinta. Email :
Dr. Ahmad Nurul Fajar, S.T.,M.T.
Research Interest: Service Oriented Architecture, Microservices Architecture,
Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Evaluation Systems, E-Business, Mobile
Technology, Business Process Management

Selected Publication Scopus Journal

• Lecturer in BINUS MMSI: 2014 – Now, Kode Dosen : D4898
• Microservices architecture design: Proposed for online
• JJA : Lektor Kepala healthcare
• Education • SOA implementation for systems integration mechanism in
• S3 Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science, UI two companies
• S2 Information System, ITB • Designing production system using service oriented
• S1 Informatics Engineering, Gunadarma University architecture (SOA) case study in automotive manufacturing
• Teaching: • Online travel agent for tourism system using big data and cloud
• Service Oriented Enterprise (S2 MMSI) • Service oriented architecture and enterprise architecture
• Business Intelligence and Analytics (S2 MMSI) alignment for loan financing system
• Advanced Topics in MIS (S2 MMSI) • Goal model to business process model: A methodology for
• Mobile Application Development (S1 Sistem Informasi) enterprise government tourism system development
• Digital and New Media (S1 Sistem Informasi) • Evaluation of e-wallet implementation: Proposed new model
• Collaborative Computing (S1 Sistem Informasi)
Scopus id :
Sinta id :
Google Schoolar id :
Drs. Tuga Mauritsius, MS, Ph.D.
Faculty Member and lecturer at the MMSI Bina Nusantara University

Education Courses Taught

1. S1 Mathematics Education, Undana State University, Kupang 1. Artificial Intelligence
2. S2 Master degree in Mathematics, ITB, Bandung. 2. Artificial Neural Network
3. Graph Theory, Discrete math, Calculus and Linear Algebra
3. S3 Ph. D degree in Soft Computing, The University of 4. Information system leadership
Newcastle Australia. 5. Information system valuation
6. IS Research Metodology and Thesis Colloquium
Working Experience 7. Business Intelligent and Analytics

1. Faculty member of Undana state University Kupang,

2. Faculty member of Widya Mandiri Catholic University Research Interest
Kupang, With the degrees in Mathematics both Undergraduate and Master and a PhD in the area of soft
3. Research Assistant in Graph Theory for Prof Mirka Miller, computing, my research interest is mainly in the crossover of the disciplines of mathematics
and computer science (computational intelligence and or soft computing) applied to various
school of computer science the university of Newcastle fields such as e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, transportation, education and many of
government affairs just to mention a few. The goal is to provide innovative solutions to the
Australia. fields. I realize that computer science and complex mathematics have an ever-increasing role to
play in decision making in those fields.
4. Postdoctorate Fellow in Metaheuristics with Prof. Regina
Beretta, school of computer science the university of The main research problem I am trying to solve relates to the lack of development faced by
many organizations in Indonesia, be it profit or non-profit in harnessing/analyzing the large
Newcastle Australia. datasets generated by many parties be it internal or external. My work is contributing to
expanding the state-of-the-art computational and mathematical methods that can transform
5. Faculty member of STKIP Surya Tangerang. large volumes of data into useful knowledge. The work provides new analytical methodologies
to unleash the full potential that 21st Century information technologies can give us to improve
6. Faculty member at MMSI Bina Nusantara University Jakarta business practices like targeted promotions, customized inventory, promotions, and price
optimization, inventory cost optimization, self-space optimization, location analysis,
customized shopping experience, trend analysis, demand forecasting, transportation cost
Publications/ International Conference optimization, on-time product availability, optimize marketing strategies, building retention and
satisfaction, serving high LTV customer better, risk analysis, among many others.
• Google Scholar
n&oi=ao Contact :
• Scopus : Author ID: 8552113800
Emil R. Kaburuan, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Interaction Design, User Studies (UI & UX Studies), , Digital
Business and Startup, e-Commerce Management, Digital Design, Technopreneurship,
Gamification, Multimedia Technology, Integrated System Design.

• Lecturer in BINUS MMSI: 2018 - Now Selected Publication:

• Education • The IKEA catalogue: Design fiction in academic and industrial
• S3 Interaction Design & Digital Technology, NCKU –
Taiwan • Identifying users' behavior purchasing virtual items
• S2 Communication Science, APNTS - Philippines • Ciselexia: Computer-based method for improving self-awareness in
• S1 Chemical Engineering, USU – Indonesia children with dyslexia
• A design of IoT-based monitoring system for intelligence indoor
• Teaching: micro-climate horticulture farming
• Social Network and Engagement (S2 MMSI) • Applying Innovative Learning Management System (LMS) with
• Thesis Colloquium (S2 MMSI) Gamification Framework
• Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation (S2 MMSI) • User interface model for Indonesian Animal apps to kid using
• Industrial System Design (S2 MTD) Augmented Reality
• Information System Research Design (S1) • Mobile apps business design and development for integrated
• Entrepreneurship (S1) waste management

Dr. Siswono, S.Kom., MM
Research Interest: E-Commerce, E-Business, E-Learning, Online Learning, Distance
Learning, Management Information Systems, Technology Adoption, Competitive
Advantage, Knowledge Management
Fulltime Lecturer: 1990 - Now Selected Publication:
• Influence of IS Adoption and IS Capability to IS Innovation and IS Strategic
Education: Planning and Its Implication to Competitive Advantage of Private Higher
- S3, Doctor of Research Management, Binus University Education Institution (SCOPUS)
- S2, Magister Management Information Systems, • Information technology adoption and competitive advantage of higher
Binus University education
- S1, Manajemen Informatika, Binus University. • Sistem Informasi / Teknologi Informasi Menambah Keunggulan Kompetitif
(Kasus : Zara Fashion)
• Pengembangan Model Penilaian Akreditasi Program Studi Perguruan
Teaching: Tinggi Menggunakan Decision Support System untuk Peningkatan Efisiensi
• Digital Business and E-Commerce Management Kinerja Assessor
• E-Business Strategy and Management • Pengaruh Kualitas Interaksi E-Learning, Materi Produk Kurikulum, Motivasi
• Knowledge Management E-Learning dan Melek Digital Terhadap Kepuasan E-Learning dan Sikap
Pemahaman Belajar Mahasiswa
• MIS for Leader
• Pengembangan Model Knowledge Management di Instansi Pemerintah
• IS Strategy Management
• Pengaruh Perilaku Individu dan Organisasi dalam Pemanfaatan TIK
• Testing and System Implementation Terhadap Kinerja Pembelajaran di Program Tinggi Komputer di Kopertis
Wilayah III
Riyanto Jayadi, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Data science, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Cloud
Computing, Emerging Technologies (Voice Assistant, Smart speaker, Blockchain, AI IoT),
User behavior (Habit-forming Apps, Internet/Smartphone Addiction), Microservice,
Computer Network (6G, 5G, Mobile, Wireless, Wired, Security)

• Lecturer in BINUS MMSI: 2018 - Now Selected Publication

• Education • A knowledge-based Query Tree with Shortcutting and
Couple-Resolution for RFID tag identification (Scopus Q1)
• S2+S3 Fast-Track Master-PhD program in
Information Management at National Taiwan • Efficient time-oriented anti-collision protocol for RFID tag
University of Science and Technology, Taipei identification (Scopus Q1)
• S1 Information System Institut Teknologi • An Interleaved-Sleeping-Listening scheduler for power
Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya saving in mobile stations (Scopus Q1)
• Teaching: • A design of IoT-based monitoring system for intelligence
indoor micro-climate horticulture farming
• Business Intelligence and Analytics (S2 MMSI)
• Passengers Behaviour Analysis in Using Automated Fare
• Project and Change Management (S2 MMSI) Collection Gateway System MRT Jakarta
• Cyber Digital Marketing Comm (S2 Komunikasi) • Predicting Customer Churn of Fire Insurance Policy
• Management Information System (S1)
• Analysis of Title Influence on Popularity of Kaskus Forum
• Entrepreneurship (S1) Postings using Text Mining

Email: Web:

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