Bro Stop Being Lazy and Come Out To The Beach With Me

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Bro, Come to the Beach with me!

Every three out of four people would rather stay out home rather than
going out and moving. Honestly, I can agree with some people because I
know it is hard going out and having be social after a long day.
However, you can’t just stay in your home for your entire life, you need
to move a bit. So instead of playing video games and watching movies
all day. Lets go out to the beach and I will give you three strong reasons
why you should.

Firstly, it will benefit your mentality to be more and more positive than
before. It reduces depression symptoms whether that would be being
negative to as far as having bad thoughts. As well as your sleeping will
be improved such as improving the quality of your rest, helping you feel
more tired at night, and shorting the time it takes to actually fall asleep.
Also it improves emotional well-being like helping relive unwanted or
painful emotions such as fear, worry, and sadness.

Secondly, going to the beach will improve your immune system. The
way it improves is because by just siting or laying on the beach for ten
minutes you have gotten your heathy daily amount of Vitamin D. Also,
when you are on a beach it will be much easier for a human to breath
even if he has asthma. As well as, by swimming in sea or ocean water
your iodine levels in your body. Basically, having adequate levels of
iodine in the body ensures that energy levels and metabolic rates are
optimal, that hair and nail growth is at its peak, and that hormone levels
are regulated. Plus, going to the beach can improve your ability to fight
off infections. You may have experienced it previously – that painful
sting when an open wound is exposed to saltwater.
Fortunately, that pain is a sign that your wound is actually being
cleansed by the water.

Finally, being at the beach encourages social bonds between friends,

family, or relatives. For example, having a barbecue, or swimming with
friends or family.

In conclusion, going to the beach is one of the most stress reliving

things you can do in your entire life. However, in all seriousness, if you
are feeling depressed talk to any close family member you can.
Everyday remind yourself that GOD put you on this planet for a reason
so don’t give up on that reason.

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