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Name: Melver A.

Dangpilen Date: May 13, 2024

Year/Course: Biology-III

Make a Narrative reports in the form of technical reports, on the gut microbiome-ruminant symbiosis in

Rumen is a unique organ found in ruminant animals such as cows, sheep, and goats, that helps
them to break down plant matter quickly. This rapid digestion is made possible by the symbiotic
interaction of ruminants with the diverse and many bacteria that live in their ruminal guts Xu, et al.
(2021). And based on Agnihotri et al. (2022) stated that gut microbiome of ruminants plays an
important part in their digestion and overall health. Says that Ruminants have a distinct digestive
mechanism that allows them to efficiently break down plant material via fermentation. A fermentation
process is assisted by a huge and complex colony of bacteria that exist in the rumen, the first section
of the ruminant stomach. The symbiotic interaction between ruminants and their gut flora is required
for the animals to obtain nutrients from a plant-based diet (Barathan, et al.,2024). In this technical
report, we will look at the major bacteria that live in the ruminal gut, how they colonize the rumen,
and how they help ruminants acquire nutrients.
Bacteria, archaea, protozoa, and fungi are among the microorganisms that live in the rumen.
Bacteria are the most prevalent, accounting for over 200 species in the ruminal microbiome. Some of
the most prevalent bacterial phyla present in the rumen include Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes,
Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria, Newbold and Ramos‐Morales (2020). These bacteria serve an
important role in converting complicated sugars from plant material into simpler molecules that the
ruminant can digest (Brulc et al. 2009 & Mizrahi et al.2018). Protozoa are a crucial part of the rumen
microbiome because they aid in the breakdown of fiber and the digestion of carbohydrates. Fungi are
also present in the rumen and help break down lignin, a complex polymer found in plant cell walls.
Archaea are engaged in the creation of methane, which is a byproduct of fermentation, Agnihotri et al.
Microorganisms begin to colonize the ruminal stomach of newborns and continue to grow as the
animal ages and adapts to different diets. A host's genetic makeup, age, and diet have a major impact
on the colonization process, Mizrahi (2013b) and stated that Dietary changes can affect an animal's
capacity for efficient food digestion by changing the balance of microorganisms in the rumen, such as
going from grass to grain-based feed. Age-related alterations in the gut microbiota have also been
noted; as a ruminant ages, its composition alters. Furthermore, the stability and variety of the gut
microbiome in ruminants might be impacted by genetic variables.
According to, Xu et al. (2021) says that the microbes in the ruminal stomach are essential for
helping ruminants absorb nutrients. These bacteria aid in the release of vital nutrients that the host
animal can absorb, such as sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids, by decomposing complex plant
material like cellulose and hemicellulose. Furthermore, volatile fatty acids are produced by ruminal
microbes during the fermentation of plant material, and these acids are a significant source of energy
for ruminants. Furthermore, by converting hydrogen and carbon dioxide to methane, methanogenic
archaea in the rumen contribute to a decrease in the generation of methane, a powerful greenhouse
gas. And also Ruminants give the microbes a warm, anaerobic environment in which to grow,
(Application of Biotechnology to Nutrition of Animals in Developing Countries, n.d.)
Ruminants and their gut microbiota have a symbiotic interaction that is necessary for the
animals to be able to absorb nutrients from a plant-based diet. The fermentation mechanism that
allows ruminants to digest plant matter is largely dependent on the rich and varied community of
bacteria in the rumen. Gaining insight into the variables influencing ruminants' gut microbiomes can
enhance the well-being and output of these animals. The dynamics of the gut microbiome-ruminant
symbiosis and its effects on ruminant nutrition and health require more investigation.
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