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Ali Hamza Nazir

Burewala, Pakistan | 0304-7707448 | |


Bachelors in Computer Science, IUB , Bahawalpur Sep 2019-May 2023

 Graduated with honors


Junior MERN Full Stack Developer ( BootCamp) Sept 2023 - Present

Game Train

 Engaged in an intensive youth training program designed to prepare participants for a

position in the full stack development industry by learning about coding, programming,
professionalism, persistence, and the essential behavioral skills and mindsets to be
successful on the job.

Python Back-end Django Intern

Enigmatix PVT Ltd Apr 2022 – Oct 2022

 Learn about basic python concepts, its data structure and file processing.
 Practice four pillars of OOP classes.
 Enhance my problem solving skills by solving multiple problem exercises.
 Learned about basic architecture of Django, its functionality.
 Worked with function and class based methods.
 Implemented CRUD operation using Django ORM, and optimize the query timings too.
 Develop Rest API to provide support to front end.
 Integrated token authentication like JWT and token.
 Implemented social logins like Google and Meta in the app.


Ecommerce Web Store

 Front-end with React, Context-Api, Bootstrap

 Back-end, APIs and server-side handling with Express.js, Node.js
 Database storage and handling with MongoDB
Art Gallery Website

 Front-end UI
 Deploy Link Click Here
Library Management System( Final Year Project )

 Front-end with HTML, CSS,Bootstrap

 Back-end with Python Django
 Database sqllite3

Payroll Management App

 Back-end , APIS and server-side handling with Django Rest Framework



 HTML  Debugging

 CSS  MongoDB
 Bootstrap  Git
 JavaScript  Git Hub
 Python  Third-party service integration

 Django/Django Rest Framework  Team collaboration

 React Js  Problem-solving

 Node Js  Performance optimization

 API integration  Web application development
 Redux toolkit  Code reviews

 Back-End Development Certification | Codecademy Aug 2023
Learn Node Js, Express Js, MongoDB
 Front-End development Certification | Codecademy Sep 2023
Learn HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React Js
 Junior Full-Stack Developer – MERN Aug2023 - Nov 2023
Learn JavaScript, ReactJs, ExpressJs, NodeJs, MongoDB

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