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Design Thinking in Prac/ce- 15% - project 1
Dr. Kevin Nolan

• Mohammed alsaedi - 202003186

• Falah alshamsi - 202001762
• Ali alsalami - 202081232
• Hamdan almuheiri - 202007302
PROJECT I: Design Thinking in Prac/ce (15%)

In these sessions, students will present the results of their Design Thinking in Prac9ce projects. The project is designed to give
students an opportunity to apply their understanding of the design thinking process to solving a problem in an organiza9on
they are familiar with.


For this project, pick a problem to solve in an organiza9on you know (for example, your college campus, a company you have
worked for, or a volunteer organiza9on). Use the design thinking skills that you learned to iden9fy a specific pain point for
customers/clients, employees, or both.

For this project, you will need to:

1. Conduct interviews: at least four interviews should be conducted and a short summary of each interview should be turned in
with your project.

2. Create a journey map

3. Generate at least one How Might We ques9on

4. Develop at least three possible solu9ons by brainstorming based on the how might we ques9on(s)


1. Applying the design thinking process throughout

2. Risk taking at every stage of the project (e.g. nature of problem explored, who is interviewed, ideas carried forward,
approach to the presenta9on, etc.)

3. Carrying forward mul9ple insights and ideas.

4. Showing where you have learned from feedback and how it has affected your solu9on.

5. Conduc9ng interviews that reveal needs.

6. A journey map that reflects what was learned in the interview and yields new insights.

7. A How Might We ques9on that reflects a need iden9fied in the interview, perhaps something revealed in the journey map
(something that wouldn’t have been obvious prior to interviewing).

8. At least 3 possible solu9ons that emerge from brainstorming (idea genera9on) that could be explored/prototyped

9. A clear, compelling, and engaging presenta9on.


1. Introduce the project in week 3

2. Always remind students about the progress of their project

3. Always monitor teams dynamic (collabora9on between the teammates)

4. Provide resources or any material required by the teams for prototyping

Introduce the problem

• include a cita2on from secondary research to back up this problem

A8er spending a long 2me enjoying the outdoors on a desert trip, the task of cleaning your equipment might be the
least appealing thing on your mind. As Parks (2021) puts it, "A8er a long camping trip, the last thing you want to do
is clean your equipment." It's understandable that you would feel 2red and perhaps a bit worn out a8er hours in

There is nothing more annoying than preparing a long list of equipment and gathering them a8er 6-8 hours. Our
project will provide a service that will rent the equipment to the customer with preparing and gathering them
through an app service.

There are similar services to ours, but our difference is that it is all on your phone. There is no need to get outside of
your house to prepare or to look at the equipment, you would be able to view the equipment through the app and
click what you need and insert the loca2on and it would be prepared for you with your taste in the equipment.

One of the problems with desert camping is people get 2red and liNers their place, which leads to an increase in the
amount of plas2c in the desert. The amount of plas2c in the desert is a main issue in the UAE, because of the plas2c
many camels get organ failure by ea2ng the plas2c. With our project our customers waste will be disposed properly
by collec2ng the waste and puRng it in the right place.

The amount of camels that get organ failure is 1%. A study has been made on 30,000 camels and it has been found
that 300 of them have been poly bezoars and this could lead to their death.(Abubaker, 2020) And without the right
disposal of the waste, this number could increase dras2cally.
Journey map

• An explana'on of the journey map, iden2fying pain point.

As we can see this is a journey map illustra2ng a desert trip going through mul2ple steps star2ng from planning for
the trip with friend or family members and that will start a conversa2on talking about what they need and what
would they take with them. A8er lis2ng them one person have to go through many shops to find the equipment’s
needed and that would be the first pain point because it’s difficult and it will also drains that person’s energy and
2me. Then he needs to pick up the equipment’s and store them in a safe place. A8er checking the weather now they
can start the trip by driving to the desert to find a good loca2on for the siRng area but here comes the second pain
point, its very hard to find the right place when the weather is good as people will already be taking all the nice
places. Then they have to get the equipment’s out of the car and arrange them in the best way possible to look nice
and enjoying the trip. Finally before ending the trip, they must gather the equipment’s and place them back in the
car, they also have to clean the place and don’t leave anything behind and this is the third pain point. To conclude,
the journey map of the trip have three main pain points, first on is going through shops to find and buy the
equipment’s needed with best prices, and the second on is finding the best loca2on for the siRng area and to place
the equipment’s. lastly having the energy to clean the equipment’s to take them back to the car and to clean the
whole place.

Questions asked:

- What would you require for a desert trip in terms of basic needs?

- Share with us an old experience of a desert trip.

- What would be your expectation of someone providing simple desert equipment rental?

- How do You feel having to prepare each piece of equipment for the trip on your own?

- Do you feel that you will have the energy to gather all the equipment’s and clean the setting area before going

- What would be your opinion if all the equipment you need were provided in one place rather than
taking it yourself?
Interviewer 1 respond:

- "We need to supply plas2c bags, food, water, and lighters."

- "I went to Ras Al Khaimah's desert with my family; we were fully prepared, down to the basic requirements.
For example, there is food, food supplies, blankets, and tents. My family and I aNempted a variety of things,
such sand sliding and riding bikes, and we tried to pick a good loca2on. We also divided tasks so that we
could work as a team. We enjoyed our trip a lot and had a great 2me as a group.

- "I believe it to be a crea2ve idea that can benefit both the business owners and the customers."

- "I feel it’s the joy of the trip to make us feel a beNer experience."

- "I always collect the equipment a8er the trip, and I have the energy to do so, but it requires a team effort, so
I encouraged the trip partners."

- "In my view, it would be preferable to take it from one loca2on rather than several loca2ons because it would
reduce amount of 2me and work, I would need to spend on this journey. "

Summary of interviewer 1 respond:

The speaker shares their personal experience of going to Ras Al Khaimah's desert with their family, emphasizing the
importance of teamwork and task division. They also men2on a crea2ve idea that can benefit both business owners
and customers, and their responsible behavior of collec2ng equipment a8er the trip. Overall, the conversa2on
covers aspects of trip prepara2on, enjoyment, teamwork, responsibility, and efficiency.
Interviewer 2 respond:

- “Water jug, desert chairs, lights, water to wash our hands, fire starter kit, trash bag, a rug, snacks, drinks,
playing cards, and a tea kit. If we are cooking: The ingredients for the dish. The metal chair for the pan to
cook on, and a plate.”

- “Once I prepared a whole trip with my friends and I were cooking dinner I forgot a lot of stuff because there
is so many, I forgot the spoon to get the rice out of the pan and forgot a trash bag and the plate. I had to
leave and go back home to bring it. This is not including that I had to regather all the equipment a8er we are
done in the middle of the night feeling sleepy.”

- “That he would prepare all the equipment and I would not need to bring anything. Maybe snacks and drinks
is what I would need to bring and if I would like to cook the dish ingredients will be on me.”

- “It gets annoying as more frequent I go, every 2me I would wash the equipment prepare them in our area
and by the 2me, we are done I would have to regather them in the middle of the night and get the
equipment out in my home and wash them.”

- “Some2mes when I am with my family, they help me gather them but usually it is a pain to regather them
especially if we have many equipment.”

- “Well, it depends on the price and the quality of the equipment if it is a great it would make desert gathering
more fun and without pain.”

Summary of interviewer 2 respond:

The speaker enjoys going to the desert, but he finds it annoying to prepare the equipment every 2me. Even
gathering the equipment with help from his family feels annoying for him. He would consider a rental service if it
was quality and within a certain price point.
Interviewer 3 respond:

- “My basic needs for a desert trip will be food, water, first aid and some essen2als tools like a mul2-purpose
knife as well as a flashlight.”

- “Once, I went on a trip to the desert with my family, and we took motorcycle to enjoy our 2me, so I got on
the motorcycle and drove it at high speed and recklessly un2l the motorcycle turned over and hit me in my
hand, and my trip ended by going to the hospital.”

- “I would expect the provider to offer a diverse selec2on of equipment necessary for desert trip. This could
include items such as tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, portable stoves, water containers”.

- “I feel safe and comfortable because when I am going on the trip, I will be sure that I have all the equipment I
will need with me.”

- “I will have the energy to gather the equipment but not to clean it before going home.”

- “I will always be excited to go on trips and will be reassured that all the tools I will need will be provided.”

Summary of interviewer 3 respond:

The speaker plans to take a desert trip with their family, ensuring they have food, water, first aid, and
essential tools like a multi-purpose knife and flashlight. They have experienced motorcycle accidents
and expect a diverse selection of equipment, including tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, stoves, and
water containers. They feel safe and comfortable with their equipment and are excited to go on trips
knowing it will be provided. They are confident in their ability to gather and clean their equipment
without worrying about it being dirty before returning home. To conclude, the expectation would be
for the rental service to provide reliable, well-maintained equipment, along with knowledgeable staff
and reasonable pricing, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in the desert.
Interviewer 4 respond:

- “Depends on what we want to do, if we want to have a meal, we need to take cooking utensils. But if we
only want to enjoy the weather during the winter, then we only need some fruits, coffee, and a sheet.”

- “During the winter, we went on a short trip just before sunset. We prepared coffee, tea, and we took some
sweets and fruits. The trip was quick, but preparation was easy.”

- “I would expect the owner to have a lot of money experience and that he knows the different kinds of desert
trips. As I mentioned before, some trips are short, and some are quick. So, for quick trips you won’t need to
rent anything aside from the tea and coffee pots, instead, all of these can be provided from the shop 5 mins
before the trip. That way, the shop can accommodate all different situations.”

- “I don’t want to do that, it’s hard for me.”

- “Yes, as long as the trip was during the winter, but if it was during the summer, I won’t even go.”

- “Depends, do I have to pay a lot of money for that service? Is it clean? Is it reliable? At that point, preparing
everything myself is safer.”

Summary of interviewer 4 respond:

The speaker thinks that the cost of a desert trip depends on the desired activity, such as a trip with
meal preparation. He also shared an old experience in winter of a short trip that was made with
coffee, tea, sweets, and fruits. The owner, with extensive experience, can provide all necessary
equipment for quick trips. However, some people may not want to rent equipment, especially during
summer. Overall, the cost of a service depends on factors such as cleanliness, reliability, and the
convenience of preparing everything on its own.
Interviewer 5 respond:
- “ I need basic necessi2es such as water, food, proper clothing for protec2on from the sun, sunscreen.”

- “One memorable experience I had on a trip to the desert in Dubai was when I camped in the desert. During
the night, I heard a wolf's roar, which was quite scary. Despite that, I managed to sleep directly under the
starry sky.”

- “If someone provides simple desert equipment rental, my expecta2on would be that the equipment is in
good condi2on and suitable for desert condi2ons.”

- “I enjoy preparing the trip equipment myself for every desert excursion because it ensures that I am fully
equipped and ready whenever I need any specific item.”

- “I felt compelled to clean the spot I was in the desert and not leave any liNer behind for those who would
come a8er me, ensuring that the area was le8 clean and free of debris.”

- “In my opinion, taking the necessary equipment ourselves is beNer than relying on equipment available in
one place in the desert, as most individuals who use readily available equipment might forget to return it to
its proper place. However, I suggest keeping some equipment available for those who are in need of using it.”

Summary of interviewer 5 respond:

The speaker emphasizes the importance of basic necessi2es for a desert trip, shares a memorable camping
experience in Dubai where they heard a wolf's roar, expresses their expecta2on for well-maintained rental
equipment, enjoys preparing their own gear, and stresses the importance of leaving the desert spot clean for others.
How Might We Ques*ons
- How might we provide desert equipment rental?
- How might we protect people from extreme heat and sun exposure in the desert?
- How might we ensure a safe and enjoyable desert trip experience for all par?cipants?
- How might we prepare for a desert trip?
- How might we make it easier for consumers to find and select the right desert equipment for
their trip?

Proposed Solu*ons
1. Necessary equipment rental applica2on
2. fully equipped camps in the desert
3. Underground camping

v The Necessary Equipment Rental Applica?on for Desert Expedi?ons aims to speed up and make
it easier for desert adventurers to rent equipment. The app makes sure you have access to
reliable and suitable equipment for your desert trips with its wide equipment supplies,
personalized recommenda?ons, feedback from customers, prac?cal booking and delivery
op?ons, secure payments, and dedicated customer service. With the knowledge that you have
the equipment needed to make your experience unique and safe, embrace the joy of the desert
with comfort.

v Fully equipped desert camps offer a comfortable and func?onal living environment for
individuals or groups venturing into remote desert areas. These camps provide essen?al
facili?es, equipment, and ameni?es to ensure well-being and safety. These camps include
tents, sleeping arrangements, dining facili?es, cooking equipment, food and water, sanita?on
facili?es, generators, relaxa?on areas, recrea?on equipment, and a designated campfire area.
Safety measures include fire ex?nguishers, first aid, security measures, mobile network
coverage, and satellite phones for emergency communica?on. Camp managers and support
personnel oversee camp opera?ons and assist occupants.

v The unique camping ac?vity of underground camping offers a new experience and it’s totally
different from any other types of camping. It occurs in caves, caverns, or other man-made or
natural underground loca?ons. Due to safety concerns, campers u?lize sleeping bags, ar?ficial
ligh?ng, enough airflow, and stay clear of open fires. Portable stoves, food storage, restrooms,
safety precau?ons, communica?on, cave explora?on, and environmental considera?ons are all
necessary for underground camping. Use of portable toilets and respect to Leave No Trace
requirements must be part of campers.

• Illustra2on of chosen solu2on & further explana2on

Test Feedback

A"er gathering informa/on, we explore various aspects of trip prepara/on, taking into account the purpose
and season. Cooking utensils are necessary for meals, while enjoying winter weather only requires fruits,
coffee, and a sheet. The men/oned winter trip involved easily preparing coffee, tea, sweets, and fruits. It is
expected that the trip owner possesses financial exper/se and knowledge about desert trips. For short trips,
rentals may not be necessary, except for tea and coffee pots that can be obtained from the shop before the
journey. The writer expresses reluctance towards certain ac/ons and prefers self-prepara/on if the service is
expensive, unclean, or unreliable. Seasonal preferences also come into play, with a posi/ve inclina/on
towards winter trips and a nega/ve stance on summer ou/ng

Overall, discusses different aspects of preparing for a trip, depending on the purpose and season. If the
inten/on is to have a meal, cooking utensils are required, but for simply enjoying the winter weather, fruits,
coffee, and a sheet are sufficient. The winter trip men/oned involved preparing coffee, tea, sweets, and fruits,
and the prepara/on was easy. The writer expects the owner of the trip service to possess financial exper/se
and knowledge about different types of desert trips. Short trips may not require ren/ng anything except for
tea and coffee pots, which can be obtained from the shop shortly before the trip. The writer expresses a
reluctance to perform certain ac/ons and indicates a preference for self-prepara/on if the service is costly,
unclean, or unreliable. The willingness to go on a trip depends on the season, with a posi/ve response for
winter and a nega/ve one for summer.

One of the responses of the prototype we had is that: “The apps looks great but I would recommend a tab where we
could place the loca2on when checking out , also the a more filtered search bar would be helpful.
Nonetheless it looks good.”

And we totally agree with his feedback, and we will implement it on the second prototype, with a beNer interface
and beNer customer experience.

• Parks, A. O. (2021, November 1). 4 ways to prepare your gear for storage. Parks


• Abubaker, R. (2020). UAE Press: Breaking the Camel’s Back. Retrieved from

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