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SUBJECT: civic education

TOPIC: National Values (integrity);

DURATION :40 minutes

REFERENCE: internet



OBJECTIVES: At the end of the topic the learners should be able to

(i) Meaning

(ii) Attributes.


Meaning of integrity

iIntegrity means the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or
professional standards. That is the ability to stick to high moral principles in every situation.

Attributes of Integrity: these are

1. Probity

2. Contentment

3. Truthfulness

4. Fair-play
5. Non-compromise of principles.

Probity: Probity means absolute moral soundness. A man or woman of integrity has sound moral
character that cannot be faulted.

Contentment: This is the feeling of being satisfied with one’s present possession. Integrity makes a
person to be contented. A man of integrity is ever satisfied with what he can honestly acquire.

Truthfulness: This is the act of telling the truth always. A man of integrity tells the truth and stands by it
and always ready to suffer for the truth.

Fair-Play: This is the habit of putting oneself in other people’s shoes when dealing or relating with them.
A person of integrity likes fair-play and follows the golden rule of “do unto others, as you want others do
unto you”

Non-Compromise of Principle: Men of integrity hardly compromise the attributes of integrity such as
honesty, contentment and so on. That is they always stick to those qualities .


Teacher revise the previous topic

Teacher introduce and explain new topic

Teachers give notes


(i) Meaning (ii) Attributes.


Teacher revise the topic and collect notes for marking


List the attributes of integrity and four persons of integrity in Nigeria.

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