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1 Future forms
Rules Examples
 We use will + base form:  Examples for rule A:
A. for decisions made at the moment 1. That's a good idea - I'll call him now.
of speaking including promises, 2. That looks heavy - I'll carry it for
offers, plans and requests. you.

B. to make predictions based on  Examples for rule B:

personal opinions or feelings 1. Tom will definitely be late - he
(usually with adverbs like definitely, always is!
certainly, possibly, etc to show how 2. Mom won't like that movie. It's not
sure we are). her sort of thing.
 We use be going to + base form:  Examples for rule A:
A. to talk about general intentions and 1. I'm going to look for a new job.
plans made before the moment of
 Examples for rule B:
B. To make predictions based on 1. The traffic's not moving - were going
present evidence. to be late!
 We use Simple present: Examples for the rule
A. to talk about a timetabled or 1. Our flight leaves at 8:30 am on
scheduled event. Monday.
2. My job interview is tomorrow
 We use present progressive: Examples for the rule
A. to talk about future arrangements and 1. We're staying in a hostel for the first
fixed plans. three nights. (= We've already
booked the hostel.)
2. I'm meeting Sarah at 7:30 pm outside
the restaurant. (= We've already
arranged to meet at that time and

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