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Occupational Therapy

Screening Checklist for Ages 6 and up

How do I know if my student needs OT?

Seems less coordinated than same age peers

Needs more practice than other children to learn new skills
Tires easily, has low muscle tone and poor posture
Difficulty safely navigating playground equipment
Poor fine motor skills for writing, drawing and cutting
Difficulty using eating utensils
Unable to complete clothing fasteners (button, zip, snap, tying shoes)

Avoids writing tasks or has poor handwriting legibility

Holds pencil with an awkward grasp
Tires quickly during writing tasks
Has difficulty coloring within the lines or drawing
Writes with heavy pencil pressure or too lightly
Reverses letters and numbers (beyond 2nd grade)

Overly active and unable to slow down. Constantly in motion.

Difficulty self-calming or regulating emotions
Easily distracted or has difficulty focusing attention
Over-reacts to touch, sound, tastes and smells.
Extremely picking eating. Will eat fewer than 15 different foods.

Has difficulty handling unexpected changes and transitions between activities

May become over-focused and unable to shift to the next task
Difficulty following multi-step directions
Easily frustrated or gives up easily
Poor self-esteem, lack of confidence
If any of these problems are interfering with your student's level of success at home or
school, then occupational therapy may be helpful. Visit
to learn more about how OT can help kids reach their potential.

2020 Play It Forward Therapy

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